Jan C.
on 11/2/08 12:52 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I felt so much better today....I took Nyquil capsules last night before bed and I slept like a baby and it finally got rid of that awful itching in my nostril. Lol I would have sworn I had a tick up my nose. Wouldn’t that have been something, maybe a first in history...it just about made me want t tear my nose off...


We went on the Toys for Tots ride on the bike was one beautiful day for a ride. Well we forgot to buy a toy till too late. We just gave them money...t hey said that was great. You should have seen the toys and coats and clothes that they had ...they had 5 big banquet tables probably seat 10 and all 5 of them were loaded down with toys and coats. Amazing for a bunch of old bikers. All sorts of clubs and bikers everything from CMA, BACA, and all sorts of other biker clubs. someone said that there were between 6 or 7 hundred bikes there....was quite the sight....ive got some pictures on my profile...of the run...we took all of this to the V F W  in Forsyth...so Joe and I just made a big circle. Lol What a great way to spend a beautiful afternoon...oh I put some pictures up of the toys for tots run....

The pictures I took going down the highway are my view from the back...lol I told Joe that would be a good title for a picture book if I was a good photographer...

Or a book written about what we see and do if I could write ...well guess I will just limp along.

Well tomorrow Joe goes for his 3rd in this series of pain shots in his back...I am just hoping for relief as much as he had with his last set a year ago...they lasted almost a year. That is so good. I know it felt good to him too.


KERRI””””””” we will get you directions to Peggy’s house ...Peggy can you get with Kerri and tell her how to get there. You are doing really well. Wish you would get some more pictures up in your profile.  I know you have changed a lot...

On the elephant ears...don’t really know it might have got too cold up in KC for them and they barely survived....did you have them mulched good?? When the leaves get frost bitten this year. Cut them off and put about 6 inches of straw or some sort of mulch over them....then come spring you can uncover them and hopefully they will grow faster than they did this year.


TAMMY V:::::::::: see that is why you need to go to your support group all the time. It has been proven that the people that go to their support groups all the time they succeed better than those that don’t. yes caffeine free soda and sugar free to  isn’t that bad but isn’t that good either...the carbonation in it isn’t good for you really.....you need at least 8 16 oz of water a day....do you know for sure that the bullets are whey protein and not gelatin protein? You need whey protein, and I do my first protein drink in coffee each morning...the protein and splenda make it taste like cappuccino...I do at least 2 and some times 3 a day even at 2 years out...will continue to do so too.

You are doing really well you have lost over 100 pounds and that sure isn’t anything to sneeze at for sure.

Name the puppy Chewwie after Chewbacca of Star Wars.

MOSWEETIE:::::::::Well did the hubby catch any fish? Or is he like my husband, who only donates to the conservation department .lol

That is good that you keep your weight even....I had surgery in 06 and I never vary more than a couple of pounds either way....is good to know that you can maintain isn’t it


COLETTE::::::::: I am so glad to hear from you and that your hubby is doing as good as he can.....have you quit work now?

Yeah don’t it just bugger you that you cant get that last bit off. Makes me so mad....i wont accept that it is our age lol no way...


LOU?::::::::you will have many many times that it just seems like you have stopped but that is where the measuring comes in...if you did it before surgery you will see what is happening....it is never a straight downward line of weight loss morse like stair steps...lose weight,,,,,then no weight and lose inches, then more weight , then more inches.   It is sort of exciting and I was always anxious to see how many inches I had lost really more than the weight. Oh Lou do you have some size 22/24s for Angie?? If you do maybe you wouldn’t mind donating them to her ....just at least 3 or 4 outfits. ...if so let me know will arrange for pickup before our trip on the 19th....do you want to go with us to KC that day too. We are going up to Peggys and then go shopping. Would love for you too...


DEB:::::::: are you going over to Peggys on the 19th? If so let me know and I will bring you some flowers....

Well did the tooth fairy finally come for Nickis tooth.? I remember my kids use to get as excited over that little bit of money as Christmas lol maybe they thought they had found a gold mine lol who knows.

Hope all is well with you today...REMEMBER NO MORE PASTA....it may be easy to eat but is loaded with Carbs and will make you dump...dont know why it is on your list....our doctor  says nothing WHITE//like no bread, no potatoes, no pasta, no sugar and no white flour...i know almost all of them say mashed potatos when you first get to pureed food but the amount you can eat at that stage is so small that it wont hurt you.

.take care and hope the bones feel better soon...


SUSIE::::::: honey you can have all the broth and sugar free popcycles you want ...and water you can flavor it with crystal light too. Just know that after surgery if you are drinking slim fast now you shouldn’t drink it after wards it has an awful lot of sugar in it.....you are all downhill now girl....2 more days and a wake up...wow ...this two days will go so fast because you are trying to get things done...dont forget the chapstick and most of all don’t forget the gas-x- the kind that melt on your tongue...they are strips ...if you have gas and you probably will take about 3 of them even while you are in hospital wont hurt you....will help...keep up the good work and congrats on the weight loss.


SUGAR::::::::: im really sorry that you are hurting from your fall , you don’t think you broke anything did you? Hope not. Cant have my sister laid up from falling. I guess cause im a lot closer to the ground it never seems to hurt me too much, well sometimes but I fall several times a month usually lol . just clumsy I gues ess. 


Maybe you can go to your massage therapist and get a good massage to ease the pains.


Im getting excited about our trip on the 19th...use to the thought of walking around in stores all day was enough to make me crawl in a hole. i still don’t shop often but doing so with a group will be lots more fun....

I promise Joe and I will come up soon and work on your yard.


Did you know that this will be the last season of the Promise? It closes Dec 19th I think...the owner is bringing in Peter Pan next year...that is sad isn’t it?


BEC:::::: oh PTL that the pesky pain in your side went away...you must have just pulled something trying to do to much right away...your still hot in the mid 70s??? I wear jeans and sweatshirts in the 70s ...don’t know what I will do in the 20s lol

Wow 23miles huh? Your quite a ways from home now are t you?








on 11/2/08 7:52 pm
Day number 12 today . Yipee almost there. Thank goodness I am working today to keep my mind busy. DH is still sick as a dog. I try to stay awayy from him but we always wind up in the same room. He has the worst cough now. That is still what worries me the most. I cannot get sick now. I do not think I could do this process all over again if I were to be to sick to have surgery and get cancelled.
I haven't even started to pack my bag for the hospital yet ,guess I better start thinking about what I need. Its getting close now and I am starting to be a little nervious. I know I will be fine but still It is a major surgery. You have all survived so I know I will to.Have a great day today and enjoy the nice weather. I do not think it will last much longer.


on 11/2/08 8:22 pm
It seems like everyone and their dog is getting this cold that is going around.It took me about 2 weeks to get over that bug and in the mornings still stuffy. Didn't get to walk yesterday went to spend time with my sister and her family her husband is fighting cancer and not doing very well at all. Have to run to Quincy and get things for my husband to eat and will probably be spending a lot of time with them the next few days. Then go see my mother in the nursing home and do some banking and not sure how the rest of the day will go. Have a nice day.
Sheila H.
on 11/2/08 9:43 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH  peeps
just wanted to say hi n let u all know im still alive, in a lot of pain but go to dr this am at 840 so if i could get a couple prayers that all is going good....tks
love n hugs
on 11/2/08 8:13 pm - pomona, MO
Good mornin Jan and board..

Jan I'm glad you are feeling better..yes I am needing to see you too...lol....

This time has me so messed up, my sleeping hrs are off, I wanna go to bed to early and get up way to early..

Bec you are sounding like your ole self now I am so glad you are getting it lined out, and I am needing to see you again too..

Janet I got the pictures thank you so much they were really cute, and you are looking wonderful .not even the Halloween  suit could cover that up..lol....I have never got to meet your little boy but he is the cutest little guy, and so is the other one ...

Well I am drinking the ho****er mug this morning, we will see if it helps me..sometimes I dont have a bit of trouble than...WHAMMO..something I am eating or not eating...but it sure gets hard to go at times....everyone have a good one....vesta


on 11/2/08 8:50 pm - Clever, MO

Good morning all, I am a little better this morning I think, sore still but ok. Im going to go do about 30 min. of water aerobics this AM and then an hour of water yoga and see if that helps and then soak in the hot tub. If all of that doesnt loosen me up, Ill call Beth and see if she can get me in to do her magic with a massage.                                                                                                                                                      

Sorry I so abruptly left the board ...mid sentence yesterday but thought we might have a problem...but didnt! lol, but then had company show up and never got back on.

Sis, talking about a busy month, Ive got something on the calendar for the 5, 7, 14,,19, 24 and 29 ....5 of those dates are out of town dates...Branson twice, KC and Muskogee twice....oh well, Im so happy that I feel like keeping busy! Arent you?

The bike ride sounds like fun. And what a good day for it. That sun yesterday felt sooooo good. Im really dreading winter and the cold bite...do those toys go to the Marines for distribution or somewhere else?

Boy, Ive been on a cleaning jag..cleaning out closets and cabinets and clearing out stuff. I want to cut out alot of clutter and unnecessary stuff. Im getting rid of half of my clear dishes. I had place settings for 24. So Im culling down to 12. There is 12 in our family and that is enough to keep on hand.  Since I am cooking more and more all the time, Id rather have the room for food stuff and be able to see what I have...lol!

I think Melissa is having a garage sale this weekend at our house. Maybe we can get rid of alot of stuff. I think they have got themselves in another financial mess..have been borrowing alot of $ lately from us, hopefully we are the only ones. I dont know what is going on.

Chelle has been doing alot more photography again. I wish so much she could get some good studio lighting and such. It would make such a difference for her. She is doing some of Steve next

Hadnt heard that about the play, but I almost cried when I heard they were changing from the "Joseph's Coat" to the "Promise" JC was such a wonderful show...saw it several times and loved it each time. The Promise is  a 3 o'clock show in November. That is the only way I can bring my Sr's to a show, they dont like getting out at night...We will go eat at CrackerBarrell first (try to be there around 12:30) and then to the show after that...if there is time in between, we will shop a little somewhere.

Well, I am going to get my day started and I will get back on here later and see whats going on with everyone..Have a great day in the LORD!



on 11/2/08 11:31 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

I thought I had better get on here and do a quick post before I start my "stuff" today. I got a couple of messages in my email asking where I was.....I did START my post-and I DID get in and add to it a couple of times, and, for the life of me, just couldnt get it finished.

Yesterday was the worst day Mike has ever had in the 12 yrs of us being together. I felt so sad for him yesterday. First, he came in from hunting and went to shoot his arrow and unload his crossbow and it broke-the arm busted on it. He has had it going on 4 yrs and has shot it abt 1000 times, no exaggeration there-he has spent countless hours target practicing and such. Well, Im not sure how many are up on crossbow costs-BUT....the "good" ones-are anywhere from $400-3000.00!!! I spent 380.00 on Mikes 4 yrs ago for an early Christmas present and then another $100 for a nice scope. Ok, so-there goes his hunting because he CANNOT shoot a rifle/shotgun due to his permanent shoulder/back and neck disabilities. So-I got on Craigs list and Ebay and searched and the 2 that wanted/would barter for other hunting stuff (trade)-they havent called us back as of yet. Ok-well.... He went down to talk to his adopted parents-and dad tells him-use my new one. He JUST got it last yr and its only been shot about 25 times or so. Well, after much arguing and disgust-Mike FINALLY agrees to take it and we get home-and he goes to site it in, for his specs etc-and IT BROKE TOO!!! THE ARM BROKE JUST LIKE MIKES! Now-they have a special gadget that pulls them up for you when you CANT do it-and so it was NOTHING that Mike did-and this one of dads-was a $450 Horton one-that, like I said-he hasnt even had for a yr yet.....OMG! I KNEW he was ready to cry-he just walked away-and I DID start crying......

He had also decided that he needed to deal with his dads ashes yesterday. When the package came-I went and put it away-and basically out of sight-so that Mike wouldnt see it or whatever, until he was "ready". I had already told him that was what I was going to do and that when he was ready-to let me know and I would get it out for him. He approached me yesterday and asked me to get it out for him and put it next to our bed. He went in and shut the door and when he came out an hour later-he looked so awful. I just wanted to hold him. (which I did). He told me that they didnt come in an urn, but a beautiful maple box. He said I hope you dont mind, but I put it on my dresser with the certificate of cremation on top. Mike, I told him-whatever makes YOU feel good. IF you want, your more than welcome to put it on the fireplace mantel-it is very beautiful and tasteful and I will clean some things off of it to make the room for it, if you want. He didnt answer me and I didnt ask again-he will let me know if he decides to do that. I have a ? that maybe some of you will have the answer to:

When someone dies and they ask you to do something specific with their ashes-IS there a time frame in which this needs/should be accomplished? Let me explain: Mikes dad specifically asked Mike to take his ashes and take him on his "last fishing trip" to one of he and Mikes favorite fishing places they used to go to at Stockton Lake. Mike used to have a boat and they were ALWAYS fishing IF they werent working. Well-the favorite places they went to-you can ONLY get to, by boat-and we no longer have a boat....so we will have to rent one....we have a kayak-BUT....its too far for either of us to row that far-ecspically with our bones and joints the way they are. Ok-well-we ARE going to go on that fishing trip with dad-but, we are wondering IF its okay to wait until spring or if thats too late? We have never been through this before and so we dont know what the expectations or ??? (Im at a loss for the verbage I am looking for). Does anyone know what the time frame is? Thanks, in advance. I thought about calling the mortuary, but I dont want them to think Im stupid. I would REALLY appreciate ANY prayers you guys can send this way for Mike. THANKS!

I KNOW, that the Lord is working-probably overtime for ME right now-as I have had this sense of calm, peace of mind AND STRENGTH-which, REALLY came in handy yesterday!!! It almost sounds irresponsible, I know-but I have a peace of mind that everything is going to work out, a calmness about the issue with Carl, and just a "peace" that I cant describe...I am VERY thankful for ALL your prayers~ Its NOT that I am no longer worried about bills and such-because, to be frank-I dont have a CLUE where the money is going to come from that I lost when Carl pulled his crap, BUT....I KNOW its going to be okay! Im NOT going to get discouraged, I am going to FIND a way to make it all work, and IT WILL!

Right now, though, I have just been looking around-and really giving my family: the boys and Mike (well-and of course the girls and Aaron) ALL of my undivided attention and I am SO BLESSED.... I KNOW that I am doing what IS right-for MY family-which is my husband and my children! Im VERY sad tho-that things cant be different-but I guess, for me, I just ALWAYS missed what I didnt have-just like being FAT ALL MY LIFE-I MISSED being thin-even though I had never been-sounds weird, but I know that some of you understand what I am saying....Well, I NEVER had a good father figure from Carl. Only from my moms brother growing up and then my grandpa. I just MISSED that with my birth father, but since I never had it-I guess how can I miss it? I AM praying for him-and I forgive him, but I am NOT going to forget and I am NOT allowing him in our lives anymore!

I told Mike yesterday, that, after all of these years-I STILL feel like the luckiest woman alive! I have a relationship with him that I only could have dreamed of!!! To this day, he IS my best friend AND we can and do talk about everything......and because of how we were raised-we raise our children a certain way-and we WANT to spend time with them AND make lasting and forever memories and we do that with them and for them-but also because we truly enjoy it! They are the best kids-and not without issues-dont get me wrong-they arent perfect-BUT.....we have done a damn good job raising them and I am PROUD of how we parent and I AM PROUD of my family and my life-and if someone only hurts me OR them-then we ARE better off without them OR the situations that they put us in! I think it is harder on me, because, like Mike says-I ALWAYS want to see the good in people. I ALWAYS want to concentrate on that-and it sure has caused me a lot of heartache-ecspically this year!

I have lost a couple of relationships in the past year that really affected me and, through it all, I have been blessed 10 fold-I have so many people that love me-and DO care about me-and I dont HAVE to put up with people who hurt me, take advantage of my good nature OR dont have my best interests at heart. I guess it should be a good indication that a relationship isnt a healthy one-IF someone cannot be happy for you when something good happens TO you OR for you, right? If they take, take, take and are jelous IF you have ANYONE else in your life that wants to be your friend-well, Im not gonna get started on opening those wounds-I am going to move forward and know that just because a couple of people have done that to me-that not everyone does and that I have friends now that want me to prosper, will help me prosper and who care for me and for my family-and want us to spread our wings and fly-not try and keep us down and out......

Well, I am going to get some responses done and get. We have soooooo much to do today its not even funny. We didnt get everything done yesterday that was on the list because of the days events with Mike and him needing me....wouldnt trade it for anything, tho...just gonna have to do double time today and TRY to get it caught up. I have to go get the Suburban inspected, go pay a couple of bills, go to the store, post office, get the rest of the flowers, bulbs and pine tree planted, go through my deep freeze and house freezer and make a list of what I have in there....defrost our 2nd fridges freezer because its not self defrosting, take the 4-wheeler back to Mikes parents, and move some stuff around on the porch to make room for some rics of wood. Darrel doesnt have school today, so he will be such a big help-he will be doing the wood.....oh yeah-I also have to give the boys their haircuts-so I have a BIG day!

**Jan-Im so glad that you didnt have to go to Urgent Care! I DID have that happen to me once, and it really was a bug-it was either a mosquito or a gnat-they couldnt tell, but they put this thing in my nose that went down to my throat-it got the bug-it was about 20 yrs ago-and it was BAD...I remember that like it was yesterday-so I was so glad to see that you were better. You just may have had something like that in there and it FINALLY went down.....not a pleasant thought, but wont kill ya-LOL....

Oh-the bike run sounds so awesome-and Toys for Tots is a charity very close to my heart. My grandpa was a major organizer with their chapter in Bella Vista (well, he was in Chicago too-before they retired) and the kids and I-no matter HOW tight money is-every single year, go shopping and each child picks something THEY would want to get for Christmas-and we donate it, in my grandpas memory. We always did that before he passed away-but since he is gone now-we do it in his memory. Jon has already been asking when we can go do that! I am so glad it was such a beautiful day for the ride and I LOVE OUR BIKERS!!!! For the most part-most of em' have hearts of gold!

Hey-on the e/e-IF you have enough AND the pots to put them in, WHY not plant some-and IF they can get $9.96 in the store for ONE plant-up to 6 inches big-WHY not plant some, and sell them on Criags List OR the local farmers market and you can say-get $10 for great big ones and $5-8 for the smaller ones? I KNOW, for a fact-YOU WILL be able to sell them!!! YOU WILL-take a poll-our peeps WILL answer you honestly-I KNOW you would make good money!!! Why not try it?

Yes, I will be posting about the COF Christmas party in a day or so.....have to get some stuff out there that we will be needing to take care of at this months meeting-so, that would be the reason for the early posting about it. Sugar and I are so excited about it-and we have some really really neat stuff planned-we just know that this will be one awesome party!! I hope that everyone can come, because its gonna be a FANTASTIC, FUN TIME FOR SURE!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!

Thanks for the car info. I appreciate it so much and for you thinking of me! Love you and Uncle Joe. Miss ya and cant wait to come down and spend a couple of days!

**Peggy-How are you feeling? Are you feeling any better? I sure hope so!!! Praying for quick recovery and consider yourself hugged!

**Colette-so good to see you!! Its been a LONG Time!!!! I think you look perfect without losing anymore!! How do you feel? Are you comfortable at this weight? If your maintaining, and your happy-then lets make our own BMI chart....LOL....For some reason, I really think its off anyway-seriously! I think about you and your husband often and pray for you both.

**Sheila-Im so glad your going to the surgeon today and maybe they can find out what happened that all the sudden your in MORE pain than you were before....something isnt right!! Please keep us posted. Love ya.

**Sug-I am praying for you and your pain! Im so sorry your hurting! I wish I could help you out some. I WILL send you an email later on.....Love ya and Im having SO MUCH fun planning the party with you!

**Deb (pooh)-Is there a chance you will be riding with Bec to go to Peggys on the 19th? OH MAN, That WOULD ROCK!!! It would be AWESOME!!!! Would LOVE to see you and hug you in person!

Yes, my heels and the bottom of my feet started hurting like 4-6 months out and still occasionally do-I even have extra skin on the bottom of my feet-how sad is that, really? I hope it lets up....maybe give yourself a little foot bath/soak????

Oh-and on the pasta-I cant do regular pasta-BUT....there is a company that makes a pasta (all kinds too) called Dreamfields-and my g-f (angel) from New York sent me some 2 yrs ago-and its LOW carb, LOW fat and sugar-but has up to 18 g of protein and ITS REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!! REALLY GOOD! My family couldnt even tell the difference-and they could with ALL of the others I TRIED...they were all nasty-but this Dreamfields is awesome and I havent dumped on it yet-and no one I have recommended it to-that have used it-hasnt either.....I get it here at Dillons, which is also Gerbes or Krogers...IF you dont have one around you-they do have a website-but I would be willing to pick you up a pkg of it and send it your way so you can try it first??? Love ya!

**Susie-Keep your eyes on the prize-what, 2 days and a wake up???? YAY!!!

**Kerri-will be nice to see you on the 19th!!! YAY Take care!

**Deb D-Im so happy for you and your new kitchen...Will you put some pics in your profile so we can see them? Would LOVE to see it! Love ya and see ya soon!

**Lou-Congrats on the weight loss-WTG!!!

**Mosweetie-Nice to have you here!!! Welcome!

**Tammy V-Im sorry your missing your kids! I know that is so hard! I will be praying that they find a place soon!!!

**Vesta-So....since you miss and NEED jan time-why not come to the Christmas party in December? We would LOVE to have you....Hint Hint....and I bet that someone we know-would let ya sleep over in their guest house (another hint hint).....I would LOVE to see ya in person! I havent seen you since we were having the meetings at the Fire station!!! Love ya!

**Jeanine-WHERE ARE YOU NOW???? Girl-I am going to GROUND YOU!!!!

**Bec-the COF party is Monday, Dec 22nd....OOOOO-that would be soooo fantastic IF you could be there!!!! I bet someone can give you a place to stay overnite tooooooo-heck, I WILL - even though you will have to drive even further away from your home-LOL....But-I would LOVE to have you there-could the party get ANY better?

So glad to hear that your side pain is gone!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! WTG on the weight loss, inches and miles walked!! Your such a trooper and I am so proud OF and FOR you!!!! Love you!!!

**Sandy-Hi...hope all is well with you!

**Barbara-Hi-hope all is well with you too!!!

**Andy-How are you feeling? I hope your recovering!!! Praying for it!

**Renee-Where are you? Wanna be grounded like Jeanine?

Well, Im off here....got a lot to do! Love and Prayers to all of you!!! Love, Janet

Barbara S.
on 11/3/08 2:42 am - Freeman, MO
Hey Janet;

Just wanted to respond to the question on time limit for the Ashes. No there is no time limit and don't be surprised if our hubby changes his mind and decides he can't let go of the ashes. It does happen and your hubby will know what he can handle when the time comes. It may take  quite some time for him to be able to let go. I'm sure he will want to do what ever his dad wanted but time will heal his heart and God will guide him when the time is right. You are doing a great job in letting him take his time. He needs that understanding right now. You have a good heart.

Thanks for asking about me, everything is fine. I'm just knitting away making a lap cover for my MIL who is wheelchair bound. This is for Christmas so I am working overtime to make sure it is finished.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 11/3/08 11:32 pm - Concordia, MO
  Thanks for the nice compliment.  Yes, I feel fantastic.  Just wanted you to know that there is no time  limit on those ashes.  You can keep them as long as you want.  My son-in-laws mothers ashes were on the piano for years until they (the husband) purchased 2 burial plots about 4 years ago.they
 Then she was buried there and her husband last year.  I have never heard of a time limit.  Colette
on 11/2/08 11:33 pm - Purdy, MO
Hello Everyone,
 Sorry I haven't been here for awhile, but we are so busy with wedding and shower plan's. We got alot of stuff done, but have ALONG way to go. I don't know what they were thinking running thing's so close. Really everything seems to be falling into place as it should, the only big problem we have run into is Kala's grandma. Everyone please pray I can keep my mouth shut to her. She doesn't even bother to ask Kala or Lee about anything and just does it. She asked Kala's uncle and cousin to be usher's and her little cousins to be flower girl's without checking with the kid's first, and had a fit for Kala's uncle to give her away instead of me, which Kala did tell her no over, there was a big to do over that. She is having a shower for them and not only did she want Kala to pay for the invitation's but also for the cake, mind you only very few of my side of the family and not many of her friend's are invited to this (Tiff, Jay, and myself will be having one for them the 23rd). She's driving me nut's and I can only imagine what the kid's are going through with her cause I know they don't tell me everything.
 I was suppose to go to court with Kayela and Larry this week, but once again the POC got it postponed. His lawyer withdrew from the case, so now they have moved it to the 12th. Hopefully nothing will happen and they can get this over with and Kayela can start trying to put it behind her. I feel so sorry for her, I just wish I could take it all away.
 I had changed my Mobar appointment because of court, but luckily they were able to get me back in Thursday. I'm so ready to get this trip over with.
 All my clothes are getting baggy on me and people are starting to really notice. A friend of mine came by Saturday I hadn't seen him since way before surgery, and he looked me up and down and said wow looking good momma (yes he calls me momma, but only because he's daddy lol), all I could do is hug him over and over. LOL
 We went dress shopping Saturday and Kala tried and tried to get me to try on dresses, but I still want to wait until closer to time. She did how ever find me this beautiful black dress and I so hope it's still there and I'll be able to fit into it in a few weeks. She did and said everything she could think of to get me to try it on, but I kept telling her to hold up for a week or to, and to let me lose a little more. I can tell all ready I wont ever be able to clothes shop with her LOL she's so excited for me........heck I'm so excited.

Jan it sounds like you had a great time, I so can't wait until Jay and I are out on the bike. Praise God for Toy 4 Tots and all the great people involved in making it such a huge success.

 Lou I thought you also had to go on the 6th (Thursday), I was looking so forward to seeing you. Have a safe trip.

 Susie I started my packing 3 or 4 days before hand that way I could still had time to think and remember thing's. Don' t forget your house shoe's so you can walk.
 It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job on the diet, keep up the good work YOUR JUST ABOUT THERE.

 Sheila good to see your alive and kicking, I so hope you get to feeling better soon.

 Bec Thank You Dear Friend for the beautiful card, it's great. I enjoy your flowers each day, they sit on my desk. I look at them all the time and smile knowing God has blessed me with such a wonderful friend. Thank You.

 Janet GIRL I MISS YOU, and I'm so ready for one of our visits. I know it was only last Monday since we last seen each other, but I'm selfish I want more Janet time. LOL The adult night out (when Larry gets home) sound's wonderful I so look forward to it.
 Thank you so much for the picture's of you and the boy's, and the rest of the hospital ones. I will get yours posted as soon as you send me everything.
Love you sis.

 To all the newbies I missed, I'm so so sorry. Welcome to the best board and family ever. Not only will you find great info here, but also a whole new family and alot of love.

 To all the preops just hang in there, your new life is about to begin and then hold on the fun will just be starting. You can and will be able to do this. I love you and am sending you many good wishes, prayers, and hugs.

 I hope everyone has a wonderful blessed day.......
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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