Brenda Nutt
on 10/1/08 4:10 am - Harrison, AR

190!  I'd take 190 in a heart beat!  Just start moving again....get a little selfish with your time- YOU are worth it!  My goodness you have come a long way already!  I can't wait to sport the numbers you are!  Be encouraged and think how good you look now compaired to this time last year!

All my best encouragement coming your way!

Brenda Minks
on 10/1/08 1:59 am - Silva, MO

Good Morning,

My day started early this morning, Dennis has been walking out of the hollow that we live in each day so today I was awake early{{for me that is not the norm}} so I went with him. It is not like straight up but it has a couple pretty big hills to climb. I haven't done it since my son died in 1996.

Then I started putting on the weight my back deteriorated and the Fibromyalgia and then the spine surgery and fusion so on and so forth. But I did it this morning at 7:00 a.m. !!! WOW MOMENT!!

Dennis is doing really good he had lost 26 lbs when we returned home from Mexico, but he doesn’t want to weigh every week, he is going to weigh monthly. I know he’s losing I can see it. His jeans are bunching up under his belt!!

I am really going to try and get some kind of exercise in every day because I want to lose at least another 25 lbs before I see Dr. Hawes in Springfield to cut this nasty fat slab off the front of me. I have not lost any weight since about the 9th month after my surgery and I would like to get closer to my goal weight. I don’t know why but I can eat way more than a cup of food at a time and I can drink a shake pretty much in about 3 to 5 minutes I don’t get that real full feeling anymore.

I have always said if this surgery can be messed up it would be me doing it!!


My granddaughter and I have been planning her baby shower it will be October 14th. I am getting excited about holding my first great grandson!!!

She is due December 28th, she is hoping for the New Year baby so she can get all the goodies.

Well I am going to get off here an d try to do some house work and laundry.




on 10/1/08 6:40 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hello My dear friends.

Well it's cold as heck today.  I havew long socks on that are pulled all the way up---this is a first for me since long socks never fit over my legs or kankles.  I've decided I'm buying a food scale this weekend.  I really need to measure my food.  And make tons of chicken broth.  I am having such a hard time with eating at night or when I'm bored.  I'm trying the tricks I learned in our last support group meeting but I feel like Im a drug addict and am going to go nuts if there isn't something in my mouth.  What the crap?  Uggghhhh---I have to get something to do in the evenings other than watch tv and want to eat or eat something. 

I was supposed to be buying a king sized bed this weekend from craigslist but I can't get the girl to email me back.  I wonder if she's sold it already?  I just wish she'd email me and let me know either way.  I am gonna go yard saleing friday and saturday morning.  I haven't been in so long because we didnt have a vehicle.  I'm excitied about it.  Ohhhh I also have to drive to Fulton to pick up some things I am buying for Christmas off craigslist---I love that dag=gum site.  I'm addicted to it I think.  I just love bargins.  When we went camping for the 4th with my family I was telling them about all the deals I bought at yard sales--like the screen tent for 5 dollars---tent light for 1---metal basket thing for the fire for 2 dollars---table cloths the plastic ones for a quarter a piece.  Heck I can't think of all the things I got now.  But everyone was like wow find me some stuff.  LOL  I love me some bargains or sales!!  Oh and FREE is right in my price range!!! 

***Jan***One of these days I want to come and see your beautiful yard.  I've heard so much about it and love flowers but I can't grow a cactus.  Seriously---I can't even grow bamboo.  Hope things work out with the mini truck.  I haven't read anything about Jason so I'm assuming he's leaving Michelle alone---at least I hope so.  Hope he finds him something to do that will erase Michelle from his brain totally!!!

***Bec***You seem to be getting in the routine of things girl.  I'm glad you're doing so well.  I hear everyone talk about a drain hole---I never had one.  I wonder why.  I'm glad it looks good and no infection creeping in there.  Keep up the great work!!!

***Sugar***I love love love fall--it's my fav time of the year.  I love all the colors and the light crisp air--although I might not like the crisp air this year since I seem to be cold all the time now.  The hay ride would be fun but I do understand about the people who are unstable.  I was in a nursing home for a month in Indiana after surgery so I do know what you're talking about.  What about some kind of pumpkin decorating/carving party.  And have a best pumpkin contest or something.  I dunno just throwing something out there for ya.  Hope you can think of somthing fun for them.

***Susie***Before you know it girl it'll be the night before surgery and you'll be anxious as crap.  Just remember it's all worth it and you're doing this for YOU so that you can live a longer healthier happier life.  I so understand the emotions thing.  I was all there with you---all over the map---thought I needed some kind of nerve pill or something.  The doc did give me sleeping pills to help me sleep at night sincew my brain wouldn't shut off--I just kept thinking and thinking about EVERYTHING!!!  BUT it's ALL worth it!!!

***Bev***Woofstock sounds sooo fun!!!  I hope you and your four legged babies have a good time.  It's so good that you're going back to the gym.  I need to get my bootay in there too.  I think there is a gym at the end of my street--there are no signs but I see people in there working out.  I'll have to check into that.  Keep the iron pumpin girl!!!

***Deb Poohbear***You are such an angel for taking in Nikki and loving her as if she were your own.  It takes a special kind of person to do that.  It's not easy---I've been there.  I really commend you.  You will be blessed for your kindness.  Man the cabbage sounds so good.  I'm going to buy one this weekend also.  I'm sorry yours didn't agree with you.  Maybe it will next time you try it--I'm sure it wont be any time soon but you should try it again.  Sometimes our new tummy likes things and sometimes it doesn't---guess it's just the luck of the draw kinda thing.  LOL Nikki is too cute "who farted"  sounds like something my nieces and nephews would say.  I'm with you girl I have NO use for women who dont take care of their children.  God gave you that child for a reason---children are blessings---some people just don't get it I guess.  My mom always told me that it's a mother's baby and a daddy;s maybe.  I just don't understand how a mother can choose to not be with her child.  Just makes NO sense to me at all.  You're a great woman Deb--thanks for being you.  Oh and poohbear is my nickname--my whole family calls me pooh or angie pooh or just poohbear.  Funny huh?

***Peggy***I take Tamazapam for my sleeping pill.  It works wonders---doesn't make you groggy in the morning and lets you sleep the whole night through.  Vesta just got some from her doc and loves them also.  Deb D takes them too.  You should ask your doc about them.  I've taken others but these are the best for me. 

***Janet***OMG girl you so need to write a book.  The things you go through in life would make a best seller!!!  And HOLY **** about the guy selling fruit---what the crap---I'm glad you and Jon are ok.  I'm also glad you sent your dog out after him.  I'm sorry about the laundry thing--it sucks to be taken advantage of and I'm sorry that happened to you.  Boy Steph sure is a teenager--they totally think the world revolvs completely around them and nothing else matter but what they want!!!  Wow I wonder if she knows the cost of organic things??  We'd all like to eat organic but man O man the prices are outrageous.  I totally agree she needs to pay for things herself--she'll never learn what a dollar really is unless she has to earn it.  Wonder if she'll be eating organic when she's paying the food bill with money she worked for?  ER again???  They are gonna have you a private room in that sucker soon girl.  Can you please do me a favor and stay away from the ER???  NO MORE ILLNESSES--got it woman?

***Angy***Yeah I agree it is cold today.  I'm so sorry about Skyler.  Poor baby I hope they firgure out something for her pain.  That's so sad to not be able to be a kid and run around with the other kids.  She's in my prayers. 

***Brenda***I'm glad Dennis is doing so well.  That's awesome that you got to walk today.  I can't wait to get my nasty fat flab taken off---it's just such an inconvenience.  I'm glad you'll be getting your's taken care of soon.  Congrats on the Great Grandbaby!!!

Don't forget to sign up for the secret pal thing on elfster.com.  I put the link on the board if you need help just message me. 

Take Care

on 10/1/08 11:24 am - Purdy, MO

Hello Everyone,
 This has been a crazy week, I've been trying to get all the housework, bill paying, and all the last minute planning done. On top of all that I am keeping a killer headache, I really think it's just from no food and my body trying to adjust to that, but pleaseeeeee if it would just go away.
 I'm really not missing food all that much now, it's nothing like I figured it would be. I really thought it was going to be this major torture, but since I'm home alone it's not to bad, this weekend when everyone is here it might be a different story.
 I'm planning on both the girl's and kayela being here Sunday and I want so badly to have a Sunday dinner with them, so I'm thinking I may fix chicken and noodle soup or a nice veggie soup so I can have the broth and we can all enjoy a meal together. OK, the kid's will be making it, I won't want to touch any of it for fear of eating it as I prepare it. LOL
 I'm sorry I'm not doing any responses tonight because of my headache, I just wanted to be sure and check in, if it's feeling better tomorrow I will get on and do them.

Love and Hugs


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