Eatin' Good....More snow's a comin'...
What a cold day....I stayed inside all day but was kind of in a funk...not sure what the problem is but it'll get better. I'm worried about the illness on the board...especially those who have so much pain and those who are sick.
The Damage....
Outta bed....protein coffee
Around noon...protein bar and pb crackers
Snack....2 oz cheese
Dinner....3 slices bacon and a biscuit w/a little gravy
Yeah...quite a few carbs and fat....I must be getting 'female' tendancies (sorry if TMI) if you know what I mean. Things have been 'off' for a while and I think it's getting worse. So maybe that's why I keep wanting to stuff my face.
Water and vits are all on track...sort of...I need to get in another bottle of water. How did you all do today....any frozen noses or toes? Hope you are all well.
Post away...

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Breakfast: 1 morning star sausage patty
Lunch: about 1/4 of a loaded spud from McAlisters shared with my dad =)
Snack: handful of pecans
Dinner: protein shake with strawberries and bananas
I really want some popcorn, but I don't know if I can eat it. I guess I will check with my nut cause I really really want some. Have a great day!
Congrats on another amazing loss this just might make your goal for Christmas! Yay!
Have another great day....I'm just going to watch it SNOW!!!

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Paul and I watched a series on DVD...and I worked on Christmas cards... did not get near done what I should have but will strive for better today...~ha It's taken a couple of days but I finally feel a bit rested again... now if my back would quit screaming I'd be all set... boy am I griping or what today??? ~ Ok enough of that!
All protein, water and vits... a bit of meat and cheese but not very much.
I have made my goal to be at 60 lbs by the COF Christmas Party it would be nice to PASS a goal for once! ~ha
Peggy Poo you stay warm today! It's a cold wet one out there...
I am SO sorry your back is giving you such a fit. It may be time to see a doc? I know you already suffered with back pain but is it getting worse? Or has it always been this painful. I remember what Jan said about how the muscle spasms are usually the culprit. I do know that physical therapy does help, if you get a good therapist. But that requires going into town several times to get a good program to do at home. I do hope something relieves your pain soon.
I do so hope you make your goal, too. I know how hard you are working and I am tickled how well you have done!
Enjoy your day and stay inside, too. It's just YUCK out there.
Love ya...

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
What? No pumpkin roll? lol.... You had a great day and don't you fret, you know perfectly well one of these lovely snow and ice storms will get you at least once this year!
Have a good day and stay warm!

Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Anyway this is what I had to eat today.
Breakfast: 8 oz Hot chocolate protein drink
snack: 1/4 banana
lunch: 6 oz yogurt
snack: 2 protein balls
supper: 1/4 cup chile with sour cream and 4 multigrain crackers
1 slice cheese
Before bed: 8 oz hot chocolate protein drink
All my protein 89 gr, water is low at 57 oz, and all vitamins in..
My wow moment for today. I got to wear a regular pair of jeans today. No elastic 20 down from a size 32 stretchy pants...praise the lord...