Energy level

on 9/22/08 12:45 pm - linneus, MO
Thursday the 18th at our nutrion class Abby said as long as we are taking the bariatric advantage multi vit,and the B-12 injections monthly ,That we do not need to take the B-1 or the biotion, Well i had been taking all them including B-1 and Biotion even after getting my monthly B-12 shot, Within 3 days i was rareing to go, I had lots of energy, Now that i have stopped taking the b-1 and the biotion i have no energy at all.I have to force myself to do the things i was doing so easily before, Anyone else been there done that? I'm taking the vit i was told to take,multi2xs daily,iron,calcium4xs daily if i remember sometimes only 3,pepcid 2xs a day if i remember , ya'll gotta remember i have crs, so if i don't right them down i forget.
 I just don't understand how high my energy level was while taking all the b- vitamines now its not, i know alot has probably got to do with the amount of protein i get in each day or for a better word lack of protein.
 So i have started the kiwi/strawberry nectar i dump a pkg it has 20 grms into a 20 oz bottle of water dump about a 1/4 of the water out to make room for the powder shake it really good. it will foam on ya but just let it set for a few min the foam calms down. i then place it in the freezer to get it ice cold . taste better really cold,but ya gotta make sure ya shake it real good again cuz the protein settles to the bottom of water bottle, mine finally ended up being kinda like a slushes and was very tolerable to drink 3- 20 oz bottles of water with 20 gms of protein per bottle is very dueable during the day 60 gms of protein is better than none plus yur getting in 60 ozs of water,best solution i have came up with so far. guess i'll see what tomorrow brings,but i do know i can at least do 20 gm and 20 ozs at a time 3 xs a day. may take me 45 min to drink it but i do it ,it's done till next time lol
 Do ya think taking the B-1 and the Biotion will hurt me? I was doing good taking it before she said i didn't need it.
 I get so confused at the bariatric center and university you have each dr telling you something diffferent,Aren't they all taught by same surgeons,shouldn't protocol be pretty much the same?
 And while i'm on a *****ing spree my feet and ankles are starting to swell again,haven't had a problem since surgery, i know it's not to much salt,i know it's not from setting on my bookshelf {BUTT} doing nothing,i am on the move constantly, i walk at least a mile a day in the morning and most times at night,My DJD in my back and neck is killing me . i pray my CHF isn't coming back i will be so upset.But nothing i can do if it does it is all in God's plan not mine.
 I feel like such a big wuzz complaining when Janet has so much more on her plate than i do. I can only imagine her pain plus all her stress.
 My prayers are going up tonight that our God will lay his healing hand on each and everyone of those who needs his special touch .I donb't know each and everyones needs but he does and he will answer and heal them if you only ask and praise his name.
 To all he newbies just starting out on this journey,looking for surgeons and such the best advice i can give you is do the reasearch , and keep researching till you re researched out and then do more. Research your surgeon,the hospital, research on all the vitamines that are going to be a part of the rest of your life.Try protein powders,nectars yur gonna need them,find a couple you like.none of them are great but if ya wanna live ,lose and be healthy they have got to be number one in your life,until you are out far enough that you can eat enough to get in your protein through foods,but even then that won't always happen and yu'll need a shake to supplement the protein with.Follow your Dr rules if it says no Meats for 12 weeks then it means NO meats till 12 weeks,If you follow the rules protein first,lots of water at least 64 ozs a day more if possible ,You will lose.Exercise is a very important part also.Once you can start moving if u can walk to the mail box once a day do it twice,if u can walk 1/2 a block next time shoot for the whole block,Listen to your body,It will let you know what it can and can not do.
 Hope ya'll have a great evening and take care,
         Love and [{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


on 9/22/08 1:00 pm - Concordia, MO
I was reading the site and happened to see your post.  I am almost 3 years out and I still take B1 and Biotin daily.  The B1 gives me so much energy and the Biotin was first taken as they told us in Support Group that it would help your hair not to fall out. mine never fell out but my hair did get thin and I just continue to take it every day.  I do not have the same doc as you but I am just telling you what I do.  I also do not take the b-12 shot but take a b12 pill each day.  In fact  the last time I had my labs my b12 level was a little high.  Each day I take 4 optisource(vitamins), 1 B1, 1 Biotin, 1 Calcium, 1 B 12, and I drink my protein, regardless of what protein I eat.  I have never had any problems.  I have lots of energy and I still work part time.  By the way someone told me I am 71 but I dont believe them.  they must be mistaken. 
on 9/22/08 1:09 pm - linneus, MO
I believe they are mistaken too cuz you sure do nOT look 71. Yur lookin good.
                              {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} DEB

I think i will restrart my b-1 and biotin.


on 9/22/08 1:14 pm - Concordia, MO
thanks- if you need any further help feel free to email me.  Will be glad to help if I can.  Colette
on 9/22/08 9:34 pm - Windsor, MO
COLETTE IS THAT YOU!  I haven't talked to you in so long.  How the heck are ya?  Can you believe we are almost 3 years out?  I am on here every day and that is the first time I have seen you on here in so long.  Hope all is well with you and your family.  We are all doing pretty good a lot has happened since I talked to you last.  We expanded our house to include another bedroom.  We have three now one for the boys, one for marybeth and one for Matt and I.  It is nice to not have a baby sleeping in between us.  Everyone is sleeping so much better.  Call me sometime because I want to catch up.  It was so good to see you on here.  Love and miss ya, Penni
on 9/23/08 1:11 am - Concordia, MO
  I have been a lurker lately but keep up with the posts.  My husband is  not in the best of health and requires a lot of help.  He was recently in the hospital for 13 days and is home again.  I need to stay in touch as I have been gaining a little wt. back.  So I am hitting the exercise plus cutting way back on carbs.  Email me your phone number.  I will call you.  I am so happy you have your room finished.  We have a fantastic group of people on here -  Have a great day and God Bless each and everyone !!  Colette
on 9/24/08 5:42 am - Lexington, MO
Where do you get the 20 gram protein strawberry
kiwi ? I need more protein and I like strawberry kiwi. Thanks,Barb
on 9/24/08 6:15 am - linneus, MO
Call 1-866-333-7403 and they will send you free sample packs of the nectar protein packets.


on 9/24/08 6:20 am - linneus, MO
here is the cheapest site i found to order it from


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