Secret Pal Sign Up
If you'd like to have a secret pal please sign up here and send me a message with your phone number and address and email address. Secret Pals send emails just to say hi I'm thinking of you or mail a small gift or card, send an ecard. Just do little special things to make others feel loved and to keep them uplifted.
What I'll do is leave the sign up open for a week then I'll just write all the name down on a list then write each name on a small piece of paper and draw them out one at a time the first name drawn will be the secret pal of the first person on the list so on and so forth. If you have any suggestions about this or even a different name please post it. I think this will be really fun for all of us.
that does all of this stuff for you. you are in control of it but it has a set up for each person and they go in and put in the answers to a lot of questions and then if the person that has your name wants to ask a special question it will ask for pretty neat.
Hi there, Angie-
This sounds like fun! When I worked at the hospital- I started a "fun one" group and we did secret pals and secret santas-every couple of months! It made the whole department happy and most of the time-ALL 46 women in the department participated except the director! It IS uplifting to get little things! Most of us went to the dollar store or places like that!!!
Wish we lived closer-WOULD LOVE to MEET YOU!!!! You are so uplifting and the changes in your posts and your personality are just FABULOUS! You are so much happier now! Im SO HAPPY for you!!!!
Ok-just wanted to thank you for bringing things like this to our board, and I guess share some info-which doesnt affect you in any way-Guess I am in a sharing mood-LOL!!! Love ya girl! Janet