Prayers Please
Love and Hugs Deb
(((DEB))) Prayers goin up for them & you as well for peace of mind. I had Skyler at 31 wks (I had Toxemia). She weighed 2 lb 12 oz & was 15 1/4 inches long. There were lots of babies much smaller than her & came out GREAT. She had some lung problems & had to be on a ventalator for several weeks & the first 2 years were rough. She had A LOT of ear infections & got sick easier than normal kids. But after that she was fine. Now she is a normal healthy, ornery ass 11 yr old. LOL Everything will be fine. You've got all of us praying & she is being watched closly now. Please keep us up on what's happening.
Love ya!!! (((HUGS))) Angy
Dear Deb,
My prayers are with your DIL, son and unborn baby-as well as you and the rest of the family. I am so sorry that this is happening. I am praying that there is something that they can do to keep the lil' guy safe and healthy until its closer to time! Please keep us posted. All my love and prayer to you and yours! Love, Janet