Stomach Flu or something like it

on 12/28/08 8:26 am - Queen City, MO
I am 4 months post op (lap band) and woke up this morning with stomach issues, was wondering if anyone and any suggestions on calming an upset stomah, I have major nausea but only tried to throw up once and it was just dry heaves...YUCK!!!  I have mostly been on the toilet all day with my head hanging over the trash can just in case because I feel like I am gonna hurl at any moment so far I've been lucky.  I've eaten a few crackers and a few sips of watered down flat sprite.  I am pretty sure it's just yuck that is going around my kids both had it and it only lasted about 24 hours.  Hopefully mine is the same.  But just incase it isn't, any suggestions would be helpful I would really hate to displace my band.

on 12/28/08 9:36 am - MO
If you still feel ill in the morning I would suggest calling your surgeon. My surgeon insists on us never waiting for dry heaving or nausea to subside on its own. Too risky, could cause a slip too easily.
Hope you are feeling better soon,
Connie B.
on 12/28/08 10:55 am - Queen City, MO
Thank You...I definately plan on calling him in the am if I am still feeling this way.

Thanks again
Jeanine S.
on 12/28/08 10:09 pm - compton, AR
HUGS!! I sure hope you are feeling better today!! You are in my prayers, I hope it is just a bug but calling your doctor is best just in case it isn't. Take care of you!!
on 1/1/09 1:18 am - Queen City, MO
Thank You I'm feeling much better now....It last just a little over 24 hours thank goodness wasn't any longer. 
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