Jan C.
on 11/3/08 2:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Joe got his 3rd shot in his back this morning.I sure hope this series of them help him as much as the last ones did..after he got that done we went on over to take Michele to lunch. She is doing so well..Thank you everyone for all the prayers...please continue I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but she really does seem different than she was.

Even calm and peaceful I would say. I don’t think I have ever seen her like that before. , ever.

Went to wal mart, that seems to be the highlight of a trip out. Lol

Shoot you can buy so many things there. Makes for a fun time. I wonder if I would still shop there if I won a huge lottery????

Didn’t do a lot of other stuff, by the time we got home and unpacked everything. Was time to fix a small bite to eat for Joe and I made myself a protein shake...you know someone said yesterday about the protein shakes and that they get tired of one kind and have to find another one....i must be weird. , no comments not, but I have been using the same protein powder since before my surgery. I make it basically the same way all the time and im not tired of it yetwhen I make it into a strawberry smoothie I add splenda, and do almost any way I use it. Maybe that is the difference in what others do. , Just seems funny to me. I think I must be the only person in the world??? You think?  But I really do love the smoothies. Good stuff to me...taste just like a smoothie.


Another beautiful day today wasn’t it? But don’t get use to it from what they are saying. Seems like Wednesday is suppose t start turning cold.. I guess tomorrow I have to get my butt in gear putting up the rest of the things I need to get up. Im glad that we don’t have anything to do tomorrow. We have to get a lot of stuff done for sure. Before it gets tocold. ...hate to say that word for sure. ...was looking at elect blankets today...wanting one I think that is what I will ask for for a Christmas present lol.


SUSIE:::::: wow you have made it just one more day...ONE MORE DAY!!!!Yea!! I know you are ready aren’t you.? Bless your heart you have been an inspiration for everyone behind you ....we are polishing on the losers bench and have your spot all fixed up for you. Make up your mind right now that your NOT going to have any problems...we wont allow it ...lol .

Tell Lynette that she has to let us all know as soon as she does that you are ok and doing great.


MOSWEETIE::::: wow glad to see you back online with us.  Oh they say that if the cold  last more than 3 days it isn’t a cold but an allergie....what ever it is it makes you sick doesn’t it? Sounds like you have busy days now. Wait till you star to really feel better , you will be zooming.


SHEILA::::::: so whatdid  the Doctor say today? Hope he gave you some good news. Hope we will see you on the 24th you should be well by then shouldn’t you?


VESTA:::::: hey that is a great idea for you to come up to our Dec meeting and Christmas party, with Janet and Sugar planning it im sure we will have a wonderful time...maybe we can get a lot of different ones to come down for it. I would love that..

Will did drinking the ho****er help this morning. That is the reason I drink coffee every day. Works good.


SUGAR::::so did the work out and hot tub help your pain/?? SURE hope so I know that does hurt to fall...seems like it jars everything doesn’t it?

My calendar is something doing on the 2nd 3rd, 7th, 15th16th,19th20th21stand of course the 24th all of mine are in town and most are seeing this doctor or that one..Joe has most of the appointments  I have to see the hemotoligist again on the 20th the day after our road trip lol . yes I love the fact that I can get out and go places now...and after this doctor appointment on the 20th I think I will stop seeing them , lord every time you go to one they send you to someone else and im not goinjg to do the chase the doctor anymore.


Oh the bike ride was wonderful..the toys go to who ever does the toys for tots. I didn’t even ask ..i just like to ride lol   did you see my pictures on my profile...


Boy those cleaning jags are great sometimes aren’t they? I have to keep cleaning all the time cause my house is so little if I don’t I get overrun...


JANET:::::::oh my that was a horrible day for Mike and consequently you too.will continue to  keep all of you in prayer...


I don’t think there is any certain time you have to take care of the ashes..that is at the discretion of the person responsible. And when they can stand to deal with it.

You know you may have lost some relationships this past year but you have us....and we love you dearly girl...


That is so neat about you taking your kids at Christmas to buy toys for the toy run...it is really neat ...


Yeah I may try it who knows. We have a farmers market in Forsyth and one in Rock a way beach so I may try some of that next year...


Im excited about our Circle Of Friends Christmas party too. It will be awesome. I know with you and Janet working on that.


Did you see the cars I sent you yesterday with the picture ....the one in Forsyth is a really nice looking car and if I had an extra bit of money I would get it myself lol don’t know what it sounds like but looks nice anyway.


RENEE:::::::: so it is the wedding that is holding you up? Well it is against the law you know...you have to start each day here.


I think you are wise to wait a little longer on getting a dress .but if the black one was only a size smaller it might have been worth it


So who is Jay, don’t think I ever heard of this one.


LOU::::::you are such a beautiful woman I wish you would get that one head shot of you on as your avatar. , man you are beautiful  and you can tell a bunch that you have lost. And especially from the side.   Good luck on your trip to Columbia.... hope you don’t have any trouble finding Angies house.


DEB(pooh) so sorry that you are feeling (Just)WOULDN’T you rather be taking a handful of vits a day than being insulin or what ever else you ll ha to...hope you get to feeling better nd know tht we re praying that you get use to tthis///



You know maybe that is what everyone needs to do just say im wont even think that way about the protein, think of it like I do mine that it is and a real ice cream shake. Yummy . Im so glad that you are getting along so good.

And it is wonderful that your pain in your side is gone...great

. cant waitt till the 19th...

Sure hope you will just plan on coming  to see all of us  for our Christmas party ...wow would be so much fun and sounds like it is going to be great.


SHANNON:::::I guess it would be interesting to see just what all would happen if we messed with peoples clocks...


I reall like the mucinex too. When it gets into your lungs and your coughing like crazy but does it work for nasel congestion too. ?


Can you all tell that im about to fall asleep doing this...????


ANDY::::: boy I don’t know about you...Your legs were ok and now again. Darn.

Susan told me about she might be getting the surgery too. That is wonderful and would take care of her diabetic problem for good.

Cant wait till you  all have your meetings and such to tell us all about it.   Yeah that will be the day of the support meeting in November but that is ok  you can come to the one in December...


Well im getting off of here and going to bed



Love and hugs




on 11/3/08 6:23 pm - Clever, MO

If only I could VOTE VOTE VOTE! like they do in St Louis county...Im so mad at the media for already calling the election in so many places, its like we dont even count!

I know I would still shop at Walmart if I suddenly won the lottery...it is my 2nd home, where else would I spend my $?

Sure hope Joes back injections do him worlds of good...

And sis, I cannot believe you set your self up like that saying, that you must be wierd! Of course you are! Especially when it comes to those nasty protien drinks. LOL! Im just so glad that there are so many varieties of ways to get our protien. Some day someone will invent a pill. Still dont know why they couldnt put the powder in capsules???

By the way I read something the other day about getting your protien drink in right after exercise and then also eating a banana. It somehow helps you absorb the protien better and helps it work better. Ive been taking a banana to the gym with me for months and I eat it after I get done and after I finish my protien drink...so I was doing something good without even knowing it...lol!

Did water yoga yesterday along with 30 minutes of aerobics. After yoga we do our relaxation in the hot tub(with the jets off)  and man did I ever relax. I "woke up" looking down at the bottom of the tub and seeing those tiles and wondered just for a second, "where in the world am I?"    ~LMBO~ it was so funny. My chin had just dipped into the water because I was sooo relaxed..Im sure it was a sight! lol But boy it did help my soreness and stiffness. I felt so much better after that.

Bec, I just cant imagine walking as much as you do, I dont think I could keep up for sure. What protien are you doing? Did you like the Isopure at all?  Did you get my email about how many might be coming on the 19th? I think I will just have the 4 in my car, unless I hear from someone else.

Lou, are you going to go on the 19th? You could ride with us. Let me know if you think you might. WE are going to have lots of fun!

I may go to Muskogee today. Going to go help a freind decorate for her wedding.

Janet, it sounds like Mike had a horrible day, but Im so glad he has you to hold to during this time. God sure knew what he was doing when he paired you two up. The kids are blessed to have you 2 as parents. Just keep up the good work. I agree that there isnt a set time for scattering the ashes. God will let Mike know when it is time and it can happen now or spring or next fall...Our boat is on the fritz right now or I would ask Rick to take Mike to the fishing spot. A matter of fact hes got to see about getting it fixed, his fishing fever is raging.

Jan do you think you are going to meet us on the 14th at CrackerBarrell or at the play? Would love to see you. If your coming ask Steve to get seats with our group.

I think Chelle is going to go down and try to do some pics of him acting.

Is he going to try out for  the Peter Pan play? He could make a good Capt Hook! That should be a great play to go see too. Im coming down Friday to be a taping show at Yakov...some of the girls at the gym got tickets for it. We have to be there by 9:30 AM...that should be interesting. lol,

Well, I am going to go try on a dress I have and see if it is too big for me to wear to Sherri's wedding and if it fits, I need to go find a little shrug or something to wear over it. If it doesnt fit, I need to go find another dress. Something in fall colors before they sell out of them.

Gotta go vote this am and then to the gym and then shopping so Ill get off of here and see what other people are saying if anything...

Love to you all!




on 11/3/08 7:54 pm
Good Morning everyone. When do the hunger pains stop? I am hanging in there. I will be very busy today which is a good thing. I agreed to work again. I was planning not to. Then I will go vote and tonight I have a budget meeting at church. I have been packing my days so I won't have time to think about food. I can hardly believe today is my last day of slim fast. Tomorrow its clear liqiuds. I have to find my paper to see what I can have. I haven't even packed my bag yet. I am going up to the air force base Weds. to speed the night before surgery. Dh is gonna stay there while I am in the hospital. Thankfully my son will look after the house and keep the cat fed. I am glad its almost here. It seems like it has been forever coming. I have actually lost 8 pounds. Maybe tomorrow I will hit the 10 pound mark which was my goal. I did pull something out of my closet I haven't worn in a while and its too big. I was shocked. I didn't expect that. I an begining to get a bit nervous about it all and wonder should I? I am in no way gonna chicken out. I am just having second thoughts. Guess thats normal. I will be happy when I am back at home and its over and my new life begins.
Get out and vote everyone.


on 11/4/08 3:31 am - Dixon, MO


Yes that is normal and you will have those thoughts when you are in there waiting for them to come get you just pray and ask the Lord for his peace to come over you ,thats what i did tried to keep my mind off it, cause it takes them forever to come get ya sometimes.  You will be fine we are all praying for you . ( Can't wait till it is over for ya )  You hang in there .

I already Voted !!!! I just pray The LORDS will is done he knows all .

Love ya all

Jan ,

What kind protien powder do you use ? and how do you make it ?   I am the same way I drink Adkins choc royal all the time its my favorite only thing I buy .  I buy it by the case I do more drinking then eating.

Love Karen

on 11/3/08 8:12 pm
morning All, Not sure what today will bring this way we just take each day as it comes for a while. I think walmart is everyones store and it seem like I go in for a few things and before I know it I have a cart full I guess thats why it is called one stop shopping. Got hubby fed and off to work and now I need to get busy doing something here cause I know the phone will start ringing and someone will need something. Have a nice day and don't forget to vote.
Debbie D.
on 11/3/08 9:00 pm - KS
Good Morning, Mama Jan & MO Peeps!

DH and I just got back from voting.  We arrived at the voting place at 5:45am.  They opened at 6:00am and we got into vote around 6:30am.  I was going to wait and vote around 10am, however, decided to go vote with my hubby.  When we got there, there was a line about a block long.  Heavy turn out which is good. 

DH is sick!  He started coughing up stuff yesterday.  I know he has bronchitis.  He said he was going to go to work.  I kept telling him he needed to come back home and go back to bed.  Believe it or not, he took my advice!  We've got the humidifier on and I will call our doctor and get him in this afternoon.  Our PCP is only there from 1pm to 5pm, but his office is only a block from our house.  He's usually always booked, but he'll work David in I'm sure.

All the kids were going to come out tonight and watch the election returns, however, not going to be able to do that with David being sick.  Just as well, because I think the two oldest ones were voting opposite from what this household votes.  Would have made some interesting dinner conversation!  lol!

Jan - I hope those shots help Joe.  He is such a sweet person to have so much pain.  Glad to hear Michelle is still doing good.  Will continue to pray.

Bec - It was great to talk to you yesterday.  I can just imagine you walking with all those dogs.  Reminds me of the Pied Piper!  lol!  Can't wait to see you on the 19th.

Sugar - Will be great to see you on the 19th too!  I really need to start back doing the water aerobics. 

Peggy - Hon, I hope you get to go home today.  Sorry to hear you're having problems with the gb surgery.  Feel better soon!

Janet - Thanks for the pics.  They were really cute!  You're an AWESOME Mom! 

Barbara S. - Thanks for sharing pics of your Baby with us.  They are just like our babies aren't they?

MO Peeps - Hope everyone has a GREAT day and like Mama Jan said - "REMEMBER TO PRAY BEFORE YOU VOTE."  Good advice I would say!

Debbie D.
Sheila H.
on 11/3/08 9:16 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning
well the Dr said i was healing good so far and gave me a few more arm exercises to do but NO  lifting and got him to release me 4 part time work with right hand only...dont kno how thats gonna go but i go today for 4 hrs then if its ok i go fri too...said its gonna take time  to get over collar and rib refilled my pain pills so that helps...
i shou;d make it to group time will telllove n hugs

oh ya i have lost 131 lbs am 5 below goal n have been eatting everything n anything to keep from losing but its not working.....any ideas? help!!!
L. Rios
on 11/3/08 11:12 pm - Springfield, MO
Good Morning!  What a great day this is going to be. Exciting day in America.  Anyway the election goes we are witness to history. The first woman in office or the first African American.  Exciting times for our country.  I am getting ready to go renew my drivers license that expired and I forgot.  Man I hope I don't have to retake the test.  I'm not sure I could pass ha!  I found Angie some clothes and we will get together sometime on Thursday.  I'm looking forward to meeting her. 
Jan=  I'm trying to get my daughter Jade to help me with the avatar but we can't get it to shrink down.  I tried that thing Angie sent and no luck.  We will keep on trying.  Until then I will have to look like a South Park girl.  Thanks for the compliments.  Its really nice to hear. 
Sugar=  I wish I could go but I have family comming from Arizona to visit. I know you will all have a great time. 
Hope everyone has a wonderful day! (~.~) Lou
Bec M.
on 11/3/08 11:14 pm

Good Morning Missouri...

Don't have but a minute as I have a very busy day planned.... but wanted to pop in and say that Paul liked the Spenda Apple pie..... Shannon I also added a half a cup of no sugar natural frozen apple juice concentrate.... an it gave it a sweeter flavor... I guess....

Only 4 of the neighbor hood dogs walked with me this morning... down the two dobermans.... ~ha  It was simply a beautiful morning!  Lovely temp and light breeze so sunny and cool.... they say a big cold is coming in tomorrow evening....and then only to be in the upper 40's.... hope that doesn't cause a cold....

I am thinking of our dear Peggy this morning and hoping that they find out what is wrong with her.... praying she is much much better real soon!

Susie!!  You are almost there!  I'm so excited for you!

Jeanine ~ will try and call you tomorrow.... am thinking of you and hoping the liquids are going good...

Sugar you need to secretly tell me all the plans for the Christmas party!!! ~ tee hee  I so wish I could come! ...... I'm just as curious and a kid!

You asked about the protein I am using I have about 6 different ones I use trying not to get too tired of any of them.....  It's not that I just can't tolerate them.... it's that I don't like them.  But I know I have to do it the rest of my life .... that's why I won't let myself dwell too long on it... it has to be done just like the vits so I am just stubborn enough I guess that there are somethings that are off limits to dwell on and that's one of them..... I am going to be very glad to get those chewable b complex done they are the ones that gag me..... I will go on to a tablet next time I have to buy them......

Oh golly the time is getting away from me gotta run....

Love you all,

Jeanine S.
on 11/4/08 12:43 am - compton, AR
Good Morning everyone HUGS!!!!!

I am so glad to see so many excited about today's election, like Lou says either way its history in the making!!! I planned  to vote early as well but didn't get to, hope we wont have to stand in line to long today. gonna meet hubby on his lunch break and see if we can get in then to vote since he had to be at work before the polls opened today.

Life on liquids isn't to bad so far, I have been cooking for hubby too, cant say ha vent been tempted but it has so far been easier than I thought it would be. I have been trying to take my dear angels advice and think of it like life will be for me after surgery. So far the dress rehearsal is going good and I am sure praying it stays that way hehe.

Yesterday was so weird and busy!! I stocked up the pantry for DH and mama so hope except for a little cooking and freezing I wont have to worry about anyone being hungry or doing a lot until I feel more like me when I get home. Paid up all the bills thru the end of the month, wanna clean the carpets this weekend and that will finish all the deep cleaning i have yet to do. Yard was finally finished last weekend, so just have to clean up good before I go and maybe all we will have to do is relax, spend time with mama and get better!!

Weird part was had 4 people INCLUDING my ex husband call me to tell me he was getting a divorce, big shock when he only knew her a month before he married her, I had hoped they would make it so he was outta my hair. I haven't heard a peep from him even on my visits home in over a year was really nice. He wasn't nasty but asked how Steve and I were getting along, told him just like SOUL MATES should and that I would pray he found his, tho it STILL wasn't me!! Just was a shock to hear his voice, tho I expected to after he visited 2 of my sisters and my best friend who also called to warn me yesterday. I would've answered the phone but I knew my niece had a new cell number and all the caller ID showed was cell phone Ga. so I thought it might be her. Pray he will go back to the rock he was hiding under again and leave me alone!!

Not even the Ex can put a damper on my mood tho, I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!! I am so ready for this, I know as it gets closer I will probably have my moments when I am nervous, but I hope I will remain as Bec said she was and I am so far in that it took me ages to make this choice and get it thru now its just time, simple as that!! I just pray that I will do as well as all of you!! HUGS thank you all so much for being on this ride with me and showing me where all the pot holes are hidden and how to get over em!!! BIG HUGS!!!

DebbieD  HAHA I thought the same thing about Bec being the PiedPider!! I can just see her!! i hope your new kitchen is as wonderful as it sounds!!!

Lou they wont make ya take the test again trust me been there done that haha!! WOOT grats on your WLS man your doing GREAT!!!

Renee yes yes details, I know this wedding wasn't exactly what you wanted but they are such a time for joy!! I pray they will be happy together!! Don't make yourself to crazy helping plan I remember well how hard getting it all together can be, she is so lucky to have you to help her!! Take care of you while your so busy!!

Susie WOOOHOOOOOO girl you are so close you can almost taste it, I know it doesn't feel like it now but I just know this new life will taste better than anything you gave up the last couple weeks!! I am so very proud of you for no cheats and making it this far, I know you are gonna be amazing!! I am so excited for you!!!!

Bec  YUMMO I need that recipe apple pie is hubby favorite!! I plan to try and call you today if you don't beat me to it LOL!! I hope you have a wonderful day and remember to take a break or two in there for yourself!! Your walks sound like so much fun haha I could have that many leave my house and go with me hehe, I know we would be a sight walking down the mountain, haha!!

Sugar  HUGS Girl THANK YOU soooo much for your note today, meant a lot to me!!! I am so very blessed to have so many friends like you here!!! You made my day!! I cant wait to sit next to you on that shiny bench!!! I am so happy the hot tub helped you relax, i hope you are feeling like you old self again today, NO MORE FALLING!!!

Andy  NO FALLING for you either, I am glad to hear the new shoes are helping you!!! Please, Please take care of those legs, been there and done that and didn't think it was to bad, when I had a ulcer on swelled legs, then wound up with sever cellulitius, two weeks in the hospital and a year in wound care, NOT FUN!! Please take care my sweet friend, I sure would not wish that on anyone especially someone as sweet as you!! I am praying for your wife I hope she will get her surgery approved quickly, will be so wonderful to have such a wonderful couple to sit with on our happy looses bench!!! HUGS to you both!!!

Janet  I just got the email you sent me yesterday and thought it would be better to call to answer that one than try and tell you how I felt in a email. I hope I can get ya on the phone today, but mainly want you to KNOW I LOVE you and NOTHING you could EVER do would change that!!! I didn't get the email you thought upset me even, all I got was ADORABLE pics of you and your trickortreaters!! Thank  you for those!! I also got a cute pic of you with that weirdo woman y'all claim is me, LOL what kinda face was that I was making anyway, sad it was very sad, my half of it that is LOL. I am praying for you and your family, girl you plate is so full please know we all love you and you have a sea of shoulders to lean on, please let me know if my shoulder is EVER needed or if I can do anything to help you or family thru this hard time, or anything in the future as well!! LOVE YOU!!! HUGS!!!! I will try and reach you again later !!

Jan  I am praying for your sweet hubby Joe that his shots help him even more than his last set!!
I hope you guys will feel like riding all over with your hot rod selves and be like teenagers on your cruise!!! You two inspire us, as well as Sugar and her hubby, you guys make sexy, fun grandparents LOOK EASY!!

Sheila  I am glad you got some good news from the doctor, I sure hope it keeps getting better and you will soon be better than ever!! Please stay that way a while when you are all healed from this!! You have had a rough year, we are gonna have to call the bionic woman soon with all surgeries to switch and swap your parts you have been having!! Take care of you hun, HUGS!!

Peggy  I am praying for you sweetie, get better soon we sure miss you!!! I am so happy to see you have such a great hubby to take care of you!! Big HUGS I hope we will soon see you smiling face again get well!!! Love you!!! HUGS!!!!

I know I have forgotten people but the gallon of liquids I have drank already this morning wants out pretty bad now, especially being chased by my water pills LOL, so I better wrap this up hehe!! Not to mention all the things I still need to get done today!!

HUGS all have a wonderful day, know as always you are ALL in my thoughts and prayers!!!


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