Jeanine S.
on 12/28/08 2:04 pm - compton, AR
Hiya guys HUGS!!!
Just a quick note to say I finally made it home!! Thank god!!!
Doc. Woolery redrained my chest cavity yesterday, he got 700 more cc's off, he said less was a good sign and the fact it came off slower was as well. She after much prayer this morning the xrays showed it had not all come back like the last 800cc'c did THANK YOU LORD!!!! So after what seemed ages we finally left the hospital this afternoon!!! I am so sore I can not even begin to tell you, my chest feels like I have a stake driven thru it every now and then, Doc says this is because when he drained the fluids it took the good fluid that lines my lungs from my chest wall with it so it kinda catches now and then LOL,I guess it will be back in there soon, I just hope it leaves its friends out this time hehe!! I have a appointment on Jan 8th with Doc H and now have a added chest xray for doc. woolery that day as well to check up on me, I hope I will get good news on my follow ups this time!!

Thank you all so very much for all the prays, Corr and Bec thank you for the visits, flowers and the sweet posts from everyone, they meant the world to me, best Christmas presents EVER!!
I love you all very much, I will catch up more later and try and post again soon, for now I am wiped out and need to take a nap so I can be awake to get that truck that hit Me's license plate number if it comes back tomorrow LOL!!!

Love you all DEARLY, THANK YOU SOOO VERY much for all the well wishes and prayers!!!!
I will talk to you all soon, know you are ALL in my thoughts and prayers ALWAYS!!!!!

HUGS!!! Jeanine

Jan C.
on 12/28/08 7:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Bless your heart sweetie , if anyone ever needed to be blessed and loved on it is you. I know i speak for a lot of us old mother hens when we say that .  Do they have any idea why your body is doing this and will it stay away or is it something that might happen again in time? we love you and certainly do miss that bright cherry smile and hopefully you will get well enoungh now to get on with the business of losing the weight like you intended to. love you sweet pea take care of your self. 





on 12/28/08 9:13 pm - pomona, MO
Sweetheart I am so glad you are home and on the mend, your still in our prayers...we love ya, you take care of yourself....vesta


on 12/28/08 9:36 pm
I am so glad you are home. I know it has lifted your spirt to be back in your own home. Your energy will come back but for now get your rest. I will keep praying you are rid of this  and it won't come back.I hope to see you at the next support meeting. Take care of yourself. Hugs to you.

Jeanine S.
on 12/28/08 9:55 pm - compton, AR
The doc says that he can not say for sure it wont come back but he is hopeful that now that the pneumonia is getting under control it wont come back. Doc Woolery says that its rare but they have had a few like me who have had fluid like this after RNY, not always a reason and sometimes it takes several times being drained to stop it totally.  Only a few get to have pneumonia with it haha. In any case I am VERY grateful that as bad as this has been it wasn't worse, as nothing was leaking, no lung fell and I didn't have to have a chest tube, God is good and my prayer warriors are the VERY BEST!!!

I am hoping this gets me back on track to being normal again .... ok, ok as normal as I get any way haha!! I don't feel bad, I asked for a b12 shot before I left so that seems to be helping, the only pain I am having is my chest, surely the good fluids will be back soon, breathing is MUCH easier just have a bit of trouble at night, but have oxygen and my cpap for then so its all good!!

The house is mostly dry now, poor Steve has worked so hard, but took a break to come be with me Saturday and bring me home last night. The insurance adjuster is due today to come and look at things, pray hard they get everything put thru quickly so we can get all this fixed, it is such a mess, LOL I am so glad I cleaned my booty off Sunday night before all this happened haha.
I thought Ill clean up and go to the doctor Monday morning then paaaarty with girls, sniff wi**** had gone like that, I hope next year things will be calmer, well leading up to the party anyway haha.

Time for meds and vitamins so I will catch you guys later!!

HUGE HUGS!!! Love you all so much, you are always with me and in my prayers!!!
Thank you for being the BEST people I have ever had the honor to know!!!


Barbara S.
on 12/28/08 10:20 pm - Freeman, MO
So glad you are home. I think we heal better home. I know you will get more rest. You are early out with your RNY so maybe after this year this won't happen again. I know for the last 5 or 6 years prior to my RNY I got pneumonia every year, you could count on it. After my weight loss, No more! I haven't had it since prior to my weight loss!!!   I think our system is so bad that we can not fight off things like that. I will pray that this is what happens to you too.

Take care of yourself, everything can wait. Again, I am so happy you are on the mend.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 12/29/08 1:10 am - Diamond, MO
Hey there Jeanine,
Oh girl, its so good to see you on here! You have just been on my heart so much lately! You sure know how to worry a person (LOTS of persons!! LOL).  We just love you so very much and have been so very worried about you.

You can bet that we have been banning together and claiming your health, your recovery and your strength....I sure wish that we lived closer-and then I could see you on here griping about that Janet Corbett being there and driving you nuts!!!  Wish I could do something for you!

I was so heartbroken when I got the text from Cor that you would not be at the Christmas Party.....I was worried about you AND my trunk was full of goodies for you! I am your secret pal and your gifts were in my trunk and then I had/have a bag of clothes for you too.... I will ck into mailing a pkg to you so you can at least get that from me and then you can get the clothes if you make it to the meeting the end of this month!

Love you girl, and IF you need ANYTHING that I can help you with, PLEASE call me OR text me OR whatever....k?  Love ya, Janet
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