Jan C.
on 10/2/08 2:22 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wakeing up Thursday morning was like waking up in a deep freeze, all the windows were open and I waa buried down deep in the covers. Wow got down to 43 here….but by 8 the sun was up and had warmed up to a beautiful sunny 50 degrees. Lol


Went out and pulled more dead flowers and grasses that were growing under the flowers that you cant see when they are grown and blooming.


Finally got an answer about Micheles little baby truck….is the crankshaft modular sensor. That sounds made up to me …lol anyway it will be fixed tomorrow…

He finally drove it like I told him he had too and said yep it shut itself off and cranking it didn’t help even with jumper cables. But as soon as it cooled off it started right back up. Yea!!!! Im glad they have it figured out. they better have any way. Im not going to keep taking it back and back to him over and over. Besides she needs to be able to get where she needs to go. Cant have a job if you don’t have transportation that is for sure.

Thank you everyone for the prayers you said for her little truck…


We rode the trike to town today and bought the lic for the trailer…I didn’t go in , sat outside on the bike while Joe went in and I think that girl in there really messed it up…does anyone know what it cost to have a lic on a trailer…she charged us 46 dollars for 2 years. That’s more than a car cost. Sounds rather weird.




JANET:::::: well so glad that all of that is over with , the ER and the creep that wanted to sell you some fruit. Thank God for Dozer and thank God that someone saw you so quick at the track…. I bet that was really scary not only for you but for all your guys too.

I hope they catch the fruit guy. I bet when they do they will find he has a long record of no telling what sorts of bad things. I cringe to think of what could have happened …

Thank God that you are one fearsome woman that knows what to do and isnt afraid to do it. And I have no doubts in my mind that you would have used the gun if you would have had too. Now I know why you have that big ole dog lol all of those pounds of dogfood paid off didn’t they. Lol

That was great that Stephania thanked you for the food you did buy her. Was a nice surprise huh? Who is she living with now? Is it your mom? The good grades are nice bonus too ….

Wow that sounds like some fancy basketball playing you do there. But to be able to just stand there and throw the ball is something that I know you haven’t been able to do. So way to go girl.

Oh wow today (Friday) is the day you find out if it is a Mckensie huh? Be sure and let us know as soon as you can ok? We will be waiting to hear from you. Lol exciting isnt it.



SUSIE::::: only 34 more days now lol . I took one calendar and used it to mark a big x thru the dates as they happened. Sometimes I would forget and have to go back and mark off several of them and then realize that I only had maybe 15 more days or some thing like that. Wow. Goes fast. And I made schedules of things I wanted to get done. Each day had something I had to do that day and that day only. Made the days go by really fast.


Hmmmm protein ice cream . well let us know if Santa hears you. And what it taste like lol

I eat once in awhile some sugar free ice cream but not very often. I have never been much of an ice cream fan anyway since I have always been lactose intolerant . and ice cream does as much harm to me as reg milk does. .




SUGAR::::: so how was your friend in the nursing home? Is she doing ok? Hope so.

On the boys , who picks up the other kids from school? What about Melissa? She cant do it? There has to be someone that will pick them up and watch them till she gets home.

We will keep that in our prayers since it will have to have a solution soon.

And even if you weren’t going to be gone in a couple of more weeks it needs to be done. We as grandparents don’t need to have every day tied up to where we cant do anything else. Good to help out when it is really needed but it needs to be when there is no other solution or way for it to work out.

I would offer to be your driver on the trip but I don’t think you would want me too. I have this problem , of sleeping at the wrong times. Lol .

I have run out of my stay awake pills and have had my sleep study I guess I will check and see if the insurance company will pay for them now and what they will cost, with the insurance company …


Am praying for Linda and her friends family. That has to be hard to lose some one and with those cir****tances.



BEC:::::hopefully some of the pain you are having in the tummy area was the staples. I know you have always had back problems. Maybe when more weight is off the back will feel better.

I have been able to sleep on my side even in the hospital. I did have to put a pillow under my big ole belly at afirst and that may help you a lot too if you want to sleep on your side. Get an extra pillow and put if up under your belly so it will have some support and not be pulling so hard downward.

The pain meds that your surgeon gave you don’t help the back at all when you are taking it? Just remember that there isnt a lot you can take all the time for pain. Tylenol have you tried that at all since surgery. And getting off all your other meds that is big and great. It always amazes me how the other meds are no longer needed so fast.

I hope we can get some to come with us on Nov 19th what fun to meet up with different ones and go shopping and such.  You should be feeling great by then. And have lost more so you will feel like you might find your sass…

Do you realize that I still cant eat deli turkey much. Man they are letting you have turkey , not even mashed up??? Wow. Different docs sure do different don’t they?


Are you still doing your isopure protein drinks? you need to keep it up as the amount of food you are eating isnt any protein at all really …that will stop weight loss big time. You have to get the protein and the water in or it just doesn’t work …I know you are tho. I know you and know that you are doing it all by the book…

Use the pillow under the tummy when you lay on your side that will stop the pulling pain. Oh I already told you that lol

And you have to rethink your thought processes about losing weight and food. Before surgery we tried the best we could to keep our food intake under 1200 calories now we need to try and get it up to at least 1000 calories , before you really lose a lot. Lol of course it will be a long time before you can get that much in , well I guess if you are already eating eggs and turkey maybe not lol




LOU:::::: good to hear from you. I didn’t know you were a realtor ..that is neat but working lots of weird hours isnt it? Or do you make yourself set reg hours and stick with them ?  When you go back to work will be your biggest challenge to stick with your eating program. Use a cooler with the things you need , don’t short change yourself on the water and protein just because you are working, I have know several that went back to work and didn’t do what they were suppose to and got really sick …so stick to your guns . I know you will.  We have the bench all shined up for you and Renee…wow they are coming in pairs now girls…




BARBARA  S:::::: thanks for putting up your before picture. I think it helps others to see where they can be in a year or two years. And I really don’t like looking at my former self but I know it has helped me to not be tempted by some of the things I ate before.




PEGGY;::::: Im glad that your surgeon is listening to you , you know a person can say im hurting and pain is relevant to the person. But lab work doesn’t lie. It tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Peggy I don’t think I have much of anything wrong , I didn’t mean to say I don’t eat I do but just the same things all the time. I eat chili and beans like crazy. But meat by itself is nasty tasting to me. And I don’t really try to eat it most of the time. I just don’t like it anymore. I eat lots of veggies. And yes I cant eat big amounts at a time but I eat like 5 meals a day. I don’t see how anyone can eat enough to get all or even most of their protein from food…there is the absorption factor…if we don’t absorb vits and minerals enough that we have to take supplements then why would anyone believe that the protein you eat that you absorb all of it. ??? On the best day I have ever had , with eggs, cheese, cottage cheese and chilli I still haven’t gotten even 80 grams of protein and if we don’t absorbe it all , (some say up to 50 %) then that is only 40 grams….that is why I will continue to do my shakes. I do not want to be weak and losing hair and all.

Maybe with the white blood cells down that might have something to do with something and if I find that out I will change the way I am doing things for sure. I will be fine im sure. You didn’t lecture….and I appreciate you being concerned for me. Like I said I do eat but 5 sometimes 6 tiny meals a day of (food) i just don’t like certain foods anymore and cant make myself eat them ….and some of the things that I do like I wont eat because they aren’t things that we should eat lol . I am trying to retrain my stomach but it has a mind of its own and when I try to put meat in there it gets very upset…I guess it has turned into a vegan on me…lol




DEB (POOH) the swelling in your legs is due to not having enough protein right?

It can do some bad things to you for sure.

On the fern….i wouldn’t put it in the sun exactly , sun coming thru a window can get really hot even in the winter time. You should water it every day or at least every other day for about 2 weeks….it may have a period of shedding a lot of leaves. That is from the transferring to the house. Ferns are picky they will sometimes lose lots of leaves if you have them some where and just turn them around. So be patient with it while it adjusts.

If it is an aparagus fern even if it loses all of its leaves when it gets warm outside and you put it back out in the spring it will come back out of the dead looking zone and come back to life lol

You know your little girl is one lucky baby and she will really know that one day…




ANGIE::::: everyone can click on their own profile and do any questions that are there but don’t know if there are anything until someone asks a question. Or the person that is doing the thing may have to set up a list of questions. And then who ever we got we can ask them questions too. So all of that will come together I guess when you hit the pick button or what ever. I never did it from your side so don’t know how it works.


The idea of Steak sounds so good till I smell it and then yuck… Joe got one the other day at Charlies and I tried a tiny little bite…it just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger, I finally had to just spit it out, I couldn’t get it to get little enough to swallow it.


Thanks on the Michele /Jason court deal.

Hey maybe we could get the clothing exchange coordinated with the KC trip somehow? You think? I don’t have anything anymore I don’t think well that may not be true…I have got to get my winter things out and some of them may be too big don’t know yet.



DEB::::: LASIX isnt good for us except in very select cases…..we get way too dehydrated too easy…the only way would be to drink twice as much as you are suppose to. ….



BOBBIE::::::: wonderful to hear from you again….not far away from onederland…way to go …hope to see you more often on here.



BEV::::::: lol your post is full of funny visuals…I know what you mean about the bathing suit, I did the same thing the last time I got in the water with the bathing suit that I though would fit me. Sure didn’t , when wet they change shapes very dramatically don’t they? And the tummy going up that is funny too it is like it wants to float right ? when I soak in the Jacuzzi my tummy seems to be not a part of the rest of my body …really weird .

Glad you are finding those bones. I have been accused of being too skinny because of the bones. I told them well phoo on you all the models and actresses have bones showing and everyone thinks they are beautiful so mine are too. Lol

So are you getting  in your protein thru protein drinks? girl you are going to get really really sick if you don’t get the protein in some way. And it doesn’t sound like you can or are doing it with food. …I know im one to talk about food but I do get mine from drinks anyway. I don’t have any problems swallowing it , but maybe like you my stomach just doesn’t like meats…will spit them back at me most of the time lol .




My son is coming down tomorrow to help me with my computers…I want him to show me how to do some things and for him to set up a couple of things on my laptop…just need some lessons on some things.



Joe has an appointment with a new spinal/ neurology doctor tomorrow morning about the pain he has in his neck…the pain clinic isnt comfortable doing shots into that area yet…they said the area in his spinal cavity is so tiny there that the spinal cord is pressing against the spine. Any way they want him to see this doctor. A really big time specialist I think…He isnt from Branson not sure where his practice is but he comes down to branson once a month to see any special clients like Joe they said. ..Pray for him if you will that he will know what to do for him….











Debbie D.
on 10/2/08 9:21 pm - KS
Good Morning, Jan & MO Peeps!

Don't faint!  I was up at 5:00 am this morning!  Luke and I are on are way to Midwest Bible College this morning.  They're having an all day event for High School Seniors.  They are suppose to feed us a "light breakfast" (I just had my protein shake) and a lunch.  We're suppose to talk to various departments as well as sit in on a class this afternoon.  Should be a fun day.  Would appreciate your prayers for Luke as he makes decisions regarding his future.  Also pray for David and I that we can guide him as we are suppose to do.

Jan - glad to hear they figured out what was wrong with Michelle's truck.  Hopefully, that will take care of any problems she had with it.  Will continue to pray for her.  Will also pray for Joe and hope the doctor's can find a way to help his pain.

Janet - I'm glad you and Jon are okay!  Wow, that would have been scary.  Hope they catch that guy before he tries anything with someone else.

Bec - It's great to see you posting again!  Great to talk to you yesterday as well!  Hope your PCP will give you the pain meds you need to keep up your exercise.  I am so PROUD of you!

I'm sorry, but I gotta cut this post short.  We gotta get on the road!  Love all of you!

Debbie D.
on 10/2/08 9:32 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Aunt Jan and OH Peeps~

Hi all! What an exciting Friday! I havent been able to really sleep. I think, THINK MAYBE.....3 hours! Im so excited, that I cant stand it! In 2 1/2 hrs, anyone within shouting distance-should hear this SHRIEKING, HOOPIN', HOLLERIN', CRAZY lady, doin' her famous baby circle dance!!!!! (yep, even with a broken butt I will be doin' a FULL CIRCLE, hands, hips and all!!!-LOL) WHY?, you ask? Well, not that I havent mentioned it a zillion times the past couple of weeks-but I am FINALLY going to "see" that baby girl that I have been anxiously waiting to see for WEEKS now!!!!

Now-my "only" concern about this ultrasound this morning is: Everyone and their sidekick (just kidding there) has decided to go-and no one from Aarons family said they could make it this morning-but I have been signed up for this since day 1, and find out yesterday that in addition to Jon and I, that my mom and Stephanie are going too.....Dont mind, but please pray that they will allow us ALL to squeeze into that room (SOOOOO GLAD TODAY THAT I HAVE LOST ALMOST DOUBLE WHAT I WEIGH NOW!!! LOL) If not, I will feel bad-BUT...not bad enough to sit out in the waiting room and wait (LOL-sorry for the honesty-but MY mom HAS had HER grandma/nana time-its MY TIME now!!!)

Im gonna get my responses out and then hop in the shower. Im gonna have to get Jon up in an hour so he can fully wake up! I went out to the laundry room already this morning, and BURRRR~LAP!!! Its COLD OUT THERE!!! (reminds me of the old time Christmas song-Baby its cold outside!!!) So-want my hair to dry before I leave the house and I dont use a hair dryer unless I HAVE to!

Darrels spending the night at a friends house tonite-so I have to pick him up at school and take him over there. His friend lives close to the school, but I want to see the house and meet the dad. His mom passed away 2 yrs ago and he moved in with his dad and his dad is a truck driver-so we have had 6 months of trying to meet so the boys can stay over at one anothers houses-and havent been able to-due to his work schedule and my health schedule (LOL). Ive met the friend several times at the church "lock ins" (overnite stays for tweens and now teens), but havent actually been over to his house (he lives right next door to the church) and have only met his aunt and uncle that he stays with when his dad is over the road. So, Im gonna rack up some miles on the good ol' Suburban today! Megans having her ultrasound in Carthage-so thats 1/2 hr from here.....then I have to go to Joplin to pay bills, do some grocery shopping and run errands and then to the school by 3 pm to get Darrel. My mom is having her sale today too and wanted me to help, but not sure if I will be squeezing that in or not. Will see!

Oh, and on my way home yesterday, I stopped to get gas at my favorite station and it showed $3.02 and when I went in and paid, she said it was actually $2.99 and they just hadnt had time to change the sign yet..... WOOOO HOOOOO! Who ever thought I would be happy paying that for ONE gallon of gas? LOL....

If you didnt see the weekly weigh in yet (which-PLEASE join us there on Fridays! Its awesome inspiration for so many and we would LOVE to see ya posting in there!!!!) I lost ALL the steroid weight already (last time I bounced back and forth for weeks) AND THEN SOME! I about fell off the scale when it read 169......In addition to this, Its MY time of the month right now, and that is usually at least a couple of pounds of water weight etc!!! Im anxious to see what my weight is by next Friday! Im so HAPPY!!!! (hurtin, but happy!)

Anyway-to get to those responses that I can remember this morning:

**Jan-Im SO glad that Micheles Kia is getting fixed!!! I prayed like crazy, I just didnt want them to send her home with it, and have it happen to her again and again! Thank God-NOW....Hopefully the rest of everything will just fall into place! I am claiming that for her. Please know we will continue to pray for her AND it WILL all work out-no doubt about it!!!

Hey, wanna come over and work on my flower beds and garden area? I will let ya! I have to admit, I MISS driving up and not seeing ALL of the beautiful hanging flower pots overflowing with beautiful flowers on all my shepherd hooks! I STILL have several flowers that are blooming AND look really good, big and healthy....I guess Im greedy, would love to have MORE, MORE, MORE!!!! I am getting 2 Mums today. My mom bought them for me and I forgot them yesterday when I saw her. Real pretty burgendy color and then purple. Love them!

I think I would call the DMV today and check on the price of that trailer, while there is still time for them to refund you. Sounds a little high to me. Maybe they charged you guys for a deluxe travel trailer? (LOL)

Will get on here and post about my Mackenzie, for sure!! Well, as soon as I can, I should say....

Yes, thank God for my big ol' burly dog. All 180+ pounds of him. Will never gripe about how much he eats. He has taken care of 2 people in the past 5 yrs and isnt scared of anything (except that tornado that came through in May!) I would feed him T-Bone Steaks every day IF I could afford it!!! He deserves it, thats for sure!

Thanks for all the prayers. I appreciate them so much. I appreciate you, and Joe too!!! Take care and have a good, relaxing weekend. How is Andy? Tell him to get his butt on here and post about how he and Susan are doing OR I will help him lose that 19# when I chase him around with that wet noodle for not keeping us posted!!! Thanks!

**Sugar-I would LOVE to go with you guys to see Ms. Bec in November. Count me in please! I HAVE put in for a sitter-so that should be all squared away. Thanks for doing that!!!

The trip sounds wonderful. Heck, I couldnt be your driver, we would end up in the ditch for sure-I would be too into the scenery!!! I am praying that you guys have wonderful time and scenery, plus weather. Love ya.

**Bec-Honey, your body is just catching up with itself right now. Dont fret!!! You lost weight pre-op too, so that counts towards your body going, HEY...Where are you going? LOL....This too shall pass! I continue to pray for your pain! Im so sorry to hear it! You WILL be good as new before you know it!

Hope that you had a wonderful day with Paul yesterday!!! Did he get the rocks done by the shed this time or did they end up with the John Deere too? Boys and their toys, huh???

Thanks for the email. Love ya and we will be talking to you sometime today!!

**Peggy-I think I would look for another endocronologist....A yr? With numbers going wacky? No checking up and all of that? That scares me! I am keeping you in prayer and I hope that SOON they WILL find a regimen that WORKS for YOU!!! Love ya. Keep your chin up-there are a lot of us praying for ya!

**Angie-your welcome on the recipe! let me know what you think.....knowing your taste lately-yours will be MUCH spicier than what I make.....but I let my hubby add his hot sauce, jalepenos AFTER its all cooked-LOL...so the rest of us has a chance to eat it!!!

I text Melissa a couple of weeks ago when I got a text from her that her grandma was in the hospital and not expected to make it, (LOVE her grandma) so she has kept me posted on her-other than that, I havent really talked to her or seen her since June sometime I think it was. Do you have her email address directly? If not, I will check with her and if she doesnt mind-I will give it to you OR text her and see if she wants yours-k?

Thanks for getting the exchange going-thats really cool! Im excited about it and thanks for the prayers-Love ya too and cant wait to meet you either!!!

**Renee-WOOOOO HOOOOO....one day closer. Keep your chin up and I love you, sis! I will be talking to you soon to let ya know I was RIGHT about Mackenzie OR to eat crow-LOL....

Love ya-3 more days and a wake up and thats that!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!

ok-Im off. Gotta get my guys up and get ready to get out of here. I hope you ALL have a wonderful weekend! I am praying for all your needs, prayer requests!!! Love, Janet

on 10/2/08 9:58 pm
I am lovin these cool nights and warm days. I haven't been sleeping much and am exhausted. Well last night  it caught up with me and I slept right thru the debate last night. I really wanted to see it too. I don't even remember what happened on survivor. Guess my dh will have to fill me in. I do feel better. I guess I will start worrying again and not sleep tonight(lol). Hope everyone has a graet Friday.

Andy W.
on 10/2/08 10:06 pm - Tulsa, OK

Good Morning Y’all,

Bbbrrr It’s been cold in the mornings for the last few mornings.  Woke up a couple mornings ago and like Jan felt like we were in a deep freeze lol.  Last night I shut the windows before going to bed, its not as cold in here this morning but still pretty chilli,  I hope this isn’t an indication of an early cold winter. 


Susan’s toe is getting better every day,  her leg is completely healed and toe about 90% healed, the doc said it should be fully healed in another week or so.   It was funny and a small world at the wound doctor,  him and Susan got to talking about where families were from and so forth, come to find out he used to live where I grew up in Arkansas,  he knows my brother and my brothers in-laws and stuff,  he was the high school football team doctor for many years at the El Dorado Ar  Highschool which was a rival highschool to the highschool I graduated from, what a small world.


This morning we gotta head into Branson again,  I have to get a cat scan of my sinus’s,  Im really hoping that the nose dr wont want to do any kind of surgery on my sinus’s,  Im still have trouble getting stuffy at night but I havnt used  Afrin in awhile now so hopefully they can do something else beside some kind of surgery.


Jan I know what ya mean about it being cold in the morning,  the last couple mornings I bout froze  lol.  Wasn’t bad walking yesterday,  I didn’t go til about 9ish so it had warmed up pretty good.  I took some bricks and made the outline for a flower bed in the back,  hope Joe doesn’t need the bricks lol.  I outlined a couple more beds and will work on putting bricks by em this weekend.  Will be praying that they can help Joe and the back and neck pain.   Missed ya walking yesterday.


Bec yes now that Susan has been approved for Medicaid we will start the process of her getting the surgery.  We are hoping tho that she gets on the type of Medicaid that Dr Hornbostel takes,  it’s the USA Healthcare Medicade,  I didn’t know there was different medicaid but there is I spose,  if not I guess we’ll see what happens with another surgeon or something,  God has a plan for sure.   We are waiting now for her state issued birth certicifacte to come in the mail,  they wouldn’t accept the hospital issued birth cert. she had, then her Medicaid will be activated.


Janet like I said above there, Susan is doing much much better,  thank you so much for your prayers, the prayers of everyone here really have worked,  we just have to stay on top of her blood sugar and make sure this doesn’t happen again,  her blood sugar is slowly coming down.


Well I better get off here and get ready to go to Branson,  hope everyone has a great day and wonderful weekend.


Bless ya’s



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 10/2/08 10:53 pm - linneus, MO
Good morning Jan and Everyone.
 Wholly hooters it's cold outside. Gail just left for work. His left leg gets really cold and his foot. He had a quadrupal bypass in Oct of last yr, So they took a vein from his left leg, Musta been a big one or a big blood supplier, Cuz currculation in that leg is really bad now.And it is weird but his chest right in the middle is always cold to the touch. Kinda freaky.
 Nikki still in bed all bundled up, Sam is on his blankie,Harley is under the blanket with Nikki.And i'm setting here with frost bit fingers LOL.
 I have the ugliest bug ya would ever wanna see setting on my entertainment center My 2 yr old granson Colby, Had his Nawnee[Thats what he calls me} outside hunting for buggies with him yesterday. This thing has a tongue that when he sticks it out it is bright orange but forked like a snakes. Ugly bug i'm tellin ya Just ugly LOL.
 I posted  Nikki's school pic on my profile if anyone wants to take a look see.
 My sister Cindy has been trying to call me all week but i haven't answered the phone, She left a message at the first of the week saying her and Mom were fighting again, I have told them both i don't care about their drama ,don't wanna hear about it.So i refuse to answer the phone. Maybe wrong on my part. But there is a reason i Don't live closer to them LOL. I would change my phone number but would have to have it tattooed on me so i could remember it LOL.
 Oct 12 my father with be gone 21 yrs and even though i went through all i did with him, I miss him, Ain't that just sick. All that happened and I still Loved him. Sometimes i think i need mental help. I wonder how i could Love him But i just do. Don't understand it. But have learned to live with it.
 Hope Natalie calls back today and says she was able to get me an appt at the pain clinic.I would be a much nicer person to live with if i wasn't hurting all the time LOL.
I fixed smothered liver and onions for Gail's supper last night and boy did i wanna get me some, But just stood over the pan and inhaled very deeply instead LOL.
 I haven't walked the past 2 mornings, No one to walk with But soon as it WARMS up i will be going it alone.I need to do it and if i gottta do it alone then so be it. Sam does walk with me, So i'm not really alone.
 Halloween will be here soon and i have always been the offical candy bar tester, Had to make sure they were safe for the kiddo's. LOL. This year i think i'll get lil bags of pretzels or something good for them. I won't be the most popular mom on the block but thats ok.
Janet- Sure glad you were not hurt or worse by the crazy man, Sounds like you have some pretty protective watch dogs, I have a really good watch dog Sam, He would lay there watch them break in then watch them pack out my stuff LOL.
 Bec- how ya feling? Better i hope.I hope they can get yur pain level under control.Hope you had a great day with hubby yesterday. I know i really enjoy getting to spend time with gail. He is such a workaholic free time with him isn't very often.
 I am off to get ready to head to senate bill 40 again this morning,every fri everything is a dollar a bag all you can stuff in a bag, you wouldn't believe how full i can fill a sack lol. you buy 2 and 3rd one is free.I get alot of good clothes for colby there.Lots of good brand name clothing . plus i have a new grandson due in Jan so i'm gonna try and get him some sleepers. It is hard to find Nikki clothes there cuz of her size she is tall and chunky.But sometimes i can find her some sweat shirts and p.j's.
 Well i better get busy, i'm sure ya'll get tired of hearing me blab about my life, ya'll know more about me than my own family does lol.
 To all getting ready for surgery you're in my prayers, those waiting to get approval, prayers are with you that yu'll hear something soon and that you will be approved. If it is in God's plan it will happen.
 To all the rest of you may your day be filled with lots of blessings and happiness.
 Love and {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


on 10/2/08 10:56 pm - Clever, MO

Howdy everyone!

Well, I just about collapsed on the floor when I weighed myself this morning...161 1/2 pounds......yeah! only 1 1/2 pounds from my goal weight! YOUSER!!!!! It is amazing and wonderful and Im so blessed!

Jan, so great that they found the truck problem, although Im like you and that sounds made up! LOL

The trailer license does sound a little high...call and check on that!

Jewell was doing great. She says she is on hospice now and has all of her arrangements made but she seemed to be doing pretty good and still has her hilarious sense of humor. We always just laugh so much with her. I dread loosing her but I know where she is going and I will see her again someday. We took another picture together...me her and Mary. She has one of us together with all her pics on a shelf and she tells us it is one of her favorites. It is of when I was FAT!!! But she loves it. She ask me yesterday if "Blondes really do have more fun?" and ask if Rick was keeping a close eye on me and all the men? LOL! She is funny.

Melissa picks her kids up and last year watched the boys but they have volleyball games about 3 days a week now and she cant do it when there is a game or practice and just wont the other times....She isnt working now.

I appreciate the prayers for that, I dont want to feel like this about dreading do it everyday.

No thanks sis, dont want you driving me anywhere....especially in those mountains where there would be such a drop off into the unknown!

Janet cant wait to hear you holler about McKenzie!!!! I have a friend who is going to be a grandma and they find out next week and they have decided not to ask the sex...it is driving her crazy!!! Did you get all my emails and forwards about the reunion next year? Let me know what you think..If we can get people to commit to be there now and put it on the calendars and pay up front it should turn out good. It figures to be really cheap per person and would be great to have it reserved right away so we get it when we want it. Im thinking the first weekend after labor day when the rates have dropped. 

To all of you who have prayed or are praying for our safe travels again, thanks and my God bless ya!

Now I gotta get out of here andgo garage saleing before workout today!  



on 10/3/08 1:06 am - Ozark, MO
Hi everyone,
Long time no hear from huh? I've been so busy with work and kids and I took a trip to California to pick up my oldest daughter and two grandkids who moved out due to a divorce,so it's been crazy.
I'm doing great. I'm down to 148 lbs. and I'm in my size 8's.10 months out. I've got about 13 lbs. from my goal.I've lost  82 lbs. People don't recognize me and I look at my pictures last year and go YULK I was fat.My hair is still falling out and I'm surprised I'm not bald yet,but it's (the hair) still hanging in there.I did my blood tests and they were great. All I needed to do was get the iron going and I feel great. My cholesterol went from 228 to 136. My  LDL is 58 which my dr. said they rarely see unless your under 20 years old.
I'm glad to see everyone is doing well and still on track. I've been lurking but...I decided it was time to say hi.I'm going to try to come to the next meeting,but I get off work at 6:00pm and I'm usually beat, but I'll try.
You all take care and God Bless.
Bec M.
on 10/3/08 1:13 am
Hi Missouri,

I don't have but a minute I have to get my self ready for another Dr's. appointment with pcp today....

Pain is getting tad bit better I think but boy I wi**** was gone I sure would feel like getting on with things....

Burning and pain in lower left tummy and then the back pain..... and back pain stinks... man it takes me so long to get my routine done that I'm nearly exhausted by mid morning.... I guess I am trying to do too much ..... I just am NOT a set still person.... I was 10:30 last night and still had not walked my second 30 minutes..... so Paul and I got our coats on and went out on the road and walked 1 mile it was 45 minutes and then I was so totally done in..... but it was enjoyable too and I liked being with Paul, the stars were so very very clear.

I'm only 12 days out of surgery so I guess I just want it all to fast! 

Mimi~ Yes ma'am I am getting 60+ grams of protein and that much water a day.... + what protein I'm eating in my meals  That's what my book says to do..... I ate the deli turkey it was very chopped up when I was done with it even though the book did not say to chop it.... I did anyway.... and I tolerated it fantastic.... so far I have had... egg, refried beans, string cheese, cottage cheese and deli turkey..... I have tolerated them all with no problems at all!  I'm so thankful for that!!! very very thankful for that considering so many are having such difficulties..... I'm so sorry for all of you that are struggling and praying each time I get something new and do well with it that each of you will be able to tolerate it too! 

The pain meds are helping but I only take them about 30 minutes before I walk... no other time... I just suffer with it... I will talk with my pcp today and see what he thinks will be best for me till I get enough weight off and the back issues is not so bad.  I'm hoping the stomach pain will get better in another week?  I will try the pillow tonight and see if that helps..... I sure am not sleeping good and that's why I'm so tired too I think..... even with my c~pap.... nasty ole thing! ~tee hee

I am noticing the last two days how much better I am feeling without all the meds I was taking... I feel more alert,  "cleaner, crisper" something.... I know that was not the best way to describe it but for lack of thinking of another way to put it.... anyway it is going to be great!!!!

Sangie ~ I had lap RNY.... I had six incisions two of them pretty good size.  My surgeon was in Shawnee Mission Kansas.

{{Deb}}  Thank you for thinking of me everyday!  I am doing ok considering where I am.... having my struggles but so thankful I'm doing as well as I am!  When I get rid of this pain I'm going to be hard to hold down!

Renee & Janet dear ladies ~ I will be waiting to hear if you are coming on Monday I sure want to be ready for you if you are.  Love you girls.

I wish I could stay on and write to each one but I have to get on out there and get my walking in before I have to get my shower to go to the doc... I promise I will do better tomorrow or Sunday....

Peggy ~  I'm concerned for you... I sure am praying they find out what is wrong with you and you can get on the right track to fix it!

Love you all... have a wonderful day!

Jeanine S.
on 10/3/08 2:41 am - compton, AR
(sneaks in, man I am scared of being grounded or spanked)

HUGS!!! I am so very sorry I have not posted in the last couple weeks but I have to tell ya life here has not been fun!! I think I almost borrowed a page from Janet, I love you girl but not as tough as you LOL.

Lets see been in Ga. over a week, My uncle was seriously burned 70% of his body, so bad in fact they knew they would not be able to do a skin graph, but hoped pig skin would take, it didn't they had to use cadaver skin eww, so he will have to go thru more graphs after he heals more. Between sitting at the hospital, driving to and from Ga (900 miles +) I look and feel like the good year blimp all blown up LOL. I got home on Wednesday night/ wee hours of the morning Thursday. Three day drive alone, man was that a scary trip, first time without hubby along. Thank god I got my car back the day before his accident. I went for Mama more than anything else and his kids, this uncle has never been one we were allowed around very much for many reasons not the least which is he is a major drunk, his kids have not seen him in ages they just could not expose their kids to his ungodly ways, they tried many many times to get thru to him before they gave up. This has been very hard on everyone as no matter his behavior a good man lives behind all that booze and we all do still love him, just so sad how he has wasted his life, I sure hope as bad as this is it will become a blessing and finally make a change in him.

Anyway, I had to see the PCP today for blood work, checks on my thyroid lvls etc. I sure hated to go with my legs like this not to mention the major cold I have. She freaked I have a place leaking on legs again CRY, but she gave me meds for it and Ill bandage again and hope it clears soon, she thinks my thyroid is off again sigh we will see when blood comes back, plus I have bronchitis, so she gave me lots more meds for that FUN FUN, I guess this week Ill be saying no when people call no choice. I am so tired and feel like a truck or three ha**** me LOL.

Please Pray for Uncle David, I hope he will get sober and remember the people who love him not mention the Christan way he was raised.

My list of things to do before surgery is staring me in the face with only a couple things checked off I may never get it all done CRY!!!!

Jan I am truly gonna try and make the meeting this month, I am so sorry I am usually someone you can count on and I feel like All I have done is let you down, between to reunion and the meeting I missed, please please forgive me!!! I tried to read some of the things I missed while I was away, I got the page up once at my sisters house but could not get a post thru for some strange reason I am so very sorry about everything you daughter has been thru, I am so happy things are getting a bit better with her car etc. I pray that will continue. I hope your Joe will find all the answers he is seeking for his pain relief, you and your family are always in my heart and in my prayers!!!

Janet  I hope your grand baby will be smiling for you all today!!! I am glad to see you are doing better with your broken butt and still have such a brave heart, you amaze me as always!!!

Bec  WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO girl its great to see you posting!!! You are doing so wonderful, a example as always to us all!!! God is so very good I prayed every waking minute for you, that you would come thru this safe!!! I love you so very much and can not tell you haw thrilled I am for you!!! I hope you will continue to do well and soon be pain free!!!!

Lynnett  WOOOHOOOO for you to girl!!! You got the surgery I wish I could get, I am so happy for you!!!! My insurance wont cove the sleeve unless its for acid reflux LOl not weight loss dumb huh haha. I am so thrilled you doing well I just know you and Bec will be SASS itself soon!!!

Andy  Thank God Susan is better and medicare approved!!!!! I am so thrilled i pray doc H will be able to do her surgery soon!!! You two sound so happy together, I hope this surgery will buy you both many more years together to be happy and healthy!!!

Renee WOOT you and your surgery buddy don't have long at all now!!! I am so happy for you both!!! I pray that you will both do wonderfully and sail thru as Bec has done!!!

Angie  I LOVE the secret pal idea I cant wait to join in sooo happy i made it back in time to do that!!!! You are such a light, this will help spread a lot of smiles I am sure, thank you for doing this!!!

Deb  HUGS!!! wow I read about you and Nikki you are even more AMAZING than I thought you were and I sure didn't know that was even possible!!! What a lucky baby to have a mom like you one with a heart like yours!!! Tears are running down my cheeks, I have a step brother whose son we have all tried to help raise and get custody of I know how painful that battle can be!! You my dear sweet lady are a perfect example of REAL love, you have taken all the bad things you have been thru and turned them into something that is a inspiration to us all!!! I pray that god will bless you in this life because I know he surely has treasures piled high for you in the next!!!

Cor  I hope you have good news by now?? If not i pray as I have been everyday it wont be long!!! I hope you are doing well!! HUGS!!

Peggy I hope that hubby of yours is giving you some slack so you can figure out what is going on with you!! I hope you will soon have the answer  you seek and will be feeling better!!!

DebbieD HUGS I am so happy Bec had you with her and wow forgot she got to meet Janet to LOL I am GREEN with envy!! You are such a blessing to so many, your church, your family, the scouts and all of us on here as well!! Thank you for all you do!!

Lori HUGS, I hope your son is doing better, you and your family are always in my prayers!!!

Angie, Jen, brandy, I hope you ladies are doing well HUGS know I pray for you all as well !!

I know I am forgetting people and important things, I am very sorry if i am but I think the cold drugs have kicked in LOL, not like my mind worked right without em either tho LOL!!!

I promise to be a better girl and stay home, get better, get ready for surgery and post!!!
I am so very sorry i worried everyone please forgive me, I did try and post the one day I did get my hands on a pc. I love you all dearly, I pray you all have a wonderful day and God blesses you in more ways than you can count!!!!

Oh Sugar Welcome home I am so very happy your vacation went wonderfully!!!! HUGS!!

Gonna crawl under the covers now I will respond to all the messages I have in my email and on this board when I get up I promise, Thank you all for the prayers and again forgive me for worrying you all!!

Love and HUGS!!!!


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