Things seem to be calm at the moment. Jason is out on bale but is down with him mother and grandmother and isnt allowed to go anywhere near Michele. The cops and first responders in
I have been trimming bushes, flowers and some trees up today. We called the back hoe guy and had him to come down and re level up the ditch we had back filled with dirt , the lateral lines. That is looking good now, grass will grow over it fairly fast. We are still working on killing the grass in the garden area.
Found out the neighbors are paying to have a surveyor to come in and redo all their lines and boundaries which is good cause we will get ours done because of that too. Guess we could offer to pay half of it but I didn’t call them lol
I think they got afraid that we might take 6 inches of their land from them. Doesn’t bother me where the lines are. Will be ok with me unless they want to put the lines right down the middle of our property or something silly like that lol
I walked by myself this morning since Andy had a Doctors appointment. I did our 2 figure 8s we do in 20 minutes so added an extra one….wow my butt muscles are sore as a boil. Good maybe will get them tightened up some. Lol
Put a call into the tree service guy today. Want some more of these bad trees either cut down completely or really trimmed up good. They keep losing big limbs and falling close to the houses or sheds etc. will just get rid of them and then will be less worrisome.
I forgot to tell everyone that a guy on the board sometimes by the name of Catfish had his surgery today. I think it was lap band with Dr. Edwards. I hope he is ok….
Next Monday the 29th is Lynettes surgery. I know she is going to do well she is all ready much as a lot of us were .
It is still scary the first few days. I thought it would all just be easy to sip and walk and sip and walk. And it wasn’t even easy to do that lol. The first day home I think I got in about 12 oz of water all day long and I thought oh lord what in the world have I gotten myself into. I will never be able to eat, I cant even swallow water for crying out loud.
But honestly guys it does get better , daily , little by little. A sip at a time. I started by putting 48 oz of water in the ref in a pitcher and pouring it into a small glass. If by the middle of the day I wasn’t half way thru the water then I knew I needed to speed it up some. When I got to where I could do 48 oz then I started putting 56 oz….then by second week I had to start adding protein shakes. Lol it is hard but it works and what ever works for you is what you have to do. But pu**** pu**** ….
I have gotten off schedule about my eating since I have been running to Micheles all last week, and back to not eating enough , I knew it but when I put down what I ate yesterday and then today both days together so far don’t total 1000 cals. Bad bad bad girl.
I am getting back on track today. I wrote my schedule out and have been sticking to it.
From now on I will take the stuff I need if and when we got over there again. ..I have a small cooler that I bought for stuff. I haven’t even been drinking enough water because I just refill the bottle I have with me I lose track of how much I have gotten in. and I still at 2 years out if I don’t keep count I sometimes wont get enough water in. I drink any where from 98 to 120 oz a day and if I don’****ch it I will slip down to about 58 oz and will wonder why im dizzy and weak feeling till I realize what I have done.
So it is not sometihg that you will ever not be able to watch after. And some people have the nerve to say this is the easy way out???? they are crazy for sure. Lol
LOU:::::: wow how neat that you and Renee are having class the same day. Are you all riding up together? And surgery on the same day too huh?
LOL that is too funny you sent the family to the dungeon to eat supper huh? That is cool.
VESTA::::: are you still having trouble sleeping girl? Do you stay awake worrying or what?
ANGIE:::::: yeah Vit B-1 is Thiamin….that is in the super b complex pills that I take.
But then I give myself B-12 injections 2x monthly and all of that is great. Hope your vits levels are all good.
Yep I love spicy foods but I always have and I was eating jalopenios by the time I was out about 3 weeks. I just took out the seeds so those wouldn’t bother my tummy and ate them like candy. I was craving them something awful don’t know why tho. Must have been something in them that my body was wanting. Lol
Yes im trying to get Michele to move to a place in town or something but she says she loves this duplex. I just hate to see her struggling to make the rent payments but I don’t guess she can find much of anything any cheaper. She pays 430 a month for it. And has to pay all of her utitilty bills and they aren’t cheap. Plus when something breaks it is like pulling teeth to get then to fix it. And she doesn’t have washer and dryer hook ups even.
I thnk she is about ready to start looking anyway ….in case he doesn’t get any prison time out of all of this. …
DEBBIE D:::::: that is good that you can tell the school no if you want to. Lol. Leaves you in control of what you do instead of them lol
So your dad has Lyme too? Wow I really thought it was a one time treatment and you were rid of it. Why do they talk about it that way and advertise it that way.? That is so weird. Isnt it?
Well no of course not I don’t care if you call me mama Jan, I get called Mimi, Aunt Jan, Mama Jan, and probably a lot of other names that aren’t good im sure lol
Oh you need to post the Chicken broth reciepe….sounds like it is really good. And we could add the chicken back in like Angie said. I bet it is really good.
SHERR:::::: It is so good to see you on here again. how far do you live from West Plains? Vesta has a support group there. And Tammy-Ammy is getting one together in ???? over there somewhere. There have to be some more people in your area that have had the surgery that would like to go to a support meeting , maybe you all could drive to one of those and split the cost of gas.
One of these days I want to go around and visit all the people that I talk to on here. I think that would be a great motorcycle trip.
Michele is feeling better , she got an inhaler from her doctor and got some musinex pills and after one dose o each she was feeling better.
Dear Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~
This post was started Weds morning:
WOW~What a day I had yesterday-and such a PERFECT BLEND of the BEST AND WORST! LOL.....I just have to say that meeting Bec and Paul-it wasnt even JUST the hi-light of yesterday-it has been one of the BEST HI-LIGHT OF MY LIFE. PERIOD!!!! Please continue to pray for her recovery, as well as Sue and Shannon......Then, our pre-ops, Renee and Lou-How exciting for them that they are both on this board and are very soon going to share one of the most important moments of their lives!
Jan-Megan DID have a test yesterday-but her instructor said that she could take it when she goes on Thurs-she checked before she ever said anything to me-and so when she told me that I could use her car and didnt have to rent one-I paid for the tires on the front of her car. Yesterday was a costly little venture-for sure!! LOL....Well worth each and every penny though-
Let me say before I get to the Bec and Paul deal-that yes we did have a timeline on the surgeries-but none of my timelines had a broken tailbone taken into account and I was told by my PCP to check with my pain management doc and nuero surgeon/plastic surgeon/ortho etc-and he said that he didnt believe ANY of them would operate on me until my tailbone was healed. He was right. So-I have to go back up to KC in a couple of weeks-she said 5-6 for her to check off on my tailbone and then I can move forward. She said that I could do my consult as needed/tolerated (for driving) but that I would NOT be released for surgeries until it was healed. She was MAJOR upset that the ER dept didnt prescribe a pillow (the donut pillow-Roho) for my rear OR a walker/cane. So-guess what? I have to go get the donut today and I have to use the cane/walker at home and out as needed. Told her that I had actually thought about using those carts at Walmart again, but couldnt make myself-I ALWAYS used them when I was at my biggest-and mentally, I just couldnt-besides-wouldnt have helped take the pressure off my broken butt. She said standing IS the best thing for me AND laying in a recliner-reclined, WITH the donut under me at all times! Ok-THEN...we start talking about the ER doc and how he treated me.....OMG-SHE WAS HOT! She worked for Freeman for 6 yrs (like myself) and she couldnt stand the way they treated people! When I told her that he did his gold digging (anal probe) FIRST-BEFORE x-rays-she said that MOST doctors will do that AFTER the xrays-IF they cant tell FROM the xrays-NOT BEFORE! THEN...When she found out what he gave me-she said he may as well had handed me a tic tac-(only I got severe migraines from those tic tacs and quit taking them) they were not even as strong as a Tylenol 3 and he didnt even give me enough to last till I got up to see her. She was so disgusted and just kept telling me how sorry she was. I told her that once the docs find out you see a pain management doc-they automatically assume you just want drugs-but IF I am taking those pain management drugs and get hurt and I NEED something else-they should TRY to tweek things to help us with our pain. This just sucks. Anyway-she has tweeked my meds for the next 5-6 weeks and put me on a new med until my tailbone is healed and told me that IF anything like this happens again, I can ALWAYS go to KC and see her!!!! I LOVE HER! Anyway-I will be getting my consult for my tummy tuck in Springfield. I am desperately TRYING to get a nuero surgeon closer to home. I dont want to be in Columbia-and in a nursing home for 2 weeks of rehab. At least here IF I HAVE to go to a nursing home-I WILL have family to visit me here. I wont there.
~~~Thursdays post:
Well, as you can tell, I didnt get Weds done~What started as a little adventure this morning to go get my prescriptions filled, and to pick up my donut pillow-Gee Whiz.....
Jon and I went and got my scripts filled. Then, right around the corner was Health Essentials. Stop there to get my pillow-No, they dont keep them in stock-they said they could order it-but it would be a week before it comes in.....I told her that I would like to check around first and see if anyone else carries them before I have them order it. I stopped to see my ex FIL and MIL-they are down visiting. Anyway-so I stopped to see them (they werent there-they were visiting with some of Daves other kids) and then use my moms phone to call around to the different places to see about the pillow. After calling EVERY ONE in the book-NO ONE HAD THEM IN STOCK!!! What the heck is that all about? So-my butt pillow is ordered-will be here in about a week. I HAD to stop at the grocery store on my way home. We were out of the "staples" and I wanted to do it Tues evening-but by the time we got home-I was in NO condition to go into a store-PLUS it would have really been out of the way-
Jon and I get home, and I get a text from Mike-did I remember that we are suppose to help run the BBQ and race tonite for the RC cars? Oh man-No, I had forgotten!!! I had to thank God though, because I took brats and dogs out of the freezer to thaw to BBQ them tonite here!!! So-I didnt even have to go to the store again. There was a HUGE turnout-I bet 40 people or more.....We got everyone fed,(everyone brings their own meat, chips and etc and we put them on the table and do a potluck type deal) Mike raced for a bit-and the boys and I played with the pup like the one we will be getting (one of these days! LOL) and we packed up and came home. We were home by 8:30-so that was nice. The boys were able to go to bed on time. I stood practically the whole time. The camping chairs-they arent comfortable with a broken butt, thats for sure!
So I read that Bec is having pain.... by the time I got the boys all situated and back into the living room, it was 9 and I didnt want to call her then-figured she would be snoozing. I will call and check on her later in the morning. Lets keep praying that her recovery is smooth sailing....For Sue and for Shannon too....Then we have Renee and Lou going to Columbia tomorrow for their all day class. Lets pray for travelers mercy and that everything goes good for them tomorrow. I know that Renee has to get up at 2 am-to ride that van that will take her up there! I sure wish I could have gone with her and be her support person, but I KNEW that there was NO WAY my butt could take another trip, ecspically one that is longer than even KC was-cause that one kicked my rear!!! (no pun intended) I sure didnt expect her to get her date that soon!! Im SO HAPPY for her-but now Im trying to iron out the sitter thing and all that so I can be in Columbia for the surgery. Tiffany couldnt go to the class tomorrow cause she has a dr appt for that foot surgery she had-At least Renee has talked to Lou and I think they will be good buds!!! It would be AWESOME if they could be roomies at the hospital-and then I could keep an eye on BOTH of them-huh?
Let me just say, before I start my responses from yesterday-about Bec-I dont think in all my 40 yrs of life-that I have EVER met anyone so happy, so bubbly-so...uplifting-I mean-she is contagious with her positive attitude and the way that she makes you feel so special. I dont think anyone has ever made me feel so special-I mean, from someone I had never met in person before! Her laugh and giggle-you would HAVE to be deaf NOT to at least SMILE when you hear it-I found myself giggling WITH Her!!!
Meg and I were running about 1/2 hr behind schedule because of construction. I called Debs home and then cell-to let her know I was like 14 miles away (had my little hand written map in front of me) I knew I had to stop and get flowers or a plant - and then we were there. Deb tells me that they have taken her drain and catheter out and that she was being released!???? Your kidding me? So, I said-PLEASE dont let them leave without me meeting her (LOL).... Well-then we hit the construction by the hospital and that took another 10 minutes to circle the hospital....We FINALLY found a place to park (I forgot my handicap tag) We get in there and get directions to her room....WE walk, which seems to be a mile-or at least to the other end of the hospital! Get on the elevator-and now Megan has to go to the bathroom again! Oh man! Im gonna break out in hives if she is gone! I just know it-LOL... We finally get around the corner-and I peek in the room and I can see Deb and I assume, Paul-and I see Bec layin on the bed talking to them-well, Deb saw me-and then Bec looked over-and I mean to tell you-I have NEVER seen ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE-look like that when they have seen me! Im not kidding-I was so afraid she was going to pull something the way she was trying to get up (we all remember that, dont we? From a lying down position-OUCH!) Anyway-I got over to her, told her NOT to get up-and I bent over to hug her.....and all the sudden her shoulders are just shaking hard-SHE was CRYING!!!! OHHHH-I felt so bad-I know that hurts too-LOL...It all hurts at this stage! Well, She looked AWESOME!~ She didnt even look remotely close to how I looked the day after surgery! She told me how she had already walked the whole length of the hospital 4 times-she had already done the stairs (physical therapy wanted her to) She had done it all! She looked awesome, she was laughing, smiling, giggly, she is just a bundle of HAPPINESS!!!! There is NO WAY you could be around her and be unhappy Or crabby!! NO WAY! Megan and I agreed-that we had never known a Bec before-but we are sure are blessed to have her in our lives now! Jan, you and Sugar have spent time with her-you know! Deb D said that same thing-AND-BTW, SHE LOOKS AWESOME!!!! We talked about plastics-showed them both my belly flab-brought my pics of the grand canyon and my before, during and current pic book. Talked some more-and Im telling you-I was so UPSET when the time flew by so fast and I had to go-because I had my dr appt. When I got done with the Dr. I called Deb and she said that she thought Bec was still at the hospital and that she would love for me to go see her again-we stopped so that Megan could go to the restroom-and then her and Jon were hungry, and then when we got back to the Freeway-I was reading my map backwards-you know, like the opposite of the way it got us there-and we went the wrong way..... I KNEW I had to stop and get one of my scripts filled because I was totally out of all of it and that ride was HORRIBLE-even Megan said she felt it-the bumps and all-and I had 2 pillows-one for my butt, one for my lower back. By the time we got back on track and stopped at Walmart to fill one of my prescriptions-it was late-rush hour traffic late-and I knew it wasnt meant to be-BUT...I am praying that I can get my check up with my doc up there the same day that she goes for her one month check up-so we can see each other again!
Those of you that know Jon, know that he is SO BASHFUL-that he hides behind people-it takes him a bit to warm up and actually talk and all of that-and Deb-she has such a calming effect about her-that my son didnt RUN from her when she walked over to talk to him-he usually does-thats just how he is! She actually hugged him and he didnt freak out!!! When we were leaving-Jon asked Megan and I if those ladies and the really tall man were his aunts and his uncle?!!! Where on earth did that come from I asked him-and he said-Mom, they were so nice to me and since I dont have any aunts and uncles-can I have them be mine? Megan and I laughed. At 5, he THINKS he gets to pick his family members-how funny is that? I guess that he knew that in that room-those 3 people, were 3 of the nicest, kindest, loving people you have ever had the priviledge to meet and better yet-call friend, I truly feel blessed!!! Paul is just a sweetheart too! He and Bec are perfect for one another. Bec and Deb-when you see them together-you would swear that they have been friends for a lifetime! Well, I know that they will be bonded for life now-
Im sorry, I know I have rambled a lot-but it was just incredible! Altho I did see Deb at the reunion last year-it was still nice to see her again and talk. Wow-it was nice! She is an amazingly loving person too-while I was standing in there with those 2, I thought to myself that I sure didnt know what I did to deserve those 2 very special ladies in MY life-who love and care about ME-I dont KNOW what I did to deserve that-but THANK YOU, GOD! I LOVE THEM!!!! I just have to say-IF I had to pick something GOOD ABOUT BEING FAT-that I would have to say-I would have missed out on some of the best friends, supporters, pen pals-you name it- I know some of the neatest people on earth-and why? Because I was FAT-wouldnt ever change my past-my life is so much richer now because of who is in it.
~~I got a text from Sheila-she is moved now, and she said to tell you that she doesnt have the internet yet. There was a problem with the phone line today, but they are suppose to TRY and figure it out tomorrow. She also hasnt been feeling well. Please say some prayers that she feels better!! She asked me to tell you all she said hi and she will be back just as soon as she can.
**Jan-WOW about that scumball being on bail! It sounds like Melissas BIL-remember? Oh-and then that guy that robbed Sheila-and all of his court hearings and such-and they ALWAYS just get slapped on the wrist-I dont get it. Any of us that TRY and obey all the laws etc-they would throw the book at us!!! I just DONT GET IT~!!!! Remember that neighborhood watch group-kinda like Hells Angels? Well, MAYBE WE SHOULD START OUR OWN GROUP-Like the 5 F's "Formerly Fat Females Fed up With Felons" what do you think? LOL! Guess Ive had too much time to think today-huh? Just know that with ALL of the prayer warriors on here-that we ARE ALL praying for Michele. Although we have never met her-she is half you-and we love you so much, we would have no choice but to love her too, huh? I really hope we can meet her one day! Im glad that the police are staying within minutes of her place. I wish she would move though-so that temptation wouldnt have to be there-and then mama jan could rest-knowing that she is safe and sound! We will continue to pray for her. Please keep us updated-like you have. Even though we have not met-Please tell her that I say hi and that I am praying for her. I wish her the best. Thanks!
So-when you talked to Sug on Monday-how were they doing? How was the weather, did she say? I have been praying for her and the family as well, that they have NICE weather-that they are ALL doing great too, having the time of their lives and making lifelong favorite memories!!! Altho, I cant help but to think that IF she had taken the 2 Jan C.s-well-how much fun would she have had then? We couldnt even measure it, could we? But, alas-WE WERENT INVITED! HA! Heck, Im sure you and I couldve stayed outta her way-like on the "left" side of the beach-huh?
I keep meaning to ask you and keep forgetting-do you still use your Gazelle? If so-how do you like it? I havent been on this one for a long time....wasnt too bad on the knees, but the back-anyway, so Mikes mom has it back in her livingroom and just asked me the other day if I wanted it again-she wants to make room for some other stuff since the holidays will be here before you know it. I was just wondering about it.
I still have another email to send ya. Will most likely get to that tomorrow since its getting late now. I keep stopping every 10 min or so and walk around a bit. Are you still going to go to those painting classes? Would love to see your paintings! I LOVE stuff like that! Havent you done some others before? Do you have any pictures of them?
Oh-I am going to be seeing the plastic surgeon you recommended. I think he did Vestas surgery too, if I remember it correctly? Dr. Hawes, in Springfield? Im going to TRY and get an appt for the day of our group-so that I will already be there : ) Anyway-I will keep you posted! Love ya-say hi to Mr. Joe cool for me!!!
**Lou-WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME!! I know you wont see this today-for awhile anyway-because your at your class for the day in Columbia getting ready for your big day!!! YAY!! Congrats on that! You will at least know Renee-so it will be a little nicer and help the time fly by faster too-I told her-you guys are gonna have a bond-something monumental-happening the same day, same doc-AWESOME....It would be WAY COOL-IF you guys could be roomies after surgery!!!
I really am going to try and be up there for Renee and for her daughters-so that they will have SOMEONE with them while their mom is in surgery-and Im Renees angel-so I was going to ask you if you had an angel yet-and if not-would you like one? I would love to be your angel, if you dont have one yet.....who will be at the hospital with you? My daughter said I could use her laptop, so I can get online and update on BOTH of you!!! Let me know-and if there is anything we can help you with-please let us know...Post - or call....or email.
**Renee-WOWZA, I sure didnt expect you to have a date less than 2 weeks away! How crazy is that? You already know how I feel! YAY YAY YAY YAY...Baby circle dance, double time-for you AND for Lou! Since you and I are constantly in contact-I just wanna say I love ya girl and Im here for ya... oh and, as Bec would say-girl, your gonna have your "sassy" back!!! And I ONLY THOUGHT you were sassy now-LOL! You know I love ya. Tell Tiff aunt Janet loves her and please let me know how the dr appt with foot surgeon goes tomorrow, ok? Oh-and tell Mr. Larry that I say hi too-hope he is feeling better. I added him to my prayer list.
**Andrew-Baby Circle Dance for Susan and the medicaid!! PRAISE GOD!!! That brought tears to my eyes when I read that! I know so many things were riding on her approval of medicaid! What a relief! I was so glad to hear that her leg is good too-and that her toe looked good! How scary! Thank God too, that she didnt have to go back in the hospital. We WILL CONTINUE to keep her in prayer for her health!!! AND for anything else you guys may need!!
How did the meeting go with the nursing home? Is everything alright? We will make sure and pray about that too-Im so sorry!!!
How did YOUR appt go? What did you find out? How much more weight have you lost? Is the swelling under control now? Sorry-dont mean to throw a thousand ?s at you-but you know how I am-LOL...Im sorry I missed the meeting! Would have LOVED to be there-trust me!!! Anyway-Take care and keep us posted-and we will keep you, Susan, and the FIL on the prayer list.
**Vesta-good to see you on here. Im sorry you have trouble sleeping-it seems like a lot of us do.... I wonder how many of us there are-post op, that just CANT...isnt that wild? My hubby, Mike-he can take Tylenol PM and it works well for him.....Does nothing for me-I am going to email you tomorrow, and since we have had issues with our emails before-IF you dont get it tomorrow-please let me know (on here somewhere)....k? I think of you often and hope to see ya again soon. Love ya!
**Angie-Its so awesome of you to set up the secret pal....your so creative. Wished that we lived closer to one another!!! I really hope one day you will get this way to one of our meetings OR we can come that way and meet you!
I wanted to tell you that I have a kick butt recipe for the best chicken enchiladas EVER! Its SO AWESOME-IF you want the recipe-let me know and I will send it to you! My hubby and kids love it too and I have NEVER dumped on it-AND there are only 3 things in my house that my family eats left overs of-thats my lasagna, my manicotti and yes, the enchiladas!! They ROCK!
Your comment about spicy since surgery made me laugh-I was such a wuss before surgery-I couldnt do anything spicy! Now-IF it will light my butt on fire-I LOVE IT! That really freaked my family out! LOL....So, I hear ya there! Well, take care-and thanks for the things you do-we appreciate you so much!!
**Deb D- Well, Bec was right about you-you are A DOLL! She calls you her darling-and I see why. You are just BEAUTIFUL inside and out! You are just one of those people that when you look at someone-you see kindness! Your very comfortable to be around! I WISH that I would have had longer to spend with you guys-but trust me, when I go back-I WILL be bugging you guys-Barbara too-I think she said she would like to meet too-maybe we can all go to lunch or something? I am trying to coordinate my f/u appt with KC dr with Becs one month check...Wouldnt that be wonderful?
Thank you for making us feel so good-oh-and next weds-I WILL be calling ya to say-YES ITS A GIRL! LOL...IT IS! Oh, and when I come back up-I have some things to bring you about the Grand Canyon. All kinds of info-even the rent an rv-so you can stay in one of their campgrounds etc-OR the motels, but they are REALLY costly for the most part. Anyway-just so you can get an idea-but its the most awesome sight I have ever seen with my own eyes-just AMAZING! You WONT REGRET IT!!! I know that your boys and hubby do scouting and all of that-well, they have a ranger course there-where you go one day, they do a seminar type thing with pictures and all-and then, they give the kids these books of things to look for and do there-and then you go back the next day and show them that book-and they give you souveniors and a badge-and the class etc is FREE! WE spent 2 days-well, the first day we got there later afternoon and we just couldnt leave-so we drove a little over an hour away to get a motel for under $225 per night-and then drove back the next morning and spent most of the day AND had the most wonderful picnic there!! I just cant say enough about it!
Anyway-thanks for talking to A.J. so we could keep our surprise. Thanks for keeping us updated on Bec-and for the phone calls! I just adore you and I hope to spend more time with you soon!! PLEASE let us know how it goes at the dr....for your dad AND for you, ok? Oh-and Jon wants to know if you can be his aunt?? Love you and will keep you and your dad and family in my prayers.
**Shannon-Good to see you on here! Glad your up to it!! Are your kids still there? Is your sister helping out? Did you guys get it all smoothed out? I hope so. Please keep us posted. We are praying for a speedy recovery.
**((((DEB))))-Wow girl! I read your post yesterday and cried myself silly! First, let me say I am SO SORRY about the loss of your brother. This really hit home with me, Deb, because I am in the same predicament with my back. BAD...Its bad. Plus, I see a pain management doc. I know you said that with the amount of Morphine that it was more than his dosing-I know you dont have the answers, Im just wondering if maybe he forgot he took a dose and then took another one-cuz that would scare the crap out of me-you know? Sometimes I forget and then when I remember I just want to throw up because I am so scared about that same thing! I keep my pills in a daily counter now, so it wont happen again-
Then, WOW-I read, through my tears-about your mom. Thi**** home for me, Deb, only it was my dad. Although he wasnt an alcoholic-the psychiatrists all said that he had the personality of one. The mental abuse was far worse than the physical-and Im sure you know! I do that sometimes too-where I just get in here and then I go-hmmm....Why did I just share that with everyone? I guess it does make us feel better. Know what? I havent been with my hubby as long-BUT...I raised/am raising my kids the exact opposite of how I was raised-they have ALL THE LOVE, STABILITY, LOVE, DISCIPLINE, LOVE-LOL...You get the picture! Although I KNEW/KNOW that my parents loved me-they were very selfish in the fact that their children DIDNT ever come first!!!! We moved 2-3 times per year until I was in 7th grade-and then I did 3 yrs at one school...and then it all started again. I moved out, totally on my own-when I turned 16. I went into Job Corps and I never looked back. I feel PROUD that I have raised my kids the best that I could-and that my oldest daughter-she went to the same school ALL her school years! My youngest daughter (17) same until we moved out here 5 yrs ago. Im proud of that. I just believe that I went through things-and I knew that I would NEVER do to my kids what was done to me! Im ALWAYS surprised when I hear that people who beat their kids-was because they were beat as a kid-I have such a hard time with that-because I would chop my arm off before I ever punched my kid in the face, you know?
Anyway-Please know that you can come in here anytime-and share ANYTHING and we are HERE FOR YOU! We LOVE you and we will NOT judge you! Thats the most awesome thing about this place-its unconditional love-which is hard for people like us to understand huh? Besides our spouses-our sides of the family are stable, are they? They just dont know the meaning of REAL LOVE-real UNCONDITIONAL LOVE-but hey, WE do (you and I) AND OUR KIDS DO!!!!
I really cant wait to meet you in person! We have so mu*****ommon. Talk to you later-and you and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers.
**Penni-Are you all done with moving the kids stuff around and the rest of the organizing? I hope its all getting finished for ya! I would LOVE To see the pics-I forgot who suggested it-but that would be cool and you could put it out there in your profile.
**Sherr-Are you feeling better now? Didnt see ya for a couple of days. Yep, I remember coming up to the hotel and seeing you after you got out of the hospital....I was so excited about the surgery, I dont think anything would have scared me from doing it-HOWEVER-that BIG *SS drain you had-THAT SCARED ME! Man, that thing had its own zip code! Needed its own pair of underwear!! LOL... I remember that the most-NASTY! My drain was NOT like that, thank goodness! I would have felt like a football quarterback carrying that big old thing around wherever I went (LOL!!!!)
You never did answer me-hows Dylan and your parents? Is he a Sr. This year? I tried to text you-but never got a response-so.....I have to wait to call you till I get my new phone-MINE doesnt work but maybe ten percent of the time! You can ask, um-like Renee-when she called to give me her date Tues morning-she totally couldnt hear me at all-and I could only hear 1/2 of what she was saying! So-Im trying to get a new phone. Megan called and I can send this one in and they will send me a new one IF they cant fix this one....thats okay-but I wont have one for that amount of time-so I am lookin for a spare to use until then. Im sure I will find one....then I will call ya and chat your ears off-LOL. The other day, Megan said I could use hers to call you-and when I went to get hers-her friend called-that was it. LOL! Anyway, hope your good! Cant wait until they find out whats wrong with you on Friday! Love ya and your in my prayers, along with your parents and Dylan.
~~I would just like to add Tammy H (Tammy-Ammy) to your list of people needing prayer. She text me a bit today-and man, oh, man-has she ever had some "stuff" going on! Any prayers you could send her way would be appreciated.
Well, Im off. Not sure if Im the first person to post or not-but IF I am-I want my sf sucker to be watermelon this time-LOL! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Have a good Thurs and let your loved ones know you love 'em!!! Love, Janet
You never did answer me-hows Dylan and your parents? Is he a Sr. This year? I tried to text you-but never got a response-so.....I have to wait to call you till I get my new phone-MINE doesnt work but maybe ten percent of the time! You can ask, um-like Renee-when she called to give me her date Tues morning-she totally couldnt hear me at all-and I could only hear 1/2 of what she was saying! So-Im trying to get a new phone. Megan called and I can send this one in and they will send me a new one IF they cant fix this one....thats okay-but I wont have one for that amount of time-so I am lookin for a spare to use until then. Im sure I will find one....then I will call ya and chat your ears off-LOL. The other day, Megan said I could use hers to call you-and when I went to get hers-her friend called-that was it. LOL! Anyway, hope your good! Cant wait until they find out whats wrong with you on Friday! Love ya and your in my prayers, along with your parents and Dylan.
Okay, sorry about the text thing, I had to have it turned off, since the "Monster" was texting me all the time, I also had my VM off for 4 months, I called to have it turned back on, once the courts told me if he called me, it would be "tampering with a witness" and add to his list of Felony Charges.
So, texting doesn't work :( YES! My baby is a Sr. can not believe it. He worked (2) jobs during the summer, and now works at Dairy Queen, with his best buddy. My mom never healed from her botched knee replacement surgery :(, then daddy had 98% blockage in his heart, and I had spent 2 months in the hospital back earlier this year, taking care of him. He is fragile, and stays cold, but still works 7 days a week, and walks on his treadmill everyday. They BOTH get sick really easy and it's always touch and go. They both recently had the flu or a cold, daddy healed even better than mom. Mom won't go to the doctor, since she doesn't have insurance, and she is really scaring me. I think her's has turned into Pneumonia. :(
But, that's about all I have. Leaving out being with a man for 9 months and thinking he was "the one" only to discover he was as violent as the man I married as a young girl.
This guy's court trial is 11/05, in a different county, as he had it moved from my county.
Okay, sorry about the text thing, I had to have it turned off, since the "Monster" was texting me all the time, I also had my VM off for 4 months, I called to have it turned back on, once the courts told me if he called me, it would be "tampering with a witness" and add to his list of Felony Charges.
So, texting doesn't work :( YES! My baby is a Sr. can not believe it. He worked (2) jobs during the summer, and now works at Dairy Queen, with his best buddy. My mom never healed from her botched knee replacement surgery :(, then daddy had 98% blockage in his heart, and I had spent 2 months in the hospital back earlier this year, taking care of him. He is fragile, and stays cold, but still works 7 days a week, and walks on his treadmill everyday. They BOTH get sick really easy and it's always touch and go. They both recently had the flu or a cold, daddy healed even better than mom. Mom won't go to the doctor, since she doesn't have insurance, and she is really scaring me. I think her's has turned into Pneumonia. :(
But, that's about all I have. Leaving out being with a man for 9 months and thinking he was "the one" only to discover he was as violent as the man I married as a young girl.
This guy's court trial is 11/05, in a different county, as he had it moved from my county.
Good Morning Y’all,
Had a pretty busy morning yesterday again, I had a follow up doctors appt for my blood pressure and leg swelling. Finally after all this time my blood pressure is down to normal, w00t w00t! It was 130/80, the doc was pleased with that and my legs are not swollen anymore yay!! So he basically just said keep on doing what your doing and if anything changes come see him, I was really happy about that, no more med changes and all. I weighed and the friggin scale said I was 372 lbs, I was like, NO NO NO NO that scale is wrong!!! For some reason the digital scale would not weigh me right so I weighed on their old fashion scale in the next room and it weighed me better, I don’t think she believed me at first that the scale wasn’t working right cuz she wrote down I was 372, I kept telling her there was no way I could gain 50lbs back since my last visit lol I made her come in the next room and see what the old scale said lol I think she was kinda PO’d at me cuz they were busy already but when she saw I really weighed 318 she changed her attitude LoL The doc said they would surely get that checked out lol. He said that scale has always done that with people over 300 lbs for some reason. So now I have 19 lbs to go to get under the 300 mark, w00t w00t!! I wanted to get under by the end of the month but dunno if I can, not much time left. I havnt been under 300 since when I first got married 22 years ago lol.
We finally got home about noon or so and was gonna do a few things outside after I fixed a lil lunch, I fixed us a nice salad and after that I dozed off for a couple hours, I guess all the running we’ve done all week caught up with me lol. I missed walking yesterday, I hate when I miss cuz ya can sure tell it, hopefully we can get back into a routine again.
Susan is doing better, her blood sugar is starting to come down now that he changed her meds the other day. Yesterday morning it was 180 which is still high but not near as high as what it has been so hopefully things are starting to look up and get better finally.
Not sure what I’m gonna get done around here today, have lots to do just dunno where I wanna start lol. Hope everyone has a good day, the weather has been so nice, wi**** would stay like this.
Well, it's another slow day in my household. (Not that I'm complaining!) I am doing laundry. (I do HATE laundry though!) Going to make saucy Italian Pork Chops for dinner. Jake has a football game tonight. At least it's here in town. I will try to make dinner and keep it warm in the oven. We're all starving by the time we get home from the game!
Jan - if you catch the Lyme Disease EARLY it is very treatable and cure-able. In my Dad's and I case it was YEARS before they knew what it was. Remember, Lyme Disease is a fairy "new" disease. Actually, it's been around for years but just didn't have a test for it or a name. That's why I tell everyone if they have a bulls eye rash to get to the doctor immediately. The bulls eye rash in itself is enough for a Lyme Disease diagnosis. However, also remember that not everyone who has Lyme disease has a bulls eye rash. Strange but true. Anyways, I'm taking Dad to our doctor tomorrow. If Dad's test is positive he is definitely going to try another round of long term antibiotics. I still have no desire to do so. Will see how he does on them. You know, Dr. Brewer ran a genetic test on Dad and I about 10 years ago. He said it was the strangest thing he had seen. He said that Dad and I are like 90% genetically alike. He said most of the time a you get 50% of your genetic makeup from your Mother and 50% from your Father. Not in my case, I got most of mine from my Dad. Not sure if that is good or bad! lol!
Glad to hear that Michelle got some meds and is feeling better! Will continue to pray for her. I'm proud of her and I'm don't even know her! But I know she has a WONDERFUL Mama!
I did post the chicken broth recipe on an earlier thread this week. I will try and get it re posted. It is really good!
Janet - Of course Jon can call me Aunt Debbie! Tell him I would be proud to be his "adopted" Aunt! I had no idea he has a tendency to run away from people who try to hug him. I'm glad he didn't run away when I hugged him! I just thing he is such a cutie! I really enjoyed visiting with you too! I hope you can come meet up with all of us at Bec's one month follow up appointment. We've gotta figure out where we're going to meet! Do you have any ideas? Anyone have any ideas? Can you please post your recipe for your chicken enchiladas? Sound really good!
Angie - Love your idea of a Secret Pal. I'm going to be sending you my info here in a few minutes.
Vesta - I have had trouble sleeping since I got pregnant with my second child (which has been over 13 years now). I also use the same sleeping medicine Angie does. It really does work well and you don't wake up groggy. Might want to ask your doctor about it.
Lou - so you and Renee' have the same day for surgery at the same hospital and the same surgeon!? That's great! You will have a wls buddy whose on the same time line! Will be a great support for both of you! GL on your liquid diet the next couple of weeks. Like Mama Jan says, keep your eye on the prize!
Renee - It's neat that you and Lou have the surgery on the same day at the same hospital! See, this board is wonderful! Brings everybody close together!
Sherr - Hope you find a support group close to home. I guess I'm not a good one to talk. I've only been to two support group meetings since my surgery - the one in Springfield and the one only 5 miles from my house the one in Olathe. I really need to try and go back to the one in Olathe. It was good but not as good as the one in Springfield. Drats, wish I lived closer so I could attend that one!
Bec - my dear sweet lady - don't know if you'll be reading this today but I am still praying for you. The pain will get better, I promise! You have done GREAT so far! I am so proud of you! You are much more disciplined that I ever have been. I just know you will do great and you will soon get your "SASS" you've been wanting! Can't wait to enjoy the ride with you! You are already beautiful - inside and out! Just think before long you'll be drop dead gorgeous!
If I've missed anyone - please forgive me. It's not intentional. I just can't keep everyone straight and I do apologize. Thank goodness Mama Jan can keep us all straight! Thanks for doing all you do for your MO Peeps, Mama Jan!
Have a great THURSDAY!
Debbie D.
I am glad to hear that your daughter is being left alone...whew.
West Plains is about 2 hours away, but Tammy Ammy, is really close!!! I'd love to get up and see her sometime :D
Is she on here a lot? I haven't seemed to catch her on here. Once I get my testing done, (tomorrow at the hospital) and they can tell me what is going on....I'd really like to go up and meet her if she had the time. :)
Keep us posted on your daughter...is she feeling better?
I just know I'm going to forget someone in this post. I think I need to start writing it while I read--just open the reply in another tab or window. First off the Beef Enchalida Casserole was delish. My hubby had seconds and well for us it would have been more like 5ths and then he took some to work today for him and his buddy. It makes ALOT. I'm going to have some for lunch today also. The recpie is on the recpie forum if you would like I can post it here. Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and this morning I'm all stuffy and coughing and sneezing. I have a doc appt today at 1 so hopefully he'll give me something to stop it before it gets worse. I didn't get my shot yesterday--my nurse never came. She doesn't have a set time so I just kept thinking she'll be here any min and that min just never came. So I'm going to call the office today and make sure she's alright. I'm going to take my B1 shot to the doc with me and see if he or his nurse will give it to me. Since he perscribes it I don't see a problem. I found out yesterday that the DMV is CLOSED saturday. Turns out the website I checked out has old info, luckily I called to make sure they are open Saturday. So my hubby's boss is going to give him his check today so I can go get the truck licensed tomorrow. Or maybe today if I get the check in enough time. He's going to drop it off to me here at the house. Very nice of him. I'll be sure to thank him. I've only gotten one response about coming to the Support Group Saturday so I hope more show up.
I'm really excitied about the secret pal thing--I've got about 11 people signed up. I can't wait to get started sending little gifts to my pal.

***Jan***Yes spice is my friend!!! I put 3 jalapenos in the dinner last night next time i make it I think I'll do 5. That website sounds cool I'll check it out after my post. I'm glad Michelle is feeling better. I think it's going around. I really hope the judge throws the book at Jason---he sounds like he deserves it. I really hope she can find a place that she can afford so she can move and he won't know where he is.
***Janet***YES YES YES I want the recpie!!! If it's spicy count me in. Before surgery I always shyed away from hot n spicy things. My husband was the one with hot sauce on EVERYTHING--hot wings were even too much for me sometimes. Since surgery he's not using as much hot sauce and I'm spicing everything up. LOL Our eating habits have swapped---he eats what I used to and I eat less than he does. The only thing is he never gains a pound. Your Jon sounds like such a little love bug. I can't wait to meet you someday. And it's my pleasure to do things for everyone I enjoy it. Im working on a place for the reunion next year.
***Sherr***I hope you can find a support group close. It's so nice to be able to share with people who know what you're going through. I hope to get to meet you someday also.
***Andy***I'm really glad for Susan getting approved for Medicaid. It's such a relief to know that you can now go to the doc when you need to. Congrats on the weight loss---I can;t wait til the day I'm under 300,
***Bec***I hope your pain is better now. I'm praying for you and miss your bright shining posts.
***Deb***I'm making your chicken broth/soup tonight for dinner. I almost can't wait. If I didn't have to go to the doc in an hour I'd be making it already. I'm going to do it on the stove because I don't have one of those electric roasters you do. I have a crock pot but it doesn't hold too much and I want ALOT of broth. It must just simply be ment to be because this morning when my hubby was leaving for work our neighbor gave him 40 yes 40lbs of chicken. A HUGE box. Its leg quarters but it's all I need for MORE broth!!! I'm going to buy more celery and carrorts at the store this weekend because I know I'll be needing to make more soon. I drink the broth ALOT. It helps me with uncomtrollable eating---like eating when watching tv or something like that. And I get in lots of fluids that way. I drink mostly water all day and chicken broth at night. Or crystal light. Thanks for the recpie!!!
Well I'm off to the shower. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Jeanine, Deb from camdenton, Karen, Lori, Angy, and all the other I forgot we miss you!!!
Thank you so much for the well wishes, I hate to hear that you are feeling "yucky" what did they say at the doctor's today? Allergies, Cold? FLu? I hope it's nothing. :) Your meal sounds great, but I can not seem to eat anything spicy anymore...my stomach is just all messed up.
I go tomorrow for those nuclear tests...I am really dreading that. I have to go by myself...AGAIN, as usual. BOOOO....but it's no big deal. It's not like they are doing surgery LOL.