6 A.M 10/07/08
Ok Gal's and guys, I am asking that everyone set their alarms for 6 a.m. And at that time we all hit our kness and pray for Renee and Lou. That they will come through their surgerys with flying colors.That the lord will bless them and the surgeonds hands, I believe in the power of prayer and the more we have praying the better off of haveing a mirical xs 2 happen, So do i have any takes? I'll be up .I'm always up with the chickens anyhow But thought it would be really special for them for us as a group to be joined together that way in prayer ,Just a suggestion
Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} DEB
Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} DEB
Thanks Angy
The more the merrier,And i know they will appreciate it. At least after the drugs wear off LOL.
How have you been? Don't hear much from Jen. She must be selling Avon like crazy LOL. Hope all is well with here.
How's Skyler? Pain better?
Take care and lOts of Love and [{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
The more the merrier,And i know they will appreciate it. At least after the drugs wear off LOL.
How have you been? Don't hear much from Jen. She must be selling Avon like crazy LOL. Hope all is well with here.
How's Skyler? Pain better?
Take care and lOts of Love and [{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb