~Grand-Baby ultrasound results!~

on 10/3/08 8:08 am - linneus, MO
I am so happy for you.I remember the rush of emotion i had ,the tears flowing down my face when i found out my first grandbaby was gonna be a girl. And then the day of the ultra sound .To see and hear her heart beat was so totally awesome. I cryed like a baby.
 wish i lived closer to you I would give you such a big ole hug. I can just picture the smile you must have on your face. Mackenzie is a very lucky baby. To have such a beautiful,Loving woman as her Nana.
Love and {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


Jan C.
on 10/3/08 9:32 am - Cedar Creek, MO
im so  very happy for you...and you better believe it that she knew your voice. she will react to it when she is born too. they do hear in the womb...when i got your text message today i had to do a little dance....yea Mckinsey.... nothing like that first grandbaby they all are precious and wonderful but the first one is to die for. I didnt get the job of seeing any ultra sounds when my first one was due as that was a few years ago. 26 now...wow tech. has come a long ways...
anyway love you and love that baby already... cant wait to hold her , you will have to bring her to a support meeting and the meeting will be about Meet Mckinsey lol ....



Shannon C.
on 10/3/08 9:34 am - Kirksville, MO
There is nothing like being a GRANDMA or Grammy as I am called!  Welcome to the Grandma's Club!!!



Jeanine S.
on 10/3/08 10:37 am - compton, AR
Hehe, That little bundle of joy sure knows how to get Nana wrapped already doesn't SHE!!!! I am so happy for you!!! What a lucky baby she will be to get a Grammy as special as you!!!


Blondie **
on 10/3/08 9:42 pm - Mean People Suck, MO
What a sweet thing to read this morning Nana Janet!  You know, my mom is "Nana" and guess you know we get two middle names in my family, I was named after my mom "Leigh" and my Nana, "Anne"...so I got:  Le Ann

Yup, I am in the L.A. Club already, waiting for Mac to get here :)
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