Hi everyone! I'm getting ready to go to work. I'm going to go thew my clothes tonight for Angie and I will be going to Columbia on Thurday. ( Renee I'm glad to said that cause I thought it was Wed.) I posted some new pics on my profile. I can't really tell a difference( maybe a slight) from the front. But a big difference from the side. Oh well it is what it is. I hope everyone has a great day! (~.~) Lou
Just got home from the vet. went and got frontline for my babies.so hopefully it will take care of their fleas.It is some good stuff. I am so tired and just i dunno what ya wanna call it .I'm just. just LOL. Haven't slept for 2 nights.then as i am laying there this morning waiting for the alarm to go off at 5.i start thinking about all these vitamines and stuff and how for the rest of my life i will have to always take them.I know i know .I knew this is how it would be before i had the surgery.And i was and am ready to do whatever it takes .It is just now overwhelming me i guess.I don't really know how to explain what i'm feeling because i don't really know what i'm feeling.Anyone confused yet? LOL.Ya would think i would be upset because i can't eat but food isn't the issue.It is all these nasty pills day in day out.And protein .Ya get one you can stand then after a month of it you are sick of it.So then you gotta find a different one you like. I guess i'm just a big whinner today.I dunno what is going on with me but sure wi**** would just go away.Then i am 48 yrs old and have never in my life ever voted. But this year i feel i need to.But feel like if i do and we go to hell in a hand basket like we aren't already but anyways i feel it would be me that did it and if i don't and we do i feel it would be my fault also.Everyone tells me that my vote could be the one that makes a difference. And if i don't vote i can't complain. Not complain??? But i'm so good at it LOL. Sheesh i don't do good under pressure... can you tell ? LOL. Sorry but i won't be able to be there the 19th. Hope you all have a great time though.I go to Columbia for my 3 month checkup the 21st .Wow 3 months already.Dosen't seem that long ago.To everyone going through or coming upon the liquid diet just know that whats waiting at the end of it is so very much worth it.Even though i am so overwhelmed right now that i can't think straight i would still do it again. Well i need to get busy and do something productive today .Keep my warped lil mind busy so it dosen't have time to think alot LOL. I hope everyone has a great day filled with lots of happiness.
Love and Hugs Deb
Good Morning My Dear Missouri Friends!
I got my rear out there this morning at 7:00 a.m. to walk my 3.3 miles! ~tee hee It was much cooler! All six of the neighbors furry friends went with me! 2 dobermans, 1 shep, 1 short haired collie type, 1 blue heeler mix and 1 plain ole wiry mutt! ~ha And every one of them want lov'n the whole way... They nearly trip me... and I'm not all that stable on those honk'n tennis shoe heals anyway. I wish they would make a heavy duty tennis shoe that does not have that big ole platform for a heal. I hate them but need the good support.
It sure would be fun to come the COF Christmas Party! Janet ... you and Sugar talking about all that makes me think I'm going to miss out so big! Janet you are such a busy woman.... I'm so sorry you Mike had a difficult day yesterday.... and Sugar hope all the soreness goes real quick. I started upper body exercise this morning and boy oh boy did I lose all that I had worked for before surgery! In a big way too.... I have to start all over again...... I'm very stiff in my arms and such.... but I'll get out the pie filling cans and get with it again!~tee hee
{{{Deb}}} My heart goes out to you today! I pray that you will find a lasting peace that you have not known before. I know I am real tired of the chewable vits too and they nearly gag me but I am about done with them and will be able to go to the swallow-able ones just real soon. And I don't like the protein either but will simply NOT allow my mind go to there! If I don't allow myself to dwell on it then I seem to get along better with it....
I did have a good eating day yesterday though.... I had ****tail shrimp and string cheese.... then later I had 2 meat and cheese roll ups... and even a half a cup of cottage cheese in the day too.... that's the best I've done so far! I was thankful for that. But not all days are that good for sure and things go down hard.... the day before was just as bad as yesterday was good..... so we just have to take them as they come I guess.
Mimi~ I'm glad you are feeling better!
Peggy and Jeanine I tried to call you both this morning and did not get either for you.... I sure hope you both are ok!
Debbie Darl'n ~ It was good to talk to you as always I hope you found the escape route and was able to get it all fixed up! ~tee heeSangie ~ I think I found a few items of clothing for you... I will pm Marilyn and see if I can leave them with her early on Thursday morning on my way thru town. Kay?
Sheila ~ I sure hope the Dr. appt went well today!
I put some steaks in the crock pot this morning and they are starting to smell so good ... will add some veggies here in a minute.... I am on my way in there to make the pies for sure this time! I have put it off long enough! Paul should be happy with me tonight! Am going to make a Splenda apple pie and the diabetic pumpkin pie too.... Will see how Paul like them both.
I know did not address nearly all of you wonderful people but I love and pray the very best of days for you all!
Janet - There is no time limit on doing anything with the ashes. My Mom's are in a solid cherry double box/urn sitting on the shelf on top of the mirrow of my dresser. She will be buried when Dad passes on as he goes in the other side. After she died 11 years ago today (11/03/97) Dad got a memorial bench engraved and seated at the Gibbs union cemetary in her honor as she said there was never a place to sit there and rest etc... in her memory. Dad only wants a pinch of ashes put in his side and for each of us to take a bit and spread them at our favorite place we had with him. Almost all of us said the 77 acres of timber he owns which has 2 ponds and where we all learned to fish and hunt then we all decided that his favorite casinos would be the next place LOL but then they would just vacume them up there. That includes the Argosy and Harrahs in KC, Isle of Capri in Booneville, Terrible's Lakeside Casino in Oceola, IA and the most favorite is Mark Twain in LaGrange, MO. Dad is a fantastic card player and loves playing cards. He has a good retirement and watches what he spends - he is always telling us he is spending our inheritance. we just want him to be happy.
Got off work early today and decided I am going to ride my bike a bit as it has been 6 weeks since my surgery when I get off here.
Woke up at 3:12 this am and walked in to the great room and the clock on the microwave said 2:12. I had set all the clocks back except my alarm. I did not get back to sleep until 3:50 then the alarm went off at 4am so I am a bit tired now but if I take a nap I won't sleep tonight.
As far as alllergies and colds - I am so thankful for mucinex dm. This stuff is just dragging on.
For all who are on liquid diets - keep hanging in there - you can do it! I ate a lot of popsickles and chewed on crushed ice. My blender was my best friend. Post op I had a jello I got from medihealth in columbia which has 15 gms of protein in a 4 oz. serving. They also have broth and other protein foods which were a life saver for me after surgery.
You all have a great day!
My goodness what a day today, started out we just had a few errands and then back home, it ended up being gone ALL day and not getting home til after dark, ugh!! Susan had a couple Dr. appts then I ended up having one. The other day when I fell I fell right on my right knee and guess besides skinning my knee I hit the lower part of my leg cuz a day or so later I ended up getting a blister on the lower part of my leg and it popped and turned into an ulcer, ai yi yi. With the way my legs have been swollen in the past I have edema (sp) and the right leg is just sensitive when bumped i guess, anyway I ended up going to the dr to get it checked out, good thing I did, she wasnt pleased with how it looked so she's given me some special medicine gauze to put on it twice a day to get it healed and now have to go in once a week til its all healed, geee wizzzz, does it ever stop????? At least she said walking and excersie is good so I can continue to walk, just cant fall no more lol. I have some new shoes tho that will be much better support to walk in so I wont get twisted and fall.
On a much better note tho, I"ve been in touch with Missouri Bariatrics about getting a boost to finish losing the rest of my weight so I have an appt to get that checked out, possible doing a StomaphyX (sp) its a fairly new procedure to help shrink the pouch and stoma. My appt was for the day after christmas which wasnt bad but then Susan went to the Diabetic dr today and he wants her to get the Gastric Bypass to help improve her diabeties so we called Missouri Bar. back and they have one more seminar in columbia this year, they have others in dec but not sure where. The seminar is Nov. 24 at 7pm so they've changed my appt for that same day so now we can finally get Susan started on the journey of wls....w00t w00t....we are really excited about that, we just pray that things will happen as speedly as possible because we are not sure how long we can keep her Medicade with the spin down, once she starts getting a disability check her spin down will go way up, but we know as always the Lord has it all under His control. Well anyway, I just had to share that good news with y'all. Its kinda late and Im pooped so Im off to bed. Remember to vote tomorrow!!! Have a great day!!!
Janet and Bec tried to call you both today, will again tomorrow!!
Liquids going well no cheats except skipped a little protein today, LOL i am sloshing when i walk, not hungry but have cravings, I keep telling myself its all in my head!!
Hope you all had a wonderful day, Ill post tomorrow, Janet don't ground me please I have way to much to do LOL!!
You are in my prayers, HUGS talk to ya after a nap!!