Good Election Day morning to you, Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~
Before I get into my regular post-one of our peeps NEEDS PRAYER! I got a text from Tammy-Ammy (or Tammy H) yesterday afternoon-she had dropped her daughter, Ada off at Urgent care-and she headed to the hospital with her grand-daughter, Christa....well-I got a text a little later that they were admitting Christa to the hospital and believe the lil' gal has Whopping Cough!!! Tammy said that Ada is real sick too-and that they were doping her up on real good antibiotics and such-because she wanted to be with Christa in the hospital!!! Tammy said that when they got ready to start the IV, that Christa was screaming bloody murder-Nannie-PLEASE DONT LET THEM HURT ME....PLEASE NANNIE!!! My heart just broke! I dont know how they treat that, if its catchy OR ?-does anyone know? Anyway-PLEASE pray for little Christa-she is Jons age-I believe she is 4-6....Cant remember for sure. Anyhow-please pray for her quick recovery and for her loved ones, to have strength and peace of mind-it is SO STRESSFUL for our little babies to be IN the hospital AND/OR when they are sick. Period! I havent heard anything from her today yet-but will keep everyone posted as I know. Thanks, in advance, for the prayers-I KNOW they are appreciated!!!!
PLEASE say some prayers for Peggy as well!! Not sure whats going on with her-but lets pray for her COMPLETE healing!!!
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Im going as soon as Im done posting. I have some stuff to do in Diamond anyway and Mikes adopted parents are going to watch Jon while I do.....
I am so FRUSTRATED-my lil' man is feeling PUNEY.....AGAIN!!! When will the madness end? Soon, I HOPE AND PRAY! He does real good, gets better and then the viscous cycle starts again! Is it the weather? I think it must be...Im pretty anal about them using hand sanitizer-I have bottles of it all over the house, in my purse, in the car-AND Im a LYSOL MANIAC, spraying every inch of this house AND the car-even the dog-LOL-AND.....I am faithful about his meds-so Im REALLY getting frustrated! Prayers, of course, being requested AND greatly appreciated!
Yesterday-holy cow! WHAT A BUSY, BUSY, DAY!!!! We ran out of time AND ENERGY with a list still as long as my arm! First, had to run into town and get my inspection done on the Suburban since when we went to go get the tags renewed on Friday-they said my inspection was only good for ONE year BECAUSE my GMC was an ODD YEAR VEHICLE-ARGH!!! AND...at that, the one I had expired on 10-27-08!!! 4 days!!! ARGH!!!! so, on Friday-it was late in the afternoon and it was too late to get to my mechanic that inspects for me. He was in Joplin and he leaves early on Friday-and his mechanics that do stay later-they dont do the inspections! I was so frustrated and I KNOW I paid for a 2 yr inspection last year-which was because of the state messing up with this odd and even year CRAP! So....I had to get money FIRST-and I was running around with expired tags-and-so I decided to just run to walmart, get my oil and tranny fluid, bunny food and a drink and have the check out give me a $20 at the end. Went down the road-waited for David (my inspector guy have known since Megan was 2!!!!), he and I have shared a lot of history!! LOL...anyway-David felt so bad about what happened-he would only take $5 for the inspection and I wouldve paid $20-cuz my horn doesnt work all the time and no one else would have waited for the dang thing to honk!!! LOL...David didnt even make me honk it! Ok-so THEN.... Had to rush home-get the paperwork to Vikki-so she could run and get the tags-and then the boys and I started on our outdoor stuff (darrel didnt have school yesterday) we got the porch done-which is like another freaking house, I swear!!! LOL....I went through about 10 boxes from storage that the kids brought over Saturday-trying to find the wedding boxes for Kayla (Renees daugther) and I was SO MAD-they werent there, OF COURSE!!! We moved a TON of stuff to the shelves in the laundry room AND stuff to the very outside corner of the garage-you couldnt pay me to WALK in that snake pit!!! I took down all of the Holloween decorations and boxed them up-Then, the boys brought over 3 rics of wood-and as I was arranging the porch, Darrel and Jon helped me move some stuff-and they stacked the rics of wood.....then Darrel weed eated the north side of the house where we were planting some bulbs and such-took the 4 wheeler back to mom and dad....then, mom got back with the new plates-and we got a FREE MONTH! They ran out of October plates-so we got November plates!! no additional cost to us either! SOOOO.. couldnt find the right screwdriver for that-so had to send the boys down to mom and dads, got the right kind, got the new plates on-take the screwdriver back....and away we go.....we went to Joplin AGAIN-went to pay the bills I didnt do in the morning-I just had that feeling that IF I pressed my luck I would get pulled over and get myself a ticket! So-we stopped and paid 2 bills, went over to storage to see if I could find the wedding boxes (OMG-it looks like a tornado in there AND....some of the boxes in the back corner, were soaked-OUR roof on the storage unit has leaked-) I stopped to talk to the office and they were closed-so I will go back today and talk to them and have them go to my unit with me-because I dont want to move anything until they can see it for themselves PLUS....my light in there isnt working-not sure if its just the bulb or what-but I want them to check that out too!! Then we went to the grocery store-stopped at the smoke shop-and came home...we finished up sweeping the porch and I started dinner. By the time we were done eating-I laid down on the couch-and before I knew it-I woke up and it was 4:30 in the morning, and Jon had fallen asleep on the floor next to me-and he had my valour blankie all wrapped him and I had his teeny tiny favorite blankie-which is crib sized-LOL... With Mickey Mouse-its his "woobie" but I dont care HOW much weight I lose-it will NEVER be long enough!! LOL-so it was just covering my feet, up to my knees and I had my big couch throw pillow covering my upper body.....The minute I sat up, well-the 10 minutes it took me to sit up-because my back was fried from falling asleep on that death trap (that couch is comfy to sit on, BUT DONT FALL ASLEEP ON IT!!!!) the dog starts licking my face and seems to be saying-you forgot to let me out last night before bed-and my bladder is GOING TO EXPLODE IF YOU DONT LET ME OUT!!! She is now jumping from the couch, to the front door-up on the couch, licking my face-and back to the front door-and just in case, I believe she is thinking-that I may not know what she wants-she is scratching at the front door for the added effect! ****pt thinking about that commercial where the people are playing some board game-and the dog is at the front door actually crossing its legs and so on? I kept thinking-I wonder if she will do that for special effect? LOL-sick puppy, arent I?-LOL) Oh CRAP! I dont wanna go out there! But...I do-and I feel bad that I have no clue what time the poor girl got let out last night-IF anyone else DID let her out!! LOL. Darrel went to bed early and Jon-he asked me-Mom, isnt it my bedtime YET? no, son, its not...He is like-Oh, well, how much LONGER? I said-Do YOU want it to be your bedtime? He yawns and says-it feels like it is-and so I look at the clock-8 pm-and said-oh yes, buddy it IS your bedtime....(well, it wasnt-cuz thats at 9-LOL)....told him because of time change, that it was making him tired earlier... anyway-he asked if he could lay next to me for a minute-and thats the last thing I remember, until 4:30....when I got up to walk the dog-Mike was up turning on the coffee pot. I think maybe Mike waking up, woke the dog-who, in turn, woke me! I still had a sink full of pans (That is soooo NOT ME!!!!) Darrel loaded the dishes in the dishwasher, but didnt wash the pans-told him I would do them on commercial-LOL....that commercial never came!
So-today, I am going to do my best to get the rest of the never ending list done! I feel like Santa and his list of kids to deliver to-like when I pull it out, it unravels and hits the ground and it just goes on and on and on......I need about 10 of me! I KNOW as soon as I get this list done and the house done-it will be the holidays-LOL.....I am THANKFUL tho-thankful that I CAN DO IT!!! So, I am not looking at this as a bad thing, rather-but a blessing that I am ABLE!!!!
Oh, and we just added one more thing to the list today-Jons favorite bunny (rattiest thing you EVER saw-) has a hole in his rear end-and so I have to put the doctor hat on today and put stitches in his rear and then put a band aid on it-LOL, for the "special" effect! He has 2 favorites-his lucky dog and his bunny and they both look like they have been left outside in a mud puddle-and are 50 yrs old they are so matted and tattered-but he LOVES them and so I just keep repairing them...they are so ragged, that I am afraid to wash them in the washing machine now-and have hand washed them for the last year or so!! LOL...
So, Im gonna get some responses in here real quick, and if I have time, get the first post out about the Christmas party-but there are some things we need to take care of at this months meeting....sooo on with it!!! LOL
**Jan-Weird....Ok-YOU left yourself wide open for that one!!! LoL-that actually feels too easy!~ I guess your in good company-because I stick to my good old ON too! 3 different varieties-and I usually just keep one until its gone. I like to keep the vanilla and/or choc to make peanut butter balls-but for the most part-I do strawberry and I, like you-LOVE to make the smoothies-strawberry IS my favorite. I have been using it faithfully for over 2 yrs now! I have tried countless other proteins-and this is my favorite. I dont mind the bullets-really-the orange are my favorite-but price wise, this works best for me to buy the big tub and it lasts for a couple of months.
That car is adorable and Mike did call and left a message for them yesterday-so will see. IF it runs good and we go down to see it-we will call you and maybe we can come say hi to you and Joe?
So happy to hear about Michele! What a true blessing and I just keep thanking God for it-AND still praying for her.....Maybe one time she could come to the meeting so we could all meet her? That would be great!!!
Hows mr. Joe-Joes back today? Too soon yet to know? I am praying he gets relief again!!!! Love you guys and will see ya soon!
**Andy-My goodness!!! What the heck is going on? I am SO SORRY to hear about your leg-but I am continuing to keep you AND Susan in my prayers! I am standing firm and claiming health and recovery for you AND we are claiming that Susan WILL be able to get her surgery and quick like-and you too!! IT WILL all work out! Wouldnt that be awesome if you could both have your procedures that same day and share a room? Please keep us posted and we love you both!
**Sheila-Glad you get to go back to work-I will be praying all goes well!!! Love ya and miss ya!
**Bev in KS-sweety, Im not sure how long it takes everyone else-but I am 2 yrs out-and my brain STILL sees me fat. Maybe not so much in the mirror anymore-BUT....When I am folding clothes or such-I STILL look at something and I CANNOT wrap MY mind around the fact that ITS MINE and I AM THE ONE WHO WORE IT!!! I STILL do that!!! PLUS-I STILL go to the plus sized section at any store-ALWAYS...even though nothing there fits me anymore-thats where you will find me. I dont know why. Its been 2 yrs. Well-at least a yr since I could fit into the regular misses or whatever-and I STILL go to the plus.... I have ALWAYS said-and I will maintain this even today-that the mental aspect of this surgery IS the hardest!!! Good luck tho. I can think of worse things to be mental about-LOL-and I didnt mean that aimed at anyone BUT ME ..... so dont anyone take that as a slam!
**Renee-Oh man-I think I would tell that OLD BAT to get on her vehicle (BROOM) and then (jackie gleason from the Honeymooners here) "TO THE MOON, ALICE!" freaking witch!!! I HATE that she treats all of you like that, and then THINKS she deserves the title of grandma! People just NEVER cease to amaze me, thats for sure!~
Just keep your bearings about you and it will be okay! Your doing awesome and I am proud of you!
Love ya!
**Susie-unfortunately, Im not gonna lie to you, the surgery doesnt fix the "head hunger" and it will be awhile before that goes away! BUT....your on your way and HOW EXCITING!!! A NEW LIFE!! YAY! Its PERFECTLY normal to be a little nervous and you know where we are-if you need extra support right now!!! Keep your eyes on the prize and I cant wait till your on the bench with us!
**Bec-your description of your walk with all of those dogs, reminds me of a Disney movie!!! LOL... You really should have someone take a pic to put in your journal-OR at least to send me one-I would LOVE to see that!!! So-your the leader? Ceasar Milan (sp?) from the Dog Whisperer would be so impressed by you!!! LOL.... Love ya and I am so pleased that your feeling so good!!! YAY!!!
**Sug-its funny, because I DO believe that Mike was my reward from God! He blessed me after years and years of.....well-Im not sure how to explain it-but....Mike was and IS everything that I ever dreamt of-but NEVER, in MY lifetime, did I think could happen to ME....almost magical. Mike and I are like one person and he is such a BIG part of my heart and soul. Anyway-we LOVE our life together, our family is our first and number one priority and we just do what we know we wanted AND missed when we were kids!
We will get through this. I just keep myself in check and I try real hard not to lose it around him. Its getting easier. I mean, he knows and he has seen me cry-but for the most part-I keep in check around him-and help him. Thanks for the thought of having Rick use his boat-but I dont think Mike would do real well with others around him that day. I know I will be going with him-but I just dont know how he will react and all that.....Better get that boat fixed for Rick tho!!! LOL-Fishing Fever is no laughing matter!!!
Will be talking or emailing soon! Love your hot tub story!! LOL....Wouldve loved to have seen that for myself-LOL....Love ya!
**Jeanine-its a good thing you posted, young lady-dont make me ground you!!! LOL...Hope things settle down for you soon! Love you and praying for ya!
**Barbara and Sandy-(and Jan, Sugar and anyone else who answered about the ashes) THANK YOU so much for sharing and giving me advice. I thought to myself that it would be okay to do it WHEN Mike was ready to deal with it-even if it was next Spring-but I didnt know what the protocol was-or expectations on something like that were! Of course, we WILL grant dads last wish-thats only right, since we told him that we would-but I didnt think it would be too awful to wait until Mike was ready to deal with it AND the weather was a little nicer.....we really WANT to fish when we do it-since dad said fishing trip-so....will keep you posted-and I sure appreciate you taking the time to let me know! Love you guys so much!!!
Well, I am off.....dun dun dun, dun dun dun....As always-you are in my thoughts and prayers-have a great day! Love, Janet
Hi Everyone!
What a gorgeous day it is outside! I went to go vote and had about a 2 minute wait then had to go get gas and its now down to $2.12 here.
Sis got to vote yesterday at the court house as she had to go back to Columbia to be at work at 7am this morning. I ran by her house and checked her mail then flew home to let by babies out to potty. I am so tired but if I were to take a nap I wouldn't sleep tonight. So when I am done checking my boards & email I am going outside and play around with the leaf blower to get the patio cleaned off then maybe wash the storm door windows as they look awful and I threw a load of clothes in the washer before I sat down here. Making myself keep busy so I won't take that nap.
Would I still shop at wally world if I won the lottery - have to here as that is the only super center we have.
Had an episode of being sick last night after supper. I ate about 3-4 oz. and then had an awful feeling of something being stuck above my pouch. I drank some tea but then I threw it up. It lasted about an hour. I sipped some hot tea later to get some fluids in and that helped. I am thinking that maybe I didn't chew something up well and that was what caused my discomfort. Am back down to 139 lbs. I don't want to weight this I want back to 160 to 170 as I feel better at that weight with my bone structure and being 5'8&1/2 inches tall. I never thought I would be wanting to gain weight ever!
Was going to ask for time off at work so I could come to the xmas party but the schedule is already made out thru the 1st part of January. Have a 4 day weekend for thanksgiving then off at noon on xmas eve thru the 28th which I will be in Springfield - depending on the weather and finances.
Have a great day!
I sure hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather as much as I am. It has been perfect. I know I shouldn't talk about it because I might jinx it, but Thank You God.
Everyone now has a dress but Kayela and myself. Kala, Tiff (maid of Honor), Tasha (brides maid), and myself went yesterday afternoon and got them. Talk about beautiful girl's. While we were there I had my first huge WOW moment. I tried two little black dresses on, both size 18 and they fit. No they didn't look all that great on but they fit. The one Kala had picked out for me was the first one I tried and I swear we had tears in our eyes when I opened the door with it all zipped up. After we calmed down Kala got on the phone with the police station (her and Lee are correction officer's) and they were all hooping and hollering to, of course I had to put in a text to Janet. It was just so exciting. No I still didn't buy a dress, I still want to hold off.
Jan I'm pretty sure I have talked about Jay before, but I may not have said his name. We have been friend's for like 20 years. Him and Kala have a real special friendship, he is her "adopted dad". Her real father was never really there for her, but Jay sure has been. He's also my friend with the bike who I plan to go to bike ralley's with this summer. Just real special.
Jeanine the kid's and I are having a blast doing everything, except for when the wicked lol grandma throws us a curve. I love spending all this special time with them.
It's wonderful to hear you are doing so good on the diet. I know it sucks big time, but trust me IT IS SO WORTH IT. If you need anything at all or just want to talk I'm here. My email addy is [email protected] and then to message me I'm [email protected]
Janet girl it was so good to talk to you today, I know we talked forever, but I hated getting off the phone. WE NEED TO GET TOGETHER SOOOON.
Thanks for letting me vent about Lucy (wicked grandmother). So far I have kept my mouth shut to her, but I feel it coming and it's not going to be pretty.
I love you and miss our time together.
Don't forget to look at the weekly weigh in.........I posted.
I hope everyone has a wonderful blessed night.
Love and Hugs