My daughter need you all
I want to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts and all the love sent our way. God hears our pleas and I know he will bless each of you for lifting my troubles to HIM! He is a faithful father who loves us so much and I see and feel HIS love in each of your messages to me and my sweet daughter.
Chelle didnt want to go to work today as Michelle was her supervisor and with her not there it will just leave a big hole and void and she said she knows she will be miserable all day just thinking of her.
I found out that her kids were with the grandma when they found her dead. So please keep the little ones covered with prayers too! Thanks so much!
I love you all!
Wish I could hug you in person! I will pray for Chelle. Will also keep Michelle's children and the rest of her family in my prayers. Life on this old earth is rough and we don't always understand why things happen.
Will also keep you and your church family in my prayers. We left our old church after 10+ years. It was one of the hardest decisions in our life. The pastor and his wife (also our neighbors) were our best friends. My youngest Jake and their youngest Ricky are only 5 days apart. They still remain good friends. Sorry, didn't mean to go on about this. Just know I understand the heartache when there are problems with our church family. We joined a new church 2 years ago and this one is having problems of it's own. However, I believe these problems are a direct result of Satan not wanting us to build a new building and further God's Kingdom.
Love you hon and please give Chelle a hug from all of us.
Debbie D.
Wish I could hug you in person! I will pray for Chelle. Will also keep Michelle's children and the rest of her family in my prayers. Life on this old earth is rough and we don't always understand why things happen.
Will also keep you and your church family in my prayers. We left our old church after 10+ years. It was one of the hardest decisions in our life. The pastor and his wife (also our neighbors) were our best friends. My youngest Jake and their youngest Ricky are only 5 days apart. They still remain good friends. Sorry, didn't mean to go on about this. Just know I understand the heartache when there are problems with our church family. We joined a new church 2 years ago and this one is having problems of it's own. However, I believe these problems are a direct result of Satan not wanting us to build a new building and further God's Kingdom.
Love you hon and please give Chelle a hug from all of us.
Debbie D.
Dear Sug,
Chelle is in my prayers. Im so sorry she is going through this. I will also pray for Michelles children and her family. As well as for you and Rick and your church family. I pray everything works out and I pray for your health too. Love you all and my heart goes out to you and yours. Love, Janet
Chelle is in my prayers. Im so sorry she is going through this. I will also pray for Michelles children and her family. As well as for you and Rick and your church family. I pray everything works out and I pray for your health too. Love you all and my heart goes out to you and yours. Love, Janet