Well we spent the day going over to Micheles and getting her little truck that we just got her out of the shop, it was cutting out on her really bad and she had this guy try to fix it ,,,we paid for that and it seemed to run really well. We left and was pulling into our drive way and she called and said it died on her again. she went and was applying for some jobs and on the way home it died again. so I told her that in the morning for her to have AAA to haul it over here to the guy we bought it from. He better fix the thing. We don’t know what is wrong but if it wont run it wont run. I really have about had it with this crap. Sorry but im so tired of fixing things. Darn it why cant someone fix stuff the first time … My poor daughter is convinced that she isnt suppose to get anything or do anything…sad sad , just because someone wants to make money off of someone else. ….
Like I said I am mad and tomorrow morning I will be at that car place with my fighting game on. …
Im sorry that im sounding so mad and all but I am so fed up with people ripping people off. Anyway they can. .
Ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,,,, well I guess that is enough of that, I know you all probably don’t want to hear that at all .
SUGAR::::: so good to see you back on the board. We all missed you…even tho I did talk to you while you were on vacation I still missed you.
Im so glad that you had a great vacation..and really good weather. Wasn’t that a blessing?
Really anxious to see the pictures I know they will be so neat.
If I ever get this car thing for Michele straightened out we will come up there and see you and will help you get your pictures on your profile. …or I hope I can,,,im not that great at computers either.
Loved the pictures you sent me tho. …wow tha****er looks so pretty ..
Sorry about Ricks dad that is sad that he has that again. I didn’t think you all would be going if they weren’t going too tho. ..anyway when will you be back from that?
BARBARA S:::::::: I know they aren’t races but I sure would hate for people to pass me …I think it would bother me a lot.
At your next one have someone to be at the finish line to take a pictures of you coming across the line ok? Good validation. Proud of you…
SHELIA::::: SO good to see you back online and hope you are feeling better and getting that house in order again. I know that isnt easy especially when you have been sick.
I guess to stop losing weight you would just have to keep adding calories till you got to the point of not losing anymore.
Well the reason they probably said that is because you were getting sick lol
People seem to like telling us that for some reason.
LOU::::: Yeah I think most all of us questioned ourselves several times before hand. Maybe if I just eat right I can loose and wont have to have surgery, yeah and if the moon is made of cheese ??? well you know how that goes. Would be great if we could do it for the rest of our lives but how many times have we tried before? I know for myself it has been time and time and time again.
BEV:::::: so glad that you got to go to KC and that you got to see a sister that you hadn’t seen in a year. Wow! I bet she couldn’t believe it could she?
Hope you had a good day at work today.
COR:::::: well what in the world are they denying you for now??? That doesn’t make sences…seems like everyone we have seen on here that had tri care got approved almost immediately. Wonder what is wrong…
Margie and Dr. H will figure it out im sure.
Congratulations on having your daughter get engaged. Oh my I don’t envy you any about all that is to come but it can be fun too.
DEB:::::::: Hey way to go on the walking, I didn’t get to walk Monday. But intend to the rest of the week I hope.
Had to laugh at you about not eating the noodles lol so you think mashed potatoes are better than noodles ??? lol they both are nothing but bad carbs …I know that most doctors tell you that you can eat mashed potatoes after the first week but I think that is only because you can probably only eat a spoon ful but they should tell you later than you don’t want to eat them …but no more than you are probably eating it don’t hurt anyway.
Don’t mean to be mean about it and I don’t mean it that way. Ok….love you and don’t want you to get upset about it. ….I no that it is hard to find things you can eat at this early stage. One time you eat something and it stays down and the next time it doesn’t . just take care ..
I have to take the B 12 injections 2 x a month ….and im glad that you are feeling better again since starting your other vits up again.
I bet you wont bother a little smokey again for awhile will you loll… some of the things we try to eat and we know better when we try it didn’t you? I know you did. But we live and learn huh? Love you sweetie.
JANET::::: oh I so hope that helps you with the sleeping. I know I have to make myself go get in the bed half the time but since I have been using the O2 that makes me go in there now. I had gotten to where I didn’t want to go to bed and don’t know why. But since I make myself I do get a better nights sleep now…wasn’t because the bed isnt good because we have the sleep number bed and you cant ask for better as far as im concerned.
Let us know how that works for you ok ?
Have you heard from Bec today? I didn’t talk to her at all.
Was wondering how her appointment went and if she is feeling better. Is all the pain she is having from the gas?
Oh your poor little Megan , will surely be keeping her in prayer. That is so awful that she is having so much trouble.
Hopefully they will let her do something so that she doesn’t loose all of her financing for school.
I am really anxious to get on that trike and take off. But was so hopping that Michele would be setteled into a job by then …Please pray that we are able to get her car/truck fixed right and she can get something soon.
Thanks for all the sweet words you have to say to everyone, me included lol . Love you and wish I could write like you do to make everyone feel so special. ..Just know that I love you sweetie ..and thanks for all the prayers.
Oh playing with Mikaela was so much fun, I thought about you when I was taking care of her. I thought you would just eat her up . she is the grandmothers baby that is for sure. …
All the things that you think of for little girls she loves it and yet is so *****y and cute too. Hopefully I can get a day soon to take her shopping …need to find her some winter clothes. They seem to grow out of them so fast …
ANDY:::: tell Susan I said hi and am so glad that she is feeling better.
I hope to be walking in the morning but I don’t know now with having to go up there about the Geo ….
Will holler at you later….
Hope Susan gets a good report from everyone.
Son is suppose to be down here sometime Friday. ….
ANGY ::::::so glad that you are finally getting to feel better. Probably the the complete B Complex and the inj B 12 those two right there are your energy vits.
So glad that you got it going on now. Keep up the good work. Once you start feeling really well and start walking or working out the weight starts really coming off.
SHERR::::: oh wow im really sorry about your truck and it costing you so very much. That seems like a lot for that stuff but I guess so. Everything seems to cost so much anymore.
Do you think it is wise to wait for a whole month to go see about your pain you are having? I really hate to see you wait that long…sometimes it can cause other things too. But I do understand about not having the money ..that is for sure.
You take care of yourself first and formost. Ok I will be praying that everything will be ok.
RENEE:::::: so glad that you are feeling better and starting to walk for exercise and such. All that you do for yourself now just helps afterwards.
Lol laughed about the letter to the friend. That is too funny but good believe me.
Just hang in there not long now. …
PEGGY::::: sounds like you don’t want hubby to take time off . lol .
You sort of sound like me about food. But I know what makes me sick,,,,almost any sort of meat. Especially beef.
The only beef I can eat is ground beef , and moist really moist chicken, or pork but not much of any of it. Maybe a couple of tablespoonsful and that is why I get my protein thru my protein shakes. I never have any trouble with veggies or fruit. Just meats.
How did you find out it was the stoma leaving your stomach that was picky.? I mean did you go to the surgeon and that is what he said. I was just wondering cause you sort of sound like me in some ways.
I stay most of the time feeling like I am constipated up to my eyeballs and im not I know that for a fact….
ANGIE::::::; hope you are feeling better. Take care and drink lots and lots of water since you are taking antibiotics. They can really do a number on you if you don’t.
Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Got to get into bed guys…
I dont think the chickens are even up this early lol. Lawd, I dunno why these doctor appts of Susans have to be so early I was sleeping to good lol. Hopefully they wont take to long this morning.
Jan I guess I'll miss walking this morning unless your up now LoL I'll try and walk later on today cuz I hate it when I miss walking, been getting in 3 shakes aday the last few days but Im having trouble getting in the water i need, geeeze why is it so hard at times, other times I can get in more then enough water. Im taking a protien shake with me to the appts this morning so I can be sure to get em all in, I can always tell a difference when I get in all the protien, I just cant seem to get enough in just by eating thats for sure.
Oh well, Im off to get ready, hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning all,
Poor Michele and her vehicle, it does seem that things are mounting against her...Satan has a way of making us think that when things go wrong...but it usually just to test us to see where our strength lies.. By the way, did she go to church? I just wondered if she got up and went and what she thought. Wish she could find a good loving church family to help her out and love on her and pray for her. She needs that right now!
So I thought you had bought her a little car instead of the truck.???? Is neither thing running?
Yeah, we will go ahead and go on the trip because it is too late to cancel and get our money back on the house we rented. I would hate to lose our money on it and miss out on the trip to the Mountains too. They are saying this is going to be the best Oct. for color in many years because of the weather they have had. I can't wait to see it again. I had already purchased tickets for us all to see and do things while there and hopefully they will refund the $160 or so for thier 2 tickets...I will have to wait and see if they are going to or not. Ive sent them off with a request for a refund. We will get back from NC on the 15th or 16th...WHY? were you going to come see me???
The weather on our trip was perfect and I do thank everyone who prayed for such. It is raining in Destin today, so it worked out well.
So what kind of pain is Bec having? I hadnt heard about the problem. She emailed me yesterday but didnt mention it at all.
Ive got to get busy and plan another luncheon for my Sr Adults for October and I want to do something fun and silly...any ideas? Last year we did a Harvest Hoedown so dont really want to repeat that. My brain isnt coming up with anything fresh and new....if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
Hey so are we going to plan a trip with Bec to gather the girls together????That sounds like fun to me. Bec when is your next check-up? We could do a caravan...My van will haul 8 people total. Would we have more than that from down around here?
Hey, I went back to the pool yesterday to start working out again and did 1 1/2 hours and it felt sooooo good. I tried to keep the routine going at the ocean and I did swim alot, but it wasnt working the same muscles. Im sore this morning! lol!
Well, I got to get my day started so everyone have a great and blessed day....LOVE YA ALL!
The Nurse did say that if I started feeling pain again, to get up to Columbia asap. See, I told you...with all this crap it was easier for me to stop whining here LOL...
My son is not doing very well with his college entrance exam, so I need to buy some prep testing items to help him get his scores up. Then he needs senior pictures and that's un-Godly priced.
I can never get even, at alone "Ahead"....Ya know?
Love you and the gang....
Ya know Jan i wasn't even thinking about the potatoes vs noodles. But you are right i should not be eating potatoes now because of all the carbs in them. But there are so few things i can eat i don't even stop to think. But i will try and do better.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
your daughter sounds like me when it comes to car troubles geez
im feeling much better now just got so much to do....and i have court today for the dirt bag who broke into my house last Dec. and some thing better happen today or i MAY end up in jail any offers to bail me out? lol
seriously its been almost a yr whats up with the d.... justice system????
well gotta get my face on and head to town
miss u all and love ya
Good Morning My Dear Missouri,
Good News to report! EGG DAY went simply fantastic!
That was yesterday and I was a bit apprehensive about it, I had read horror stories about it. I cooked it up real real moist and because of that it did not taste all that good..... but never the less I was thrilled it went down with no problems.... and I ate about 4/5 ths of it too! I was just rejoicing that I did not have any problems with it!
Another good thing to report too is that the TERRIBLE rumbling, bloating etc etc etc problem I had been having went away late Sunday afternoon.... it just quit all of a sudden! Like it was never there? I kept wondering if it was going to come back but it never did.... I was so thankful because I would cramp every time one of those huge rumbles happened and they came one right after another for all those days.... it was not pretty! But for all that has gone right for me I can be ever so thankful! I still am in a lot of pain and this is what it is.... I feel like my stomach is hanging so low and all my guts are pulling so far south! I don't know if it is because I am walking so much or what.... it sure hurts though and I can't nearly function without the pain meds... I am going to ask the surgeon tomorrow what is to be done about that.... I sure don't want to slide back wards..... either they are going to have to give me some liquid pain meds or I will have to stop walking..... I just can't do it, not only my tummy but my back hurts unbearable.... so I will leave it up the them what they think is best for me..... I will see the surgeon tomorrow and my pcp on Friday.
I have lost 30 lbs in the last two weeks... it is starting to slow down now I think... must of been the post op dropping of air and I.V. fluids... I guess.... I had one episode so far of dehydration I think... I had drank my 20 oz Isopure in the morning and then I took a nap in the afternoon and when I got up I felt really weak, dizzy, nauseated and so since I had heard Mimi talk about that ... I knew it was probably I needed water... so I started drinking right away and it got better before too long.... kinda felt in a way like when your blood sugar bottoms out....
Another very very exciting thing to me and an answer to my REAL reason for having this surgery is I have not taken any medications since the day of surgery and my fasting blood sugar was 136 this morning!!! Oh Happy day! That is not perfect but DANG GOOD! I know it will continue to come right on down! I'm so very excited about that! I'm real anxious to see what my blood pressure is tomorrow!
I continue to get 60 grams of protein in and have walked 30 minutes morning and evening all except for one day... the Lord has been so good to me!
Kay.... enough about me.... I wish I could keep up with all of you right now but I am having trouble thinking as straight as I should .... I have to be focused on getting all I need to get done in a day and still cannot set here very long without hurting so bad so I am going to write about what I can remember and I'm so sorry if I miss you....
Mimi ~ I'm so very very sorry about the things that are happening to Michele... it just does not seem right but I'm quite sure the Lord sees all this and He knows right where Michele is at.... there is a reason for all this and some day it will come to light I'm sure. I am praying that His grace and mercy will see her thru. You and Joe are simply fantastic! I sure hope you have a wonderful time on your trip! I miss you so lately.
Janet ~ Thank you for the e~mail. I'm also so sorry you have to live with so very much and for you too I know His grace is sufficient! Fill your mind with His words and let it sink into your soul and it WILL help you thru these things.... Oh how very nice it will be if you and Renee get to come and stay with me on your way to Columbia! But I only want that if it is a help to you both and not added stress and pressure.
I thought that was so cool when you told about the dress ups! I LOVE LOVE LOVED dress ups.... my very very best Christmas present ever was a wig you know!!! my mom would not let us have long hair (short bowl cut) and when I got that wig I thought I was Eva Gabor!!!! ~tee hee I wore that thing out and when I was not looking my mom finally thew it away!!!! I'm still mad at her for that! ~ha
Debbie Darl'n ~ I sure pray you get some rest this week and feel better! Our last talk on the phone was such a blessing to me!
Renee ~ I'm praying for you and Lou... I so know and it is still so fresh in my mind what you are going thru....even thou I did not have to do the two week liquid diet I set a pretty tough regimen for myself pre~op and I'm so very very glad I did! I encourage you both to get as much exercise as you possibly can this week .... you will not be sorry! Drink those protien shakes as much as possible it will help with the healing! Hang in there gals it's about here and you will be so happy when it is all over and you get to feeling better.... I'm still waiting on that part but know it is coming!
Barbara ~ Oh how exciting to have the "finish line" pics... can't wait to see some of them when you can post them on your profile.
Sugar ~ I also will be glad when you get some pics posted too..... I was so disappointed when I couldn't open them..... this post will have let you know where I'm at in all of this journey.... I can tell you I'm so very very blessed and happy!!! Say you traveler you! Now the mountains.... I LOVE THE MOUNTAINS My AJ wants to take me to Baniff and do that hike back up to the tea room where a pb&j was $4.50 it's probably $9.00 now!
That was about 10 years ago and I had to work 10 times as hard to get to the top as everyone else did.... it was 5 miles up there at a very steep grade.... I could only take about 10 steps at a time before I had to stop and rest! no kidding! It took us nearly all day to get to the top and then they turned around (the friends we went with) and nearly and ran down ... that was such a major disappointment to me because I did not enjoy going up at all! and my enjoyment was getting to experience the trip on the way down! Never again! I was hurting so bad by that time I just followed.... Next time I take a mountain hike I will enjoy EVERY part of it and it will truly be an exciting time for me! I sure hope you enjoy your trip... will it be just you and your husband since the others can not go now? How fun that would be!
Sheila ~ it sure is good to see you post again... I hope you got all moved and are getting settled.. I know it takes time to get everything done. Also hope you are happy there at the farm away from so much company! Sorry to hear you are not feeling good! Hope you get all situated and doing better real soon.
Blondie ~ I have not gotten to know you as of yet but have been reading your post a bit..... I'm so sorry you are facing so much! Times like this do seem so overwhelming! Hang in there I know you will see better days!
Bev in KS ~ I'm glad you got to have lunch with Deb D. and I am praying you are able to start eating more things and they set better with you! Also so glad you like your job, that always helps.
Bev B. It touched my heart when you wrote at the end of one of your post that you were starting to feel like a new woman!!!! Oh that's thrilling! And the new pics in your profile are simply fantastic! I'm so truly happy for you!
Cor ~ Boy oh boy do I know the insurance dilemma.... two years worth of them! You hang in there and what ever you do DON'T give up!!! I know it is very very discouraging and you may still have to jump thru some hoops but DO IT if you have too...... losing 30 lbs in two weeks is such a great incentive to let me know it has ALL been worth it!!!! I'm thinking of you and I just know you will be approved if you persevere!
I REALLY feel for you about letting your daughter go!!! My first one left for college 5 years ago now and I still miss her so incredibly! Wish I had great words of encouragement for you about that but I sure do not.... I can only say I hope it is not as hard on you as it was and still is on me!!!! I will be praying that the Lord will give you great comfort and a better ability to deal with it than I was able to!
{{{Deb}}} You dear lady, are way to kind in your opinion of me!!! If you get uplifting from my posts then we both can thank the Lord for that! I once again have to say because I so totally know I'm just a plain ole woman that seems to fail over and over and over again. I think maybe the Lord blesses me in spite of myself! ~ha
Deb you have been thru so much I have been reading lately.... and I admire you for how far you have come! and I also know that God will use these things and bring good from them yet as you surrender to Him! That's the most satisfying part to me... is that He takes the horrible things that we go thru and uses us to bring comfort to another! After all what more of a high calling can we have than to help a brother when we can! That just brings a tear to my eye and excites me all at the same time!!!
Sangie~ I'm so sorry you are feeling under the weather! We have to pray you better.... I know you have important things to be about!
I will be excited to get my secret pal ..... I hope I can be a blessing to them whom ever they are! Oh so fun!
Angy ~ I'M SO EXCITED YOU FEEL BETTER!!! I have been praying that you would! Oh goodness how much you will be able to do now and the exercise will do you wonders! It just thrills my soul when I hear the Lord has answered prayer!
Peggy ~ doll I just feel we need to write some more back and forth... I feel there is something the Lord wants to do for either you or me! I have such a hard time setting here very long but hopefully it will get better before too long. I'm glad you got so much done while your husband was home but also know it sure can be tiring too. You send him on off and get some rest. I'm just so glad you have made some positive changes in your life... we also know that sometimes it has to be so hard before it can be better too... you hang in there dear lady and I know God will honor your efforts!
Andy ~ I'm so glad you and Susan are doing better... so glad the swelling in your legs is gone! Mine is gone too and those "nice" ankles I have are shining!!!! ~tee hee I think I asked before but I missed it if you answered... since Susan was approved for Medi does that mean she will probably be able to have the surgery? I really have been praying that the Lord will allow that for her... it would be so easy for you both in the food department that way. And you keep up that walking you and Barbara are my inspiration! ~ha
Shannon ~ I loved looking at your pictures! I always love looking at the pics it helps me to get to know you better. You looked like you were so happy with those grand babies!
~ I'm so glad to hear Dennis is doing so well. Wouldn't that protein pill be wonderful! It probably costs a arm and a leg... if it was good for you. I must say the isopure seems expensive but it has been a wonderful way for me to get the 60 grams of protein right out the gate!!! Worth every penny for the first week! I'm thankful for that! Sugar you were a doll to help me get it that day!
Well I have to get in there and fix my egg and I also get two tablespoons of "creamed" cottage cheese "egads" for lunch it will be supper now the day has gotten away from me already.... you know I don't even care about either one of them in terms of being hungry. I am doing it because I know that's what I'm suppose to do and I'm trying very very hard to do what I'm suppose to do! I'm not making it 100% but I think I'm in the 90% tile and I know that is just the pure blessing of God!!!
Wow this has taken me a long time and I am so pooped now but have to get out there and walk, eat my egg, and take a shower... man that seems huge at this moment! ~ha
Oh I love you all and am praying for the needs as I can possibly remember them! I'm concerned about Jeanine, does anyone know if she is alright... I know she was not feeling good last I heard. I sure hope she is not worse!
Blessings and More Blessing to all!
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.
I just love seeing the board busy and everybody talking back and forth. It gives me a good feeling to see you all reaching out to each other and helping each other. I remember feeling so alone when I had my surgery....course, I wanted it that way. Now things are different and I feel like maybe I have learned a few things and can help a few who are just starting on the journey.
Jan...you have every right to be upset with the person about Michele's truck. A pet peeve of mine is when I don't get what I pay for. I am willing to pay more for good service but if I don't get i****ch out. So you give this guy a piece of your mind if he doesn't honor his committment.
I did talk to my surgeon about my stoma because I didn't get sick like everybody else. They would get food stuck in their windpipe, yak it up, and be done. I would eat, get full, and get sick later (and the pain is horrible), then stay sick for several hours. He explained that he tightens the outgoing stoma and that if food lays on it just right it could plug it and then it is almost impossible for the pouch to empty. I usually notice that it happens if I don't chew well (will I ever learn) or if I eat foods that are stringy or that are fibrous. I am thankful that it is tight, but I just wish I could tell it was plugged before I was overly full because by then it is too late. But I don't think that has anything to do with my current issues. I just feel so bloated by the end of the night and my insides just ache. So I will be talking to him tomorrow, but it's probably nothing.
Bec...when is your appointment tomorrow??!! I have an appointment tomorrow, too and if then happen to be around the same time I want to be looking for you. Course, you've lost so much I won't recognize you! Oh, I hope I will be there around the same time. I would love to meet you and your hubby. And if you find out your one month date then maybe there will be a group of you coming this way and we can do a girls day then, too.
Barbara - what a beautiful family! You should be proud...and I LOVE Baby and her uniform!!! My best friend has one named Elvis and he thinks he rules the roost. I bet Baby could give him a run for his money. Before I had my surgery, we joined a gym and at 350+ pounds it was all I could do to make it up the stairs and walk around the track a few times. I was trying to get in the habit of exercising so it would be easier after my RNY. I remember giggling because I was just a huffin and puffin, thinking I was really doing good and here came the retired set, all in their 70's and 80's and zooming around me. The day I almost died was the day the guy with the cane lapped me! Sheesh...At least I'm a little faster nowadays..oh, and at a different gym!
I'm so glad so many of you can come on here and be transparent about what is going on with your lives. It is important to know that someone cares about you and is praying for you in the middle of your troubles.
I do think about each of you even though I don't know many of you, yet. That's why I get on here to see how you all are, so keep posting.
Have a good rest of the day,