I have had this tickling inside my nose for several days now and I just sneeze and sneeze. it actually feels like something is in there but don’t know what , I have used several sal****er rinses and nose sprays etc etc. it is actually keeping me up at night because of the sneezing and no matter what I use or take it doesn’t seem to get any better. it about to drive me nuts I think I will go to urgent care and see if they can see something that is lodged in there. Anyone else ever had any problems like that????It almost feels like a bug is in there but if that was so wouldn’t it have come out by now, with all that I have been doing? Oh forgot to say it is just in one nostril...weird huh?
Well I guess im as weird as my s ister is normal?? Lol
Sugar sure wish I could say I was down to normal bmi...im no where near it and probable never will be...doesn’t seem like my body wants to let go of these last few pounds...I still have about 20 pounds to go ...please don’t lose any more though...your face is beginning to look sort of thin ok? You and I weigh about the same and you are quite a bit taller than me, you told me I didn’t need to lose anymore but I think I do according to what others get down to...
Whooohoooo tell Kennan yippee about his deer...i haven’t told Joe yet he will say that all these young kids are out doing him....loll
Hope tomorrow is pretty weather.... we are suppose to ride in the toys for tots ride in Taney county tomorrow. Will have to wear a handkerchief on my face if I do to keep more dust and pollen out of my nose and eyes.
Today we worked and worked some more, got all the tree limbs cut up and burned , stacked a lot of wood, still have a lot more to stack up after we split it ...that is hard work ..
I dug up more elephant ears today....looks like I have been growing these things for prosperity...if someone would give me 5 dollars apiece I could have some good spending money lol .
Well im going to get to my responses and hope you all have a great Sunday...
SUSIE:::::: you are doing so well on your liquid diet...really proud of you...not much longer now what do you have 5 more days and a wake up? You’re on the downhill side now....know that you are in all of our prayers....
MOSWEETIE::::::: so good to meet you and hope you come back often and let us get to know you ok? That is right you go to the support group that Shannon goes to...anyway welcome ...
PEGGY:::::: so glad that you made it thru the surgery and are now home. Will keep praying for you and that you will feel better really soon...take it easy for a few days ok? Don’t be doing a bunch of stuff, it was major surgery you know?
The Christmas thing will be at our regular monthly meeting in December...will let you know...ok did you look up Pea**** orchids? They are very pretty..
BEC::::::: so how is that pain in your side doing? Hope it is lots better...The Caramel apple salad sounds really good ....yeah this time of year always makes me sad when the frost bites the flowers back ...but we know they will be back with us next year...dont we?
Take care and am looking forward to the 19th...CONGRADULATIONS ON THE WEIGHT LOSS...
DEB:::::: sounds like you and Niki had a really good time last night.
Didn’t they tell you to leave spag alone?? It is nothing but carbs girl...not in the least good for you...there is some that is whole wheat and has about half the carbs but you shouldn’t be eating any of that at all this early should you? I don’t know your doctors orders tho so guess I can’t say one way or the other what you should eat. Seems each doctor and dietitians has different ideas and tell us entirely different things.
Do all those lights that you all put up make your elect bill go up sky high? Seems like everything I do make ours go up....
DEBBIE D:::::: so I bet that kitchen really is looking spiffy ...take us some pictures when you get a chance ok? Was great talking to you yesterday....and thanks for continuing to pray for Michele///
LOU””””hey when you finish your laundry you can come and do mine....I guess the buying and selling of real estate isn’t moving too good right now....hopefully it will increase soon...How you doing on the weight? I know you are doing well keep up the good work...follow the rules..
JANET:::::::::so glad you and your boys had fun last night. I bet you looked cute in your costume...cant wait to see the pictures.
Did you get all your bulbs planted today...was a beautiful day to be outside working ...I finally had to go in and try and get my nose cleaned out so I would stop sneezing and blowing my nose. I look like Rudolph right now...and my eyes match too so I have really gotten some allergen that is really doing a number on me...
Wow let me know when you go to have the sale in the Morton building...that sounds like my kind of stuff. Lol love to dig around in things like that. All sorts of good stuff.
LOL yeah I keep a bolo handy when Andy starts getting ahead of me I throw it and it wraps around his feet and wow ive got him down in a heart beat. Then he can’t walk as fast lol
Oh that will be neat for Mikaela, she is a little short for the 24 months but needs them for her chubby little tummy...wish you could see her she is a cutie. Dark curly hair and big brown eyes. Beautiful baby if I do say so myself. Lol
Thanks for the prayers....and your in mine for all of you...
SANDY:::::: that is good about not getting called to work, days like today no one needs to work. But in the profession your in, I was too, there isn’t days that no one is needed is there?
Those spare ribs sure sound good my grandma and my mom both use to make spare ribs sort of like that. , old German food.
That was sweet of you to take the pie to the lady...did you share some of your cooking tips with her about the splenda.?
SUGAR:::::: im glad you didn’t hurt anything important or at least to badly...that really hurts when you fall like that too. I fall just as much as ever probably more cause im out doing more now than I use to , cant fall to far when your already sitting down in a chair lol and that is where I spent most of my time before surgery.
That was a good wow moment wasn’t it?
Glad you are ok love you...
VESTA:::::: good to hear from you girl...the hayride sounds like good fun. Sure am missing you. Need to come up or I need to come down lol ....will work on that maybe come to one of your meetings.
they told us at a support group meeting several years ago to take Biotin to help with the hair loss. I never lost a lot of hair but it did get thinner. I started taking Biotin and continue to this day and my hair is much better. The texture of my hair is different too. You can purchase it at
WalMart or Walgreens and probably any store like that. It is very inexpensive, and I take one a day. Look in the vitamin isle. You wont notice difference instantly so dont give up. But it will help you. I am not a physician prescribing this, just a friend telling you what worked for me. Have a great day. By the way you look fantastic!!!!! Collette
Hey Jan and All,
Well my kids left to go to St Louis last Tuesday. Rob started his new job on Wed.(to do paperwork) and had his first full day on Friday.He says everything is going well.They haven't found a house yet. They are staying at her parents house in Wright City for now until they do. I really miss my boys. Shayne called me today(with alittle help from dad,lol) and told me"LaLa I want to come home". It broke my heart. That's what he use to tell his mom and dad when they lived in Nebraska. And when we moved them back here and pulled up in front of my house he got out of the car and said"LaLa I home."When they went to leave the other day he wouldn't let go of my hand. Rob had to pry it off and close the door. And I could see him crying all the way down the street.So sad.I think I may eventually move down there with them. My husband says no, but we will see.My mom told me not to worry about the house,she said they could just sell it to someone else.Time will tell.
I went to the support meeting Thursday night. It was the first one I have been to since I have had my surgery. I really found out alot of things that I need to change or start doing. They said I need to start journaling what I eat again. So I can go back and see what I am eating that I should'nt. And I definatly need more water. and less(none) soda.I have a question about protien. Is there a better time of the day to get the most of your protien in?The reason I am asking is cuz I have been using the protien bullets from walmart for a couple of weeks now. But I been drinking one at night with my night time pills. Should I be drinking it in the morning or is at night ok?I may start doing one in the morning and at night.I don't know, what do you guys think. When does it work best for you? Or does it matter?I started to lose again but then it stopped again. So I need to do something.
I have to go out tomorrow to my son's house that they just moved out of and finish packing it up and taking things to thier storage shed. And then do all the last minute cleaning. They ran out of time before they left and didn't get it all done. My sister Linda is gonna help me.It shouln't take us to long.
I think I am gonna get a job. I really need to get out of the house.So I will stop thinking about the boys and so I won't be thinking about food all the time.Plus I might get some more exercise that way.I have been on disability for my back since 92. And I still have back trouble. I can work part time and not lose my disability.I just don't know where I want to get a job. It can't be anything that I am on my feet alot or that I have to do any lifting with.Any ideas anyone. I have my CNA certificate , but I got it in 90 in Illinois so I don't know if it is even still good here.I'll have to think about it and decide.
We finally got all the new gas lines ran for the city gas. Now we are just waiting on the gas company to come and hook it all up. If they don't come on Monday I will call them again and see when it will be.We have gotten lucky and it hasn't been to cold the last few days. But I am tire of cooking with the electric fry pan, microwave and hot plate.Can't wait to have a regular stove again.
My husband brought home a border collie puppy the other day. It is really cute, It is brown and white. I'm not to crazy about having it. I hate puppies when you have to potty train them and they chew up everything. I keep making him clean up the messes.LOL We can't come up with a name for him though.Any ideas?He's about 7 weeks old.
Well I better go try to get some sleep. Not getting to much of that latley,to much on my mind. Take Care All and God Bless. Love Tammy V.
Hope to get to walk today I usually try to walk 2 miles every other day and sometimes it is hard to keep on track on the week-ends, Hope everyone has a wonderful day get outside and enjoy the weather cause it is going to change its already November.
Had to reply to your post. I know how you feel about your BMI. I will be 3 years out and have not achieved a normal BMI yet. I have met my doctors goal but I have not been able to lose the extra 20 pounds I want to. I have just recently increased my walking to 3 miles a day 3 times a week. When I take my husband to physical therapy 3 times a week, I go to the walking park and walk the entire hour. It couldnt be my age, could it. LOL

We are doing ok on a daily basis. I think the PT is helping him at least to be able to walk some, but we both know his mobility will never be normal due to the venous insufficiency in his entire body. But God continues to bless us and keep us in his care.
Take care, Colette
I've had a week of loosing nothing, and I have been so faithful taking my vitamins, protein, and walking. Today I got on the scale and I'm officially down 40 lbs! YAYYYYYYYY! I'm so happy! I can't even believe it. I know I had surgery I see the scars, I can't eat but 1/4 of a cup of food, maybe not even that much. I just can't wrap my head around it. I feel so good and loosing weight has never been so much fun. I'm so very thankful that God allowed me this journey. I know I've said it before but really that's how I feel. Thankful. I use to have to do these surgeries on people knowing I needed it myself and knowing that my insurance wouldn't cover it. It was torture. If you would have told me a year ago I would have this done, my husbands insurance would pay for it, and I would feel great, I would never have believed it. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I have an open house today AND I hear its going to be 75* Rock On!

Another foggy morning. Been up since 5 am. Couldn't sleep at all last night.My body hurts. My bones hurt. Even the heels of my feet hurt and have been for sometime.Anyone elses heels hurt?Lauras are hurting too.
Nikki was up and flipped the light on at 5 checking under her pillow to see if the tooth fairy came LOL.
Jan hope your sneezing is better and that you don't have a bug in yur nose.The light bill usually goes up about 50 dollars around Christmas time,which really isn't that bad with all the lights we have and the blowups.Yes pasta is on the ok list.But i know just because it is on there dosen't mean i can eat it or that it will agree with me. So hard lesson learned WILL NOT be eating it again.I still feel yucky from it.Think today maybe just a liquid day with broths.I hurt so bad it ain't funny but can't take pain meds without eating ,they make me sick to my stomach.Might try a peice of toast in a bit, dunno yet.
Well need to get around get vitamines in and get busy doing something. Hope everyone is doing great today and your day is filled with lots of happiness.
Love and Hugs Deb
I weighed this morning and I have actually lost seven pounds. Not to bad I think. I want to lose three more before surgery. I put on a suit this morning I haven't worn in a long time and it is pretty loose. I am surprised. I didn't expect it .
I am so glad I found all "yall". You are so much help. I do not feel alone. Thanks to everyone for all your support.It really helps to be able to share and here stories.
I hope everyone enjoys the beautiful day today.
Well sis, you may not be down to normal BMI but you are thin enough too! Im not trying too much to loose now, just keep off what Ive lost. I dont think a 10-12 is too thin for me.
Now about my fall...I hurt like crazy and am feeling like a lug....I went to SS this morning because it was too late to try to get anyone to teach for me but I didnt stay for church. I didnt feel like sitting in those seats. But what a blessing I had in class, I had 14 people in there (normal attendance is around 9) so it was a great day. I didnt sleep more than an hour total last night because of the pain and everytime I moved something hurt. I guess Im just too old to be falling! lol
Susie, your liquid diet is doing great, but did you know that the caffiene wont be the only thing about soda that will cause problems? I think we are more addicted to the carbonation...It will all be said and done soon tho and you will hit the trail running because youve done such a great job to start. Cant wait to welcome you to the looser's bench.
And MoSweetie, great to welcome you aboard and glad all is going well with you.
Peggy, I sure am praying that you recover quickly from the gb surgery..please take it easy tho. You are going to love some of the things that Janet and I have planned for the Christmas party...cant wait. Also cant wait for the 19th...IF you feel like having us there. Please dont force the issue if you dont, okay? We dont want you hurting yourself. Do we have any idea how many are coming? Hey Kerri on here wants directions to your house...
Bec, I am getting so anxious about the 19th and our party...and I am so curious about your little treats...this is going to be one heck of a road trip. Wish we could get Shiela and drag her along but I dont think she is healed enough yet. I wish you and Jan would get together and come to my house and work on my yard...you two could get all the things done that need done that I just dont have the UMPF to do. lol Keep measuring those inches, it comes off fairly quickly and youll slide right past some sizes and never know it... HOW do you spell weight loss??? FUN!!!
gotta go,,,be back later