I tied my shoes!!!!!!!!
Just had to share that today i actually had to pull my tennis shoe laces tighter and i bent over and GUESS WHAT? I actually tied them right smack dab in the middle where they are suppose to be tied instead of having to tie them off to the side . I was so excited. I know people around here think the dr put me on a new happy pill or something. LOL. They all think i'm losing my mind. Yesterday i was excited cuz i could actually cross my legs. I get so excited the people who live up the street in the senior citizen housing probably know what i'm all excited about lol.
Other than that lil bit of excitement for the day i have had a lazy day. Done nothing but walk 2 miles this morning, 1 mile this evening, do a couple loads of laundry. take vitamines,eat, get sick,{as usual} lol. and took a small nap.
Gail is at work. Working nights tonight and Nikki is tucked in bed Prayers said and sound asleep. Hamsters are in their wheel driving me insain.
Hope everyone had a great day. Prayers will be going up tonight for all who need them.
Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS]}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
Other than that lil bit of excitement for the day i have had a lazy day. Done nothing but walk 2 miles this morning, 1 mile this evening, do a couple loads of laundry. take vitamines,eat, get sick,{as usual} lol. and took a small nap.
Gail is at work. Working nights tonight and Nikki is tucked in bed Prayers said and sound asleep. Hamsters are in their wheel driving me insain.
Hope everyone had a great day. Prayers will be going up tonight for all who need them.
Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS]}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
I remember that wow moment myself. I used to have to either sit sideways on my bed to put my shoes/socks on or have someone do it for me. Now I can cross my legs in a normal chair and put my shoes/socks on without straining or any effort. You will find that you will have many more of those little wow moments that only those who experience themselves will even understand what you achieved. It's the little things that most people take for granted that are really big to us!
It's that freakin awesome!!! I remember when I first put on my own shoes and socks---man it feels so good to be independent doesn't it??? I still remember having my husband help me with EVERY part of getting dressed and showering. Thank God for this surgery and the self worth it helps us all regain. You go girl!!!
Just as I hit reply my husband was standing over my shoulder and said she tied her shoes and I turned around and said yes it's that awesome he said yeah tell her I said congrats I remember when I had to tie your shoes--he didn't see my reply to you so he doesn't know I already mentioned to you that he had to help me. But he wanted me to tell you congrats--he knows how much of an accomplishment it is for some of us. He smiled and said I remember when you crossed your legs too. I love him so much--I don't know what I'd do without him. He's be there for me through everything--the good the bad and the ugly and now he gets to reap the rewards of his hard work by me cooking for him and doing things for HIM instead of it always being about ME ME ME. Again congrats honey!!!
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and even excitemenr for me. I am, amazed at how people we dobn't even know get just as excited with us over the lil things' Lord look out when the big ones start rollin in. Plee tell yur hubby thank you for his kindness and his understanding, Even though i know neither of you in person your words mean a very great deal to me. Again thank you so very much, I bent over Sunday and picked 2 30 gallon trash cans of walnuts, Maynot seem like alot to some but for me was a really big deal.Just to be able to bend over and pick them up and still have enough air left in my lungs to live to all about,Praise Jeasus Without him i am nothing.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb