Jan C.
on 12/14/08 12:19 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

HO HO HO  I think Santa and his elfs or someone is getting ready to put some cold slick stuff around  the area.

Oh man Sugar and I had a great time Saturday and everyone up there at the BBF party made us feel like we were at home.  Love you guys and Susie and Craig thank you so very much for making us feel so comfortable in your lovely home. Love the view you have it is just too much.. I could just see that in the spring and Summer even the fall with all the colors ...We left early so in case the icey stuff started in maybe we could beat it ....we stopped at a couple of antique malls and bought some cute things.

At the last place we were at around 11:30 Sugar ask me if I had some Tylenol or something , I gave her a couple of ultram...she said her back was hurting. We got back in the car and got to Stafford and she pulled over I could see she was really hurting. She was pale ,really almost pasty looking, was sweating like crazy and you could see she was in lots of pain.  Se pulled over and after some discussion with her, and Rick and me , I got back in the car to drive and took her to St. Johns ER..she was still hurting so very bad... They did all sorts of test blood, x rays, ultra sound checked for twisted bowel, all sorts of things they said they think she has an ulcer...gave her scrip to get filled for nexium and to go to her pcp tomorrow.  She sure scared me a lot... and of course I didn’t want to leave her there. And yet I was afraid it was  going to start getting bad and I really don’t like to drive at night. I get sort of hypnotized like driving at night. When Rick went and got my truck and then we got all of my stuff loaded and he loaded my elliptical exerciser . THANK YOU SUSIE.  It looks awesome. Thank you dear one.

Any way I went ahead and went home after Sugar told me to get out of there . She had Rick there with her and she knows how bad I am after dark...Now I have got a really bad tummy ache too Sugar.  I drank one of those high powered sugar free  energy drink. And made my belly ache. Lol but so so glad my baby sissy is ok....


Lol  hey Karen , those pretty little wall pockets really are going to look cute on my porch .you all don’t believe her , I didn’t make up those silly ole rules.....love you hope you get to come down and see us again soon I promise I wont take anything away from you again.


Bec:::: Oh thanks for the post about Jeanine. I sure hope she gets better and can come to our party A WEEK FROM MONDAY ...that is when we get to see you again....I had to laugh at you about how you said you were trying to fight with your sister like Sugar and I do lol you silly goose. We just love to aggravate each other but we love each other so very much too.  I know you know that tho. We do like to tease each other. ...

Isnt that wind awful.  So bad... I wont even try to walk in that

I am so glad that you are going to have both of your babies home with you before long. I know that is all the present  you need right?


SUSAN::::: what does Andy have , sneezing , runny nose or cough?  Let me know I have a drugstore over here...so let me know come over  and get him something ok?

I know just a few short months ago when you moved up here , I don’t think any of us figured you would be this close to getting surgery did we. ....

Oh I have a question to ask you do you know how to Cross stitch...

Yes will pray for Andy tonight.


JANET::::: OH HOW I SMILED WHEN YOU TALKED ABOUT HOW GOOD YOU FELT TODAY. THAT IS WONDERFUL . did you  get my letter today? I hope so. Do you have someone going with you on Tuesday? Let me know ok?

Lol I need those exta  days to get Christmas together too. I think I am going to shop the day after Christmas since my family get together isn’t until the 27 so that sounds like I might save some lol no not really just sillyness but I might find something  for some of them ...

I wish you could have come with us to the BBF too . we are going to have to start all of us praying like crazy to get some of that pain you have to be like it was yesterday. Then you can come and run around with us more. And can go on some road trips with us.

I remember when I was heavy and how much I hurt  and I would have a day here and there that I didn’t hurt so bad and my body would feel like it was weightless that like part of me was gone and I wasn’t carrying that weight. I hope you can get some of the gel...ask what ever doctor you see for samples...everyone you see and see if you can get several tubes of it free. ...it is sort of like pill when you have to get a build up of them to notice the difference and I think the more I put this on the better I am feeling. I just hope and pray that it helps you as much. Like I said it doesn’t take it all away but takes the edge off. And that is all I ask isn’t it you?

Don’t worry about the scale, I know you will take care of it soon. If nothing else throw the silly thing out the window. Lol


SUSIE::::::: THANK YOU AND YOUR WONDERFUL HUSBAND.:  We just felt right at home there , and it was like I just knew where everything was lol just felt like I knew you and your beautiful home..

Anything else you want to get rid of you holler at me ....i would love to have any of your stuff. Lol

Oh yeah was going to ask you do you still do cross stitching: I have a really pretty tablecloth that has 3 of the corners finished but I cant do the last one...my hands go completely numb and cant fini**** at all.


KAREN::::::lol even me???






Bec M.
on 12/14/08 8:25 pm

Good Icy Morining Missouri....

I have to say first off to that I was simply thrilled to hear Janet say she was not in so much pain!!!  You have just had so much happen to you that it thrills my very soul that you have had some let up in the pain level!!!  I truly thank the Lord for that!  I pray you will have a wonderful holidays.  I am just so excited to get to see you next week! It seems like it has been a long time... time for squeezes!

Mimi ~ It's pretty obvious you love sweet Sugar... it's that sisterly "love" that makes me want to fuss at my sister!  We have gotten much closer in the past few years.

I will be bringing the ornaments ...it's why I (Susan even helped me cut some of the pieces when she was here) made so many of them... hoping enough for both parties... how many do you think will be there?

I will walk inside or do some other kind of exercise... I think I may go in the garage and see what my stamina on the gazelle would be...I know that when I walk the pedometer says 4,200 steps is 3.3 miles. I have a small stride.  So I will do something that equals that...

I did finally take a rest yesterday and it felt good... I slept 2.5 hours... I hardly ever do that.

My back was just blown and is just aching right now... you asked what I took since surgery it is:

liquid Hydrocodone/APAP
15 mg/1000 mg/30 ml or(4 tsp)

...that's a double dose only once a day no matter how bad I am hurting.. I DO NOT want to get hooked on that.  I tried taking that Tylenol liquid blast later in the day but it does not do any good. Do you have any suggestions?

Well today I am going to work on some "projects" again... Paul is off for a couple of days now... Wednesday it's back to the bakery to help a friend icing 75 dozen (I think) cookies. 

I pray each of you keep warm today and get accomplished what you need to.

Praying the Lord will touch those of you that are not feeling well... Andy, Jeanine and others...


Jan C.
on 12/14/08 9:00 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Bec  as long as you are really hurting you cant get hooked on narcodits...it is only if you arent hurting and you take it will it get you hooked...

can you use only 2 spoonsfull in the morning and 2 in the afternoon or when ever the morning dose wears off.  does it work with only 2 spoons full?

one thing i learned as a nurse they say that most ,not all, but most of the pain a person has with injured backs is because the muscle spasms they have in their back to try and keep the back upright and straight. because of the injured or damaged disc . the muscles have too work extra hard to try and keep the back upright. i know that people complain about muscle relaxants that they make them sleepy but that is only for about a week till your body gets use to them , then they work really well in keeping the muscles more relaxed...I take one daily and it help a lot with the back pain i have. but with the pain meds you have too it should be a good combination so that you could reduce your drug dose some...i dont recomend you do any of this with out your doctors approval , well you h the couldnt with the relaxantant. I t is a scrip med.

well that is my take on this  1. try spliting dose  into morning and evening dose...if that doesnt help on either end try 21/2 spoons in morning and 1 1/2 in late afternoon or when ever you can feel it starting to hurt again. no need to wait till you are fully hurting again.  love you girl maybe call your doctor and see if they think that will work or what? love you sweetie and sure do hate to see you hurt.



Bec M.
on 12/14/08 10:05 pm
Mimi  ~

I tried taking a lessor dose but then could not exercise with out hurting... it is the reason I am taking it in the first place... that is the exercise.  That dose usually lasts till about 1 or 2 in the after noon... I take it about 7:00 in the morning...

I get my exercise in with out hurting too bad but then if I am working the rest of the day I have to suffer so...  I tried cutting back to three teaspoons but I didn't make it all the way thru the exercise... I guess I agitate it so much back there that it takes a bigger dose... and then I'm still so much overweight maybe that is some of the reason too? 

I go to the doc in January and I will have a talk with him then about it... also going to ask about that cream you are using and other ways to get pain control... I know when I had lost down before (234) I was not having as much back pain but then I was not exercising this much either...  I just don't want to give up the exercise...at this point anyway even if I have to hurt the rest of the day...  I know I only have a certain amount of time here and I need to make the most of it.

Thank you Mimi for your suggestions... after the holidays I will see what I can do to work out a better situation. 
Susan W.
on 12/14/08 8:42 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning to all sure is cold this morning jan i know how to cross stitch some andy is coughing some and his head is all stuffed up.if he want's some medicne i will be over later on for it thank's for the offer. sound's like you and sugar had a good time jan please be sure to let us know how sugar is doing we are praying for her.

bec i know you are readdy to see your girl's that makes christmas special no wearing your rug out in your house walking back and forth today lol. it is way too cold to walk outside and you might have ice around your house.how is paul and tito doing?

cor how are you feeling today you will get to feeling better you sure looked good in the hospital no more blood pressure pill's that is great.

peggy hope you are feeling better after that cake i am still on my pill's and insulin for my blood sugar problem's and if i eat the wrong thing i know it so i am starting to really watch what i eat like i had my surgery already i drink shake's with andy

have a good day everyone stay warm i am getting ready to have a cup of hot tea i will write again on tuesday after my doctor's app in forsyth god bless susan
on 12/14/08 9:01 pm - Dixon, MO

Jan Honey for some reason i am just having a hard time believing that you won't ever take anything away from me lol .   You enjoy those I am glad you got them . 

I sure hope Sugar gets all fixed up.

Jan you know maybe we were just drinking to many shakes and not eating enough you think I am wondering about taht cuz i wasn't eating to much and now i am eating meals and just drinking a couple shakes aday doing good I may have been getting to much protien cuzing ketones or what ever it is . Who knows all I know is I am very so much better now forsure and I like it .

Can't wait to see all again.

Love karen

BMI :  27.6    
on 12/14/08 10:15 pm
JAN   I sure hope Sugar is ok. If you had let me cook for you I would have worried I made her sick. Keep us posted. I hope you can get some use of the machine. If Susan can cross stitch you will get it done much faster than if I do it but I will if you need me to.
Yesterday wasn't such a good day for me. I ate something at a party that did not agree with me. I think it the lobster dip. I asked about what it was made with before I tried it. I do not know if I ate it to fast or it had something in it I shoudn't have. I felt awful. I did not throw up but felt like it for about an hour. I did have gas and bowel issues. Because of that I did not get my protien in yesterday or all my water. I was just to green to be able to drink anything. I plan to do better today and in the future I will not eat at parties unless its a single ingredient and I have eaten it before.
Its icy here today and cold Thank goodness I do not have to go outside. I may not even try for the mailbox today.

Peggy M
on 12/14/08 10:45 pm - Raymore, MO
Ggggggood Mmmmmmorning Mmmmmmissouri....

I am going to do everything in my power to stay inside today.  I about froze yesterday and there is plenty to do in here.  The kids will be here Saturday so I need to clean a little, laundry, gift wrapping, work on cards and on and on.  All the same stuff we all do every day.  At least the sun is kinda shining this morning.

I am so glad you all had such a good time at the BBF Christmas party!  I know how it made me feel to have everybody here and to meet and squeeze, so I know that more special friendships were made Saturday.

I am SO concerned about Sugar!  I hope to hear that she is better.  And Susie got yucky, too...poor kid.  Now Andy is getting sick and boy will Susan have her hands full with that ornery boy!  But I am thankful (Thank You God) that Jeanine is home...even tho she's not quite at 100% and that Janet had a much better day with less pain (YIPPEE)!!!

You would not believe how I miss you all!  I so want to come down next Monday, I just don't know and it kills me.  I think the kids will have other plans but I know hubby can't go because of work and I'm always afraid of the weather.  We will see, tho, I'm still working on plans.

I need to get busy, but I want you all to know that I think of each and every one of you during the day, even if I can't think to respond to each of you.

Love you all
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
on 12/15/08 12:31 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Hello and Good Morning from the North Pole....O-I mean, Diamond, MO.....Folks-where the temp is 12 and the windchill is NOW 5.....when I got up at 5 am, it was -11 windchill......Boys and Girls-can you say-its way too cold for any sane person to be outside? And-I ask, what do we have to show for it here? Any beautiful snow? (except for where dogs or whatever animals leave their yellow spots-LOL) Nope, no real snow. We got some-but its spotty, at best.....but-IF your an ice skater-you got it made-because everything here is ICE!

I live in the middle of nowhere and where we get plowed/sanded pretty much last-LOL, and I knew it was bad at 11 pm when I saw 2 plows/sanders on our road! WoW! No schools around here are open, not even the colleges-and they are ALWAYS the last to close-ecspically MSSU...and yep, its closed. Mike called me on his way to work-3 times actually, to let me know that it was ALL ICE-even with the sanding, that the roads were really bad! He has to travel on his job and sometimes logs a couple hundred miles a day-said today that he wont be going anywhere-he will just be in the office. He said on the highway, the speeds didnt get above 35, and the other vehicles he did see-were all driving the same way-thank God!

Well, I have to say that yesterday-I spent my day in Awe. I STILL cannot believe how good I felt, ALL DAY yesterday! It was a dream come true! I wanted so badly to do everything, but was smart enough to back off and not invite trouble.....meaning, hurting my back and starting the pain again. I was so afraid of starting something! I did manage to get 3 boxes of Christmas stuff unpacked, and of course-other stuff packed up from the fireplace mantel, shelving units, things like that! I was in amazement. I caught up on the laundry and then I took the boys to do some of their Christmas shopping. Mike was going to take them to get for me-but he had been chopping and splitting wood all weekend and he was sore and stiff and still had to get the splitter and etc put back and the 4 wheeler back to mom and dads with the trailer and etc.....so I decided to take them, instead. I really wanted to meet up with Stephanie too-before she went to work, but she was off shopping with her grandma and best friend, Rose. She was on the opposite end of town too-darn it. I told her that IF the storm passed by us, I would come in today....guess thats not happening!

Today-there is no school, and so we are going to finish putting up the Christmas decorations, and we are going to bake and decorate sugar cookies! I have a wreath left to decorate and get put up and then I usually decorate the lattice around my inspiration station (computer and desk), but I dont think I am going to do all of the lattice this year. Seems like a lot of work, when Christmas is a little over a week away and then taking it all back down shortly after. The house does look festive tho, and the tree looks so nice with the lights on it and all the ornaments-and then the fireplace going and our stockings hung up-I just LOVE that feeling! We spent a lot of time last night making sure all our animitronics all had their batteries in them and were working correctly. We lost the snoring santa-wont work, even with new batteries.....not to despair tho-the dancing snowman and santa boogey and move their behinds, then Santa and Mrs Claus sing and sway back and forth while looking at their list of naughty and nice kids (they are the old time Santa theme-) Then we have Pooh and his honey pot, we have reindeer that dance and my-too much to list! Jon loves it all tho and would love it if I just let him keep hitting all the buttons!! No way! We arent going to get our inflattables put out this year-it has just been too windy! We didnt get the lights on the house either-we have been waiting because they were going to put new siding on the house before the end of the year and we didnt want to have to do all the work twice......so-its just some lighted candy canes and snowmen lining the driveway and then some of my misc woodsy/art stuff-like ladders with reindeer that light up and things like that.....

Did I tell you how excited I am to have a break from that stinking pain? As I sit here and type this, I just KNOW, as I am breathing-that THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD! THANK YOU, GOD!~ Let me get sentimental for a minute, and dont get me wrong, I still have had to take some pain meds.....but, peeps-NOTHING like even last week AND-all of this after a fall off a footstool that had me in the most pain I have ever been in..ever! I laid on the couch, praying to die IF I had to live in that pain! It was the worst! When I went to the ER, I did get a shot-but it didnt last but a couple of hours. I was really grateful for those hours-but the pain came back with a vengeance-and I truly felt like I didnt have the will to live-it was a horrible couple of days here. I didnt even know that my dear daughter was over here every single day ALL Day, because she was afraid to leave me alone-and Mike didnt want me alone either. They both tell me now, how horrible I looked then.......so.....for me to first of all, wake up and move without crying-its a big deal....for me to move without crying AND without help in the morning-HUGE deal! No wetting myself before I can get to the bathroom, because my back wont loosen up and I cant move.....big deal!~ No popping pain pills before I even get my morning coffee-big deal! BIG, BIG DEAL! Not waking up 10 times at night, crying because of the pain-big deal! I walked yesterday, I stood, I felt like a human being-and I cannot even stress to you, how long it has been since I have felt that good-IF I even have since wls and all this back stuff came up! I found myself singing Christmas tunes while I was decorating the livingroom.....humming-and smiling....and hugging my kids and Mike-just because! Just because! I felt soooo good! Life is soooo good. Im sorry, I know I sound like a broken record-I just cant comprehend this! If you all knew what I live with, pain wise-every day-you would swear that you witnessed a miracle-and thats how we all feel here!!! It IS a miracle, to me-and I KNOW, that IT IS your PRAYERS AND GOD!!!! I can NEVER thank you guys enough! Never! I WISH......that I could live like this every single day-no telling what I could accomplish or what I could be when I grow up (LOL)-if I felt this good ALL the time!

Today isnt AS GOOD as yesterday on the pain scale, but it IS tolerable! To me-today is probably at a 5-but I CAN live with a 5-and I CAN do it nicely! Now, my main concern is not making it to KC tomorrow-and not being able to see the doc and get this all straightened out! I am praying that IF I have to reschedule it-that she can see me this week. I WANT so badly to stay positive that this pain level will stay this way and I will live happily ever after-but I am afraid of getting too excited and having this end! LOL....so-I am being cautiously happy.......for now. Guarded, if you will.

Megans OB doc had told her that she wouldnt approve those injections into her S1 nerve in her back right now, but Megan is getting worse every day and so her OB doc and her ortho doc spoke on Friday and he told Megan to be in the office first thing this morning for the first injection and he was going to do it himself-but they werent and still arent in. Told her that its probably best they arent, or Megan would want to drive on these roads....too young to be scared of the ice-and she has always had a little stick shift and I taught her how to drive in this stuff...BUT....then there is a time-that IF you dont have to go out-you dont! Period! So, maybe if you guys could say some prayers that she has some relief until she gets her injections started-Id appreciate that too!

Jon is doing much better too-and I think Sugar was onto something! I have been limiting his time spent in the "adult" livingroom, where the fireplace is-and it seems to be working, as far as him not getting sick, then better, then sick......Darrel has a little bit of a sinus issue right now, but he has been outside a lot-helping Mike do the wood-and so I have been keeping him on Clariton and he seems to be doing okay-not getting worse-so thats good!

So-seems like everyone doing good, huh? Scary to me-how sad is that? Kinda like waiting for the next shoe to fall?! I hate to be that way-but this year has just been so overwhelming, that you feel scared to be happy or to allow yourself to feel that good! Altho-Molly (my designer dog-LOL) gave me a huge scare last night! I came home with the boys from shopping and usually she is at the door jumping all over me-and she didnt even greet us-I called and called her and she wouldnt come to me-so I was getting really scared-she was in her crate and shaking like a leaf-wouldnt even lift her head. All I kept thinking was-OMG-Please dont let her die-I love that little turd and we are all so attached to her! So I took her out, wrapped her in a blanket, went to the couch, turned on the heating pad and we took turns holding her. A few hours later, she just came bouncing into the kitchen and sat up pretty-???? I was thanking God all over again! She is still doing good today-so maybe she just ate something out here that gave her an upset tummy or something? Who knows for sure....... Im just thankful that she feels better!

The boys and I are decorating our "blessings" box today. One of the things we are doing this year, either Christmas Eve, Christmas Day or New Years Eve-all depending on when ALL the kids can be with us-is to write things down and put them in the blessings box and we will read them out loud when we are all together. We arent going to read our own tho. I would like to make sure that everyone puts something down about each person in our family.....sometimes, we lose track of what someone does that we hold dear and near to our hearts! Steph gives the best hugs-and she is the most affectionate of all my children, well-her and Jon.....but she and I also disagreed the most-LOL...go figure that one out! Which reminds me-we have so much to do for graduation! As soon as the holidays are over-I have 3 birthdays in January-Jon and Steph are 2 of them and this is a big one for Steph-she will be 18! Then I have the baby coming in February and the baby shower to give, and I need to get Mackenzies area all done-then her birth (YAY YAY YAY)......then we have Stephanies graduation! WOW.....I am so praying that 2009 will be better for us! I simply cannot wait for the birth of the baby-but also for Stephanie to graduate-what an accomplishment that is-she has struggled so much! We are going to help her buy a car. Same rules as Megan had-and since she is graduating, we WILL be keeping our end of the bargain-each kid gets it........but they have to pay for part of it-and they MUST have insurance and keep it. So, they must have a job to pay the insurance-LOL....we wont put them on ours-we did with Megan and she got in an accident and our insurance went way sky high-and of course, we had to pay it!

Ok-well, I need to get this posted-and get another post up about the COF Christmas party! I did some shopping for the party yesterday and that was fun! I cannot wait! We are going to have so much fun....Praying for good weather and a good turn out!

So glad to see Jeanine is home! AMEN! More prayers answered! Cor is doing good, Baby and Barbara are recovering.....now-if we can keep everyone healthy-we will have it made! Please take care everyone, and if you have this bad weather-use extra caution and allow yourself extra time to get to where your going-IF you have to leave and venture out in this crud!

As always-your all in my thoughts and prayers! Have a good day and a wonderful week!!! May we all remember the reason for the season and count your blessings-and among mine-I count all of you- I love you all and hold you close to my heart! Love, Janet

on 12/15/08 12:54 am - Concordia, MO
Just a short reply to you Janet. I praise and thank the Lord for the pain free moments you have and will continue to keep you in my prayers.  I wish I could tell you to take Aleve but I cant.  I have arthritis and take one a day and have for 3 years and so far it has not hurt me.  My doc said I could.  the only time I have pain is when I first get up I am stiff and after a good warm shower and all I feel great.  I bet it is beautiful at your house.  I have done some decorating also, and have my manger scene in front of the house, and with this wind the figures keep falling over.  I also have a big big lit wreath on front of house and a star.  Take care my friend.  One of these days I will meet you.  Cant come to cof  party.  Have obligations at church and with choir.  Colette
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