I am trying to decide if I was really mistaken about Obama or if everyone else was fooled by him? I really hope and pray that I was mistaken..i hope he turns out to be one of the greats. And that he is able to turn things around , our country is in a mess that is for sure. I just hope it doesn’t get into a bigger mess, don’t know if that is possible lol....I told Joe the other day the price of gas dropping so fast before the election, I bet the day after the election it starts going back up and it has started ...that may seem like a coincidence to but I don’t really think so. Oh well not a lot that any of us can do about stuff except to pray.
I got up this morning and called Andy to see if he was ready to walk. I felt dizzy a little but went anyway but by the time I made it the first time around I was so dizzy that I couldn’t walk straight so I went back to the house to let Andy finish up our walk alone. Sorry Andy ...for flaking out on you , I was dizzy for quite awhile and then I started sweating like .crazy and I sure couldn’t figure that out...i guess it was something to do with my sinus or something I took a couple of sudafeds and some Tylenol and felt better.
Got to feeling fine so I helped Joe in the back yard cutting down Cannas and different flowers that had died. We have the straw there to put on everything but will wait till we have another cold spell which looks like will start in a day or two...
Tomorrow I have to move some more things but I got everything into the greenhouse today that I wanted in there and got it all moved around so I could still plant seeds ...
This morning early it was beautiful , sunshiny and calm and then it started being windy and started clouding up...you could feel the change coming on...the air was feeling damp...
Hasn’t rained here yet but it is getting colder.
Joe said to tell you all thanks for the prayers for his back , they are working. Today he said it was about a 7 so that is a great improvement. Hopefully tomorrow it will be a 6
Well Susie will be in surgery in the morning. (Thursday) we just need to remember her in prayer. Im sure Lynette will let us know when she get thu and is ok.
MOSWEETIE::::::: thanks for sharing some info about you and your life....did you look at my web site and my pictures of flowers? The web site that is right down by my signature...i have lots of pictures on there. Do you live in St.Louis too? Have you already had your surgery or just in the process? See you open up a little and I want more already. Lol ....dont let me scare you away ...im really harmless.
TAMMY-AMMY:::::::: so how is the little princess today? Did they decide what it was?
Well how fast did you go get those balloons ??? how cute she is quite the Princess isn’t she ?know that your daughter and princess are both in our prayers.
On Brenda do you know the name of the church he pastured in Fredericktown? I know it was a Baptist curch and was sort of small but don’t know the name of it.Anyone know?
JANET::::::::so so sorry about your mom that isn’t easy to deal with I know. Know that we all love you and will be praying about your mom too
I know this weather is making me hurt too. Does it more before than during actually ...
Janet you and Jon are doing so great a t schooling. Im really proud of both of you.
No one has IMd me saying they were you.
If they do I will know it is a lie since I know you don’t get on there.
Maybe Sugar might have one since I think you all wear about the same size. A parttime job would be neat I hope you get it. Who would watch Jon then?
SHEILA””::::::: good to see you on here again, so was work too hard on you yesterday.> I hope you will feel like going back Friday. Did it cause you to be in pain ? did your washer tear up/ THEY have then listed on Craigs list almost all the time some are cheap.
ANGIE:::::::are you ok now?? I bet that sort of got you scared didn’t it? Im glad that Lou and Bec found you some things since you were coming out of your old ones lol
Where have you been the last few days. I was wondering if you were sick or what.
Take care and keep in touch with us ok
SHANNON:::::::glad you liked the dreamfields pasta, and your family did too huh?
Ive heard of it a lot but haven’t tried it yet. I just don’t really want it to much ...
Yes it seems that most of the leaves here are already off and what it didn’t get the other day will tonight and tomorrow im afraid.
DEBBIE D::::::::: so sorry that David is sick but keep yourself werll. You know all the things to do to keep healthly so be sure and follow them ...
Stay safe too tonight...
Im closing this early because im not feeling very good right now. Will talk to you later.Good night and carry on without me. Love you all
Dear Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~
Please remember Susie in prayer this morning as she has her WLS today! Lets pray for a safe surgery and that the Lord is with her surgeon and nursing staff and also that she has a quick and uneventful recovery. Thanks. Please continue to pray for Peggy, Tammys grand-daughter Christa, her daughter, Ada-all three of them for their health and for total healing! Also-for Deb Ds hubby who is really sick. Well-since we are already on the subject-Jan hasnt been feeling well-and could use prayer for that-and then Joe and his pain. Thanks everyone! Your appreciated!
WOW-What a storm last night! Woke me out of a dead sleep and if I hear the rain on our tin roof-like I did-I knew it was bad~The lightening was like a strobe light! WOW! Anyway-we lost satellite for the longest time-and when it came back on-I changed it to our local channel-just to hear that we were in the tornado warning area and that it was headed right for Renee. They even named her town! I knew she had gone to bed extra early cuz she had to meet the transit at 4 this morning, but I text her anyway so she had time to get in her shelter. They said it would hit her area at 12:50 and it was 12:35. She said Tiff had just woke her up when I text her-and they went to the shelter. Thank God everyone was okay. We sustained some wind damage to some of our stuff-but thank God, nothing major-some of my pots broke when they were tossed across the porch and one of my favorite decorations I have had forever-the picket fence part busted apart when it was tossed-but other than that-its just picking everything up and putting it back where it belongs!
I am hurting today, but not nearly as bad as I have been the last 3 days with this front moving in. I am more accurate than the weather guy-I was telling my family that in the next 3-4 days the weather was going to change big time OR we were gonna get a helluva storm.....we got both-its cold AND it stormed!
Well, I STILL didnt get everything on my darn list checked off! Im so disgusted with it! Im disgusted with the pain AND limitations I have! I am upset that my family around me tells me ALL the time how they will come and help me OR us-and yet, no one ever shows up to do it! Thats when I get mad and say screw it and try to do it myself! ARGH! Cant do a lot though-so then that just adds to the disgust. I am bound and determined to have everything crossed off that stinking list by tomorrow come hell or high water! By that time, Im sure I will have a whole new list, tho!
I struggled with home-schooling yesterday. We were doing history and dinasours and Jon asked if the dinasours were scary and if he had to stay away from them-so I was explaining how they are extinct and then he wanted to know when the dogs and people will be distinct and then that opened up a big old can of worms that the more I tried to explain, the more confused I was making the little guy. So, I talked to Mike last night and he sat and talked to Jon this morning. Thank goodness. He did do a better job than I, of explaining it all. I was so happy about that. Today is the last "lesson" day and on Fridays we either do a field trip-with learning involved, of course-OR we do arts and crafts-so tomorrow we are doing arts and crafts-I went yesterday and got some projects for us to do-for Christmas presents too! Thats gonna be so cool! We got photo frames for him to make, and magnets for the fridge, for him to make...then we got a rudolph christmas hat-and the hat is already in one pc-but he decorates the rest of it-and he is going to wear it-OR have daddy wear it, on Christmas Eve-when they go put the reindeer food in the yard-so the reindeer can have some "snacks" while Santa is in the house eating his cookies and drinking his milk. The kids always make a bag-like the brown little sacks-only the white-and they decorate them so cute-usually will make it look like a reindeer or something along those lines-construction paper cut outs and glitter (the WHOLE BALL OF WAX-LOL)-whatever-and then they put the "reindeer" food in them (bunny food and bird seed combination) and then on Christmas Eve-they take their bags out - and spread it out on the sides and front and back of the house.....all 4 kids-each gets a side of the house.... I also bought some christmas sun catchers for him to make and his daddy asked if he could do that project with him....oh yeah-he would LOVE that! I think I may go back and get a couple more of the hats or other projects while they are still in stock. Will see.
I have to take Mikes crossbow in today so they can take the strings off and he can get it sent off to Barnett to fix. I forgot to take it yesterday-heck, I dont even remember telling Mike that I would take it in, but he swears that I did.....not gonna argue about it-Im just gonna go drop it off today and then Mike can pick it up on his way home. Then I am going to the police station-they are giving away locks for your firearms. Yes, we have a gun cabinet-BUT....I am still going to get the locks-they are free-and we will use them, in addition to it them being locked. We also have some really good sales at Albertsons right now, so I am going to stop and get a can of coffee for 5.77 and then they have their hamburger, tuna and chicken helpers for .89-so I am going to get a couple of those. I dont eat them-but the guys love them (YUCK)-and its a cheap meal-so I am gonna stock up on those! Thats half price. Then I have to stop and apply for a social security card for Darrel. So-Ive got a lot of running today and I have several phone calls to make too.
When I got up due to the storm-I had stepped out on the porch to look around (its covered)-because we dont have tornado sirens out here and all that good stuff-well, when I was coming back into the house-I see a card laying on my computer desk (we ALWAYS put the mail on the bar-and have for some 4 yrs now!) well-I got the most beautiful card from Tammy! I was standing there crying. Just touched my heart! So-Tammy-THANKS!!!! That means a lot to me! I love getting the e-cards and emails-but I love getting regular mail too! I send out quite a lot of cards too....I have what I call-the "Inspiration Station"-all started by Bec sending me scriptures that she had typed out on these really pretty cards-like recipe cards-but no lines and beautiful flowers on them...anyway-and then Renee gave me the beautiful wrought iron cross....well, then because of the lattice I have all surrounding my desk-from about 4 feet up from the wall-I started putting the cards and pics etc-on the lattice-and then there is a ledge where I put little angels and knick knacks and such - and I get to sit and look at all my blessings and beautiful things that people send me!!! It sure means the world to me-and this IS my favorite place in the whole house-because it reminds me of where I started-how far Ive come and how many lives have touched mine-and how many friends and family I have made through this journey!!! Its a constant reminder of my blessings and I love it!
Darrel is spending the weekend with his friend. Im glad that he is going over there-because Jarrods dad-he is so "dry" and serious-and he wont even let Jarrod wear shirts with ANY design on them-NO sayings, no pictures. He has to wear dress shirts at all times, he cannot go to places like Chuck E. Cheese or til****ch cartoons...nothing. He is an only child and his dad says that when you turn 13, its time to grow up and start acting more serious and get yourself ready for college. Dont get me wrong, I believe in responsibility too-you can ask my kids-BUT....Darrel wore one of his NHRA John Force 13th championship t-shirts over there last time and got a big old lecture about growing up and taking the world seriously. He said that we, as parents, should set a good example....next time I went to pick Darrel up-I wore my t-shirt that said FEAR THIS-with a great big monster, mean looking mustang on the front of it!!! Whimps and Wussies-stay off the road!~ LOL....then last time-I wore my shirt that says - Stressed out-with a smiley face (jagged mouth-and a couple of curly hairs on top of its head)!!! LOL LOL!~ Jarrod is a really nice kid-but a TOTAL NERD! But-he and Darrel get along great! They play a lot of chess and stuff like that. I think its great-but it always makes me feel better to have Darrel there-then have Jarrod here-because his dad is so different-and Mike and I are more relaxed....
I sure cant wait until the holidays are over! I am GOING to get my book finished. Its been on my heart a lot lately-and I am really excited about getting it all finished-getting the pictures added to it and getting it sent in. I have such a good feeling about it-wish me luck!
Well, I am going to get my responses done and get Jons lesson done for the day so we can get our errands run. We have to finish up yesterdays lesson first-because we ran out of time, so....I better get to it. All my chores are already done for the most part...so Im ready for my day!
*********Update on Tammys Grand-daughter, Christa-I text Tammy this morning and she said Ada had just called her and said that the doc came in and said that they could come home-so Tammy was on her way to go get them. She didnt know yet what the test results showed-said she would know more after she got there and got them picked up and would let me know!! Please continue to pray that they keep recovering quickly for complete healing!!! Thanks!
**Jan-Im so sorry you arent feeling well. I wonder what the heck? Why so dizzy? You got your flu shot and everything-????
If I get a part time job-Vikki and Erik will watch him IF Megan cant make it out this way to do it. I wont let him go to her place-so if she can come out here, great-and if not, then they will. Im keeping my fingers crossed and know if its meant to be-it will...... Take care-hope your feeling better. Love you and tell mr. joe hi-hope his back is better today and love him too!
**Tammy-Im so glad the girls get to go home today!! YAY! Have you heard from Brenda yet? I wonder......I wouldnt think she would move now-since Sydney is living with them and doing daycare out of the house...and she is due around Christmas or close to it......Hope all is well with them. Brenda DID mention in her last post that she was getting really depressed and that Dennis couldnt keep any protein down....please keep us posted.
Thanks for the beautiful card! I LOVE IT!!!! I appreciate you thinking of me. Love you and MISS YOU so much!
**Renee-So glad everything worked out last night and that Tiff was the one who woke you up-LOL... However-Id rather wake you up to get you to safety-than to take the chance of you blowing away in the storm!
Praying for travelers mercy today! Know that you and Lou have your class today! Glad you got the driver you love! I will talk to you soon, you know!! Love you!
**Sheila-Glad work went okay for you! I will keep my eyes open for a washer for you-however, I dont know how we would get it there-LOL....Check out Craigs list though-its easy to navigate in there and to me, is 10x better than ebay!
Hope to see you soon! love ya!
**Sandy-I love the dreamfields line too! Thats all I buy now for the family. I dont get to eat much of it-but I love that its low carb AND has so much protein-makes the treat even better!
If your finances and all work out-will you be down this way on Dec 22nd? We would love to see you at the party!! That would be AWESOME!
**Bec-Will you take pics of the tablecloth was it, when your done? Would love to see it! I can imagine, with you guys' talent-that its just breath-taking!
I think your family will like the dreamfields line of pasta as much as mine does! Its all I have here now, and I use it when we have company and no one even knows! LOL...Some good stuff-thats for sure!
Love ya and glad everything is going great for ya!
**Mosweetie-Hello.....Hope you have a good day!
**Deb D-How is hubby today? Did he go back today or is he giving himself another day to rest? I am praying for him-AND for you too-please keep us posted-I hope its an easy fix! Love ya!
**Andy-How are you feeling? Hope all is well.
**Sug-WHERE ARE YOU? Hope everything is okay...Love ya
**Jeanine-WHERE ARE YOU? Hope everything is okay....Love ya
**Deb (pooh)-WHERE ARE YOU? Hope everything is okay....Love ya
**Angie-Hope your feeling better today!! Glad you got some clothes so you didnt have to streak!~ LOL...
Hope Im not forgetting anyone! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good day! Love, Janet
good evening every body..i just lost my whole post and i actually wrote a book 4 a change..........
i was surprised only 1 person replied to my wanting to know how to STOP losing weight....i never thought id hear my self say that, but i am down to 126 and if i had a TT that would make me small...was goin to check into the TT after 1st of yr but the thought of another surgery makes me wanna PUKE!!!! as if i dont have enough problems with LOOSE n WRINKLY skin i have a BIG knot where collar bone is so i look deformed......if i ever get a man we will have to have sex in the dark LOL
i am down to a size 4 and my 5s are getting loose OMG me in that small of a size is like a WOW.... i weigh less than Rach now thats a BIG DEAL to me.......never thought id see that day....
work went ok tues and i go tmrw for 4 hrs too........i have so many things i need done and i cant do em...kinda like janet every body says oh i be over n help u but heck no one shows up........if it wasnt for this dang shoulder n broken rib id do it my self......but rib has been BAD and hurting a lot....
well survivor is on gotta go
love ya all
I am sick right now I have bronchitis. Went to the dr. yesterday she gave me some anitbiotics and an inhaler said air wasn't flowing right in my lungs. I didn't go to work yesterday but tried today. I got to my class and the supervising teacher saw how out of breath I was and weezing so she made me go home. I wasn't sure I could stay very long there anyway. My back on the upper middle right side is now hurting. I'm just going to take it easy today and rest hopefully can go to work tomorrow.
I didn't realize how close I really was to my goal weight until someone at work this morning asked me how much I have lost total. I told her 172 lbs and that I wanted to lose about 45 more pounds. She looked at me and shook her head and told me I didn't need to lose that much more that I would be too skinny! I never thought I would ever hear that I'm too skinny that's a new one to me. I have less than 50 pounds to lose it doesn't seem like much really since I've already lost 172 pounds in 10 months. I know the last little weight we have to lose comes off more slowly so that will probably drive me crazy.
Per my dr.'s request I went and saw a dietician the other day due to eating difficulties. This lady wants me to eat something every hour even if it's just a bite or two of something. I thought she was crazy! She told me that I wasn't eating enough for how long I have been out of surgery and that I need to take in more. She wants me to cut back on my exercise until I can get in more calories. I don't know I think she wasn't much experienced with wls patients?
Well, I'm weezing and really tired so I going to sign off for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful day......
Healing prayers and hugs sent out for those in need!!!
I started a fire in the wood stove in the great room as the house is chilly. Supposed to get down in the 30's tonight with snow showers tomorrow. I am not ready for cold weather! Going to make a couple of loaves of english muffin bread to take to work tomorrow and yeast bread raises so good next to the stove so I really needed an excuse to start the stove up - LOL.
Dreamfield pasta is so good and It doesn't seem to get mushy from overcooking like regular pasta and the family cannot tell the differance so far.
Gas has only gone down 1 cent in the past 5 days...
Cannot get off to come and see you all on the 22nd. I don't have enough vacation time accumulated yet.
If anyone wants my home phone number - please email me and I will give it to you. My IM on yahoo is kvsgc and msn is s_g_curtis@hotmail Let me know yours so I can add you.
Take care everyone!
Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Hello all, I went to Muskogee and saw my friend who is planning her wedding...we did alot to get ready for it. I probably will go back in a week or so and do some more to help her. I left at 8pm on Tues night and arrived at 11pm and found out that Obama had won...that was a shock! Anyway, Then we played and worked all of yesterday and I didnt get home until 11 last night.
Tomorrow Im going to a taping of the Yakov show in Branson with some friends.
Please pray for my friend Mary and her daughter again, she just called and told me that the daughter had just overdosed again and they were headed to the hospital....So Sad! This makes the 3rd or 4th time for this. She threatens to do it alot and then occasionally does try it.... I cant imagine living with that fear constantly.
Im tired today so I think I will respond more tomorrow....hope everyone has a great evening. LOVE TO YOU ALL!