I am feeling so much better since having my gall bladder out last Tuesday!!! I am now drinking 1 protein a shake and my goal is 3 a day. I feel better now that I am doing atleast 1. I went to the Dr. yesterday with Jazlyn we went to an Urgent clinic. She has a sinus infection and Bronchitis. Poor baby, she just turned 7. I have an infection in my throat caused by the tube they put down your throat, mucas settled there and they didnt have me do the spirometer or have my cough at all, so mucas settled. I sound like someone that has smoked for 60 yrs... ( never smoked in my life) ;) I am very proud of the fact. It will go away, but I do have a RX to get filled if it doesnt get better in about the next 5 days. I am walking more and found a good way to drink my protein. I use the Vanilla Ice cream protein that Jan told me about and I mix it with crystal lite... Andrew told me about mixing them together and it doesnt taste bad at all. I feel so much better already just getting in a little more protein, I know when I get the 3 drinks in I will feel so AWESOME!! I was so scared that the protein drink would make me real sick again and it didnt!! I just didnt want to go through that pain and ill feeling again. I am losing daily and it feels great!! I am so glad that I had the WLS!!!!