Jan C.
on 12/17/08 12:53 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Have spent most of the day cutting two boards that we had in the shed down to the right length and then sanding , sanding , sanding them to get them ready to be painted. Went to get the paint and it had frozen and messed up big time so will have to get some more tomorrow when we got out ...Joe has to have another just xrays of his neck area to see if it has healed the way it is suppose to...sure hope so . he has been quite and done really well I think, hasn’t had any pain meds from it since the first week ...

Tomorrow while in Springfield I hope to find something neat to wear to the

Christmas party. But im not a fu-fu tupe person so if I bought something really fancy it would just hang in the closet lol


TAMMY-AMMY:::::: don’t know if you will see this or not but hope you get to meet the girls and pick up your buba and get him home with you all for Christmas...i know as mama you are most anxious to take care of him for awhile....


SUSIE::: MIX some protein powder in with you hot choc...will be a way you can get your protein ...but mix the protein powder with real warm water first and then mix into your coca mix and then heat it in micro wave. 

I hope things go the way they are suppose to so you can meet Tammy and Rachel...

Hang on about the weight loss , you cant lose until you get enough protein in and water too..but no one can give you a really easy way to get it done other than you pushing yourself to do it... hang in there and keep pushing girl it will get better.


SUSAN::::: Sugar is doing so much better... you and Andy be careful on your trip to Columbia tomorrow. ...have a great time. and hope Andy gets his test all done quickly and you can get home before it gets too late.


JANET::::: YEAH sure don’t know what is going on with the new OH seems like they just get things all straightened out and wham they re vamp it and we go thru all these months and months of things not working right .


So sorry about your mom we will have to keep her on our prayer list. Liver an Kidneys are both things that don’t heal really well.


I bet you were surprised to see the girls and just a little upset with them driving on that stuff weren’t you? Especially with Megan being pregnate. But I guess no harm no fowl huh?is she doing better with not throwing up ...i sure hope so anyway...


COLETTE;;;;; lol you will sell your house to go to AZ but not to the carribean wow not sure that I would do that lol

Altho my oldest daughter left a lot of stuff back here to move back out there...She really loves it...


SANDY::::: it sure is sad that you are having trouble again...i thought that they fixed your problem did they say it was a chance that it would come back? Don’t get depressed and remember you have grandbabies that love you.we will be   praying for you and the test you have to do...


DEBBIE   D::::; hey what happened to the video of Sugar you were going to send me ?

You have my email don’t you? If so please send it to me...

Still don’t know why you cant come to the COF party...sure wish you would , would be sure fun for you to be here.                          


LOU::::: sure sorry that you wont be at the party you keep up losing like you are and by the time we see you in January you will  e down to 14s probaboy. So sorry that you cant come to the party...will take lots of pictures and put them on my profile.

You will see how much fun we had. And that you missed.  You know you could come and bring your company with you.....




Susan W.
on 12/17/08 4:55 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning to all sure has been cold outside hope everyone is staying warm.your shelves will look nice when you get them done jan you and joe becarefull too when you all go to springfield. you never know what this crazy weather will do. monday sure is going to be cold.thank's jan for the starter plant i love plant's my mom's apartment looked like a green house.andy is feeling better i got him some pill's yesterday daytime and night time the store brand half the price of the name brand.andy said we could use your exercise machine thank you we may need to since we cannot walk outside for now.

sugar glad to hear that you are doing better anything i can do to help with the party please let me know i sure will help if i can sound's like we all are going to have lot's of fun.can hardly wait to see what you and janet are going to wear.did your sister tell you andy and i are going to bring sugar free open face apple pie and i am making a sugar free pudding salad.

peggy sure wish you and some of the the other girl's could come to the party we all had a good time at your house if we had a way to pick you up we would.

cor how are you today sorry to hear about your job. thing's will get better for you just hang in there.

have a good day everyone we are praying for everyone on the board i better go for now going to try and get a little more sleep have to get up in a couple of hour's to get ready to leave andy want's me rested because they do not want him to drive for a little while after his test's so we are praying the weather stay's good.he will get his result's on monday when i go too see the doctor god bless susan
on 12/17/08 7:19 pm - linneus, MO

Good morning Jan and Everyone.
Been up since 4 am but went to bed early.Didn't sleep much due o pain and Gail is getting the creeping crud so he coughed alot all night.Just gave him some prescription cough medicine so hopefully it will help his cough soon.
Went to bed with a winter weather advisory ,woke up to an icestorm warning.Ice sure is pretty on the tree's and fences but it sure can be destructive.Really hope noone looses power.I am debating on sending Nikki to school this morning.Don't want her on the bus when it starts getting icy.

Cor- you are doing great,keep up the good work.So sorry to hear you lost yur job.I am sure the Lord has bigger and better things in store for you.I know it isn't much comfort but here is a big ole Pooh Hug {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{COR}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.

Susan and Andy.-You guys be careful going to the Dr.It is suppose to get really nasty.

Bec,Peggy,Janet,Susie,Lou,Sandy,Vesta,Colette,Sugar,Tammy-Ammy,Beverly,Bev in Ks,Angie,Angy,Jenn,Renee,Jeanie,And to all the rest of you.Sorry can't remember everyones names i am haveing brain fart this morning.Hope you all have a great day and hope everyone stays warm and safe  today.My prayers are with you all for pain free day,strength and courage to make it through the day,and for good health ,For all family members needing prayer and praying that the Lords perfect will be done in everyones life today.
Love and Hugs Deb


on 12/17/08 9:12 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning OHer's...Hope everyone is doing fine this cold but warmer morning.It is raining here so you know what that means..That means it is above freezing and I say GREAT!!! I hate the cold and snow and yuck and when sis and I head down to the Carribbean with your $.....I mean investment....we will be sure and find the best deal ever for you. Just know that it might take some time.lol

I am feeling mucho better, except that I havent been able to go exercise at all this week since Ive had the boys or Dr's appts. So today I hope to get to go and do my thing. Should be able to tomorrow too.

Chelle is organizing the funeral dinner for her friend. She is having all the people at work who usually draw names for gift exchange buy a gift for Michelle's 2 little ones instead. My daughter has such a big heart. Thanks for all the prayers for her and please continue to lift her.

Last night was my grandkids Christmas program at their school and it was the cutest thing. Of course my oldest grand daughter had one of the leads and all my other 5 gk's were n it too. Ember had a solo song and I was so proud of her. She doesnt come from very good singing stock but she has a sweet and beautiful voice. Chloe, Skyler and Levi didnt have speaking parts but they had full out dance routines and it was so cute and fun. I dont know where they come up with the plays they do but they are all so cute and fun yet with the gospel message in them. AND I want to thank you all for praying about the church meeting we were supposed to have last night too! We were going to have to leave a few minutes before the play was over to get to our church in time for the special business meeting (that I was dreading) and we got a call yesterday that our meeting had been cancelled. THANK YOU GOD!!! So it has been moved to Sunday night after our Christmas dinner at church. BUT!!! That is the day we are having Christmas with our kids....grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Well, Im so excited about the 22 that I can hardly stand it. If you arent planning on being at the COF Christmas party ...you are going to miss out on a fun time! Wish all of you could come...Maybe next year we will plan it early in the month before there are sooooo many committments to other things.

Hey Deb, thanks for the video...I sure got a laugh out of it...even if it was a laugh at myself. lol   Promise not to blackmail me with that please.... By the way, have you recieved anything in the mail lately? Be watching for a box and a card!

Everyone else, I love you all and maybe soon Ill be back to keeping up on here. Just havent felt quite like writing much lately.

I will see some of you on Monday and I cant wait!


on 12/17/08 10:02 pm - pomona, MO
Oh boy are we gonna have fun , we gonna have a whole grew so we can run our own ship , it will be cheaper that way...lol...live on the beach so take tents, and fill that boat with protein and pumpkin rolls,

If the ship will run on gas between all of us, that will be no problem, cant you just see and hear us all at once trying to do our morning thing, grunts, groaning, loud bursts then sweet relieve...what a trip...lol   bet we could write a book, oh well we can dream cant we?...love ya all...Merry Christmas......vesta


Peggy M
on 12/17/08 10:37 pm - Raymore, MO
Morning all....

Another day here of not having a clue whether it's going to rain or ice.  The weather guys just keep guessing....so I think I will stay in.  I was supposed to go to the dentist but I hate driving in ice.  Besides I have enough here to do that I haven't wanted to do this week.  And I really need to get in gear, my kids will be flying in Saturday.  They aren't staying with us but I know my daughter, they will be here a lot.

Love you all and hope you have a good day.  Stay safe!
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
on 12/17/08 11:20 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

Its really foggy and yucky out here! They are calling for MORE freezing rain today and some severe storms tonite! ARGH!  Im sick of the gloom and doom!  Even if it were cold out-I would love to see some rays of sunshine!  It continues to get foggier and foggier-and that worries me-so Im praying it clears off before school gets out! Darrel has art club on Thurs, but I told him that if it were still raining and foggy to ride the bus home because the highway I have to drive on to get to his school-they call death highway!  Its ALL turns, hills and so on-very dangerous road and I HATE traveling on it!

Well, we did the sugar cookies yesterday. Talk about time consuming!!! It literally took forever to get it rolled out and then use the cookie cutters!  Then we decorated them.  We had to go to the library also yesterday and the boys were excited....they each got 7 books and told them that we would take them back before the 3 weeks are up this time-maybe during Christmas break so they have some new books to read over the break.  They are in and out-and you dont hear a peep out of them, Im so glad my kids are well behaved!

I also got my wreaths done.  Today I am going to finish up some of the ornaments that need finished and do some school work with Jon.  Also have some laundry to get started.  Tomorrow Megan and I are suppose to go to the mall so I can finish up some Christmas shopping.

Am praying that the doc gets my scripts to the pharmacy by tomorrow.  Will call them in a bit to see when and all that good stuff.  Please pray that all works out for me.  I appreciate it!

We got some heart warming news yesterday.....A donor company called Mike-He had donated his dads corneas and some other things-anyway-this donor company called and told Mike that one of his dads corneas was transplanted to an 85 yr old man, that had never seen his grandkids-and he saw his grandkids for the first time-because of the donated cornea!  I bawled like a baby!  The gentleman asked if he could have Mikes phone number and address-so the donation company asked Mike if they could release his info and Mike said okay.  How wonderful is that?

Well, I am going to get this wrapped up-and get some of my list done for now.  We need to get some gifts wrapped too and I need to get some things done for the COF party as well.  We have Christmas with Mikes adopted family on Saturday, so I need to get all that stuff together as well.  They play the white elephant  game too-but with things from around your house-your not allowed to bring new stuff.  So, I gotta find some stuff for Mike, Stephanie and me to bring.  Thats gonna be fun-we have the best time playing that with them.....I also need to  figure out what dish to make and bring!  Think I may make a cheese ball and bring that and crackers.  Will see.

Megan is still getting sick and she is feeling more uncomfortable every day!  Feel so bad for her.  Wish she felt better!  Im looking forward to spending the day with her tomorrow, tho.

Well, I am going to wrap this up. Going to give Molly a flea dip and get some things done.  Please remember everyone in your prayers that need prayer.

****If your coming to the COF Party on Monday and havent replied yet-PLEASE let Sugar, Jan or myself know, PLEASE!  Thanks everyone and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers!   Love, Janet


on 12/18/08 1:47 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 I swear this has been the week from hell. If it could go wrong it has, and I was so heavy hearted yesterday I couldn't do anything but cry. I even went so far as to pull out of going to the COF party, and OMG Kala lost it she said I was going and if I didn't she would never forgive me, of course I argued with her and she left here not very happy with me. Then every time I talked to Janet about it I felt so bad and just cried some more, I couldn't even come on and post to you guy's  I was so upset over not being able to come. Anyways I have decided not to let the things going on in my life right now ruin my holiday with my wonderful friends, so I will be coming to the party and with bells on.
 I am always proud of both of my girls, but there are those times that just over flow with love and pride over them and yesterday and today is truly one of those times. After telling them yesterday what was going on financially and stuff they were so wonderful and supportive. They just amaze me sometimes by how grown up and loving they are. I'm not sure what I have done to deserve them but I am truly BLESSED.
 Kala had her first ultra sound yesterday, the baby is 4 inches with long legs, weighs 6 oz, and is 16 weeks and 3 days. They just wanted mommy and daddy for this one so Tiff and I wasn't able to go, but we will get to next time. I guess the whole time during the ultra sound she was moving her little hand waving at them.

 Jan I don't want to let you down but with my luck as of lately I don't think I better be the mastermind behind the bank job, I'd get busted for sure. LOL
 I can't wait to get one of those Jan hugs.

 Sugar my dear friend Janet forwarded that email to me and I set and cried, I was so overwhelmed by all the love thank you so much. Not to worry though I have every thing covered.
 Please give Chelle a big hug from me and let her know I'm thinking about her.

 Janet you are simply the best friend I have ever had in my whole life and I would be so lost without you. Thank you so much my dear dear friend I LOVE YOU SIS.

 Sorry guys wish I could stay and do more responses today but I have to find a water leak, know that I love you all and am thinking about you.

I hope EVERYONE has a wonderful BLESSED day.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 12/18/08 1:49 am
I had a great time meeting Tammy and got to meet Bubba and his girl. Tammy took me to meet Rachael also. It sure is a small world. I hope they have a safe trip home and avoid the ice. I know Bubba was ready to go home.

The weather has been so bad lately . I have been fogged in on this hill for days. I am hoping the ice is gone but the weather  report for Sunday and Tuesday does not look good. If all goes well Dh should get back home today. He still isn't feeling to good. At least he has been enjoying warm weather.

Jan I am trying hard to get my liquids in. I am forcing myself to drink drink drink. My protein is ok I think. I am trying. Something has to give soon. I did put on some pants I was saving and they are loose. That was a surprise. I will measure next week and see whats happening. I do wish the scale would move.

Merry Christmas to all


Bec M.
on 12/18/08 3:38 am
Good Afternoon Missouri,

The first batch of party mix is in the oven 1 of 4.... I had 90 cups of mix... that will take a while to bake huh?

It does smell like the traditional Christmas in here though with that Worcester sauce cooking.

I had a wonderful talk with Debbie D. this morning and walked 8650 steps without even realizing it... I had already been walking quite a while before we started talking.... my poor ole legs should be falling off... I know this... my PAUL better graduate me from "ostrich legs" to "turkey drumstick's"  pretty soon! ~tee hee 

Mimi ~ what were you working so hard, cutting and sanding those boards for?

I hope you have a wonderful trip on your bike trip after the 1st of the year... get to enjoy some wonderful weather and see some awesome things.

I'm sorry for all the very real needs I read of on the board lately.... I am sure trusting the Lord to meet them all.

Renee ~ you hang in there and I'm so glad you are not going to let the ole devil cheat you out of what I know will be a blessing to you!!! in coming to the COF Party.

Janet thank you for the encouragement about the back pain... I'm right tired of it... you know I only have 20 more lbs to go before I will be back down to my lowest of 234 and I think I can remember when I was at this weight before I did not hurt quite so much in my back but I am praying that the Lord will allow it to get better so I can do more of what I want to... without having to constantly be aware that if I do that I will be sorry. I truly do pray for you as I know you deal with even so much more than I do and I know how miserable I can be. I am trusting there will come a day that the pain level is not "front and center" in your life.

Hope Andy is getting along well with his tests today.

I'm so happy for Tammy~Ammy to have Bubba back home for awhile as I know I simply can't wait till my girls get home!

Susie ~ it's so nice you got to meet up with the ladies and visit a bit.  I know you will be glad when your hubby gets home, I sure would be if mine was gone that long. 

Mine is going to have a cookie baking lesson over the holidays... Crystal is going to teach him how to bake peanut butter cookies... that should be an interesting day! ~ha  I'm going to get my chair in there and a bowl of popcorn (just kidding) and watch the movie! ~tee hee  It should be interesting to watch them cooking to together.  My Paul hasn't hardly EVER had to do anything for himself!  Even when I had surgery I had all his meals in the freezer for pete sake!!!  He's like a bull in a china closet when it comes to domestic duties! ~ha  But man can he build a comfy house!

Sandy ~ you are in my prayers too... I pray the issues you face will be resolved and you will find a real special peace in your spirit that I know the Lord can give.

Sheila ~ I haven't seen you post in a bit... I hope all is going well with you and you are continuing to heal, also praying you have a blessed holiday.

Colette ~ I'm going to drop a hint in your hubby's ear to get you a brand spank'n new gold measuring tape for Christmas!!!  One that will never wear out!!!! ~tee hee

Debbie D. ~ It was wonderful as always to talk to you!  I never get tired of hearing your sweet voice!  I will be praying that Luke has safe travels!  No weather happening here as of yet...

Sugar Booger ~ I have a surprise for you! 

Can't wait to see you in those outfits you are planning....

I received that "little video" of you from Debbie D. you little dancer you!

If I didn't have so much to do I'd want to hop in the car right now and head for that party you and Janet are planning!

Well I better get busy working on more "projects" while the mix is cooking...

Love you all, stay warm and keep safe in this weather,


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