Jan C.
on 9/23/08 3:56 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

This has been a very quiet reflective day….Michele has such congestion in her lungs…she sounds awful. I told her to go get herself some Mucinex capsules and some chicken soup ..She has been cleaning so much and stired up so much dust and dog hair, and then the stress and on top of all of that the wasp stings on her leg I guess it is a miracle that she isnt sicker than she is.

She said she called the jail and that her soon to be exs bale is 10,000.00 and has to go to court on the 6th. He is still in jail as of right now, so if his mother and grandma are stupid enough to go bale him out , will cost them 1000 dollars and he wont be out but less than 2 weeks and then he also has court on the 9 and the 20th in different counties…so if he gets jail time in the first one the others will follow suit and add more on to it. …

I told her well at least you will know where to send the divorce papers too if he is in prison lol

And she got sick and didn’t go up and file restraining orders on him but the she didn’t have to the police did it for her…and they told him that if he called her , drove by her house even that they would catch him and throw him back into jail. They told him this at his hearing but so far he is still in jail. ….the girl there told Michele that if she wanted to call every hour on the hour it was ok they didn’t care. So that is where we are in the saga of Michele….she said maybe she should write a book about her life. I told her yes maybe so. Might be a best seller you don’t know and it might save some other girl from making the same mistakes.


Wow darn it I need a third tv….everything that is on tonight on tv is new shows and Biggest loser and Dancing with the stars. And all the other shows that I like are on tonight too with their new series. I only have two tvs and can only record on two but then I need to be watching the other one lol I know I will call andy and have him to record one of them that over laps. Cause I know Joe will want to watch House and Criminal minds and I do too. ….oh well we will record what we can and then we can watch thethings we recorded when there isnt something else on.


Guess what the idiot is out of jail. His silly mother and grandmother baled him out. I know she is his mother but I think this is the reason he is like he is. She has never made him face up to the music of the things he has done in his life. ….now if the courts will all just get  to gether and all all stuff together. Then maybe he will spend some serious time in prison. …

I just worry about her and what she is going to do.


PENNI:::::: that is fantastic that you have more room in your house now. Lol and your wanting to fill it up with more??? Lol  How are the kids liking the more roon deal. Probably the daughter really is isnt she?



DEB:::::I remember when both of my girls were Brownies. Was a lot of fun. Son never wanted to be in the cub scouts. Don’t know why but he just didn’t.

I take my multi vit. plus I take 2 complete B complex.  The total B vits are really important not just B 1  and B 12 but all of them . I also take an extra c , iron, and Fish oil. Flaxseed oil and a vit D…


Deb that is a great distance to start with , you will know when you need to do more. When you are getting it done in about half the time you started out at, then you need to increase it more to get back up to the time you started with. I haven’t gotten to walk in so long im about to forget how….. It was so foggy when I finally got up this morning.

Didn’t get up until about 8 or so. Lazy I guess.

If you ever decide to come down to one of our meetings , let me know and you can come down and stay in our guest house and  go to Branson to things over there too if you like.

I had a niece that was like that , had no control about the meds. No one to help keep her straight on them…I have watched Joe with his meds he has and he only takes them when he cant control it any other way. Right after his accident he was on some really really heavy stuff. And as soon as I could I started tapering him off from them….and got him on milder things. Of course he was in such a state that I was the one giving him all of his meds. He wasn’t able at that time to handle taking them himself.

Back pain is awful and im not real sure that they have any of it figured out yet. Seems that back surgery is like trading one pain for the other. I have seen some that do real well but they are the ones that can put some pain on the back burner and not pay attention to it.


That had to be a horrible life as you grew up but look at you how well you have raised your kids and are raising the young one. You make the abuse work for you to become a better person. That is really something you know it? Not an easy thing to do …Really proud of you. I understand having to say things sometimes. I do understand your need to tell us about your life. It is very cleansing to do so sometimes. Seems like after we have this surgery and start losing we want to get rid of other baggage too. 



SHANNON:::::so glad that you felt like posting this morning. Take care of yourself. Is your daughter still there with you? Sleep and rest. And hope the pain pills work well for you.



JANET::::: well how did you like Bec? Isnt she just a little bubble? I just love her to death.

I thought Megan had to take a test today. .I guess I got that all screwed up lol

So what did you and your doctor decide….I thought it was all already decided the time line and stuff. Anyway do tell us all about your trip. I know seeing and meeting Bec and Paul had to be the highlight of everything. Lol


Jane was suppose to do a talk on obesity and include childhood obesity on it. But didn’t hear a word from her about not coming and then when not many were there anyway we just talked and introduced ourselves to our two guest. We were so happy to get to meet both of them. One was a guest of Brenda Nutts they go to water aerobics together. And this lady had gastric bypass about 26 years ago. The other was  Lou from the board. We were so happy to have her there too. Both guests I hope come back every month.



LOU:::::: it was great to get to meet you in person. The board is wonderful but nothing like face to face is there.  I just know you are going to do great….liquid diet and all …

You did realize that you and Renee are having your surgeries the same day? I thought you said you were going to st Louis for your surgery. Is that right? Don’t think so now is it.? Lol

Oh those popcicles after surgery I ate those almost constantly. They tasted so so good to my mouth and to my new tummy too. All that cold in there I think caused it to heal better. ====well it is a theory anyway …lol when I would go to wal mart I would by about 5 boxes at a time lol



ANGIE::::: a B 1 shot??? I didn’t know there was such a thing, you mean B 12? And yes it will make you feel off balanced and such when you haven’t had it in a while.  You know even if you pay for it completely it is only about 6 dollars a vial. And the needles are about 35 cents a piece. So I never fool around with my insurances with it. My insurance doesn’t want to pay for it again. said it is a vit. and they don’t pay for vit.

Glad you had so much fun at your sisters. And I know it felt good for you to be able to cook for everyone.


ANDY::::what time do you have to go to the doctor in the morning? Don’t know if I will be up early enough to walk with you in the morning or not. Im really tired tonight.


Im so glad that Susan got on Medicaid and so hopefully that will help her with getting on her disability.

Is her Medicaid the kind that Dr. Hornbostel will take? Hopefully it is and you can get her I there.

Did her sugar come down? sure hope so that is awful.


Oh was going to tell you I got to watch the end of  Biggest loser and all of Dancing with the stars.

Hope you got to watch them.


SHERR:::::: so glad to see you posting again. Thanks for praying for Michele. She can use all of them that she can get.  I am hoping that God will reveal to her the things she needs to know. I wish she could find some good friends that don’t have to drink or use drugs. I am leaving all of that up to God tho.












L. Rios
on 9/23/08 10:55 pm - Springfield, MO
Good Morning!  Renee and I figured out yesterday that we have the same class on Thursday, the same Dr. AND the same surgery date.  YAY we are surgery sisters!  I will get to meet her on Thursday.  We are having surgery in Columbia.  I'm so happy to have her to share this with, she seems so sweet.  The liquid diet is going better.  Andy was right about it being better after a few days.  Plus I'v lost weight and that's the best part.  I did make my husband and daughter eat thier dinner in the basement last night LOL. I think they went overboard with the steak and potatoes.  They tried to sit right down with me and eat that.  The nerve of some people. Geez!haha =)  I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Lou (~.~)
on 9/24/08 1:24 am - pomona, MO
Good morning everyone, Angie are you having trouble sleeping too? I cant sleep ...what type sleeping do you take? ...vesta


on 9/24/08 2:46 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hi Vesta,  I can never sleep the whole night through if I don't take a sleeping pill.  My doc perscribes me temazapam.  It works well for me.  Hope this helps.

on 9/24/08 3:44 am - pomona, MO
tks girl....vesta


on 9/24/08 12:33 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hello Everyone,

Well I'm feeling better this morning.  I took two sleeping pills last night and woke up feeling refreshed.  I guess maybe I was just worn out.  I get my B1 shot today so I'll be feeling much better soon.  I found a armiore for 25 dollars on craigslist that I'm going to pick up Saturday.  They said it has some marker on it from the kids but I can paint it or something.  I need one for my bedroom.  I have so many things to do Saturday I hope I can get them all in.  Saturday morning I have to go to Camdenton to get our truck licensed also have to pick up my Angel Food between 10 and 12 then have to go to brazito to pick up the armoire, and lastly have the Support Group Meeting.  I really hope more people come this time.  I really get alot out of the meetings.  Makes me feel refreshed and also I get great ideas from everyone.  I like talking to people who are likeminded.  Or who have the same goals in mind.  I found this really yummy sounding recipie on the recipie forum on here for Beef Enchalida Casserole that I'm making tonight.  It sounds so yummy and spicy.  I might add a few more spices to make it hotter.  I dunno what happened but since surgery I like things very spicy. 

Jan--yes it's a B1 with Thimane shot that I get weekly.  I get the B12 monthly.  The B1 stings like crazy though.  I really hope Michelle gets better soon.  I also agree that she really should move.  Tell her not to think of it as him running her out of her home but as her moving ON--getting rid of everything that is or was him including the home.  No more memories of him at all in a new place.  Also he wouldn't know where she was and she'd feel safer.  And you'd feel better knowing shes safe.  He's NOT running her out--she's just choosing to take charge and move ON.  I know everyone is giving suggestions so I hope this isnt getting overwhelming for you but I just wanted to try to offer a little help.

Well I need to get in the shower.  I hope you all have a great day.

Debbie D.
on 9/24/08 1:24 am - KS
Good Morning Mama Jan & MO Peeps!

It's been raining all morning.  A soft, sleepy kind of rain.  I must say I have enjoyed it!  Don't have much planned today.  I would like to pick up my kitchen and living room.  Will see if I get that done or not.  I also need to start the laundry.  It's amazing the amount of junk 4 people can accumlate in just a week's time!  I think I'm going to talk a trash bag around and just start throwing stuff away.  Does a person good to get ride of junk sometimes!  lol!

Moonlight Elementary called me to sub for a first grade class for all day today, however, I told then no.  It's nice to be able to tell them no.  To be honest, I'm tired and I really don't enjoy subbing for 1st graders this early in the year.  They are still like kindergarteners!  I'll probably sub tomorrow if they call me and I'm up to it.  Friday I have to take my Dad to see Dr. B.  He is our CFS and Lyme Disease doctor in KC.  Dad hasn't seen him in about 5 years.  I'm sure he'll run a lot of tests on Dad and probably start some sort of treatment for the Lyme (if it comes back positive).  I'm still praying about the treatment he wants me to start.  I will have the opportunity to talk with him about it more tomorrow during Dad's visit.  As of now, I still have no intentions of starting long term antibotic treatment again.

Jan - I'm sorry Michelle is sick.  Just what she needs on top of dealing with that jerk of a soon to be ex-husband.  The old Devil really starts to wreak havoc in our lives when we start doing what we're suppose to be doing!  I will continue to pray for her and your family.  I hope you know how much I love and respect you Mama Jan!  (You don't mind me calling you that do you?  I guess I never asked! oops!)

Janet - I did so enjoy getting the chance to visit with you and Megan yesterday!  You were so sweet to change around your appointments so you could surprise our sweet Bec!  Wow, did you see her face when you came in!?  She was in disbelief!  See, we were able to keep it a secret!  I will continue to pray for you my dear sweet lady.  I hope you're able to get the hystercomy done soon.  I believe that will help your back pain so maybe it will be at least bearable until they can get to it.  I also wanted to tell you how sweet I think your little Jon is!  What a doll!  He's so quite!  Then again, I know he's shy and he probably isn't that quite around people he knows!  I did sneak a hug in...I told him I just couldn't help myself since I'm the Mother of 2 boys!  lol!

Sherr - Welcome back!  I'm sorry I didn't respond to your first post.  I often think about you and wonder how you're doing.  I'm glad things are better now and that you're back on the board.  We have missed you!  Rest assured, we have all made mistakes!  Don't ever think you can't come here for support - we are here to help you whenever we can.  I hope they find out the source of your pain.  I had horrible back pain for a couple months.  It was an internal hernia which Dr. H repaired in January of this year.

Angie - Let me know what you think of the chicken broth recipe.  I know my family loves it.  My youngest, Jake (13) he asked for a bowl of it yesterday morning as I was packaging it up for Bec.  Of course I knew Bec wouldn't mind sharing a bowl with him!  I've got to sign my family and my parents for the Angel Food Ministries food program.  When is the deadline for next month?

Deb - Bless your heart.  I'm sorry to hear about your relationship with your parents.  I know it has to be heartbreaking.  I'm glad to hear you've been married to the same man for 30 years!  Way to go girl!!

Penni - do you have a digital camera?  If so, we would all love to see a pic of your new room!  I can just imagine how happy you and your dh are having a nice new room to yourselfs!

Shannon - glad you're home!  So they found TWO hernias?  Were they "internal" hernias?  Were they caused my the
wls?  Hope you're up and around soon!  Take care!

Andy - Glad to hear Susan is doing so much better!  Will continue to pray for her and you as well.  So how much weight have you lost since you've been walking with Jan?  I wish I had a walking buddy!  I need to start walking!!

Well, I guess that's it for now.  Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Debbie D 
on 9/24/08 2:49 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hi Deb,

I am making your chicken broth tomorrow night for dinner---I'm going to add the chicken meat after I take it all off the bone and boil some egg noodles in another pot for my husband.  I LOVE chicken broth so I can't wait to make this.  I'm not sure when the deadline is for next month for the Angel Food Ministries but when I go pick up mine on Saturday I'll find out and post the new menu on the board with the deadline dates---although the different churches have different deadlines sometimes.  I'll let ya know.

Jan C.
on 9/24/08 3:33 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Angie they have a web site and it lists the menus and also all the churches in each county that has the delivery and the dates and times...even phone numbers.



on 9/24/08 3:57 am - Osage Beach, MO
yes they do Jan---here's the link http://www.angelfoodministries.com/
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