Angy,Jen and Jeanie?
Hey Deb!! I'm here, just been really busy around the house. I've been having trouble keeping my meds down, so I've been really trying hard to get that worked out and to top everything off, I woke up this morning with a cold. I have a severe case of the snots. ewwwww! lol My nose just wont quit running. I'm still having trouble with foods, but I did have a little grilled chicken last night & it went ok, but it didn't taste good to me. That was a big let down. It smelled so good, I just knew it was gonna be great, but it was just kinda blah. I've noticed spicer things are tasting the best to me. I made some chili yesterday & that was really good. (Just gotta make sure I remember my ulcer meds). How is Laura doing with her tummy? Hope it's feeling better.
(((HUGS))) Angy
Hey there
Sorry you got the snots.A cold and Snots really sux.
I have a hard time with the meds. They stay down but feel like i swallowed a cup of cement after i take them.I am haveing trouble eating also. Have had a can a soup in 2 day's. I just feel full all the time.And my stomach hurts.Chicken sounds so good but i am not that brave yet,And i am wanting chili so bad it ain't even funny but afraid to even try that..I bought some pepper jack cheese last night because i am wanting spicy stuff.Sick of bland yucky crap.
Laura is on 2 different ulcer meds,They seem to be helping. She has alot of problems eating to but is better at it than me.
I looked at my knees this morning and i have knee bones, I actually have knobby knees LOL. Called Gail had to tell him. He was excited for me. Told Laura She thinks i been hitttin the crack pipe LOL. I call her with every small detail she thinks i'm nuts LOL.Even called called her told her other day when i pooped big girl poop. LOL.Told her i a big girl now . LMAO
Glad you replied i was worried about you. Keep in touch.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb