OMG! don't start that liquid one hour early. LOL I started like a month before drinking two shakes in place of meals and eating one meal a day, thinking that when I had to go cold turkey it would be easier. Plus I had been eating horrificly. I sat one day and thought of all the crap I had eaten just because I keep telling myself, I'm not going to have this agian or that agian. I thought this is redicules. Then I think I gained a few pounds and that's when I got scared that if I gained they wouldn't do the surgery. They told us at seminar, we have your weight recoreded if you gain weight your out. So I did the liquid 2 meals and ate one meal. But this totally liquid diet has been really hard. It seems like for me the longer I go on this the more my stomache growls. Weird. On the PLUS side, I feel great and have lost 15lbs sooooo. There is always a silver lining. Anyway......I just saw liquid diet and the word early in your post and got the crazy eye. HAHAHA! keeping my eye on the prize...Lou (~.~)
Today is Jaretts 12th bday party!! His actual bday is the 8th. It is rainly and chilly!! But, he is having a football party where all the kids will hang out and play ball.I doubt many of the parents will want to stay.It is supposed to be light rain, so we will see. Also, Jordan ( my oldest ) plays the sax in the marching band which is in a parade for homecoming for MSSU. Jordan plays in the Jazz band too! It will be an eventful bday party!! Has anyone heard from Liz? I will repost this too. I am getting worried about her.
Hi All,
Just going to post a bit and try my best to get it all together for tomorrow's post...... man I just wish I felt like I could keep my thoughts straight with everything... I keep having to tell Paul I will get better I am not getting things that I normally do and take for granted.... I'm usually the one that is all ready and on top of things.... but since surgery I just have not gotten back in my "groove" if you will... oh well I'm sure it will come.....
I seen my pcp and we made a plan and he gave me enough liquid pain meds that I should be all good till I don't need them any more! I sure hope I can get rid of them all together soon ... I think I see a tiny bit of improvement in my tummy ...... it is tender as a boil in the lower left part..... I guess the surgeon really "stirred" things up in there.... My pcp agreed that I should not take anymore meds (other than pain) and that we would see how I am doing in three months.... I really like him... he is so nice! He seemed also not to want me to cut back on the exercise if the pain meds helped... so I will just continue to go and hope things get better... I don't want to stop walking either as I'm on a mission here and want to make the best of my first 18 months.....
Stopped at the store and got a few things and did not get home till late again....
Will try and piddle around here and get some work done the next couple of days as I can tolerate it..... Paul is NOT as particular at domestic duties as I am! ~tee hee ..... he was washing dishes a couple of nights ago and said..... man I'd rather change an engine that do this! isn't that just like a man! ~tee hee
I'm very excited about Janet and Renee coming to spend the night with me! This is fantastic! I sure hope I can be a good host..... bless their hearts. Sugar ~ you come on up and stay too! ~tee hee
I'm so happy for Renee and Lou! They will have so much to look forward to like I have!!!
I'm also very excited about any who will get to meet up with us on November 19th! This is just too good!
Oh my goodness I'm so very very sorry to hear about Andy.... I hope they have found out what is wrong with him!!! That poor couple sure has had their share of trials!!! I'm praying for them every time it's brought to my mind! Bless their hearts.
Jeanine ~ boy I'm sorry about your foot! You will have to me more careful dear lady!
Shannon ~ you dear precious lady ..... I sure hope you get to feeling so much better and I will be praying for your uncle David... I have put him in my prayer book.
Well better get off here my daughter is trying to call. I've had my morning vits and shake now I'm on my way out to walk and talk to my dear daughter....
Love to each of you today and please hang in there with me I will be back on top soon I promise! I pray! I feel like I also am letting some down... I have not answered so many post I wanted too.
A very blessed beautiful day to you all! Get outside and enjoy the beautiful place God made for us!
Janet ~ if you read this could you please call me today or I will e~mail you later..... thanks
Just going to post a bit and try my best to get it all together for tomorrow's post...... man I just wish I felt like I could keep my thoughts straight with everything... I keep having to tell Paul I will get better I am not getting things that I normally do and take for granted.... I'm usually the one that is all ready and on top of things.... but since surgery I just have not gotten back in my "groove" if you will... oh well I'm sure it will come.....
I seen my pcp and we made a plan and he gave me enough liquid pain meds that I should be all good till I don't need them any more! I sure hope I can get rid of them all together soon ... I think I see a tiny bit of improvement in my tummy ...... it is tender as a boil in the lower left part..... I guess the surgeon really "stirred" things up in there.... My pcp agreed that I should not take anymore meds (other than pain) and that we would see how I am doing in three months.... I really like him... he is so nice! He seemed also not to want me to cut back on the exercise if the pain meds helped... so I will just continue to go and hope things get better... I don't want to stop walking either as I'm on a mission here and want to make the best of my first 18 months.....
Stopped at the store and got a few things and did not get home till late again....
Will try and piddle around here and get some work done the next couple of days as I can tolerate it..... Paul is NOT as particular at domestic duties as I am! ~tee hee ..... he was washing dishes a couple of nights ago and said..... man I'd rather change an engine that do this! isn't that just like a man! ~tee hee
I'm very excited about Janet and Renee coming to spend the night with me! This is fantastic! I sure hope I can be a good host..... bless their hearts. Sugar ~ you come on up and stay too! ~tee hee
I'm so happy for Renee and Lou! They will have so much to look forward to like I have!!!
I'm also very excited about any who will get to meet up with us on November 19th! This is just too good!
Oh my goodness I'm so very very sorry to hear about Andy.... I hope they have found out what is wrong with him!!! That poor couple sure has had their share of trials!!! I'm praying for them every time it's brought to my mind! Bless their hearts.
Jeanine ~ boy I'm sorry about your foot! You will have to me more careful dear lady!
Shannon ~ you dear precious lady ..... I sure hope you get to feeling so much better and I will be praying for your uncle David... I have put him in my prayer book.
Well better get off here my daughter is trying to call. I've had my morning vits and shake now I'm on my way out to walk and talk to my dear daughter....
Love to each of you today and please hang in there with me I will be back on top soon I promise! I pray! I feel like I also am letting some down... I have not answered so many post I wanted too.
A very blessed beautiful day to you all! Get outside and enjoy the beautiful place God made for us!
Janet ~ if you read this could you please call me today or I will e~mail you later..... thanks
Good Morning gang!!!
HUGS!!! man have I missed waking up to all your happy faces everyday!!
I am so happy to hear Andy is going to be ok!! Like Bec says he and his wife sure have had a time of it lately, I hope they will soon be having nothing but joy to report, when all this has past!!
Lori HUG your son today from all of us, tell him Happy Bday!! I sure am glad he is feeling better so he can enjoy his big day. Don't wear yourself out to bad with all those kiddos and have fun!!!
Bec WOW you get to have a slumber party with Janet and Renee, man am I jealous!!! Not to mention they get to have you all to their selves too sniff!!
Oh well I hope I get to have some Bec time at the end of the month if you are feeling up to that!!!
I hope you ladies all have a blast!!!
Shanon I sure hope you are taking care of that toe as well as continuing to do well after your surgery, HUGS!!!
Lou LOL I have tried a day or so all liquid diet early too but figured it would get old and I would never make it thru the real deal if I did it to long!! I am not as brave as you and Bec hehe, tho I am scared to death of gaining and it being a problem with surgery!! I am trying to be careful but I plan on one last meal, if I can decide what that will be, haven't let myself have anything to bad in so long now I don't know what to have hehe, probably make me sick LOL. Keep your eye on that prize girl you are almost there!!! You are doing great I sure hope I do as well as you when its my turn!!!
Jan sounds like you had a good visit with your son, what a lucky guy he is to have you!
I hope Jo is feeling better today and that they soon get him some answers that will help him long term. Happy to hear your daughters truck problems may be solved, I will pray it is so, as I continue to pray for her!!
Sugar I wanna come play with you hehe, that party sounds WONDERFUL!! I adore seniors to, I think if we took more time to treasure them as you do we could learn a lot from them, make less mistakes in our own lives, not to mention the joy you get from hearing all their wonderful stories!!! I am sure they love you as much as you love them!!
Deb(pooh) HUGS!! hehe my MIL and I goggled the town where you live we just may have to come up and see you!! My hubby's 94 year old grandmother lives close to there as well and we are due a visit to her house soon!! I wanna see all you holiday deco so bad it hurts, not to mention that store sounds like fun!! I love shops like that, all those treasures!!! I don't understand why your niece didn't love those clothes!! We have a Other Mothers shop here and when my great niece was born i shopped it a lot for her, for the price of one outfit I could afford to send her whole wardrobes from there. Times are hard and I don't see em getting better anytime soon I'm afraid, I think we all should look for bargains wherever we can find em, wise people like you and Angie already know that!!
Angie HUGS!! I hope you are having a fabulous day!! I am so excited over the secret pal, can't wait to see who i got!!! I wanted to tell you I am now hopeless hooked on free-cycle and craiglist thx to you I missed looking on those boards almost as much as this one haha. I am like you and Deb I LOVE bargains!! I would rather brag over a deal I got than tell someone I paid a mint for something for sure!! I grew up in a family of 6 kids with many adoptees LOl my mom was mom to the whole church and neighborhood, we always knew we had to find bargains, she is a master at that still!!!
HUGS and prayers to everyone!! I hope you have the VERY best weekend!!!
I'm off to catch up on all I got behind on while I was away and face the list of extras I have to get done before Nov. LOL pray hard I hold out to get it all done hehe!!
HUGS!!! man have I missed waking up to all your happy faces everyday!!
I am so happy to hear Andy is going to be ok!! Like Bec says he and his wife sure have had a time of it lately, I hope they will soon be having nothing but joy to report, when all this has past!!
Lori HUG your son today from all of us, tell him Happy Bday!! I sure am glad he is feeling better so he can enjoy his big day. Don't wear yourself out to bad with all those kiddos and have fun!!!
Bec WOW you get to have a slumber party with Janet and Renee, man am I jealous!!! Not to mention they get to have you all to their selves too sniff!!
Oh well I hope I get to have some Bec time at the end of the month if you are feeling up to that!!!
I hope you ladies all have a blast!!!
Shanon I sure hope you are taking care of that toe as well as continuing to do well after your surgery, HUGS!!!
Lou LOL I have tried a day or so all liquid diet early too but figured it would get old and I would never make it thru the real deal if I did it to long!! I am not as brave as you and Bec hehe, tho I am scared to death of gaining and it being a problem with surgery!! I am trying to be careful but I plan on one last meal, if I can decide what that will be, haven't let myself have anything to bad in so long now I don't know what to have hehe, probably make me sick LOL. Keep your eye on that prize girl you are almost there!!! You are doing great I sure hope I do as well as you when its my turn!!!
Jan sounds like you had a good visit with your son, what a lucky guy he is to have you!
I hope Jo is feeling better today and that they soon get him some answers that will help him long term. Happy to hear your daughters truck problems may be solved, I will pray it is so, as I continue to pray for her!!
Sugar I wanna come play with you hehe, that party sounds WONDERFUL!! I adore seniors to, I think if we took more time to treasure them as you do we could learn a lot from them, make less mistakes in our own lives, not to mention the joy you get from hearing all their wonderful stories!!! I am sure they love you as much as you love them!!
Deb(pooh) HUGS!! hehe my MIL and I goggled the town where you live we just may have to come up and see you!! My hubby's 94 year old grandmother lives close to there as well and we are due a visit to her house soon!! I wanna see all you holiday deco so bad it hurts, not to mention that store sounds like fun!! I love shops like that, all those treasures!!! I don't understand why your niece didn't love those clothes!! We have a Other Mothers shop here and when my great niece was born i shopped it a lot for her, for the price of one outfit I could afford to send her whole wardrobes from there. Times are hard and I don't see em getting better anytime soon I'm afraid, I think we all should look for bargains wherever we can find em, wise people like you and Angie already know that!!
Angie HUGS!! I hope you are having a fabulous day!! I am so excited over the secret pal, can't wait to see who i got!!! I wanted to tell you I am now hopeless hooked on free-cycle and craiglist thx to you I missed looking on those boards almost as much as this one haha. I am like you and Deb I LOVE bargains!! I would rather brag over a deal I got than tell someone I paid a mint for something for sure!! I grew up in a family of 6 kids with many adoptees LOl my mom was mom to the whole church and neighborhood, we always knew we had to find bargains, she is a master at that still!!!
HUGS and prayers to everyone!! I hope you have the VERY best weekend!!!
I'm off to catch up on all I got behind on while I was away and face the list of extras I have to get done before Nov. LOL pray hard I hold out to get it all done hehe!!
Good evening MO peeps! It had been one heck of a day.
My sister and I took 5 little dogs to this event called "Wolfstock" it's to raise money for the KC Humane Society. Ok, I dress my dogs up in their cute little outfits and we go to this place which is in a county park. We get out of the car and start walking towards the event and all of a sudden the dogs are limping and one of mine wants me to pick him up. Couldn't figure out what was wrong until I picked mine up and he had those sticky burs all in his hair and feet it was horrible they hurt me picking them out I can only imagine how the dogs felt them on their bare little feet. I picked both my dogs up (together they weigh like 28lbs) I carried them back to the car and then we spent about an hour cutting those things out of them. My sister has 3 long haired yorkies so she had to deal with the same thing. Finally we got the dogs fixed and we drove closer and got to park closer and where there was pavement. My dogs need more socialization they were a mess barking and wanting to get everyone. Now they would never bite another dog or human they are just all talk but it's annoying after about 15 mins. they started to act better and more social. My sister had her 3 yorkies all with bows in their hair and I had my 2 white dogs all dressed up and with bows and everyone wanted to stop and awe them. This one lady wanted us to go to this tent to get our pictures taken for the news paper here in Wichita so we did all 7 of us! It was fun other then the burs and the barking. I'm tired.
I never thought I would have this problem but I now know why all of you guys are taking laxatives and stool softners! I had my gallbladder taken out in 99 and every since then I have had potty problems things would always go right through me. It's been 2 days now and I have had horrible constapation so I got the stool softners hasn't worked much yet maybe tomorrow? Why do we have this problem?
I love this secret pal thing, I think it will be so fun. I love getting mail (I never get anything fun only bills).
I got a pumpkin this evening to sit on my porch. I have to finish putting out my fall/Halloween decorations I want to take pictures of my dogs sitting on the hay next to the scare crow in their costumes wouldn't that be cute? I have to get some mums too.
I have so much to do and not enough time to do it all. I need another day to add to my weekend....ha, ha.... Yesterday at school I got suckered into drawing some things for the bullitin board didn't want to do it there don't like people watching me draw so I brought it home so I have to get that done by Monday. I should have never did the first bullitin board then they wouldn't know I was artistic.....I have 21 book markers to make for my kids not to mention laundry, cleaning, and a lot of other things. You know what makes me mad is a lot of schools have taken out art classes and just do music. I am a music person too but art needs to be in the schools. I guess it's a good thing I didn't become an art teacher like I was going to I wouldn't have a job.
I have to go check on dinner, probably won't be able to eat it but at least my sister will..... Take care and God bless you all....
My sister and I took 5 little dogs to this event called "Wolfstock" it's to raise money for the KC Humane Society. Ok, I dress my dogs up in their cute little outfits and we go to this place which is in a county park. We get out of the car and start walking towards the event and all of a sudden the dogs are limping and one of mine wants me to pick him up. Couldn't figure out what was wrong until I picked mine up and he had those sticky burs all in his hair and feet it was horrible they hurt me picking them out I can only imagine how the dogs felt them on their bare little feet. I picked both my dogs up (together they weigh like 28lbs) I carried them back to the car and then we spent about an hour cutting those things out of them. My sister has 3 long haired yorkies so she had to deal with the same thing. Finally we got the dogs fixed and we drove closer and got to park closer and where there was pavement. My dogs need more socialization they were a mess barking and wanting to get everyone. Now they would never bite another dog or human they are just all talk but it's annoying after about 15 mins. they started to act better and more social. My sister had her 3 yorkies all with bows in their hair and I had my 2 white dogs all dressed up and with bows and everyone wanted to stop and awe them. This one lady wanted us to go to this tent to get our pictures taken for the news paper here in Wichita so we did all 7 of us! It was fun other then the burs and the barking. I'm tired.
I never thought I would have this problem but I now know why all of you guys are taking laxatives and stool softners! I had my gallbladder taken out in 99 and every since then I have had potty problems things would always go right through me. It's been 2 days now and I have had horrible constapation so I got the stool softners hasn't worked much yet maybe tomorrow? Why do we have this problem?
I love this secret pal thing, I think it will be so fun. I love getting mail (I never get anything fun only bills).
I got a pumpkin this evening to sit on my porch. I have to finish putting out my fall/Halloween decorations I want to take pictures of my dogs sitting on the hay next to the scare crow in their costumes wouldn't that be cute? I have to get some mums too.
I have so much to do and not enough time to do it all. I need another day to add to my weekend....ha, ha.... Yesterday at school I got suckered into drawing some things for the bullitin board didn't want to do it there don't like people watching me draw so I brought it home so I have to get that done by Monday. I should have never did the first bullitin board then they wouldn't know I was artistic.....I have 21 book markers to make for my kids not to mention laundry, cleaning, and a lot of other things. You know what makes me mad is a lot of schools have taken out art classes and just do music. I am a music person too but art needs to be in the schools. I guess it's a good thing I didn't become an art teacher like I was going to I wouldn't have a job.
I have to go check on dinner, probably won't be able to eat it but at least my sister will..... Take care and God bless you all....