Hey I was going to warn you all that the people that make all these virus and trojons and worms are really at it full strength…my virus protector has been catching about 6 a day here lately and I think one of something got thru on my desktop that is one reason that I am having Steve,my son, to wipe it clean and reinstall everything on it…
I want to give it to Michele but don’t want to have any thing on it but fresh new stuff for her….then she can start out really clean….anyway….for your safety do NOT open any attachments to anything that you don’t know the person that sent it….i think mine got started when I was looking at email and one of them said something about an account balance that I had ask for and said the name of a credit card that I have…anyway I clicked on the attachment even tho I knew that I hadn’t ask for a balance. And the thing was going crazy for days…of catching new and different viruses…..so be careful…and some of those forwards out there are like that too. Just make sure your virus protector is good and up to date.
Such a beautiful Saturday, I have planted the mums finally , burned some more brush, getting all my outside pots ready to go into the green house tonight. It is suppose to get to 28 Monday night. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr….think I will buy some of those hand and foot warmers that you squeeze and they work. Lol ….might feel good sitting in the evening.
Going to dig up some elephant ears this afternoon so they will get the dirt dried up on them for Monday evening.
Will bring some other things with me too. Like pots of chives, and maybe some cannas if anyone wants them wont know what color they are but either red, yellow or orange…
Any and all of you that live off away I will get your boxes boxed up soon , I think I will use the bigger box from the post office that is same price no matter what you stuff into it..so I will cram them real full for you of a little of everything ok?
Anyone have a pond and want some pond iris? I have my bog garden is full of them and need to empty some of it out, I will tell you this that if you put them into your pond it would be a good idea to put them into pots otherwise they will take over…but if you have a wet boggy area that is always wet this would be something pretty to put in it…they have pretty yellow iris on them…so let me know ok? Cause I really do need to thin them out some…
Wow im so sore and stiff I can barely move..we were watching some of the shows that we had recorded and sitting still for an hour and gee whiz , my muscles are like boils.
There is a church in Holister that we are planning on going to Sunday morning, it is called Bikers church..dont know if they have 1 ,2 or 20 people but we will see I guess. I guess the patch I saw at the rally would fit on my clothes tomorrow lol it said
There are my church clothes lol meaning the biker clothes …if anyone would learn anything from the rally is that clothes sure don’t mean anything for sure.
Whether jeans, or leathers or what ever we are still a child of God…
SUGAR::::::: im sure I will have plenty of e.e. to go around….Joe is going to help me dig them tomorrow. After we get home. We have got to stop and get some straw on the way home too.
Oh man that is sad about your pond….have you stood down in it to clean or anything?
I have a leak in mine up in front but not in the bottom…its about half way down on the side somewhere but I can find it…think I will get all the water out now and in the spring will line it with a heavy plastic ..still want to make a big waterfall or stream to the pond part , maybe that can be next spring.
Well don’t know what happened with the email I had others come in with that address but right now im having trouble doing anything email wise so if any of you need to ask me something do it on here till I get this all straightened out.
Yeah as long as Joe is doing allright I will probably come up on the 18th and stay all night with you. Thought about getting Jeanine to meeting me like in Branson and going up too but she will only be like 4 days after surgery and don’t think she would feel like it to ride that far again…
Yeah that long standing would kill me too. No way that is good for anyone you know.
Love you baby sister lol talk to you later…
SHEILA::::::: oh no your not going to get to come Monday night? Does Rach have to work or something? That’s a bummer…I will send you the flowers so don’t worry…I will let you know what the postage is in the box ok? It will be the piority box from the p.o. doesn’t matter how much you put in it you pay one flat rate…don’t know if they have raised it or not…probably have everything else has gone up…
Hope you are healing well and feeling better….be sure and get in all your protein that will help those bones to heal better…really . love you be careful.
SUSIE:::::: was today any better on the liquid diet? I know it is a pain in the butt but it really does help shrink your liver and make recover so much easier when they don’t have to push around it to get to your tummy.
Im going around tomorrow and hunt down some mimosa saplings. Some of them may not be very big but if you will put them in pots they will grow pretty fast.
I will bring you some mimosa seeds too,,,,they will sprout fairly fast really…
But yes I will bring some E. E s for you too.
Cant wait to see you Monday night and give you a hug….
DEBBIE D::::::: wow you and Bec make me jealous , sure wish I could have been up there with you all.
Sounds like you two had a really good time.
Sounds like Dr. H is doing a great job of keeping up on our lab work….i know they went to a seminar on something here while back about new stuff. Anyway we can be really glad that we have someone that is watching our backs.
If Margie sends you that list of what the levels should be will you share it? I would like to know too. If normal for others isn’t what they want ours to be then I would like to know.
DEB(POOH):::::::::does poor little Niki still have the cough….try some musinex(sp) for kids…that stuff breaks up a cough after one dose. Or the adult stuff does I would hope it would for kids.
Hope you had a good time at your sons. did you get that picture taken???
JEANINE::::::: Well I feel like im not taking very good care of you before your surgery. Things are always just so busy here at our house. Always have a full days work every day,don’t know how we don’t ever get done.
So I understand your list, I think ours keeps getting longer and longer…
We still have projects to do in the rental and we need to get the guest house done one of these days. I told Joe I don’t know if we will ever get that thing done. Seems like there are too many other things to do always.
I am excited too about you coming and I will get to give you a big hug too.
Tell your hubby that it maybe for awhile that you don’t cook much because you are concentrating on yourself so much but you will get back to it really.
Don’t work too hard between now and Monday and be too tired to come or make yourself sick…
See you Monday sweetie…and will bring you a big pot of chives. Lol
PEGGY:::::: sounds like you do lots of running too, how in the world did we get to going so fast and doing so many things. I told Joe the other day that I already forgot we had a vacation. Lol
Are you sure that you can have all of us into your house on the 19th you sound like you are just packed with things to go….
Im looking forward to meeting you for sure and any of the other ladies that can make it that we haven’t met yet…will be lots of fun…
Oh wow I hope you can keep Aunt Margie from going down those steps anymore…is there some way to lock that door???would that be wrong?
Will keep her in our prayers.
BEC::::::cant wait to see you again on the 19th…are you sure the pain in your side is doing better. That really worries me…I would think that most pain from surgery would be gone by a month but maybe im wrong…
No I wouldn’t worry about the frosts for your hydrangeas and most of the new ones now days I don’t think they cut them off when they die back , I only have 2 of them that have lived for me I guess I need to really read up on them more.
Yes I got your email about the arbor and the tulle…that sounds like a really neat idea…she has a little white hard plastic toddle bed right now…that would be really cute with it…
Oh I bet the apple butter was good. When you say strong what with splenda? I bet it was good…
Thanks for praying for Michele…today she had to get a battery for her car , that thing just keeps being a problerm, she said she was a jinx about the car and I told her that is what the devil wants you to think…when he hears you say something like that he jumps on it and makes it get way out of control…so don’t be saying things like that .there isn’t any such thing any way and you know it…she laughed and said I know …but sometimes it makes you wonder doesn’t it?
She is doing great tho…
SANDY::::::yummy those pies sound so so good….making me wanting to make a conconut cream one…I love those but most of the time I just use sugar free pudding to do those and frozen pie crust. Lol lots difference in my pies and your home made ones I know.
So glad that your belly button is doing better , I know you didn’t need more infections.
Oh wow you will get to have grand daughter by your self huh? How old is she?
JANET::::: So glad that you and the boys had a good day and went ahead and did your outing. That is great
I have been having problems with OH too. I had to change the editor on the post so I could get in and do it.
Sounds like you got some more good bargains yesterday. That is good one day im going to go shopping with you …I love bargains.
That canopy for the babys crib sounds just great….
Know that we are all keeping all of you in our prayers and especially now while you all are going thru all of this sorrow for Mikes dad. Know that we all love you and yours a lot.
Of course I was going to give you some e.e. don’t worry I have several marked with Janets name lol …be sure and bring something to put them in…wal mart bag or something. Would love the sweet tators
Was so darn busy today Im just now getting time to get online and say hi.....
I got up this morning and cleaned house...done laundry....Then Joe and I ran to town to pic a few things and came back and worked in the yard....We even worked some after it got dark....but with living in town now we have street light****ting all around the house so we could see fairly well.....Then he remembered he forgot to get a head light for his truck so we ran back to town to get it and stopped to get a bite to eat.....
Now he is busy haning my new blinds I got for the kitchen....Would have loved to have had new curtains but with all thats come up with the house since we got moved I guess I will wait a bit on those.....
Today was my oldest step daughters birthday.....She's 21 now!!! I got her when she as 12....So hard to belive so much time has passed and the kids are getting older so darn fast.....
And tomorrow is Joes birthday....AND HE'S NOT GOING TO BE 21 LMBO!!
And then Bubba's girlfriend Hollie's birthday is he 31st...So we are doing a triple birthday party tomorrow......So happy it is suppose to be pretty outside because we decided to get in one more BBQ before it gets to nasty out to do it....
Now I got to get up in the morning and boogie cause I spent so much time out in the yard and all didn't get any of my cooking done today.....
Don't get to cheat on the dessert...They decided they all wanted cheese cake....Well Joe actually wanted floating peach cobbler but since I have to make cherry cheese cake and a oreo cheese cake, he decided he would wait till during the week for his cobbler and then he don't have to share it lol lol....I think he could eat 3 of those things a week!!!!....Then I hope to get my potato salad, cole slaw, bake bean & bacon ranch pasta made so that I don't have it all to do once everyone gets here....If I have enough time I think I will clean some corn on the cob from the freezer too......Heather will be yelling for cream cheese corn like she always does but we have a few that don't care for it so she will have to wait till her birthday or Thanksgiving....But if I can get it all done then all we will have left to do is grill all the meat......
Well like to say Hi to everyone individually but I let it get late before I got on and need to hit the sack....Luv ya all....Hope you have a great Sunday!!!!!
God Bless each of you.....Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
Good morning MO...
What a day I had yesterday...Rick worked in the yard most of the day but I worked in my hobby room in the shop! Man oh Man was it a chore. I didnt realize how much stuff can fit into a 9X16 room...by the way, its alot!!!! You know the biggest plastic containers from walmart? I have 2 of those plus 3 of the next size down full of fall decor...I also have 2 biggest ones of luau stuff plus a couple of other tubs of that, then 1 big one of western, cowboy stuff...one of chinese or oriental stuff,and of course a box of mexican party supplies. WHAT iN THE WORLD was I thinking????I ask my dil yesterday if she thinks their church has a place for it and would want it and she said yes, so I told her as long as I can borrow it anytime, they could have it to use. They put on alot of plays at thier little church and have gatherings and dinners alot, so maybe it will get used. And yet it will be available if I want to use it again for something with my Sr's. They really like the themed parties.
Well I went and worked out at the pool in the AM early and then used the hot tub for awhile to see if the muscles would ease up from the 2 days at church and then what did I do when I got home? I spent all day ****il 7 last night) on concrete floors again out in the shop. What a dork! My legs and hips and feet are sure complaining about it. But the room looks so much better and I can find things in it again and have re-organized what is in there. All the wedding stuff and party stuff is on one end and easier to get to. Then the other end is dedicated to my scrapbooking stuff. It isnt organized too good yet but I will get that done too! I have another good full day of work out there and should have it completely done.
Mel is going to have a garage sale next weekend so that will get rid of some more stuff that I had (hopefully) and get the shop cleaned out. We know 2 ladies that will come get the left overs and take them to a place that sells it for a womens shelter...so will call them with the left overs.
Does anyone on here work on refrigerators or know a good repairman that doesnt charge an arm and a leg? Ive got a big one with the freezer drawer on bottom and it doesnt work...wont even turn on.?? Need it repaired so I can put it in my house. I want to get rid of my side by side.
Well, Im needing a shower to get woke up this morning so I will get off of here.
My love and GOD's best to all of you this glorious LORD's day!
I am going to get at this early this morning it took me so long yesterday to do the post that I decided to get in here early and see if I could have time to do something else in the day? ~ha
Oh my goodness it was simply beautiful out yesterday..... I walked 4 miles.... not all at one time but 2 miles, then another... then late last evening Paul and I went for another mile.... that mile was the best! the one with Paul! I love it when we go for those late walks! The breeze was blowing so nicely all day..... but I did not get my yard work done... not one bit of it.... but today I have to it is to be 33 tonight and 27 tomorrow night! brrrr! I have some plants that have to be repotted and brought in....
Paul and I are going to clean up the garden today take down the tomato cages and cuke fence and brush hog in there.... we are going to try and go over and get a couple loads of lime and spread on it this week the weather is to be wonderful I see.
Mimi~ hope the bikers church turns out to be just wonderful!
Yep, the pain in my side is much much better! PTL! still a bit of soreness to the touch and when I stoop over but now my back is taking front and center again so I know the tummy is much better. I really really think when I set up in the bed right after I got home I pulled something really hard and it took longer to heal because of that ... when that happened it was the same pain all the rest of the time that hurt so bad... a hot searing pain when I turned or stooped the least bit.... it sure did get better last week, for that I am very thankful.
I told Paul when I turned on my side and cuddled up close.... man is he warm! I'm always cold and he lets me put my cold feet on him! and they are ICE COLD!!! anyway I said "look what I can do?" I can lay on my side again! It was great! I am a side sleeper and I have been on my back since surgery... When I would lay on my side it felt like my guts were falling out! Bad hurt! But things are looking up and getting better all the time.... I am so active and I guess I just didn't give myself a whole lot of healing time before I thought I had to be about some things...
The apple butter ~ I think I am going to put half the apple juice and less Splenda...... see i did not start with the pulp this time I used the peeler slicer corer and put the apples in the crock pot to cook down and before I cooked them down on the stove and run the apples thru the ricer.... so ended up being less pulp this time so needed to reduce the other things to make up for that..... either way I will let you know how it should be when I get it all tweaked.....
Sandy ~ thanks for the info on the pies.... I will be making that this week to see if my Paul will tolerate it... I sure hope he likes it that way... sure would make things so much easier and he would not get "ALL" those calories..... will just have to see.....
Did you say you would be coming thru here next weekend? or did I misunderstand that? I would sure love to see you if you do ..... let me know if you are and want to stop by....oh my goodness that would be fantastic!
Peggy ~ dear lady I think you are like me and a glutton for punishment sometimes! ~tee hee WOW you have a lot on your plate! I think you better come see me and let me pamper you a bit!
Well I'm going to get off here and go get dressed for the day and get out and get my walking done early..... today I am going to make Paul... bbq cups, ranch potatoes, and seasoned green beans with mushrooms..... do you think he will still think I'm never going to be a good cook again after all he has had this week? The Stinker!

Janet ~ thank you for the response to my e~mail last evening .... you are such sweet friend!
Blessings to all... I sure hope you enjoy your loved ones today...let them know you appreciate them in some way. Life is so short and so many times we let wonderful opportunities pass us by!
Daniel has already asked me to fix some of his old comfort foods when he is here for deer season - My famous enchilada/taco casserole and the old stand by hamburger Sheppard's pie - I have to laugh at that as it was a way for me to hide the deer burger when we had a very tight food budget. Here I wanted to have an early turkey dinner for him and thats all he wants is his old comfort foods... Will fix him what he wants and the new apple pie which he loves - just wish there was a way I could cut the carbs in it. I may experiment with using an almond crust to help reduce it even more.
I made an apple/Cinnamon/pecan swirl coffee cake using the splendas but it turned out to rich for me but dad loves it in a bowl with milk over it - LOL. I am going to try and find the recipe I glanced at yesterday for an English muffin bread loaf. I am having to bake 3 things for a bake sale Friday at work and I want to try that out as well as the apple bran muffins.
My 7 year old grandaughter - Shana will be coming with her dad for deer season so we will get to spend some girl time together without Mom or little brother. We have not done this before. I have babysat for them in spf and here when they have come but this will be a 1 on 1 time. I am so looking forward to it.
Bev - Will not be going to spf next weekend as they have plans and I wouldn't get there until about 7 pm so will wait until another time.
The dryer has buzzed so I had better get moving.
Have a great day!
Well, made it to church this morning. We missed Sunday School because our "Smart Clocks" set the time back an hour. I bought them BEFORE Bush changed the day light savings time. I gotta try and remember that! It happened to us last year too.
Just have to tell everyone that I had a GREAT time visiting with Bec this past week. What a true blessing she has been in my life! I got there around 11am Thursday morning. She had made some homemade cheese and broccoli soup (it was delicious) and she made me some ham roll ups with cream cheese and a dill pickle. Then for dinner she made a homemade chicken pot pie, tippins cornbread and fried applies made with spendia. She is a GREAT cook! We had a blast visiting and making those little surprises she has for all of you coming up for November 19th. Friday morning we had a Mushroom, Sausage, Bacon and Cheese Quiche and a wonderful sugar free fruit salad. She sent me home with a slice of the quiche and some of the fruit salad as well as the soup from the day before. She also made David a cherry cheesecake. He LOVED it!! So far he hasn't shared it with the boys! lol! She also sent home some apple butter she made and a great big sack of apples! Boy, I was spoiled that is for sure! Thanks again, Bec for everything you do. We all love and appreciate you!
Please tell Paul I enjoyed visiting with him as well.
Had a hectic day yesterday. Went to get a new filter for my refrigerator at Sears. Ended up going to the Sears Outlet in KC (that Bec had told me about) and we bought all new Stainless Steel Appliances. All of them are Kenmore Elite except for the above the stove microwave. It's a Kenmore just not the elite. The fridge is a trio and has water and ice in the door. DH and I have been wanting one for a long time because our Side by Side just didn't seem to cut it anymore. Anyways, we got it for 1/2 price and we can't find anything wrong with it. It still had the plastic film over everything. My new smooth top stove as two ovens and one of them is a convention oven! Man am I excited about that! My new dishwasher won't be here until Thursday evening. That's okay because we weren't going to install that until my new granite counter tops are installed Friday.
Speaking of that....we went back to the granite shop we bought our granite from on Saturday morning. Guess who greeted us at the door and helped us? The OWNER!! Now I know that is a direct blessing from the Lord. The Owner gave us a GREAT deal on all of the different tile I am thinking about! He even wrote the prices on one of his cards. He also said he'd make sure we got a good deal on the stuff he uses on his granite counter tops. It's like a wipie and it cleans and seals the tops all at once. Sounds great to me! God has been so good to us!
My stepdaughter is ecstatic because she gets all of our old appliances. David and Jake are on their way to deliver them this afternoon. So she got blessed too!
I have a prayer request. My Mom got hurt about 4 years ago on the job. We have been battling with the Worker's Comp people for the last 4 years. Tomorrow we are going to the pain doctor that our attorney and the WC people agreed on. It's in Lee's Summit (which is about an hour drive from where my folks live). The judge ordered the WC people to provide transportation. (Thank goodness, because we've been driving all of the place for this). So tomorrow a cab is going to her house to pick us up. Please pray that this doctor will give Mom the right kind of pain medication she needs and that she will get some relieve. She has severe neck pain from the fall. She went to sit down on a chair at work and it broke to pieces. Her boss had bought it at a local auction for $25. It's a wonder a resident didn't sit on it and fall. Anyways, I know my Mom wants this settled and so do I. Please pray the Lord will guide this new pain doctor and she will get the treatment she needs to get better. Please pray for my physical strength. I am sooooo tired. I had a hard time sitting in the chair at church for an hour...hope I can make it thru tomorrow for Mom.
Jan - I will be sure and post what the acceptable levels all for our bloodwork. I think it's so important. Can you please email me Margie's email address? I know you posted it but I can't seem to find it. When will you find out about those additional test the doctor ran on you? Are you feeling okay? I have been so exhausted, however, I told Dr. H I really thought it was the CFS and the Lyme Disease. Had no idea about the low iron. Like I said, I have got to start paying attention to that stuff and not just trusting my PCP. I LOVE my PCP, however, I am like his first patient that has had Gastric Bypass. So he is learning all of this stuff along with me. This medicine is starting to me a little hard on my system. I went out and bought some stool softeners today that have the laxative in them. Hope that will help. Dr. H said that usually within the first week of treatment people feel 100% better. I hope he's right!
Bec - I admire you so much! You are truly one of the greatest blessings in my life. Thanks again for all you did for me this past week. I can't wait to see you again in November! I just know the ladies are going to LOVE their surprise! I wish I hadn't been so tired because I would have loved to stay up late with you and chatted. Sorry I was such a party pooper!
Janet - glad you all had a great time at the field trip. I know you made some special memories with your kids. Ones they will always remember.
Peggy - thanks again for inviting us to your house for Bec's follow up visit. I really think you should let us all bring a dish...would be better, don't you think? Just hate to have you do all that work! Can't wait to meet you!
Mo Peeps - I do read everyone's posts and I do pray for all of you. Sorry I can't keep up with everyone. Maybe someday, but just not right now.
I guess that's it. I'm going to go gather up my girls (my two little poodles) and go take a much needed nap. Hopefully, dh will get my stove and microwave in when he and Jake return. If not will be a few days of sandwiches!
Take Care,
Debbie D.
I know it's late but better late than never,At least thats what i've always heard. Not much happening here today,Yes Nikki stil has her cold and she is really sounding bad ,I been giving her robitussin 24 hour cough,HAHA it's a big joke, I have the chuldrend musinex but says not to give it to her if shes on precription meds thats madi drug. she takes seroquil so don't know if its safe to give her so will call pharmacy tomorrow and find out.I haven;t been able to go get my b-12 injection this month and am about out of multi vit,ambien and xanax. Not good but nothing i can do.Gail was suppose to be going to carrolton tomorrow and work this week making prevaling wage but of course his boss called said it will be next week now. This time of year gets really tough every year but this year is really bad and i know its bad for everyone not just us.Then i get depresssed which dosen't help.But i know We will get through it we always do.I just turn it over to God , Helps save on wrinkles LOL.
Gonna pull some money out of his IRA this week to help get by.But i still won't get my meds because i'll make sure Nikki and Gail have what they need first,Then i'll go from whats left.
It is really cold out there and the wind is really whipping. Gonna be colder tomorrow.Winter is on the way..
Gail went to Church this morning,But i stayed home didn't feel well and Nikki has a Bad cold Didn't wanna take her and spread her germs to everyone at church, Then after lunch Pastor and his wife came and picked up pecans got 2 5 gal buckets, Their is nuts everywhere, The squirrles take 1 bite out of a nut and go to another one so alot of wasted ones out there too.I may go out if it isn't super cold in the morning and pick up enough just for a couple of pies and to have for christmas candy and cookies.There are lots of walnuts on southside of the house but they are so messy to get that coating off of. yur hands get all yucky and wont come clean LOL. SHeesh i'm a whinner tonight LOL.
Well i hope everyone had a god filled blessed day .
Love and HUGS Deb