Jan C.
on 12/27/08 5:18 pm, edited 12/27/08 5:22 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

About half of the people that were suppose to show up for our Christmas didn’t get to come because of the rain and storms...sure did miss them but we had fun anyway...My granddaughter that lives in Rogers Ark called and said they were having really horrible storms and had trees down all around them so they couldn’t get out right now. So they didn’t come over. And Michele did get to come she said the streets over there were flooded too. So my son and his wife and youngest daughter , and my granddaughter that has the pretty little girl and son  and her husband and our tall tall grandson came down. Lol

 we had lots of fun and we had more than enough food to go around twice I think. Lol I sent most of it home with them so I wouldn’t have it left over here. .

I got some really cute things. And good warm things. Got a nice soft scarf and hat...good to wear in this cold weather.


Wasn’t this weather something else today? It was so warm this morning. And I was feeling so bad and hurt so badlly, Joe gave me an all over massage which eased the pain some then when the storm finally came in, it eased the pain. Now isn’t that stupid for your body to do that?


Just got off computer instant messenger with a friend that lives in La. Close to N. O. her husband is on the Sheriffs dept. and they are having horrible storms down there today and tonight. Any way he was on a rescue mission on boat trying to get hold of and save the 4 guys  that had of all things been out fishing and lost power of their motor and were being pulled into the locks and dam of this river. Anyway she had the radio going and the computer and was talking to me at the same time lol. Oh he is ok and they saved the idots...

Watched Failure to Lauch  tonight. Have you all seen that? Funny movie.




Susie was good to hear from you and that Hubby doesn’t have heart problems.


Jeanine...i hope you are home tonight...and they finally got you all fixed and you do great from here on out..


SUSAN::::: lol so now when you get your certified from this next phys. We will all know that your are certifiedable . lol you have it in writing from two different psych docs lol

I know you are getting really excited that it is getting so close to being the time to get started. That is really sweet that Andy said he would go on the two weeks of liquids with you..... that is hard to do but if you have someone doing it with you it ough to be easier....


SHEILA::::Glad you are feeling better and getting back amoung the living again. ‘Watch getting out of the house today, you might give yourself a set back and get sick again...sounds like you are needing a day out and away from your house...


 BEC:::::::: I know you are enjoying those babies of yours. Lol you just go right ahead and enjoy them to full measure ok....thanks for the report on Jeanine. I wonder why she keeps getting such large amounts of fluid on the outside of her lungs . anyway enjoy your girls and love on them as much as they will allow ok


BARBARA  S::::::: glad you and baby are both doing better...is she better about letting you out of her sight yet?

Did your hubby have to stay out too late .did you all get freezing rain up there ?


JANET:::::::: I am so very glad that you had a wonderful  Christmas with all your kids. It is like the icing on the cake for all the bad times you had during the year right? Hears hoping that this next year goes as well as this one ended.

Don’t try mailing the pain patches if something happened they could really get you big time im afraid. Lol . I see my doctor on Tuesday so will get more then. That isn’t too far off lol .

I think most of it was the storm coming in....once that came in I felt better well part of it could be that Joe gave me the best  massage ever too.

Oh I will sign you up on my points today and they will send you a notice to answer to ok


VESTA::::: yes the pain patches don’t have to go thur the stomach so are better in that respect. The pain pills for arthritis we aren’t suppose to take , like ibubrofrui or Aleve or any of the Nasids ....


Glad that Linda is getting better.  Tell her that we all hope this is going to help her feel lots better.


RENEE::::: You know I think God lets the devil mess with us sometimes just so he can show you how big and wonderful He can be for you. So sorry that you have had so much troubles but at least  one thing we can be thankful for is that nothing stays the same .

Has Tiff moved out and in with her boyfriend? I don’t remember you saying she had but you said that Tiff and Chris stayed the night like she had moved out.. I guess maybe I read it wrong lol anyway....glad that things are finally looking up for you some. I know that you are going to be strong and well and God has big plans for all of your family.

And im sure that all of you learned that Christmas hasn’t or never will be about gifts.

Sounds like you had a really really special Christmas and one you wont forget for a long long time.

Was so glad that you got to come share the COF Christmas party with everyone and we always enjoy see ing you and your beautiful girls too....


I hope this Christmas Season everyone had their hearts desires met and that they have found a new relationship with our Lord and Savior ...Here is hoping that the New Year that will be upon us soon will be the best in so many ways ...i know the economy is bad but most of the time that will only serve to bring you closer to our Lord and to your families.








Susan W.
on 12/27/08 9:35 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning to all did everyone get through the storm's ok? the wind's sure were bad i talked to my brother around 400pm yesterday he was having trouble with his computer because of the storm's then right after that they lost power he called the electric company they said it would be around 200am today before they got power back then i talked to him around 700pm last night again i forgot to tell him something my old age makes me forget thing's lol and he just found out that more people lost power and they said it could be longer before they got power back. they have a gas heater just in case it does get cold.he live's in ironton about a 5 hour drive from here.jan hope you are feeling better today i know this rain and cold does not help your bone's feel good. yes andy has been really good about helping me get ready for my surgery it is very nice to have help and support.i also have all my friend's on the board.

barbara soo good to hear about baby she sure looked good in those picture's my two see me trying to take a picture of them they run lol. please let us know how your doctor's app goes on tuesday for you we are praying for you to feel better.how is your driving coming along for you?after my accident i had i did not want to drive for a little while i wa**** in the rear by a drunk driver totaled my car two week's before my 30 birthday.

bec i know you are having a good time with your girl's are they wearing you out?they sure are beautifull ladies and you are a good mom.

janet how are you doing today i hope the pain is going away for you

renee you have a great sister you both are soo sweet.

andy and i are praying for everyone i have one prayer request i have a cousin who's wife has throat cancer they are giving her chemo and radiation treatment's they live in lehighton'pa where i was born i have not seen them in a while please pray that they also come to know jesus i do not want something to happen to her with having jesus in her heart i had a cousin who died from a bad car accident while he was in the hospital his sister and all of us prayed he took jesus intoo his heart before he passed on have a good day all stay warm the cold air is moving back in i have to go ocrack the whip on andy now lol.god bless susan
on 12/27/08 9:44 pm - linneus, MO

Good Morning Jan and Everyone.
Well this weather really bites LOL.Yesterday morning i got up ,let the dogs out and it was 64 degrees.was so nice i went out and set on the porch at 5 am.Then by 6:30 it was in the 30's. Started raining,thundering and lightning.Wind came up so fast and blew like it was March LOL.Then last night around 7:30 it started snowing.Was freezing rain before that.Seen there was tornado watch boxes down south.Sure makes ya stop and think about how much longer the Lord will tarry.I don't believe it will be a whole lot longer.But that is just my opinion.
 Jan -glad you had a fun day yesterday.When are you two leaving on your trip?Sure sounds like alot of fun.Not sure i could do it on a bike though.Cuz when i go horse back riding if i ride very long i walk bowlegged for days and the inside of my legs are so sore LOL.I could just see me getting off a bike after a long day and haveing to run potty bowlegged LOL.I hope ya'll have a great time and be sure and keep us up to date.
Barbara- So glad you and Baby are better.I know how much our fur babies mean to us and how spoilt they can be.My Harley is such a mama's boy.he sleeps with me and when i go potty he follows me and sets on the rug right by my feet LOL. Hope your scan shows nothing wrong and that your dizzy spells go away soon.
Susie- So Happy it wasn't heart problems and you both are in my prayers.Remember to take care of you too.
Jeanie- Sure hope you are home and that they got the problem taken care of.Hope you are feeling lots better.
Bec- So happy you have your girls there with you.Have you wore a rut in the carpet yet?LOL
Susan- Congrats on your disability and your Drs appt.Soon you will be on the losers bench.
Peggy- Love and Miss you.
Janet- So Happy for you.Big hugs{{{{{{{{JANET}}}}}}}}}.
Renee- Big Hugs to you also{{{{{{{{{{{{RENEE}}}}}}}}}.
Shannon- Hope you had a great time in Springfield.
To everyone else i have missed I hope you all had a Great Christmas and everyone has a great New Year filled with lots and lots of good health,peace,happiness and lots of new WOW moments.
Love and Hugs Deb


on 12/27/08 9:51 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board...

what a sat. rain and more rain ...

Is everyone feeling the crunch on the economy? or is it just us poor folks, gas is down gro. are up so what is the problem they should be coming down..
seems like our dollar is not going anywhere now...except for buy outs, that sucks, some may have to take pay cuts and suffer like the rest of us, but that ain't gonna happen.
You know they kept telling us prepare when we were young for old age well we tried had all we could taken out of our checks and raised families, put back everything we could,
and now our SS, retirements and etc. is not enough to live on, both Virgil and I draw SS and retirements, and it don't go anywhere, all our insurance, car, house, medical,and prescriptions comes to around $1200 a month, now tell me what happened...we would have been better off setting on our butts and drawing welfare, now don't get me wrong there are people out there that need it but there are more that don't...if the drug addicts would get a job and work like we use to they would be to tired to do anything but rest when they got a chance....
I raised 6 kids and not a penny did I get from the government when I raised them..so come on help me now when I am to old to work 2 jobs and keep a family..now if it gets to much for a woman to handle they just take off and leave the kids and never look back ( like my daughter in law did)
so much for my complaining, life goes on....vesta


on 12/27/08 9:59 pm - linneus, MO
Sorry i don't have any answers for you but i can give ya a big ole pooh hug.{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Vesta}}}}}}}}}}}}
Love Deb


Barbara S.
on 12/27/08 10:52 pm - Freeman, MO
Hello All;

I will definitely keep you all informed about my MRI, don't expect to hear anything on it until after the new year. You know how they are, make you wait and worry for nothing. LOL

Baby is sleeping on her special bed with a heating pad. She is spending more time on it than on me lately.LOL  We can hardly wait until the 16th to get her cast off. She probably thinks it will never come off. Bless her heart. She goes in at 8 am they will put her out to take it off, then we get to pick her up about 5pm, they want to watch her due to putting her out. Very good Vet. We are so glad we found him. I do believe he was sent to us to save her life. Praise the Lord.

I hope everyone has a great New Year. I know I will celebrate the ending of this year. It has been rough on us. I also know it could have been worse too. I could be just a memory right now. But, the Lord has plans for me that I haven't finished yet. He knew I needed Baby with me to do it.

The hubby only had to work 9 hours yesterday, usually it's 12. Had to keep the bridges clear of any ice. He said he was glad to come up the driveway and see the smoke coming out of the chimney. Always make him feel good. It always amazes me what little things makes us so happy.

My 8 year old grand daughter has been struggling with whether or not Santa is real. Kids at school has been giving her a hard time about believing. Well, on Christmas eve, a friend of our showed up on their porch dressed full out in a Santa suit. He rang the door bell and my son opened the door. My son said look Morgan Santa is here, she kinda looked out the door and my son said her eyes got real big and she kinda jumped back a little and he told her Santa was there to see if she was asleep yet because he couldn't leave anything until she was. Morgan ran up the stairs and never came back down again. LOL The next day she called me up to tell me thanks for the gifts and she told me Santa came and "He is real". She is so convinced, LOL
She is such a sweetie.

Well, need to get something done today, all are in my prayers for what ever needs you have.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 12/28/08 2:07 am - Joplin, MO
I dont spend alot of time on the computer these days, I am much too busy with getting ready to go back to school, xmas, the kids and losing weight. I am trying to tone up and keep exercising as much as possible. But, I wanted to put my little input in on Sunday I went through all the closet, kids and mine and all the stuff I had in the garage waiting for next Spring to have a big garage sale and I am donating it all to a family *****ally needs the stuff. They found me on freecycle and they are a family of 4 who took in a lady and her 5 small children, so we gave them ALOT of stuff and I am about to give them more!! It really makes me feel blessed for what we do have when we are able to help others. Other then that, I will be hitting the weights toning and walking with Jarett. 
   Our xmas was a great one! I am not sure about this crazy weather, but as long as we dont have ice storms or tornados I am good!! I read about some others having problems and I will pray for you all.
   As I think about my New Years Resolution this year, losing weight wont be one of them, which is kind of crazy because it has been since 1995!!! I feel really blessed to been able to have the RNY and although I am in a stall and feeling frustrated, I am not giving up!!
  I just wanted to say hey, let you all know what was going on with us and I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years!!!




on 12/28/08 4:16 am - Diamond, MO
Hi Auntie Jan and OH Peeps,

How is everyone today? Recouperating from the holidays? Today I just want to stay in my new flannel jammies and hang out on the couch and play on my laptop, make out my thank you cards and write a couple of letters. That kind of thing. I dont want to do anything today. Im exhausted.  I pretty much ran for almost  a week straight and insomnia helped kick my butt for a couple of nights, so I was running on pure adrenaline. Im sure thankful, that for the most part-the craziness is over! YAY!

For my bday, Mike had taken my laptop in that I bought from Megan a few months ago-and havent done anything with yet, because I didnt have the money to get it done. It needed to be cleaned up of all virus's and it used to be real slow and all that, well anyway-Mike brought it in and he had it all fixed up.  They found almost 1500 different virus's on it-most small, but you know-all the same. Then they removed everything...and then re-did it. There was so much crap on here that didnt need to be AND you get the pic. Between Heather (original owner) and Megan, then Aaron-it was just a mess and you couldnt do anything with it at all! So, Im very happy. Mike had more speed or memory or whatever put in it to make it faster, and did some other little specials for me. So, Now I can get my book typed up and saved and no one else can get on here-so I dont have to worry about what sights they go to-OR, Aaron, for instance, will open an email, even if its from someone he doesnt know-and they hae problems ALL the time because of it. SO, I dont let anyone on this but Mike and I. It also has a wifi card and all that. Mike is going to check into just having the internet like that for this-so I can go anywhere, like Jan does-and have it there with me at all times. YAY...that will be nice. I was so surprised, because I never even saw him take it out of the house! LOL...

We had a real nice time with his adopted family yesterday-well, with mom, dad, grandma and then aunt mary and uncle jessie. The brother and 2 sisters-I just dont have much time for them, they treat the elders in their family like crap-and you know what? Out of 6 other adults-and their 9 kids-MY children were the ONLY ones who brought gifts for their grandparents-and great grandma, and they were the only ones who said thank you and gave hugs and kisses! I was just sick about it! Nothing expensive either-they MADE the gifts-and I bought the kits for their projects at the dollar tree-dont get me wrong, they are cute and all, but its just the idea. Anyway-and I was the only one out of the 4 daughters who brought food. I made that chicken bake dish from the COF party, a double batch, then brought 2 desserts as well.  We did have a really good time tho. Although, we were the only ones out of the kids that stayed more than 10 minutes after we got our gifts and we were the only ones who helped clean up! ARGH!

Megan may come out today and hang out for awhile, but other than that, we arent doing anything. Tomorrow or tues, the boys and I are going to exchange a couple of things that we got that didnt work properly OR that I bought the wrong thing-I bought a regular xbox game, not realizing that the system that Santa brought was the xbox 360 pro....so it didnt work in there.  We may also go to Steve and Barrys. They are going out of business and their t-shirts are 5 for $10. Cant beat that! May pick up 10 of them and keep them for bday presents during the year and for next Christmas too. Can store them in the plastic totes I have and they will keep just fine.

I got all caught up on the laundry the other day when it was nice out and my pipes had thawed, and then yesterday I did a load of misc stuff to stay on top of it-so I have all my laundry caught up and the house is clean-so, I feel good about that, and feel good, actually, about just hanging out on the couch today and doing nothing but the stuff I want to do! LOL....which is nothing but what I listed earlier. NO labor work for this chick today!

I do have something really wrong with my knees tho. They have never felt like this before.  I have not fallen or run into anything, that I can remember, OR twisted them etc-and BOTH knees are hurting like never before, and we looked at them last night at mom and dads place-and they are both bruised up really bad-like I fell or something.  They are real knobby and bruised bad. Mike was concerned, because my right arm, it has bruises all over it too-like underneath. I have no idea!!!

Ok, so Mike got me the cutest flannel pjs I have ever seen AND.. the first pair I have ever owned. I was always too fat to have jammies like this. They are 2 pc and the shirt is button up and they have penguins all over them. I was so happy to get them. He said that I am so easy to buy for-and that he was kind of nervous about buying clothes for me, because I NEVER allowed him to do that before. He bought me a shirt our first Christmas together, and it was a 4x, from the Disney store, and it was way too small, and from that moment on, he was forbidden to purchase anything clothes wise for me. GIft card to Catherines or whatever, but not an actual pc of clothing!!!

I also got my first pair of tennis shoes-walking and excercise kind. I havent had a brand new pair in many many years-but not since surgery either, not of real excercise kind-and it really makes a difference to have that support-wow! I kind of feel like I am bouncing when I walk in them, they have so much support and ***** to them! LOL...Love them! What a huge difference in how you hold yourself and the support-even in my back! its awesome. Best part, besides how good they feel-is that I found them (were on my list anyway) but they were having a special 2 days before Christmas and they were half off that hour or whatever in the store-so the ones I had on my wish list-I got for next to nothing! YAY! I had called Mike to make sure that he hadnt gotten them already and he told me to get them and he would pay me back when I got home-and he did...LOL..at least I didnt have to return them for him getting the wrong size OR they just didnt fit right. WE were all happy.

Mike and I had gone to run some errands on my bday and while we were in town, at Hastings-Renee walked up behind Mike and about scared the crap out of him! LOL...They had come in-and were actually sitting AT my house-while we were in town! LOL... and we didnt get to hang out for very long-as Mike and I needed to get back home and I needed to get ready for our "date". He took me out to dinner and then he told me that I had my choice of going to the movies AND what we saw OR we could go to the casino for a bit. They gv you $20 freeplay when you go within the month of your bday-so there again, I would have been a cheap date! He said it was totally up to me and I asked if he had to have an answer right then and he said no...well, while we were at Chatters, I asked him if it would be okay if I just wanted to come home and just hang out here and play with the kids and get ready for our big day the next day and he said that was just fine-and that he would take a raincheck and maybe we will go sometime during the week-so I can at least get my free $20. So, does that show my age? LOL....The thought of coming home and just hanging out with all my kids (except Steph-she had to work) just sounded so good to me. We got Guitar Hero for Christmas too-and so we kind of all wanted to learn how to play that and so we did.  Its just been really nice here the past week or so-so much happiness and laughter. I love it when its like this. Mikes adopted dad said the other day-your glowing-you must really love this time of year. I DO!!! I love to see other people happy and I love doing things for them that will mean something to them, if you know what I mean!

Well, I know I still didnt get to get into all the details I wanted about Christmas day and all of that-but I need to get off here and think about dinner. Im getting a bit hungry and I have had the post open for a couple of hours-but have been messenging with Renee and a friend from Reno and then texting on the phone with Steph.....and then throw Megan in here and there-so I need to get dinner figured out. Im sure its going to be some sort of left overs-since they loaded us down with that yesterday, plus I had my own from Christmas Day here. I already froze a bunch of food here before this came home-SOOOOOO,.....LOL-

O and yes, the weather has been crazy here too. WE didnt get AS much rain as they said we were going to get. They had predicted between 3-5 inches. We didnt get that much, however, the wind was horrid AND....yesterday when we got up and about-it was 63 and 2 hrs later when we went to leave the house-it was only 40 and it proceeding to get down to 27 before we got home last night.  Its suppose to be warmer today-I hope so. I really would LOVE to go out for a good walk with the boys and maybe Mike and Molly. That would require me changing out of the flannels tho-so not sure thats gonna happen.....

I hope that everyone is doing good and that if your sick or recovering - Im praying for you and for everyones needs on the posts....I love and care for all of you. Think of you often and I pray blessings for all of you as well.  Love, Janet
on 12/28/08 5:04 am
We didn't even think about going out this morning. It has been nice just sitting around. I am happy we do not have to deal with heart issues. They can fix his esophagus so there are no worries there. I still feel blessed.
I got on my wii fit today and it said I gained a pound. I was not able to get my water in yesterday or protein. I guess that's what I get. I tried ,but traveling to Columbia and sitting in a hospital room made it hard to follow a routine. I am doing better today. As long as I do not gain anymore. I was hoping to keep losing . After a four week stall I wanted more than four pounds gone. Guess I am greedy. I hope I do not have to wait four more weeks to lose weight. That would be my luck. If I do I guess I will deal with it. That would mean I wouldn't have to worry about my hair falling out. Gotta find some bright spot in it all.
I think I may try to go to the Sedalia support group meeting on the 4th. I haven't been to one yet.I figure I should go at least once.Anyone around here thats going we should car pool. May stop and shop a;ong the way. Not that I have any money, I mostly look.


Shannon C.
on 12/28/08 7:15 am - Kirksville, MO
I had a wonderful time with my son and his family.  I recieved so many gifts - I felt kind of bad as I just bought for the kids this year.  Did a lot of running around with Tina and her mom Friday then helped Daniel and Tina pull up their living room carpet, remove staples and helped correl the kids and dogs while we worked.  The laminate flooring looks great, they are tearing out all the carpet in their house and laying the laminate down.

Daniel and I left Spf. about 3:30pm Saturday to get me home - the weather was awful.  We made it as far as a few miles north of Macon and then wham - all of a sudden the taillights of the 6 cars ahead of us went every which way and then we started sliding.  2 of the cars ahead of us went off the highway into the ditch.  Dan got us off the road into a drive far enough off the road so someone would not hit us.  He then went to check on the cars in the ditches to see if they needed help.  no one was hurt...  It took us 1 and a half hours to go 30 miles to kirksville.  I told him when we got close to La Plata to go to my Aunts and we could stay there but we decided to try and get on home.  We were both exhausted from the trip.  The LORD was looking out for us!  We counted 12 cars and trucks off the road in that approx. 20 mile stretch.  He left to go back home around 9:30 this morning and he called me when he got into Springfield and was pulling into his drive.  I am so blessed to have him for a son!

Have not heard a word from my daughter...  I keep emailing her hoping she will answer sometime.

Have my visit with the neurologist tomorrow after work and then have an EMG and the needle test (sighing very heavy)!

You all have a great week - stay safe for new Years!



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