I look Human again !!!
Goodmorning to all
Angie has I see has let ya know that I am haveing some issues I am not contagious. I have been have been having a few other things going on and I am swelling really bad 12 lbs of Fluid I have been a mess . Yesterday morning I about freaked out when I got up and seen myself , I yelled at my Hubby to come look at me it really scared me . I am getting rid of it now I am down all but 3 lbs . He told me to watch my salt and was I drinking to much which I do think all the time who knows DRINK DRINK DRINK and then Lol are you drinking to much.
I am sorry I didn't get the phone calls yesterday I was so out of it I slept all day because I haven't een able to sleep. I finally was able to get up and move around and function last night some and this Morning I feel pretty good. Doctor raised water pill 2 x aday and potassim , Told me not take Ultram or Topamax anymore and go off my allergy pill .
But Praise God my Bowels have been working now since he put me on Mirolax 17gms @ bedtime and I do benefiber 2 tsp. a day and 2 periolace @ bedtime.
I will be at the Party and I will have the food there just didn't expect to have this little ISSSUE to cause what it did . I am so sorry I wanted so bad to have it at my Home oh well I didn't know how things would be with me by Sat so I Angie and I thought it maybe a good Idea just have it at The LIbary so we could post and let everyone know a head of time so it would not be confusing come Sat . trying to change it then .
See ya at the Party !!!
Please keep me in your Prayers
Love to all Karen