Jan C.
on 12/26/08 10:26 am - Cedar Creek, MO

We got up early this morning to go see if we could find some bargains. Found a few things and could have found lots more im sure if I had been feeling well. I haven’t had any of my pain patches for 5 days , they last for 3 days so they are all out of my system now and I hurt so badly all day long today, and I was ran out of my pain gel that was working too. Lol so ran out of everything all at once ...i had an appointment with my pcp on Tuesday and was so busy that I called and made it for this Tuesday  I thought I don’t know if that stuff is helping that much so I thought...well it did. I guess it is a good thing to know that there is something still that works and I don’t have to take pills that will hurt my stomach...

Tomorrow is our Christmas with the kids...i hope they aren’t wanting a lot from us this year. We spent more than we really needed to but a lot less than what we did in years past.

For someone that is just having more or less finger foods tomorrow I sure have been working a lot lol ...i have made a big pot  butternut squash soup with curry and shrinp, and made2 dozen deviled eggs. Got out of freezer three of the pumpkin rolls that I have made and \put them in the frig. So they will thaw. Will make up my meat and cheese trays in the morning and bread trays too.  Have two bowls of fruits and nuts and cookies ..should have plenty of all sorts of things. Plus the  rest of them are all bringing things. Too. Don’t really know what...will have to wait and see I guess. Lol


CRAIG::::: wow don’t see you too much anymore. Craig was one of my angels when I had my surgery guys. But really don’t hear from him much anymore.  Life just goes on and on for us don’t it Craig? Are you eating better and takeing care of yourself better now?


SUSAN::::::lol you better get some good sleep before seeing that psych doctor. Lol is this the same one you saw here lately to get on Medicaid? If so it shouldn’t take you long to get this done and sent in...

Did you all go over and use the exercise equiptment today? I did after we got back I did for about 30 minutes and then went to the house ...took a nap and intended to go back later but got to involved in doing lots of other stuff ...and of course didn’t get  back over there. Well after tomorrow will be slowed down I hope...then maybe we can get some sort of schedule but I guess it doesn’t matter as long as we are using it. But if you are like me , I do better when im competing with someone ...

Wow that is good that they are reimbursing you the second phone bill. God is sure looking out for you all ...many things to praise him far right?


LOU::::: did you find any bargains? I hope you didn’t buy too many clothes that fit you right now? You will be getting rid of them soon.

Sounds like your new weight loss made for you to have a great holiday

My wish for you is that , as great as this year was I hope that they keep getting  better and better... I bet you will eat a spoonful of those peas again this year wont you?

I hope you had a great day too.


SUSIE::::::::: yes Susie I always have black eyed peas and hog jowl , never knew that about the collard greens. But do make cornbread .

Yes you should see our exercise room , will be pretty neat when I get everything else out of there and back where it belongs.

Sorry to hear that your hubby is getting sick , doesn’t he take his test of some kind on the 30th?

Great  for having to put back another pair of pants. Don’t keep the fat clothes. It gives you permission to eat too much and gain weight back ok?

Have you used your WII fit program today???? Get with it..your husband will be checking on in to see if you have done it. Will give you something to work for ...get out of that older age group. You can do it. I have faith in you.


VESTA:::::: I just get sales bills all the time from Carnival cruise lines , since we have sailed with them about 4 times they are always sending us specials and such.

What company did you cruise with the first time? they all usually have repeat discounts.

You can also if you are ready to go at the drop of a hat can call them and see if they have they have a cruise leaving in a few days and have any empty’s that they are selling for a reduced price. We went on one like that and only had like 3 or 4 days to get things ready and get there but we got a 7 day cruise for about the price of a 3 day cruise.

Where are you wanting to go?


Lol my kids love to have their backs scratched...


            DEBBIE  D::::: hey there girl you haven’t had your tree and stuff up long enough to get tired of it have you? I never take mine down till January 2 nd most time unless we are leaving. Then we will take it down so we have it all cleaned up before we leave.

Well Debbie I didn’t think he was that  big at the party.


Seems like a lot of us have been having a day or two here and there of being in PJs a lot.

I think it is good to have a day like that once in a while as long as we don’t string too many of them together. Lol

 So if any of you are forming your own p.j. parties. Just remember that last for 24 hours no more. Lol






Susan W.
on 12/26/08 3:30 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning to all the last saturday of 2008 hard to believe this year is almost gone.jan i hope you get to feeling better sound's like you are going to have a big party the best christmas present of all is having your family there with you.the doctor i saw for my medical card could not see me till the 16 of jan. he only work's once a month in forsyth so i called some other doctor's in the phone book found one that took my medical card and he is seeing me in branson on the 2 of jan.like andy said i am determind to get thing's done so i can start to feel better.he already told me he will go on liquid's with me when i do for my 2 week's.we were over at the trailer yesterday it is a perfect work out area.it is nice when you have other people to work out with or walk with.the weather sure was nice and warm yesterday supposed to be back to 37 by friday. i told andy i already am praying for nice driving weather that day.we have to go to wal mart any way so that will work out perfect with mt doctor's app.i gave my two kid's a bath yesterday they sure do not like it.when they see me get towel's and the shampoo out they run to andy if i give chrissy a bath first mecko run's under the bed and hide's.even when chrissy see's me get the hair brush out she run's lol.she is alawy's mad at me for a while after i give her a bath so when she was dry she sat in andy's lap and she was looking at me and i asked her if she was mad at me yet she growled guess she told me how she felt lol.

andy and i do have soo much to be thankfull for we have a lot of good friend's blessing's all the time with everything that is going on with me getting my surgery quick date's for everything god is soo good to us we pray that everyone will have a good day god bless susan
Sheila H.
on 12/26/08 8:31 pm - Marshfield, MO
Happy Late Merry Christmas  i know im late but i actually spent the last 48 hrs in bed sick, fever, chills, puking then dihreaha oh thank god its over..i feel so much better this morning so far..
  sounds like every one had a GREAT xmas and im glad
 and Janet happy belated Birthday to you i love ya girl and many more to come......i am gonna get out of the house today i dont know what im gonna do but have to get out and get some fresh air  even if its in the rain ive been spending to much time alone cooped up in the house...
oh ya Janet do u know where the new casino is in Joplin? im planning a day trip down there soon if i can find out where it is. and maybe we can do lunch some where close???
  Jan i wanted to come to the party i really did but  things happened that kept me  from coming but there is always next year.
 well hope every 1 has a HAPPY NEW YEAR and i know a lot of us could use a better year than the last 1 and thanks for the prayers for the kids i am really worried about them
hugs n love


Bec M.
on 12/26/08 9:01 pm

A Quick Good Morning...

I just don't have the time right now to do a very long post but I did want to get on and say... Crystal and I went on Christmas afternoon to see Jeanine and she was doing as well as can be expected.  She did not have an I.V. in when I got there but had had one ... I think she said they got it in the first try... Praise the Lord!

Her mother in law was with her... sweet lady... and Jeanine was hoping to go home today.  She sounded good and said she was not hurting all that bad... but had went thru quite an ordeal when they drained the liquid off or around her lungs.... 800 cc and the next day the xrays did not look any better... so had to wait and see if they would have to do it again... that poor dear lady has been thru so much!!!  Steve was at home as he just could not loose more work and the flooding had to be attended too.  Boy I have been praying that things will turn around for them and they will see many many blessings in this new year! 

I know there are some pretty serious needs on the board right now... Susie's husband in the hospital, Jeanine, Debbie D.'s husband needs a job, some others jobs are looking bleak, Sheila is worried about her children... Vesta's daughter recovering from surgery and I know there are other needs as well... I am praying the Lord will meet each one...

Well I have alot more to say especially about the COF Christmas party but will have to do that later as my girls are keeping me busy... I have been so tired I fall asleep the minute I set down where ever that happens to be! 

Until later... have to get out there and exercise before the girls get up and its time to make breakfast... it is nearly hot out there this morning... we had some nasty thunderstorms in the night... my Paul got me 3 lbs weights for Christmas so will be doing some upper body exercise with those now... boy are they easier to hold onto than the big V~8 juice cans! ~ha

You all have a beautiful day... I sure know I will as I am getting the most wonderful hugs and loves from my sweet babies!


Barbara S.
on 12/26/08 10:25 pm - Freeman, MO
Hi all;

Christmas was wonderful here. My son and his family was here and a friend that has no family of his own to be with. My brother in Texas called me on Christmas evening. It was so nice to hear his voice. We are all their is left on my side of the family. I hope to go see him this spring or summer.

My prayers are with everyone on the board in need.

Thank you for everyone who is still asking about Baby. She is doing great. She has an appointment on the 16th of January to have her cast off. They will put her out to cut it off. Hopefully it is healing well and they get to leave it off.

I go for an MRI on Tuesday morning as I'm still having dizzy spells certain ways I move my head. Dr thinks it is just from severe concussion but wants to make sure. I will let you know what comes of it.

I so appreciate all of you!

Well, they just called in my hubby to work, I guess the ice is heading this way. Some may not know he works for MODOT. He has to go make the roads safe of all who venture out in this storm. We never know when he will be called out.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 12/27/08 12:42 am - Diamond, MO

Happy Holidays Auntie Jan and OH Family,
I dont have very long to post either.  Like the rest of you, I am still very busy today. Today is our Christmas with Mikes adopted family.  I had posted that it was last Saturday, but it is today. Although I had an extra week, it still wasnt/doesnt seem like near enough time....man has it been crazy here this week!!!

We had the best Christmas here that we have had in a very long time and not one single arguement or anything! Everyone just had the best time. How I wi**** were like that all the time! It was just simply amazing. There were a couple of times that I found myself very sentimental and jus****ching the kids.

One thing that surprised us, is that Jon, at the end of Christmas Day turned to everyone and said "Do you want to know what MY favorite part of the day was"? (we were all thinking it would have to be a certain toy or something...and from this 5 yr olds mouth comes "My favorite part of the whole day was seeing Santa this morning and hearing him say Ho Ho Ho!!!!"  Aw.. Yes, we did get a Santa outfit and I will post in the next day or two about that magical morning here! It was ubelievable and Mike and I, plus our 3 oldest kids, just couldnt believe how wonderful it is when little kids are just so happy!!!

I am continuing to pray for Jeanine and that she can go home today and recover totally and completely! Also praying for Susies hubby, for his total recovery totally too. I am praying for Linda too-Vestas daughter, that she is recovering fully and without much pain...For all our peeps who have to travel and for anyone else who needs them.

**Jan, I hope you have the best Christmas with the family today!!! I will be thinking about you today.

I wish we lived closer to one another, because I have some pain patches here that dont work for me because they are not strong enough. I wonder if I could put them in the mail?

Im so sorry and I will say extra prayers that you arent in much pain today. This weather is horrible for us and our arthritis right now. I know when the storm we are getting right now was rolling in, it was kicking my butt! I love you and Joe and say hi to your extended family and will get back to my regular posts soon. Have so much to talk to you about!

Will you send me the info on the my points that you belong to? I would like to join it-so go ahead and sign me up for it, so YOU can get more points too....K?  Love you and have a good day!

**Barbara-I am so glad Baby is doing good and you had a wonderful Christmas. You have been on my mind a lot!  Love you and I will email you later in the week when I have a little more time.

**Vesta-How is Linda doing? I have been praying for her.  Give us an update ok?  Your also in my prayers. Love you.

**Sheila-We dont have a casino in Joplin, but there is one within 10 minutes or so, called Downwind. I dont care for that one....I will send you an email and let you know what we are going to do, if we are doing anything like that before the end of the year. My fav place-Grand Lake, gives you $20 free play the month of your b-day...so I will get that.... Love you and have a good day. Wish you could come over here. Would LOVE to visit with you.

**Bec-Have fun with those girls! I know you are and I cant wait to get in here and catch up with everyone too!  Love you.

**Everyone who wished me bday wishes....THANKS.. I had one of the best bdays EVER!!! It was a BLAST!  Thanks and I will tell you about it later.

**Renee-It was so great to see you and Larry yesterday! Your awesome! I will post about it later, I have to get off here and get my dish made for the Christmas today and get our White Elephant/Dirty Santa gifts wrapped. You are NOT allowed to bring brand new stuff, it HAS to be stuff at/in your home....so it makes it very interesting! 

Have a good day everyone, its storming here, but its warmer today, at least......but some are thunderstorms....As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet

on 12/27/08 1:27 am - pomona, MO
Hello everyone, hope the sick are better.. and  MY Linda Is doing great she is so sore but that will be for awhile, I am going out and spend the night tonight..was kindly waiting for the storm to pass as we have tornado warnings out..tks everyone for the prayers for her, I tell her everything everyone says...

Jan I sure wish your pain would get better, I have uncle Arthur also, are the pain patches better for you than pain pills? I just don't know anything about the patches..

I just finished crocheting a rug out of material, sometimes down here the uniform factory sells spools of material, I don't know if they still do or not but I have got to find somewhere to get some more, the spools are just about right for making rugs...

Barb I hope you get the dizziness stopped, I will get some patterns to you my scanner is not wanting to cope with my computer, but it is getting there.

Janet sounds like you had an old fashion Christmas I am so proud for you..

Susan it  want be long now, then you can catch Andy and beat him up..lol...just kidding, you are a very wonderful couple, love ya both...

everyone have a great day ...love ya all...vesta


on 12/27/08 8:32 am - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone,
 I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long, but it has just been crazy around here. Hopefully before to much longer I can start posting more.
 I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and was able to enjoy your loved ones.
 OK, I hate telling this but for you to understand how special our Christmas was here I have to. I ran into a huge money problem for like the last two months, and Tiff and I have been living off like $600 a month, surprisingly we have done rather well, we have had everything we needed and plenty of food. It's been hard but doable. ANYWAYS I have been so upset and depressed over Christmas and not being able to buy gifts for all the kids and family. Yes my kids are grown and understand all to well about tough times, but I was feeling like  crap over it, and got so bad a couple days before Christmas I lost it and even found myself laying in the middle of my bathroom floor screaming and crying, I was done, the fight was over, I had had enough. I even went so far as canceling our Christmas breakfast (we had already put off the gift thing until Jan.). Bless Janet's heart she was going nuts because I had text her and said I was done please pray for me, and it was so hard for me at that time to talk to anyone, but she hung in there and finally got me talking and helped me so much in my time of need. I don't think that special lady will ever know just how much she has done and what she means to me. THANK YOU MY DEAREST FRIEND. Whew! OK that terrible part is over with. Not only did Janet pull me up, but Larry showed up, and he just held me and talked to me for awhile, and made sure all the Christmas plans we had made were still going to happen. So come Christmas Eve I finally had a little money for bills and I decided to take a little bit of it and buy each one that was going to be here Christmas morning a gift, I couldn't not let this day go buy without giving my family something. (We will still be doing the bigger gifts at a later time). Tiff and Chris were here the night before and spent the night, Kala and Lee showed up early that morning and we done our family gift's, and made our special ornaments, then the girls started Christmas breakfast, and Larry, Kayela, and his mom Fran showed up. We done a small exchange of gifts with them, had a HUGE breakfast, and then we made our "family/friend" ornament's. If you Christmas breakfast with us you have to make a special ornament for our tree and this year it was bows that you decorate anyway you want with your name and year. The ornament thing is a very big important tradition with the girls and I. I must say I have learned many things this Christmas, yes I know the reason for the season but so much more was learned about other things and about what was in everyones heart for me it was very special and very touching and will never be forgotten. Thank you Dear Lord for giving me this.
 Larry and I had a great day yesterday, we spent the day running around shopping in Joplin and even meet up with Janet and Mike, all though we didn't get much time together it was great to see them, and it was great that Mike and Larry finally got to meet. Larry can't wait to be able to have more time for them to visit. After running around in Joplin all day we went back to Monett to the VFW because I really wanted a night out but that place was so boring we ended up over at Tiff's bf house visiting with them until like 1am, by the time we got back to my house we were so tired, I put a movie in Larry had been wanting to see and remember snuggling up to him and the next thing I know I'm waking up this morning, I felt terrible for falling asleep on him, but he said don't because he kept dozing off, plus he can now give me trouble about snoring and talking in my sleep. LOL Yes, I was horrified that I had talked in my sleep, but he said he couldn't really understand what I was saying. WHEW!
 The last couple of days has really been amazing to me and I have learned and grown so much and I'm so very thankful the Lord has given them to me.

 Jan I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and that you all are blessed many times over. It was so great to see you at the party, I always enjoy spending time with you and Joe.

Deb it was wonderful to finally get to meet you and your husband.

 Sugar thank you so much for everything and all the hard work you put into it, it was all so great and such a blessing. You looked so cute in your outfit.

 Bec girllll you are looking so good, and let me tell you you look so good with your hair down. You are such a sassy thing.
Thank you so much for the ornaments they are so cute. I have them hanging in my livingroom on my lights that go across the room (yes I had the girls put theirs up there to) everyone that has been to my house has just went nuts over them.
 I'm so happy your daughters are home and it was so nice to meet them. You are truly blessed with those beautiful young ladies.

Janet you also did an amazing job on the party, thank you for all your hard work, and you looked so cute in the outfit. It was such a blessing to be there and share in everything. Thank you.
It was so good to see you and Mike yesterday, and to get one of those famous Janet hugs. Thank you so much for the gift I so can't wait to wear it. I thought about it last night but we were both so tired when we got home. I showed it to him as soon as we got back in the explorer and he liked it. (wink) I'm so glad you had a good birthday just keep in mind it's not over with yet.
 I hope you have a wonderful time with the family today, I know you guys will all be blessed.

 Susan and Andy it was great to see you at the party, and to hear your wonderful news. It's just so great that you guys can help each other out on both of your wl journey's.

 To everyone at the party it was so wonderful and such a great blessing to share in the special time we had. I can hardly wait until next year and making more great memories with you all. Thank you all so much.

 I know I have missed alot of people and know that I am truly sorry because you all mean so much to me, know that I think of you all and love each and everyone of you.

 I hope everyone has warm wonderful blessed night.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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