on 9/29/08 4:03 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Deb,

I was posting while you were (not hard to do considering it takes me forever with this broken butt and all----LOL) Anyways.....I felt compelled to respond to you about a couple of things!

First, It was literally MONTHS before I could keep anything down on a regular basis. I used a baby spoon too-and gave myself a few minutes between bites and it still....it was like 5 months. There were no rhyme or reason either-I kept a food journal and IF something made me dump or just sick to my stomach-I didnt try it again for 3-4 weeks-maybe more, depending. Although, when I looked through it-I could always do yogurt, cheese (bought the block and cut little cubes) and bought ham or turkey FROM THE DELI-NOTHING packaged-nothing processed. Sounds weird, I know-but I thought MAYBE, IF your like I was-MAYBE this will help. It gets frustrating, I KNOW! I also always had good luck with Claussen pickles (no seeds yet-your too new out right now) I would sometimes wrap the lunchmeat, cheese and pickle and eat it like a burrito-LOL....I LOVE chicken and noodles-but couldnt eat those until I was about a yr out! I was so bummed, but it all comes full circle. I had my surgery the end of Nov 06 and at Easter 07' I remember coming out of the bathroom after being sick AGAIN-and looking at my whole family and telling them I didnt think I would do the surgery again-because I literally had vomitting every day since I was out of the hospital-on even the things on my food list-the soups, everything made me sick!!! That was the turning point and things got easier after that-so DONT GIVE UP!!!! I was going to suggest something-when trying something new-try just one thing....sometimes when you mix a few things-your not gonna know what made ya sick-if that makes sense. Please dont think I am picking on ya OR being nosey-I just remember the frustration and IF anything I went through helps others-I want to do that-I dont wish that on anyone-so I am just trying to help :) (love ya)

Congrats on the 2 miles-AWESOME FOR SURE!!! BABY CIRCLE DANCE!!! Getting in walks is a wonderful way to excercise-WISH you lived closer-I would work out with you!!!! OR walk with you-you know what I mean....Anyway-Im proud of you AND for you!!! What an accomplishment!!!!

Last-Sweety, you could NEVER offend me by saying you love me!!! HELLLLOOOO!!!! (LOL) Thats NOT a bad thing. I do know some get offended OR maybe it catches them off gaurd, I dont know. Some people have a BIG old brick wall of protection around them because of what they have gone through being obese-right? Then, there are people like us-I DO know what you mean-I have met a lot of people on here, whom I knew I LOVED before I ever met them!! Meeting them was just a technicallity (sp?) and they have become my family. Yes-I have family I dont even like. Love because I am suppose to-but dont "like" and sure wouldnt PICK them!!! So-this family IS Special to me!!! ITs pretty wild-overwhelming too-to be loved for who you are-and unconditional-WHO has that? Its such a rare, rare thing-ecspically because of us always having people put us down, put conditions on us-and rarely EVER did we have that anywhere else!!!! I have never felt what I have here anywhere else (well, except for my grandparents - RIP, and my hubby, Mike) but you know what I mean!!! so-no, sis, your, in no way, shape or form offfending me. I love you too AND I KNOW we have a bond-so, meeting you, will also just be a technicallity!!!! LOVE YA....Oh-IF you ever want to email me directly-my email address is [email protected] and when and if you do-put DEB FROM OH in the subject line-since your not in my address book-it will put you in spam-and this way I know not to delete it. K? I look forward to hearing from ya!!! Love ya girl and have a good day!!! Janet

on 9/29/08 8:31 am - linneus, MO
Just wanted to make sure ya'll knew i did not eat any noodles, I just ate some mashed taters with noodle juice or whatever ya wanna call it over top the taters , i did try a small bite of a bbq lil smokie. Do Not try this, it is hard on yur health LOL.. Ok Just wanted to make sure ya'll knew i wasn't being real stupid and eating noodles LOL.Just dummber than a box of rocks and tried a lil smokie instead LOL.
 {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


on 9/29/08 3:12 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Aunt Jan Jan and OH Peeps~

Good Monday Morning to you all....I hope that you all had a great weekend. I am feeling better this morning (knock on wood....!!!!) I dont want to jinx myself. Thanks for the prayers, all of you who were praying for me. Keep them coming tho-Im NOT out of the woods yet. I am TRYING SO HARD to be good! Well, actually-this weekend-I didnt really have the energy to get off the couch for more than a couple of minutes at a time-so it really wasnt a ? of my being good-LOL.....I AM going to make some changes for sure. I am going to take my sleep meds earlier-as Jan suggested-see if that works and MAKE myself go in and go to bed. NO MORE falling asleep on the couch. It just may be that I have to get a new mattress and box spring-but-so be it!

Becs one week appt is today. I sure hope the doc gives her something else for her pain! Poor thing-I feel so bad for her-cause she has just sailed past all the rest of it with flying colors and I hate to see her in so much pain.....Not ALL people can use the same pain meds with the same results-so hopefully he will give her something to help. No reason for her to be suffering so. I remember my tummy "talking" like that! I called my nurse, Natalie and asked her about it-she said its normal-but man, I was thinking dang-that sounds ANGRY-like it was going to try and break out and hurt someone-LOL! Loud-and oh, man...embaressing! I also remember a couple of humiliating things too-look at it this way tho-NO MORE! Its the LAST TIME that "stuff" is going to happen! YAY!

Please remember Bec in prayer and then our pre-ops. We have Lynette having surgery today-right? Lets pray for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!! Then, for Renee and Lou....before long, ladies-this will be a memory-ONE that you WILL REMEMBER FOR A LONG TIME (LOL-I DO ANYWAY!) BUT-SO WORTH IT. Every time I think of doing the liquid diet for 3 months, I cringe BUT....When I get into a sz 12 jeans-OR I can cross my legs-or walk with my family, wear a seatbelt, sit on Mikes lap-you name it-I can wipe my rear end without standing up-I can take a shower without feeling gross when I get out because I have huffed and puffed so much-ALL OF IT-EVERY SINGLE DAY-I would DO IT OVER AGAIN!!!! This is a SMALL price to pay for the health, the rewards you WILL get-AND YOUR LIFE!!! Look around-like Barbara doing a 5k-can you pre-ops do that without feeling like your gonna die? I know I couldnt have!!! Jan is riding a trike-would any of you have done that preop? I wouldnt have! Bev B-walking 7-8 blocks when she couldnt walk to her car before without feeling drained! She is going to garage sales with her daughter for the first time in 10 yrs or something like that? AMEN! I read these posts from everyone-and I thank God that they are getting their lives back-they are accomplishing things-I saw a post from Angie the other day where she said when she went to the dr, they used a "regular" sized bp cuff-a MAJOR WOW for her-It brought tears to my eyes-such a simple thing to some-take it for granted-but not people like us-so, you see-it WILL ALL be worth it-IT WILL! KEEP THE FAITH, KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE, IF HE BRINGS YOU TO IT, HE WILL GET YOU THROUGH IT-AND....IF you NEED to talk, to vent-to ANYTHING-WE ARE HERE-get on and post!!!! Take it ONE MINUTE at a time IF you need to!!! Hunger-its an amazing thing. Head hunger is AS BAD, IF NOT WORSE! You really DONT need FOOD to fuel your body-its just what your USED to! The protein shakes-IF your still hungry, add another one! More broth, whatever you HAVE To do-to make your tummy feel full-and its growling right now-is because its shrinking! When my tummy used to "talk back" when I did my liquid diet-I always felt like I WAS WINNING the FIGHT! NO MORE-I kept telling myself I could NOT live like I was anymore! I had to FIGHT FOR MY LIFE-and I did-and I WON!

IF.....Someone tells you that your taking the easy way out-TRY not to punch them in the face! (its hard, I know) Tell them that you feel sorry for them that they have NO CLUE-and that you doubt they could EVER be as STRONG as you are-and to KISS YOUR *SS!!!!! I gaurantee-that was only said to me ONCE AFTER surgery and I let this guy HAVE IT-IN PUBLIC!!! dont take peoples put downs because you ARE doing something about it-its FOREVER.... A COMMITMENT TO YOUR LIFE-VITAMINS, PROTEIN, the WHOLE BIT-drinking, eating-the WHOLE THING-NOT SIMPLE! I raise my glass to ALL Of you who have chosen to take your lives back and to be BETTER THAN EVER- CONGRATS TO YOU!!!! Ok-Im off my soapbox. Just want to add one thing-ITS NORMAL to have the emotions-TO WONDER if your doing the right thing-and all I can say is that IF you have tried EVERYTHING ELSE (like so many of us have) and NOTHING worked-What other choice do you have?

I dont have anything planned today either. Just hanging out here and taking another day to get the tailbone to heal and get the bronchitis under control. This stinks, but like I said-I AM feeling better today.

Today is Mike and I's 12 yr anniversary from our first date. We have been inseperable ever since!!! We were going to go to Timberline Steakhouse BEFORE I got sick-so we will be postponing that for now. Dont want to go out and THINK I am feeling better and get worn out....No way. Anyway-I cant believe its been that long. We were going to go to HA or something for our 10 yr wedding anniversary (March) BUT.....We may end up going to AZ-his dad IS STILL hanging in there. They have hospice at the house and they cant figure it out-he is now up to 45 minutes a day rehab and he keeps telling them that HE WILL go on that fishing trip with his son and grandsons....I cannot believe it. Altho-let me say-I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!! I have a bunch more pics for dad and some stuff the boys have made him that I have gotten together. I have 2 pics that I need to have printed-thats all I am waiting for-and then get those sent off. I told Mike that IF his dad is still around AND this miracle was bestowed on this family and dad-that we HAVE to go to AZ-NO question about that. There is NO WAY I would feel right going to HA or the Bahamas or whatever-when we told dad when we were out there that we would take him fishing next spring when we came back! So-Last night we talked about it and IF dad makes it (believing in miracles here) then....we are going to AZ this spring-and then Mike and I will take 2 days and either go to Laughlin OR Vegas while the boys stay with Mikes aunt and uncle and his mom in Lake Havasu and then we will stop at the Grand Canyon again on the way home-BUT....this time we will be prepared and we WILL stay overnite there-make our reservations ahead of time-and maybe even camp there-depending on what we drive out there. Would LOVE for Megan and Aaron and my new gbaby girl to join us-so we will see. Megan hasnt met the extended family-just Mikes dad and she was really young and doesnt remember him.

Megan has called me. She had an appt with the ortho again. She has seperation in/of her hip bones-something isnt right. She may have to go on bed rest. His nurse is going to be getting in contact with her OB and they are suppose to let her know sometime today about her course of treatment. She is so upset. She may have to quit school, which means she will lose her financial aid, which means that next year, when she was to go back-she will have to pay for all of those classes and wont get any of her grants or what not because of her just getting that this time. She is so upset. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pray for her....MAYBE they will allow her to do her homework and go in on test days only. Thats what we are praying for. We are checking into that right now. We are hoping that due to the cir****tances, that they will allow her to do this and if she can keep up that way-maybe they will let her do that. I again told her that IF they will allow me to sit in for her-I WILL....I would take her notes and run the tape recorder or whatever and she can go do the tests. Her grades in her classes are from 4 tests and 2 term papers-nothing is from worksheets or whatever. I pray that we can work something out AND that her health is okay-dang it. I know that bottom line is the health of her and Mackenzie. Its just frustrating!

Between taking breaks and the phone-I have been at this for 3 hrs-LOL...So, I guess its high time to get my responses done and get.....I feel like so much happened for the 2 days I was MIA!

**Jan-the trip sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Do you know where your going or are you just getting on the road and going where it takes you? (that sounds like fun too!!!) I hope that you get to enjoy the beautiful weather and if the leaves are changing-that you get to enjoy that too!!! I will be praying for the whole trip to go perfectly!

I am still praying that Michele gets a job that will have wonderful caring people at it to witness to her and become friends with-it sure stinks to be lonely. There is a difference in being alone and being lonely and being lonely just stinks!!! She sure deserves to have good friends and to move on! I am so proud of her-and I dont even know her-but anybody who can work as hard as she has to get her life straightened out-deserves a big HIGH FIVE!!!! I will continue to keep her in prayer-and if no one has told you lately-you and Joe are awesome parents! We should all be so lucky to have parents like you!

When I read your post about Mikeala-I just got so excited!!! I hope my little g-daughter loves to play dress up and all that too!!! I cant wait! I am even starting a little jewelry box JUST for the grand daughter-because my favorite memories growing up-were of going to my grandmas and she would let me wear her jewelry-big, gawdy stuff-you know the days....LOL...But-I LOVED IT-and I got a lot of it when she passed away. I have been saving some of that to say-that was your great, great grandmas-AND I have been buying costume jewelry at sales or whatever-just to put in the box to share with her when she is old enough!!! I even have one of my grandmas boa's (sp?) and one of her fur coats-so we will have so much fun playing dress up. Just have to get some high heel shoes-I have none. I havent been able to wear heels since I got my blood clot-when I try-it hurts my calf-which in turn, makes that area ache real bad-not worth it, thats for sure!

**Barbara-CONGRATS on your 5k!!! I got tears in my eyes when I read your accomplishment!!! I know that its something special-and I am so happy for you!!! Did anyone happen to get a picture of you strutting across the FINISH line? I WOULD LOVE to see it!! IF they didnt-do you think someone could at this next one? How wonderful that would be-to post in your profile-would love to see it!! Its such an inspiration to so many-I cannot even imagine doing that before surgery-I dont know that I could do it now-because of my bone and joints-but....Im a rare case-look at what "Normal" people can do post op? Congrats again!!! HIGH FIVE and BABY CIRCLE DANCE!!! Wheres your next race at?

**Shannon-so glad your feeling better!! Have been praying for a speedy recovery!! Im sorry you wont see your kids for 2 yrs! That stinks! Do they have a web cam, where you guys can see each other through the computer? That might be helpful-anyway-Praying that you continue to feel better every day and when do you get to return to work and all that?

**Peggy-YOUR GROUNDED!! You made us worry and you were lolli-gagging...LOL....No-Hope you had a good week with hubby-but next time, let us know beforehand so we dont worry. We always worry when we get to know a new OH Family member and then they disappear without warning!! Besides-we missed your sense of humor! Take care hon and HOPE you stay around now for awhile!

**Penni-so glad you didnt have to get a new washing machine!!! Im sorry your hubby had to work on Sunday-but your so wonderful for taking the kids to church anyway!! Your such an awesome person. I also just wanted to say-PLEASE dont get discouraged about the scale not moving-your right, muscle DOES weigh MORE than fat-and girl-you are FAR from fat-look where you started? You LOOK FANTASTIC!!! Cut yourself some slack, you deserve it!!! How far out are you? Your an inspiration!

**Bev-Im so glad you had fun in KC! Im jelous that you got to have lunch with Deb D-isnt she wonderful? Plus, you got to spend time with your sister? Wow-you had a lot of catching up to do, didnt you? Hope your feeling good and when you have time-catch us up with everything going on!

**Bev B-YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!!! I didnt even recognize you!!! CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!!! I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Im so happy to hear about how far your walking-and going to sales with your daughter and how your life is changing!! How exciting-huh? I cannot wait to meet you and give you a big old hug!! Love you!!! Thanks for the prayers-it means a lot to me!

**Sheila-Im so sorry you were sick....that on top of moving! Yikes!!! Glad to see that your internet got fixed tho-love to see your smiling face on here! Woman-I think I would stay here weight wise-I dont think you look bad or sick-I just think you look PERFECT-YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!!! WONDERFUL, SEXY and you, for sure-got your SASS!!!! (as Bec says)....DO NOT LISTEN to people who say you dont look good OR you look sick-maybe you looked sick cuz you were getting sick! People have done that to me now for months-and it really starts to play games with your head! DONT LET THEM DO THAT TO YOU!! IT CAN be JUST as bad as hearing how fat you are all the time. IF YOUR COMFY-then screw em! YOUR the one who has to live with you-right, you have come too far-and gone through too much-to worry about some people who open their mouths without thinking!!! I love you and I hope that everything is going good now-Im praying for your health and your peace of mind! Keep me posted.

**Sherr-Please keep us posted as to when your appt in Columbia is-Would love to see you-I am going up next week.....so IF you will be there from Tues-Thurs-let me know and we will get together! I am praying that your truck is NOT broken....IF it is-that it will be simple. Also-yes, Jan is right, there is a huge write off with medicare and even medicaid. EVERY provider MUST take the write off! Also-with medicare-you have longer to pay the balance than regular insurance or self pay people do. Its the law. Maybe you will qualify for the program that helps with balances? Wont hurt to ask. I know its not a huge consolation-but, I am glad, at least-that you have a credit card to help you out-some of us are just SCREWED when things happen-so, I am thankful you have SOMETHING to fall back on-even though the money has to come from somewhere-your health is more important than anything else-because IF you dont take care of YOU-it wont matter what you have-IF your not around to enjoy it-right? Im praying for you!! I hope they hurry with scheduling and that its simple fix!

**(((DEB))))-WOW-your post blew me away again!!! Ive got to say-your one hell of a woman! I admire you! Your daughter is so lucky to have you! I wouldnt even give the "womb" any more open doors-she obviously could give a crap less-and to be honest-the least amount of time she has around your daughter, the better! My 14 yr old has the "womb from hell" too-and she let him be abused and she did drugs and drank while she was pregnant with him and even though he is older now-she just NEVER stopped playing mind games-after several warnings about lying and the mind games and crap she pulled-Darrel FINALLY had enough-and he has NOT talked to her since the weekend BEFORE MOTHERS DAY 2007!!! He doesnt want to-he just says that I am his mom and thats all he needs. His family is right here and thats that. Im so glad because she was NEVER happy unless she could cause strife in our lives-and its been so nice NOT to have to deal with that-its been quiet and the best thing is that Darrel has settled down so much and is not the troubled child that he was when she would have something to do with him. She gave me her rights-as long as she didnt have to ever pay child support. We wrote off all the back support-so I "bought" my son for 6 grand and no further monies from her. Lazy druggie. She does have 3 other kids-all girls-ALL have different dads too-so at least she can stay in the drama without involving us!

Please always know you can get in and share. Its an experience. One thing that hit home with this last post-is that I was being sexually abused when I was that little-and when I was little-YOU DIDNT EVER TALK ABOUT IT-and when your family is being threatened-you dont tell-so it was all a secret until I ended up in a treatment facility at 15. Things DO stay with you for a long time. I turned it into a good thing tho-I made sure that I could talk to my kids about it and IF anyone ever tried to hurt them or whatever-that they should still tell us EVEN If someone said they would hurt us or kill us. I also NEVER let anyone watch my kids that I didnt trust 150% and knew very well. NEVER a stranger-ever. Nothing was ever that important that I could trust someone I didnt know. It may have been what triggered my weight issues when I was little. I dont know for sure-because I was also diagnosed with arthritis when I was 4 and I spent several visits at the shriners hospital testing and all that-but at any rate-Im glad your getting her counseling now-and she can learn how to cope!!! Thank God she has such a support system!!! Take care hon, and know that you AND your family are in my thoughts and prayers and please always know you can talk to us!!! About anything and we love ya!

**Sugar-THANKS for the pics!! Oh man-I would have had a HARD time coming home too!! How absolutely beautiful!! The parasailing looked awesome too!! Did you dip into the water? See any sharks? I LOVE the picture of you, Rick and the grandkids too! You all look so amazing and like your having so much fun!!! I cannot wait to see more pics! I hope that someday, my family and I can take a wonderful trip like that!! I am so happy that you had perfect weather-I was sure praying you would!!

Cant wait for Jan to come help you get some of those pics posted in your profile!! Im glad everyone made it back safely and I know it will take you a bit to get caught up......when do you leave for the mountains?

Im so sorry about your mil and fil-I will pray for both of them. Do they live close? Please keep us posted. Glad to see your smiling face back on here and cant wait to see ya!

**Bec-I am so sorry you are having such pain! I hope that the surgeon will give you something different for the pain. Not all meds work the same for all people! You will feel so much better when you arent in pain all the time! I do remember my tummy rumbling like that and I did call the nurse because I figured that maybe it didnt get bypassed or something as loud as it was-and for as long too! Yes, it could be heard-from the next room even-sometimes I felt like it was gonna just rip right through my tummy and come out!

Please keep us posted on what they say at your check up today!! CONGRATS on the weight loss so far-HOW AWESOME, huh????? I remember those days!! (SMILE!!!) The swelling/gassy stuff should be gone in a week or so....and then, watch out world-bec will be getting that sass before you know it!!! Im glad you liked your stuff. I have more for you too. I sent you an email today-and I am hoping and praying that we can leave on Monday and come to your place the day before Renees surgery. Thats our goal. Have to wait and see about a sitter for mr. jon tho.

Meeting you and Paul wasnt just the hi-light of my day-it was one of the hi-lights of my life! YOU, my dear-ARE ONE VERY VERY SPECIAL LADY-and I LOVE YA DEARLY!!! Cant wait to get another hug-altho, there will be how much less to hug already? Dang!!!! WAY TO GO! keep your chin up and I will keep praying for you! Tell Paul and the girls I said hi. (baby circle dance for sure!!! bustin a move and BOOOO YAH!!!!)

**Lou and Renee-ladies-your in my thoughts and prayers for peace of mind and strength.....I wrote to you in the body of this post-so I am not gonna rewrite it all-but just know that this will not last-and the rewards will be well worth it-I PROMISE! Let us know if you need ANYTHING...Thats what we are here for!!

**Andrew-so how are you and Susan? Hope your both doing great! Keep us posted and we will keep you in our prayers!

**Deb D-How did it go at the doctors with your dad? Let us know. Been praying for him and for you and the family. Your such an awesome person and I sure feel blessed to know you! Love ya.

Well, I am going to get off here. Jon and I did most of his school work this morning and now we are going to make a mobile out of his CARS craft book. Its pretty cool. As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week! Love, Janet

Barbara S.
on 9/29/08 4:21 am - Freeman, MO

Thanks for the support! My DIL took some pictures before the walk but none after. I will get them posted when I can get the camera from her. Our next 5K is next Saturday at the same place at Theis Park on the Plaza. It is "Walk from Obesity" which is close to all our hearts. I am more excited about that one. I have never been so thankful for my surgery. I remember back when I first had my surgery and I was asking myself "What was I thinking?" I was so sick for about 3 months, couldn't keep anything down. What a long way I have came!!!!! 

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 9/29/08 4:26 am - linneus, MO
 Just read yor post and had to respond. As of Thursday night the egg donor has no more weekend or over night visitation. In the court agreement it was suppose to be supervised visitation anyways, Unless we thought she could be trusted with her to have her over night. Well it took us 3 yrs to finally let her take her for over night visits, I think we let her do it 4 times. Each time Nikki came home she would be so angry, and so uncontrollable,it was aweful. So we took her back to a therapist. Therapist said NO MORE staying at moms. Which was just fine with me.I only allowed it because i felt nikki needed her mom in her life. I don't want her growing up hateing me. But haveing her mom in her life is not a good thing for her.It causes her more pain and problems than it does good. So for Nikki's sake it stops now. If that means she will hate me later on then so be it, But at least for now i will know she is safe.
Her mother said on the phone that we have tried for the last 3 yrs to keep her away from nikki. Which is complete BS. We invite her to everything, she chooses not to come. Always has an excuse. Never sends a birthday card, Easter, Never a Christmas present NOTHING. I try to make her a part of nikki's life she refuses. Judge said supervised and supervised it will be,
 When Nikki was 7 months old  for Thanksgiving i invited that woman and her 3 other kids to our home for dinner just so Gail could spend Thanksgiving with Nikki , done the same for christmas even bought her kids Christmas so they wouldn't be hurt cuz they didn't get anything, I feel i have gone above and beyond where that woman is concerned . I am done with her.
 I love Nikki as much as if i had givin birth to her myself and wouldn't trade her for anything. But i don't have to deal with her mother.And Neither does Nikki as far as i am concerned. Her mother didn't give a rats ass about her when she was leaving her home alone at age 2 with her perverted brothers and neighbor kid for hrs and days at time. So i feel she has no right to be concerned about her now.
 I also wanted you to know that i too was sexually abused as a child, It started at age 7, Earliest i can remember i honestly believe it could of been ealier but that i have blocked alot of it out. But anyways. My father was one of the persons, 2 of his drinking buddies, and a next door neighbor. Then at age 15 i was raped at knife point. I honestly believe these things are what caused me to gain all the weight i did through the years. I felt like if i was fat, I would not be attractive and men would not want nothing to do with me.
 I too have always made sure my kids knew they could tell me anything , No matter what it was, That they would never be in trouble for telling me anything unless they told me a lie. So my kids have always been open and honest with me. Sometimes a lil to open. somethings a mom just really dosen't need to know, LOL. But it is a great feeling knowing they trust me enough that they come to me with whatever they need to.
 I just felt i needed to share that with you. Thanks for lending me yur ear again .
 Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


Andy W.
on 9/29/08 10:13 am - Tulsa, OK
Janet, Susan is doing better.  Her toe is looking better and better everyday.  Right now tho her toe has a hug piece of skin that is loose and Im afraid to cut it off so she is going to see the wound doctor tomorrow plus she already has an appt with her PCP so we'll take care of 2 birds with one stone.  Her blood sugar has come down some what but not enough yet so we're still working on that but over all she's doing better.  As for me,  Im better too, my legs are not swollen anymore and my b/p has come down to almost normal, we're getting there, its just taking time I guess. 

Jan holler at me this week and I'll come over and put "Word" on your lappy and stuff.  I gotta leave here about 6:30am in the morning cuz Susan has to be at the hospital to get blood tests done by 7:30, eeekk   I guess Im not gonna make getting under 300lbs by the end of the month, only have a few days left and I cant walk tomorrow,  oh well tho, there's always Oct.

Y'all have a good night,  Im off to watch Dancing with the Stars.


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 9/29/08 3:43 am - Friedheim, MO

Hi Everybody!!!  Who knew that taking the right vitamins could make you feel so good!!!!!  lol  When Deb, Jen & I went to our 1 mo class at Mo Bar, we found out that we weren't taking all the vitamins that we should have been.  I asked for the Premier Prenatal Vitamins (which has your iron + a stool softener in it) and I got a Rx for B12 injections.  I started those the next day after our class.  Then this past Friday I got a Super B Complex & the Citrical Petites (they're not as "petite" as I thaught they would be)  I still have to cut them in 1/2.  But anyway, I started taking those Friday when we got home.  I've had a cold/allergies over the weekend, but I woke up yesterday & felt better than I have since I've had surgery, then woke up this morning feeling GREAT!!!  Holy Cow!!!  I was beginning to wonder if I would ever feel decent again & today I do!!!!  WOO HOO!!!  I got up this morning, got Skyler off to school & went for my walk.  We've been doing 1 mile a day, but yesterday & this morning I went 2 miles.   WOW!  That would have killed me before surgery.  I've also got some of those 2lb weight balls & been working on my arms, Skyler thinks my floppy arms are funny, so I gotta get rid of those. 

OK, gotta get off of here & do dishes.  I just felt so good I had to get on here & share.

Love ya all!!!  (((HUGS))) Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 9/29/08 3:53 am - linneus, MO
 I did a 2  mile walk this morning too well a lil over 2 miles but who's counting LOL. Anyways Congrats to you, I am so happy for yoy that you are finally feeling better. Dosen't it feel great to actually feel like doing something? I have been taking the bariatric advantage vitamines  from the start. But Amy told me since i was taking those and the b-12 injections i didn't need to take the other b vit. So i stopped and poof there went all my energy, started taking them again and slowing my energy level is coming back .I think they need really need to overhaul their program some down there. Just my opinion..
 But just wanted to to say woohoooooooo on your walking and your feeling better,
 Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


Blondie **
on 9/29/08 4:42 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Momma Jan & Sisters :D

Well, Ava (the Truck) had to have new shocks AND the U joints were bad, so she is finally all better.  I called MOBAR and they said EDGs are only done on Tuesdays and my Doctor only sees patients on Mondays....(WHATTT...that place is still outta whack busy aren't they???)))))

They could sqeeze me in tomorrow, or Oct. 30th.  I just can't afford to go tomorrow, after the whole truck thing.  I JUST put brake pads on the truck TWO weeks ago, thinking that was the problem.  Now, I am $700 in the hole....

So I won't be going to Columbia until Oct. 30 & 31st. 

I have already reserved my room at the Regency, I just LOVE those people there. If anyone ever needs a Columbia Hotel for pre-testing, this is my recomendation.  They were so kind to me when I stayed there the summer of 2006.  I think I spent a total of 4 whole weeks up there that summer.  For testings and re-couping.  Their medical rate is ONLY $45 and they have the microwave and the fridges!!!

Amy told me if I have any further "episodes" to get to their ER and I agree, everyone that hears the words "Bariatric Surgery" here just "Glazes over" and doesn't know what to do.


Hope everyone is doing well today! 
on 9/29/08 5:27 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 I had planned on going shopping today, but Kala decided she was going to come pick up her hope chest, and I just really haven't felt much like being out yet, so I'm putting it off until Tiff gets home so she can go with me.
 Now that Kala has her chest out of the way I can move my exercise bike in, and start riding it, I've also started walking the length of my driveway and back. I'm really not sure what the actual length is, but both ways is a nice walk.
 I'm doing much better today on the diet. I don't know if I'm getting use to it or if it's because I'm home alone or both. There are time's though I could eat the ass end out of a running bear and it fighting me. LOL Yes, I laugh but I'm being totally serous. LOL I received my free week supply of vitam's from bariatric advantage today, and can hardly wait to try them.
 Jan I got the letter to my friend done today and plan on mailing it tomorrow. I let him know what he needed to just in case loser boy goes back there.
 I'm so glad you got to enjoy your great grandbabies and that your grandkid's got to go to the ball game. I bet they had a blast.
 Yes, it's funny how we act when we are getting ready to have surgery, but if we don't who will. I just wish mine would kick in and take over so I can get some stuff done, it's like I'm walking around in a daze half the time. I don't know if it's nerve's or the liquid diet but I wish I could get it together.

 Janet My Dear Dear Angel I don't know what I did to deserve an angel like you, but I'm so thankful. I'm so grateful for everything thing you do the email's, text, post, time, and most importantly your friendship.......it means more to me then you will ever know.
 I'm rereading your email from yesterday as soon as I'm done with this post and starting my list of thing's to pick up and pack (I've started this list a million time's LOL).
 Happy Happy First Date Anniversary......... I hope you guy's can have a great night even though your not feeling well, or maybe this weekend you guys can do something.

 Lou Hun we only have a few more day's.......KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE.........

 Barbara Way to go girl on the 5k. I'm so proud of you.

 Bec I hope you have a great Dr. visit today, and they can help you get out of the pain your having.

 I hope Everyone has a wonderful BLESSED day.

Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
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