on 9/27/08 2:26 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey Jan and All,
           No real answers yet on my heart troubles. I went to Columbia on Mon. and had an echo done and then saw the Dr. he said that the EKG was abnormal but the pelimanary report on the echo was good. He said he would look at it himself. And since I am still blacking out and having chest pain he sent me home with a moniter that I had to wear for 24 hrs. And record any time I had pain or blackouts or dizziness. And I have to go back to Columbia on Mon. and have a chemical stress test done.So we will see if anything  shows up.I'm hoping for the best, but there is a lot of history of heart problems in my family. Both of my parents have had triple by-passes and there has been alot of heart attacks in my exstended family. And I'm sure all the years of being obese hasn't helped me any.

       Well I made a decission today. I have really been doing very bad on my diet and my protien and my vitamins.I don't know why but I have. So I decided this morning that I am going back to the basics and starting over. I am gonna do three protien drinks a day and get my 64ozs of water in a day. And stop eating things that I been eating that I know I shouldn't. And no more soda.I just have been getting so frustrated that I have had the surgery and come this far that I don't want to be done lossing weight when I am only half way to my goal. It's just plain stupid of me not to do what I am suspose to. I am also gonna get my membership at the fitness center again and go everyday.I guess basicly what I am saying is I am gonna take control of my life again.Please everyone pray for me to have the strengh to do this. I really feel like this is why I haven't been feeling well. And maybe it will help me feel better.

        I believe I told you all that my daughter in law had loss the baby she was pregnant with. Well that was about a month and a half ago. Well she found out the other day that she is pregnant again.So the Dr. has her on some pretty strict restrictions for the first three months to make sure she doesn't lose it again.So please pray for my little grandbaby and it's mother that all goes fine. I want a little grand daughter!

           Well I gotta go. Have some house work to do. And I get the grandsons later for a little while. May take them to the park that's a couple of blocks from my house. Get in a little bonus walk that way.I love you all,Take Care and God Bless, Love Tammy V.

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


Bec M.
on 9/27/08 6:18 am
  Oh I am so so happy to set down here and write! 

I prayed before I set down here and ask the Lord to allow me to write at least something without it hurting so bad.

Earlier I had a wonderful conversation with Renee on the phone.... what a blessing!  We just chatted away! oh how I am blessed with so many many wonderful friends!  I am simply thrilled that her date came so fast!  Renee I know the liquid diet is such a booger and I will be praying for you each day that the Lord will give you strength to stay strong and also that the cravings for the cigs will BE GONE!!!

I am going to just write as I think of it today since I don' t know how long I can tolerate it....

I am so simply thrilled with all that has transpired since I posted before my surgery... I am having to suffer every day with the bloated stomach my tummy rolls like a freight train!  It most certainly has been the worst part of this whole thing... each morning I seem to find a bit of relief and then as the day goes on it builds again and by evening I'm so totally miserable... Paul can hear clearly all the way across the room my stomach rumbling!  I try and try and try to get rid of it .. walk, etc.. and only tiny bits of relief.... then of coarse it keeps me awake off and on all night long!  In the morning a little relief and it starts all over again..... has anyone else went thru this and what did you do for it?  I have taken three boxes of gas~x strips and it has not helped?

They tell me I did fantastically well thru the whole hospital stay!  The bariatric coordinator (Billy)  was such a wonderful lady!  I just loved her!  So sweet and positive, so willing to answer all my questions and encourage me.... I made 4 mega laps around two units on the first night and all the nurses at the station would just shake there heads that I could go so far.... it took me 28 minutes to make the four laps... I was plumb tuckered by the time I got it done.  I contribute the reason I was able to do that to the Lord and all the pre~op work I had done the month prior.... I would so very much encourage any one to do it!  It is paying off for me now!

That sweet Debbie Darl'n was there to pray with me before I went into surgery and then set with my family .... they both enjoyed visiting with her, she has went so very very very much the second mile like my other two angels have!  She came in with a tote carrying that WONDERFUL BROTH!!!  now if you have not looked at it you should ..... it is the best broth I have EVER had!  and she even had the chicken all bagged up little bags for me to put in the freezer for when I get to that stage!  I can't thank her enough for all she has done!!!!  Oh my goodness it has been simply wonderful!  God has shown me just how very much He loves me thru all of you wonderful people!!!  ALL of you!  I am so very appreciative of EVERY kind word and deed!!!!

Mimi asked me on one of the phone calls to check on me since I got home if I had my sass now... I told her oh goodness no I would not get my sass till I have  a good amount of this weight off... which I am happy to report that I lost 5 lbs the first day home and 3 lbs every day since!  That's like BOOOO YEAH!!!!  I keep thinking it will slow down?  But I'm glad it has not so far!  I am getting in 60 grams of protein and about  60 oz of water.. I'm just real happy that I can tolerate the liquids pretty well I think.... I can tell you this.. the timer I have has been wonderful... I am so totally focused on walking and drinking like everyone has told me to be that I set the timer for 15 minutes and drink a little over an ounce each time it goes off ...... it is so easy that way and I'm making such good progress.... I had to pay $20 for it but has been worth every penny!  I just do better in a real structured setting..... I am walking for 30 minutes each morning and each evening..... that's about all I can do in the day, and by the time I get my bath I'm worn slick..... my Paul has been so very very good to me!  He waits on me like I am a queen!  We've had some embarrassing moments and I've been a bit humiliated a couple of times but other than that it's been great.... I am so glad for all the meals AJ and I made and put in the deep freeze it is working out simply wonderful!  The meals for him go so smoothly.  Yesterday for the first time I had a hard time with watching him eat... he offered to leave but I told him no... I had to learn to deal with it.... he had pizza for lunch and a lasagna type casserole for supper..... I knew physically I was not hungry but I was "dealing" with it in my head!

I feel so out of the loop since I have not posted I'm going to chat a bit here with what I can remember I know I will be mad at myself that I did not remember everyone and I'm sure sorry if I do miss you... I most surely love you!

Mimi ~ thank you so much for all the calls to check on me you are such a wonderful lady to be thinking of me so often... like so many of you have done!  It has been so very wonderful!  I'm encouraged everyday by someones kindness!  I sure hope you enjoy the trip coming up!

Janet ~  you dear and wonderful lady!  oh how you surprised me when you walked in that room!  I know your beautiful hair must have felt terrible after I sobbed in it all those times!  I don't know why I did that but I was just so humbled and surprised to see you!  That time went by so so so fast! and you were gone.... it was not enough!  I just must see you again and hopefully it will be real soon!  You were a doll to bring me the beautiful mums, and all the samples, and the clothes.... Paul will love the pink top and I like the capris, oh heck I like it all!!!  Thank you so much!

I miss Sugar and am glad she has had such a wonderful vacation I can't wait for her to get on and tell us all about it!

Barbara ~ I'm so excited that you did the walk today!  It simply inspires me!  And thank you for the encouraging words and prayers!  I love the bench!

{{{Deb}}}  You are so full of kind words too.  I'm sorry you have been thru so much but the Lord has a way of making good come from the unfortunate things that happens to us! I can see it in your situation as well!

Andy ~ oh how great is it that Susan was approved... does that mean she will probably be able to have the surgery now?  That would be simply unbearable exciting!!!

Lynette ~ lady you are sooooo close now! I'm getting real excited for you even knowing what's ahead for you... it will be alright!  This thing is very doable!  Just looking at the 11 lbs I have lost in the past three days is exciting enough to push back the thoughts of any discomfort!  Even though I am "feeling" them every minute of the day! ~ha

Peggy ~  you dear lady, your encouraging words have been "sweetness" to me.... I am praying for you each day... I know God has a real work He has already and is going to do in you!  I'm very excited that you have taken these steps to improve your situation!  I just know you will be rewarded for your efforts... I will find out Wednesday when my one month appointment will be and will post it right away so people can make plans to get together if they can or want too.  Oh how fun it will be to get to see whom ever can get together with us!!!

Shannon ~  I have been thinking of you and praying that you are getting better each day... surgery hurts! ~ha  I also know how it hurts to let your family leave too!  It's terrible.... I pray you will be comforted!

Sangie ~  you continue to inspire me!  Hope you group went well today... I want to be in on the secret pal fun ... but I couldn't find where it said what I was suppose to do?  if you read this would you send me something of what I'm to do?

Vesta ~  I love you! Thank you for thinking of me and praying for me!  You are so incredibly sweet!

Oh boy my back is killing me again... I'm not finished but I guess I will just have to sign off and try again another day.....

Cor, Blondie, Penni, Tammy's, Lori, Laura, Angy, Liz, Sheila, Layla, Brenda, Jeanine.... I'm thinking of you all....

Thank you again to EVERY one that prayed for me!  It means so very very much to me!


Shannon C.
on 9/27/08 7:15 am - Kirksville, MO
Jan - sounds like something I have done in the past...

Bec - after reading your post I just started crying - I am so happy for you -they really are tears of joy and not the sadness from the last 2 days!

I am in an ansy type mood so I am making soft pretzels for my family.  Got the mix at the amish store and am waiting for them to raise now then will roll them out, shape then give them a bath in boiling water & baking soda then bake them after they get an egg wash and a sprinkling of kosher salt..  Decided to do these as I am tired of making pies.  Thought about doing a raw apple cake tomorrow.

Sis called and asked what was for dinner and I told her anything she wants to fix and clean up after - LOL.  She said ok she would be down later.  She is still out of work and feeding her is no hardship on us.

Tammy V - prayers & hugs for you.  Come to a support group meeting every other thursday.  They are advertised in the crier and are at the fitness center at 5:30pm

Time to get busy!



Beverly B.
on 9/27/08 1:24 pm - Sedalia, MO

Hi Jan and all Mo peeps,

I love the way you start off about not doing anything and by the time I read your post about all you do I am worn out lol...
I went rummage saleing with my daughter friday, the 1st time we went together  in about 10 years..I am just loving every minute of it. My daughter is so excited about me losing weight and being able to live again, she had to tell everyone why I was looking for smaller clothes. I don't mind though, I want to shout it to the world how this surgery has given me back my life..I have an auction to go to  after church tomorrow..can't wait...I love other peoples junk woops I mean treasures...

Bec I can't believe you are doing so good. I really thought I would never get in my protein or my water..I can't stand plain water now, it hurts my tummy unless it is ice ice cold..and I couldn't walk very far for the longest time. Still am only walking about 7 or 8 blocks at a time. I consider that pretty good since I had trouble walking out to my car before surgery..

I have been doing the stupidest thing. I thought I was doing so good getting  all my supplements in and I am, all except my calicum. I take citracal petites and when I looked on the bottle I thought 1 pill had 400u plus 400 mg of vit d so I have been taking 3 a day thinking I was getting in 1200 u of calicum a day. I was reading on the bottle the other day and noticed you have to take 2 pills to get the dosage..oh my...I have tried and tried to get in 6 pills and the most I can get is 4- when I take more it makes me sick and I start throwing up. I am waiting like an hour in between each pill. Might have to get me some liquid and try that..

Hi Janet,
I am sorry you are hurting so bad. I know a broken tailbone is pretty painful. Hope you are feeling better soon so you can start on your other surgeries and really get to feeling better...

Well guess I had better get off here for now..hope everyone has a great day tomorrow....






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