Jan C.
on 12/25/08 12:15 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Christmas day, has been rather quite here ,  we will have our fun time Saturday. Hopefully my granddaughter ,Sarah will be here with her little one Joshua, and her boyfriend Johnathan. If everyone shows up we will have 15 here. ....i am going to go to the dollar store too tomorrow.  Have to call lumber liguidators. They are suppose to have some laminate flooring for 25 cents a squar foot. Need to call and find out how much they have of it,   if there is enough will go get that and put in trailer . that is a cheap floor. For sure. ....

Joe and I have been spending the day putting down underlayment on the floors. We had it done already on the kitchen and living room and had some cheap thin tile down in there but if we can get the laminate we will just do that over the top...


I jogged on the treadmill for 7 minutes today. Wow my legs were like rubber when I quit lol

Going to do that daily . I have started getting snug in my clothes and that makes me want to cry...well rather than cry or deny that it is going on I will make myself go and do exercise. , since it got cold and I don’t go outside and do much , well im going to change that since I have the exercise equipment I will be exercising daily maybe two times a day...untill I can wear my clothes again like they were fiting. ..


Im getting up early in the morning and going shopping...need to get the babies all something. To wrap and put under the tree. Joe said well the tree looks bare , never saw it like that before lol ole cheap grandma here ...since we aren’t having Christmas till Saturday no since in not getting  some good deals , I hope...


SUSAN:::::just remember  how lucky you still are to still have a parent alive...I sure do miss mine.and any time you need to borrow my camera just let me know, I should  have known to send some batteries I always take some with me ...sorry ...


SHEILA:::::: well hello girly. So sorry you are alone on Christmas, where are all your kids.? Hey make sure they tell you that you wont have the pain you are having now if you have your collar bone operated ....everyone is so fast to jump in and have surgery just because some surgeon says it needs it...it isn’t their body you know, its yours. And if the pain is still going to be there what is the sence of havingt it done ok?

We will be praying for your kids too. Seems our kids really know how to hurt us don’t they....just great to see you on here , sure wish you would have come to the

Support Christmas party it was so much fun...


DEBBIE D::::::: your dinner sounds wonderful ...and especial the Jesus birthday cake...i made one and going to start my great grand kids out hearing this and making that the best part of Christmas ....keep spreading the news ...of Jesus birth , death and resurrection


SUGAR::::: you are my thrill and blessing , true you are my sister by birth but if I hadn’t been so lucky as to have you born in our family I would have picked you as my sister.

I hope God blesses you this next year beyond your wildest dreams.


SUSIE;;;;; we will all be praying for your hubby...wont be long till he can go get his test done. Wow I wish I had one of the wii fit things....not sure what they are but have heard a lot about them ....im glad that you have something that keeps you challenged. Makes me wonder what it would say is my  movement age...keep using your machine  or what ever and you will probably get down to wonderland by the end of the year...keep on keeping on girl....








Craig Watts
on 12/25/08 12:48 pm - Green City , MO
Merry Christmas Jan and OH members. Hello, Thought I would pop on and say HOWDY...Hope you all have had a very Merry Christmas. This holiday season we have so much to be thankful for. ESP. OUR HEALTHS...Lets hope we have a Happy New Year as Well....Love to all and much Hugs. God Bless...Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


Susan W.
on 12/25/08 4:13 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning to all hope everyone had a nice christmas it is almost 200am and i am wide awake one of those time's i could not sleep guess i am really getting excited about my doctor's app next friday i truly have been blessed with getting everything done soo early so i can have a surgery date.
jan thank's again for letting us get some picture's of my dad andy and i had a good time with him yesterday glad to see us but his memory has gotten worse.my brother called him the other day and he thought it was his brother gene,his sister linda was going to call him so andy started to ask him do you remember linda do you remember clarence he live's with linda and he just sat there and smiled so andy got some a picture from his room of his brother's and sister's in it and he thought it was me in the picture and it was his sister.once we started to talk to him more it helped him remember other wise he is doing good the nurses all like having him there and he has made a lot of friend's you are right jan we really enjoy each moment we spend with him because we never know how much more time we have with him.
some of the store's are sure opening early some at 530am andy and i are staying home and doing some thing's around here we are going to go over to the trailer and workout for sure.we used to walk on a tread mill all the time we really liked doing it.when you have music playing it does make the time go fast.i think andy look's good with that 16 pound weight loss i wanted to help him lose more we are going to help each other and with all the support from all our friend's i know we can do it.

one more thing before i write a book lol when andy and i got home on monday night and got the mail there was our new phone bill i told andy it looked a little bit high again because we have no long distance for the first time since we have moved here we saw the problem century tel was charging us for our new number and our old one also we had the old number cut off july the 2 so they are going back and refunding us for all this time so our phone bill will be covered for a while.

have a good day everyone andy and i are praying for all the prayer request dont work too hard god bless susan
L. Rios
on 12/25/08 8:25 pm - Springfield, MO
Good morning everyone!   I'm getting ready to hit the sales.  Me and my daughter Jade and my sons girlfriend Kayla are going to find the bargains and try not to hurt anyone in the process. HA!  What a wonderful Christmas we had one of the best I think.  We got together with family and laughed alot, drank some wine, enjoyed playing games, got some nice presents.  My best friend from high school came in from Florida and we are going out tonight.  All and all it was one of my fav Christmas times I can remember.  I hope EVERYONE had a wonderful Christmas.  Now lets move on to the New Year.  I think that 2009 is going to be a great year for everyone.  When I read the posts it sounds like everyone is ready to start a new.  Don't forget to eat your black eyed peas so you will be prosperous in the new year( yuck).  My mom makes me take at least a bite every year.  They are gross but she says better not take your chances if you don't eat any.  HAHA   I better go get dressed and hit the mall.  I hope everyone has a GREAT day! Lou (~.~)
on 12/25/08 9:37 pm
Lou the black eyed peas are not the only yhing you need to eat on New Years. You have to eat greens for money. In the south its turnip,mustard or collard greens with blackeyed peas and ham hocks. I plan to head out for some bargins today too but If its too crowded I will leave. I don't need it enough to be pushed and shoved. I have encountered that before. Strange what some poeple will do. I never got trampled like they did in Long Island on black friday  thank goodness.

Jan I am glad you have your exersice room,the winters here are to bad to be outside. Missouri does have some extreme weather. Maybe by spring you will need smaller clothes.

I had to put away another pair of pants this morning cause they were falling off. Thats ok with me. I will wear the same pair everyday if need be. Just as long as I keep loosing. I have found the fewer clothes I have the easier it is to keep my closet clean and the clothes out of my bedroom. DH likes that.

I hope the severe weather isn't as bad as they are saying today. Its been so cold and now flooding possible and tornadoes. I am glad its warming up but do not want the severe stuff.

Dh is really in a bad mood today,he feels so bad . I wish I could help him but he won't even go to the doctor. You know how the guys have to be strong and not need help. I wish I could make him see the doctor. He thinks he will get over it on his own.Keep him in your prayers he needs them. I think he has a virus now on top of everything else. I sure hope I can escape it. I haven't thrown up yet and want to keep it that way.

Hope you all had a great Christmas .

on 12/25/08 11:11 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning everyone
I already been to wally world, they got the colored Christmas trees pre lite for $10.00, 4 ft. red, pink, purple and blue, I got a red and a purple one, candles 50% OFF....

Jan tell me where you get bargins on cruises, I want to take another one....

My Linda will be home today, I have to go rub her feet, she said mom I havent had a good foot rubbing , would you give me one, please... she knows I will, I guess I marked my kids they all love to have their feet tickled and rubbed, boys and all,and I do   too...silly huh... lol

thank you all for prayers for Linda...love ya all ......vesta


Debbie D.
on 12/26/08 2:30 am - KS

Good Afternoon Mama Jan & MO Peeps:

We had a really good Christmas.  All the kids were here along with David's Dad and Step Mom.  (My Parents came over for Christmas Eve).  Needless to say it was a busy couple of days.  I couldn't sleep last night so stayed up until 3am watching tv.  Watched a Paul Newman movie called "Nobody's Fool" and watched the History Channel for a little while.  I kinda enjoyed being alone and watching what I wanted to watch.

Please keep us in your prayers.  DH still needs a job.  It will be two months on 12/7.  I love him but honestly he needs to work!  I think he's gained like 20 lbs the past 2 months.  I told him after the first he is going to have to start exercising.  We have a really nice treadmill downstairs and he's going to have to start using it.  I'm beginning to worry about him.  His knees and hips hurt and I think it's his weight.  He's never been this heavy before.  His stomach is so big.  You'd think it was a beer gut if you didn't know him.  Honestly, it's a carb gut.

Here it is almost 12:30pm and I'm still in my pj's.  Don't have much planned for today or this weekend.  Would like to get the Christmas decorations put away sometime this weekend.  Will see if that gets done or not.

I've been thinking about Jeanine.  Has anyone heard whether or not she gets to come home tomorrow?  I hope so!

Mama Jan - Sounds like you'll have a wonderful time with your granddaughter and her family.  You do get the best bargains after Christmas.  That's why my kids love getting money or gift cards so it will go farther.

Janet - Happy Birthday to you!  Are you 29 this year?
Hope you have a GREAT one my friend.

Bec - I'll bet you are just basking in spending all that time with your girls!  You've got to share with us how Paul's cooking lessons are gong!  Who knows, he might really enjoy it and start cooking for the both of you!  Never, know, stranger things have happened!

Cor - Did you and your dh get to go see Jeanine?  How is she?  Is she going to get to come home tomorrow?  Thanks for taking our get well wishes to her.  That was such a sweet idea! 

Susie - Sorry to hear your dh is getting some kind of viral junk on top of what he's already dealing will.  I know it's hard on us when our hubby's get sick because they get grumpy and then they don't want to go to the doctor.  Man that really infuriates me when my dh does that!  Will keep you both in my prayers.

Susy - Hope you are doing better.  Sometimes we just have to leave our children in God's hands and trust Him to take care of them.  I know that it is easier said than done.  Will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Shannon - How sweet of your son to come get you so you could spend Christmas with him and his family!  Hope you had a wonderful time!  Please share with us how it went.

Vesta - I'm so thankful your daughter is doing well.  How sweet of you to get her a foot rub.  I LOVE foot massages.  I've always told dh he could talk his way out of anything (well most anything) if he would just rub my feet!  lol

MO Peeps - Hope all of you had a Merry Christmas!

Debbie D.

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