On my way!
Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that I'm packed and ready to go to Columbia for my all day appointment fest. We are going to head on up there tonight since we have to be there so early in the am. I'm excited AND I get to meet Renee my surgery sister! YAY! My liquid diet is a living hell even though today has been slightly better, food of any kind would be nice. Mind over matter & pretty liver this is what I keep telling myself. Take care everyone! Have a wonderful evening! Lou (~.~)
The first few days of a liquid diet is always hard but it does get better. Over the years I have tried them in my effort to lose weight. I did it five months once and only lost 44 pounds, Of course it all came back plus. The liquid diet you are doing is for a greater purpose and the results will be worth it.You are not doing it for a quick fix but for a whole new life. Hang in there everyone is pulling for you. I envy you cause I have to wait till November but I will be there soon. Stay strong.