Good Sunday Afternoon....
Boy oh boy was is HOT out there walking the past three days! I have had to come in and have a cold shower to get cooled off! And I think it is to be warm all this week.... low to mid 70's and low 50's at night.... I love the weather but it sure is too hot for walking....
Mimi ~ What day is the cof Christmas Party going to be on?
You asked about the pain in my side Praise the Lord it is all gone!!! Once in a while I feel a bit when I stoop over or twist just right but nothing at all compared to the burning that I had!
Do you know I walked 23 miles this week? I think that is a record for me! And I'm not even sore about it either!
Sugar ~ if I don't get busy on the little treats I'm bringing on the 19th I'll be cramming at the last minute! I got the rest of the things I needed for them this week... I hope you all will enjoy them. I just feel so honored that you all want to come all that way to help me celebrate that it's pretty tiny compared to what I feel in my heart for all of you!
I'm so excited that Shelley and Kerri are planning to come!!!! and well just every one... hopefully we will all get to meet in person some new friends we have not met before! I sure wish Sheila could come too but know she is hurting so bad! Oh I pray she get's better soon!
Well I finally sat down yesterday and just read a book... I did not get anything else done but a few dishes and a bit of laundry it sure felt good to do nothing! I cannot indulge in that luxury too much I have so much I want to get done! I don't have Paul's pie made either.... I think tomorrow I will put some steak in the crock pot and pour cream of mushroom soup on it and then add some potatoes and carrots later.... then get his pie made... can't wait to try it with the Splenda. Also need to find my caramel apple salad recipe for the 19th I have not made it in awhile.
I am going to my sis's this week to finish a Thomas Kincaid Christmas table cloth we were working on last year when she got shingles real bad and we did not get it finished... so we are going do it this week.... I am not going to get all my Christmas out this year.... going to go real simple and change just a bit.... I just don't feel like it and have to keep focused yet. But next year I should be ready for a whole year of decorating!
Janet, {{{Deb}}} and Brenda Nutt those pics of your little ones were all simply precious!!!!! and Janet I LOVED those udders!!!! too funny! You should of took a pic on all fours at just the right angle!!!! Would of been priceless!!!! And maybe black mail material! ~tee hee
Well I guess I better get off here and get to something..... I have bills to pay and supper to get for Paul... need to unload the dishwasher and fold a load of clothes.... dang seems always something!
Paul is going to buy me a small vice and mount it to a platform for my nut cracking... I will get started on that soon... the nuts seem like they needed to dry a bit they seem a little green yet....
Hope you all have a wonderful afternoon and evening!