Jan C.
on 12/13/08 1:22 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Oh wow I was getting all upset about them saying it was going to be bad Monday night cause I thought it was the night of our Christmas party lol we its ok our party is the 22nd not the 15th...am I rushing things or just too busy or what? 

I ask Brenda if she was coming to the party and she said I must really have her on my mind because that is the third time I have ask her this week lol

She said yes they were coming but she was coming naked so she wouldn’t get food on her clothes...i told her I would tell Janet and Sugar so they would know we have some cheap entertainment coming ...lol

Well im up , bathes, made a list of s tuff I need to take and getting it all in the truck and checked off my list.

Have to stop at the pharmacy on the way out and get my meds..her and stop at Kims and see .her and the babies for a minute ..drop off some clothes that she left at the house the last time she was here that the kids messed up ...i washed and am taking them back to her.

Well Sugar and I made the trip just fine...even tho that wind was crazy wild wasn’t it...i felt like I was being blown away and so so cold.

We had a great time with the girls up here at their party it was lots of fun ...and lots of food. My goodness what a mess of food...so much that we could have fed probably 100 weight loss people lol

Had lots of fun with everyone and meeting all their hubbys.

We are staying the night witllh Susie and her hubby Craig.they have a beautiful home up on the hill  beautiful home ...but the wind is b lowing something fierce here tonight  High it is me (Sugar) shhhhh! Don’t tell her that Im on here....love you all and don’t believe anything she says....lol!    well good grief I walk out of the room for a minute and here she is. Messing with my computer...


Lol nutty girl...


Well wanted to tell you all that im not going to do any responses tonight im just too tired and it is already 11pm by the time I responded to all of you it would be 2 or 3 in the morning. Don’t think I can last that long and no telling what all I said to you. So I will respond to you all tomorrow sometime during the day ...will put it all on the whats happening post on Sunday..so I will post this for whats happening on Sunday and you all can go ahead and post and I will to ...lol

Love all of you dearly and sure wish you all were up here with us.

And any of you that are debating on thinking about coming to the Christmas party on the 22nd...please please please get hold of Janet or Sugar or even me if you want to...and let us know for sure...they need to know so they will know how many tables to set up.....love and hugs to all of you and





Bec M.
on 12/13/08 8:58 pm
Good Morning Missouri,

I think I'm going to try and rest a little today... my back has just been screaming for days now... maybe if I just stop a bit it will settle down.  But I still have so much I want to get done!

Oh what a nice time I had last night at the BBF Christmas Party!!!

I simply loved meeting, Lynette, Karen, Raynetta, Sangie, Roxy, and seeing Susie again... Then of coarse I always love it when I get to see Sugar and Mimi!!! Those ladies are "sisters" you know... they have given a new meaning to me and my sis's relationship!!! ~tee hee

Marilyn and I had a real nice visit on the way down and back and when we got back in town she showed me where there is two AWESOME light displays!!! Man they were neat!!! You turn your radio on and the houses "dance" to the music!!!  Fantastic for just single family decorations!!!!  I'm going to take my girls to see them while when they are here...

Such a wonderful day!

I simply can't wait till next weeks COF party that one will also be sweet!!! as not only will I get to see all my wonderful friends but we will be picking up Crystal on her way up from Texas!!!  I have not seen her since May!!!  I'm so proud of her she got busy when she went back and has lost nearly 70 lbs.  My heart has went out to her... I can remember so very well all the struggles I had dieting that way!!! I nearly have wanted to cry for her watching her struggle so!  I am just so incredibly excited to see her!!!!  I'm not sure when AJ will come home depending on her work schedule but I get the mostest very best hugs from her!!!  It thrills me!!!

I need to get my Christmas Cards addressed and ready to be mailed.... and do just some regular ole house work....

That wind is blowing so very strong this morning but Paul said it is warm yet... better get myself on out there and do my thing!!!

You all have a wonderful wonderful day!


Susan W.
on 12/13/08 10:27 pm - Tulsa, OK
Good morning to all sure sound's like you all had a good time at the party i will be at the next one with andy we sure are looking foward to seeing everyone. jan was sugar good or should i say were you good lol.the wind was blowing here too was kinda warm then it started to cool off again monday is going to be the cold day.

bec did you get your craft's finished i love to do craft's i make a few thing's not much you sure have the gift for making thing's watch the wind does not blow you away when you go to walk i hope next time we are there we can walk togther on your road .

i am really getting excited about the party and my doctor's app one week from monday it is coming fast i got my one letter back from one of my doctor's the other one should be here in a day or two for my app on tuesday they told me the doctor could fax his report in andy is going to help me fill out the rest of my paper work this week and everything will be ready to go.thank's again for all the support everyone has given to me i never thought a year ago i would be having this surgery.

have a good day everyone please keep andy in your prayer's he is sick today he got a bad cold we want him to get rid of it before thursday since he has to go for the rest of his test's god bless susan
on 12/13/08 10:41 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Auntie Jan and OH Family,

Another week gone, and I just cant believe how fast the time is flying! Im not nearly ready for the holiday season yet!! I guess its coming whether or not I "feel" ready for it, huh?

As for that-Jan-QUIT trying to take time away-I NEED that extra week! LOL...I know your excited, but come on now! When I read your post-I had to go take a second look and thought, oh man, am I in trouble IF its this Monday coming up! But, thank goodness-it was your mistake and not mine! LOL.....

Please pray that we dont get this nasty old weather OR if we do-that it is GONE before I have to go to KC on Tuesday! I HAVE to go see my pain management doc and get a release to be seen in Branson and also go over my results from a scan I had done for osteoporosis and then the results from my broken tailbone and how that is doing. Anyway-everything in my future, for the new pain management clinic and their injections and then the arthritis specialist are ALL riding on my appt on Tues......and I REALLY need to talk to her and get some meds tweaked and changed. I do NOT want to be on so much pain medication, I WANT and NEED a change and I am starting to take all of this in my own hands-and started by going to the library and checking out all the books I could find on arthritis, djd, ddd, osteoarthritis and all of the meds and things like that. I guess that was the first step for me, but I know that there are other options out there. Plus, I am going to ask for the gel that Jan has-for the pain. I hope it can help me, like it has her.

It was so good to see that everyone had such a good time at the BBF Christmas party yesterday! How I wish I could have gone and met everyone, AND see those I already know and love. One of these days-hopefully this next summer and the reunion, we can ALL get together, with all of our families and just have wonderful fellowship and fun for the whole weekend! How awesome that is going to be! I cant wait!

***Has anyone heard anything about Jeanine? I wish we would get some good news! I tried to call yesterday and got voice mail. I didnt remember her husbands name-but I left a message asking him to call me or one of the other gals-Jan or Bec or someone and keep us posted. Hopefully someone will get a call today?

I have some AWESOME NEWS.....and I thought about keeping it to myself, because I am so afraid that it wont last-but yesterday and so far this morning-are the best my back, hips and knees (plus my right foot) have felt in, I cant tell you how long! All of this, in spite of, a fall off of a stupid footstool I stood on, to hang some lights off the top of the tree that I couldnt reach! I had gone to the ER the day after the fall and they did give me a shot, it lasted for about 5 hrs or so-and then the pain was the worst I had ever had. I was in the deepest despair I have ever been in-and literally spent some 20+ hours on my couch, just crying and wanting to die! When I had posted and asked for prayer-I was just on my last nerve-the last inch-whatever you want to call it-but it was bad. Friday, I was totally exhausted-and I couldnt sleep, but I didnt have ANY energy to speak of-but when I got up on Saturday, the pain was probably at a 6 or so (from off the charts previously)-and as the day progressed, the pain was less and less. I did NOT do anything that would cause any pain-not even lift a laundry basket-I just was AND am so amazed. I can FEEL your prayers and I know that they are helping. I know that I am going to still have some pain again and this isnt a forever fix....but it sure feels nice NOT to be off the charts with pain 24/7 and I want to THANK YOU ALL WHO PRAY FOR ME!!!! I APPRECIATE IT! If its only for a day or two-boy, oh, boy will I take it! I am so incredibly happy right now and I just am overwhelmed that I feel this good. I would do anything to feel like this every single day! I also have been fighting the scale BIG time. Lack of excercise, not eating right and the steroids I was put on-have caused me to gain 7# and I cannot get the scale to budge-but I will take those pounds if it means my feeling this good. I dont want it to invite friends, but it will be okay-or at least I keep telling myself that! LOL.

So today, with lots of help, I am going to get the rest of the decorations up in the house and then later this afternoon, I am picking up Stephanie and taking her and the boys to get their Christmas shopping done for Mike. I woke up at 4 am and started getting my Christmas cards done and I have a package I need to get sent out to my secret pal. I have been saving one of the presents for a couple of months now-the biggie...and then, have added to it here and there-so I really hope that she will enjoy what I got her! I know she will-she is one very special lady and I love her dearly!

Im so very happy that Cor is doing so well! It just makes me excited that another person who went through so much to get the surgery-the denials and such and FINALLY got approved! Its simply wonderful! I am also so happy that Baby is home with Barbara where she belongs! YAY! Now-if we would just get that good news on Jeanine-it would be the best!

Please remember Bec in prayer as she is dealing with overwhelming pain in her back too! I know how that feels, all too well and just hate that she is going through that too! Lets also remember Sugars clan and their illnesses and financial struggles! Debs hubby for a job that he would like- Vestas daughter and her upcoming surgery, and all of the others who are sick, or traveling or having issues.....

Well, peeps-I am going to get off here and make my guys one of their favorites for breakfast-biscuits and gravy and then get my day started. Its gonna be so hard not to over do it today considering this is the best I have felt in months and months! I want to thank you again-for the prayers and I wish I could hug each and every one of you and tell you what it means to me! I love and pray incredible blessings on all of you!

Have a wonderful day and make sure if you go outside-that you have something to hang on to-or put some weights on your shoes-cuz its every bit as windy today as it was yesterday! I thought that was the worst wind I had seen out here so far!!! Love and best wishes to all, Janet

on 12/14/08 4:59 am - Dixon, MO
i am so glad you are feeling better and you just kick that old Devil in the teeth when he tries to put that pain back on you .  Wish you could have been there to reonion would be great .

Love Karen
on 12/14/08 2:42 am

I had a great time at the BBF party. I needed a diversion from worrying about DH.I haven't been myself since he got sick,I am a worrier I guess.  He is better but he is not well by any means. Once he has the CT scan and we know if he has a problem with the aortic aneurysm we can go from there. True soldier he is he is off on a business trip. I hope he is careful what he eats and takes care.  I am concerned about his health and worried the diabetes has done some damage to his body.
I hate to go on and on about problems ,sorry. I did have fun at the party and it was so great having Jan and Sugar come back to my house for the night. They had to leave early so their DH's would be sure to have them home before the bad weather starts.They are so much fun.
Jan no excuse not to move now when its to cold. I was happy to find a home for "the machine" I have been trying to get it to a new home for several weeks.You helped me out by taking it. You have seen all my stuff so you know I need to get rid of much more My DH is happy every time I let go of something.

Angie and Karen you did such a great job on the party. Thank you so much for everything you did. Maybe next year I can help out. Becky the Santa suit is so cute. You are very creative. I am so glad you and Marilyn came. Marilyn I have orders to bring you beets next meeting, he felt so bad about the relish. He said he distracted you. Angie ,Craig said he can tell you have lost since he saw you last,Great job you will be smaller than me soon.

I wish I could go to the COF party but it just isn't going to work out. I will be at the next meeting.

Everyone batten down the hatches and hold on, this wind is wicked.


on 12/14/08 5:04 am - Dixon, MO
So glad you got to come last night . 

 Had my kids home today we had left overs from last night . I still have food lol. 

I did have a good time last night so glad for everyone that got to come.

Love to all Karen

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