I have got to tell you all something. This afternoon I was going to call Bec and talk to her and so I called the hospital and ask for Bec manuels room….admissions said we don’t have any one by that name…I told them well I know you do she just had surgery this morning. She said well I don’t see her maybe they haven’t taken her to a room yet. And I said yes room 340 hmm she said that doesn’t sound right. Wait and ill put you thur to the OR and they can tell you where they put her. -------O.R. , may I help you ……im trying to find a girl that had gastric bypass surgery this morning and they say there is no one in the hospital by that name. the girl says we didn’t do any gastric bypasses this morning…
‘aaaaaaaamurre n o,,,,,,,,, oh no this is stupid I have the wrong hospital don’t I . lol
I said if you want to pass me back down the line I will tell all the other people that I talked to im sorry too. We both had a laugh. I was calling Bothwell hospital in
I told her I guess because I had my surgery there I thought everyone would …
So then I turned around and called Shanee Mission. Hospital , sure enough there she was in Room 340 sure felt stupid.
Bec is doing great by the way. Was getting up to walk when I called. So she will be doing great tomorrow.
Hey where were all of you for support meeting tonight???? We had only 12 people there? Sooooo where were you. Janet gave me an excuse, so did Sheila. What happened to the rest of you. ….
LOU::::::: it was good to meet you tonight. And just hang in there the liquid diet will be over with before you know it. And look at it this way you will be concentrating on that so much that the two weeks will go by so fast you wont even realize it. Lol
I know it cant be easy to do but they say nothing worth having is easy ….
Yep that is the same thing I am hoping about my daughters husband too is that he gets everything that is coming to him and more.
Great to be so tired at the end of a day and know that it is because you accomplished a lot isnt it?
JANET::::::well I see you didn’t make it to support group but we love you anyway. Lol
I guess Megan didn’t get a new/different car yesterday? Sorry about that. Boy wish I had my motorcycle lic already , I would come over and pick you up and take you to KC for your doctors appointment. Wouldn’t that be fun and then we would go surprise some one. Lol
Hope you and your doctor can come to some sort of time line and get things going for you. The longer you wait the longer it will be before you are well you know that don’t you?
Yeah would love to see the new DO….bet it is great. Are you still loving it?
Glad that you took a day to be lazy, everyone needs a day like that.
I don’t know what is going on with the jerk. Michele hasn’t heard anything from him or the courts. …she said she was calling up there in the morning to see what has happened.
If they sit the bail so high that he cant bail out or if the judge even sit bail.
Her little doggies the female is young and good with kids but the male is getting sort of old and is sort of cranky like most men get . lol.
She said she would like to keep them together because they would miss each other lol
I guess they do not sure . anyway she would love to find them a home together if possible so if anyone is looking for some full blooded Jack Russels…She has been spayed so no puppies will be forthcoming.
DBB:::::: The shot in Joes back so far seems to help. He had to have the doc quit for a minute while it was being done cause he said pains were going down his legs. But then they finished up.
Once he does these series of 3 shots the last set lasted him for a year. And that isnt too bad really .
We may have to make a trip to your house in a caravan to see all your lights this year.
RENEE::::: yep Bec is ok now. The next big thing will be when she throws her insulin and stuff away.
You may have to fax them copies of the test tomorrow if she cant find the ones she is suppose to have.
Well that Saturday was pretty bad I will have to admit. Sounds like you weren’t suppose to be going somewhere or the other. Lol
Well sure wish the girls were there where he is. But he is in
But sic those others on him lol
Wish she could have a big dog that she could train but her landlord wouldn’t allow it , she barely allows the little ones.
Know that you and your family are in our prayers , it is never easy to lose someone but let alone young people.
I am sleeping in my own bedroom now and the kids are doing great in theirs. We finally finished moving everyhing this weekend and it is so nice to sleep in my own bed with my hubby by ourselves. Yesterday was a big cleaning day and I think I will relax today. Everyone have a great day and God bless, Penni
Hubby just left for work,Daughter still asleep.gotta wake her in about 15 min,Don't like doing it any earlier than i have to she is NOT a morning person.Unless it's the weekend then she is up at the crack of dawn so i can't sleep lol.
Took her to school last night signed her up for Daisies. It's first step before Brownies. Only had 4 lil girls there but they were 4 six yr olds full of energy.If we could only find away to bottle their energy we wouldn't need all these b vitamines LOL.
I didn't get the yard mowed yestereday,But had good intentions, But will do it today, My get up and go has got up and went.I posted about it yesterday. Dunno what the problem is. But i did take my b-1 and biotin this am anyways .Hoping it will help.If not i will be going to dr's getting labs drawn to see whats going on.
I finally drove the route i have been walking { new route}just to see how far it actually was it is 1.2 miles round trip.Is that a good distance or should it be longer?
I would love to come to your all's support meeting but Springfield is quite along drive for me,But maybe in the summer after school is out we could make one and do some site seeing too. Do they still have the wildlife park drive through place there? Nikki would love it.
They have support meetings in Kirksville which is about an hour away 45 min if i drive LOL. But i don't hear much about them, Guess i'll just have to go go check it out next month.
I'm drinking a srawberry/kiwi nectar protein drink .If you put it in freezer get it really cold it isn't really to bad.The milk ones were getting old and i gotta get it in somehow.Wish they just made a pill or shot LOL.
Jasn My brother had shots in his back,had surgery on it, had the nerves burned but still had lots of pain . They put him on Morphine and kept upping his dose until he killed himself from a morphine overdose in Jan 07. Not sure if it was intentional or accidental, But from coroner report the amount in his system had to be intentional, But only him and God knows the real truth. the rest of my family and i don't get along. they all like to stir crap and keep it going. i"m not into all the drama so i don"t have alot to do with them. My mother was an alcoholic while i was growing up, and always telling me how fat and lazy i was and how i would never find anyone to love me.that kinda of stuff stays with you forever i would of rather taken a beating than hear those words even though i got more than my share of those too.
But i proved her wrong i have a wonderful hubby ,we have been married 30 yrs been together 32, and i make sure my kids know i love them. my boys are 26 and 24 and still tell me they love me.And i never let them leave or hang up the phone without telling them i love them.Nikki knows for sure she is loved.
I dunno why i am telling you all this ' I am sure yur all wondering the same thing. I guess i just needed to say somethings and knew some of you would understand.
I am sorry if i upset any of you with my ramblings.
Praying for all those that need prayer and hopeing everyone has a blessed day.
Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
Bec - glad to hear we are now meeting on the losers bench!!!!
Thank you to Everyone for the prayers! I have a wonderful surgeon and I work with a great group of nurses here at NRMC. I am still in Vicodin LaLa land so if I seem off please understand... Yesterday went great but I am sure feeling the after effects this am. I am supposed to take my dressing off and shower this am but that is going to wait until this afternoon I think. Tummy looks a little flatter but I won't know until the swelling goes down a bit if he did tighten things up a bit or not.
Deb - Do you come to Kirksville very often? If so we have got to meet! Support group meeting will be next a week from this Thursday as they are every other week. My daughter was in Daisy's all the way thru scouts to getting her gold award as a senior. I had as much fun in scouts as she did.
I am going to wrap this up as the recliner is calling me as much as I need it.
Good Morning Jan Jan and OH Peeps~
I have to make this quick.....Megan is getting tires put on the front end of her car (I decided to get the tires vs. renting a car today). Then she is headed out to pick up Jonathan and I to go to KC. I have a few more things to get together and have to get my directions from Mapquest of my dr. and Becs hospital......My printer ran out of ink-so I will be copying them by hand...LOL...So-I have to allow a little extra time for that. I also need to get the car DVD player, Jons movies and his backpack of activities ready. I have a little bag of goodies for Bec too-just a couple of things-didnt have enough time to LOAD ER DOWN right now-but I will, by the time I beg to ride with everyone to KC when we all go up there-LOL! I also got her some protein samples and calcuim chews-stuff like that. I just cannot WAIT TO MEET HER~~!!! HUG HER!!!! THEN HUG HER SOME MORE!~ PLUS~ This is really awesome- I got to talk to Deb yesterday afternoon and guess what? She is meeting Megan and I up at the hospital today!!!! I havent seen her since she ventured down to Springfield for the group when it was still at the fire station!!! MAN!!! I AM SO EXCITED! Deb said that she told A.J. NOT to let Bec on the laptop- the hospital has wi-fi and she was afraid Bec would try and get on it-and then see my surprise-A.J. said she wouldnt let her mom get on here before we get there today-LOL....Thank goodness that Deb got on here and saw my post-LOL!!!!
Please continue to pray for Bec, Sue and Shannons recoveries. That they are speedy and uneventful... Please continue to pray for Dennis-that he is doing alright. I got an email from Sheila and she isnt feeling well-please pray that she is okay. Havent seen Sherr on here-pray she is doing okay too. Then, Renee and her family has the funeral today-please pray for all of them today, that they have strength and peace of mind. Please continue to pray for Michele, that she is safe and the scumball will leave her alone or stay in jail!!! I could use some prayer for travelers mercy and my pain level today. Thank you, I appreciate it.
**Jan-If that scumball is in Barry Co-give Renee a shout today so she can make some calls-k? Still keeping that situation in prayer. Yes, I STILL like my hair-ecspically when I wear it like its suppose to be worn! I pulled it back in a pony tail yesterday for the first time and Mike asked me if that would hurt my perm or pull it out.....Silly man! LOL...Nope-its permanent-as soon as I wet it down and get my conditioner (leave in stuff) and the scrunch in it-it will bounce right back!
Wish I couldve been with all of you last night. What was the topic? I know that someone had mentioned childhood obesity and someone else said we didnt need a topic on that-so??????
**((((DEB)))-Thanks for the prayers about my butt. I hope the trip today doesnt mess me up too bad-but I fear it will. I have ridden in that car when its JUST my back that hurts and came back a mess-dont know what a broken butt AND back will do to me.....dont wanna think about it-thats for sure. Will post more in the morning.
Well, I am getting off here everyone....gotta get prettied up and get stuff together-directions and all. Then we have one stop to get the balloons and flowers and then away we go. I hope you all have a great Tues. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Janet
Sorry I haven't posted since I got home but I'm just worn out. I didn't get to take my B1 shot last wednesday because the pharmacy had some issues with insurance so I didn't get it when my nurse came. And I feel just plum wore out. I guess it didn't help that I didn't get much sleep at my sisters house. But I mean I am just OUT of energy. Is that normal? I feel all off balance and just drianed. Is that just because of the B1 shot that i missed?
Well the party was a blast. My sister had an awesome time. Everyone did. I did all the cooking for a change. Usually all I could do was sit and cut or mix things. But NOW that i can walk and stand I did the cooking!!! Sunday I made pasta and garlic bread with cheese for my whole family. Both my brothers and their familes and my sister and her family. It felt really good to be able to cook for all of them again.
I can NOT wait to try that pecan pie recipie!!! I loved pecan pie before surgery and I miss it. Especially on Thanksgiving!!! Thanks sooo much for the recipie.
Don't forget about the Support group meeting Saturday!!! I hope to see you all there. Hope you all are well.
Hey Everyone,
For those that didn’t get to make the COF meeting last night you sure missed a great meeting. There wasn’t very many there but we still had a great meeting. Was really good to see a couple new ones there, hope y’all keep coming back. The ones that normally come and weren’t there must of hopped on the trailer to
Today turned out to be a long day, a good one tho. Started off that Susan had an appt. with the wound Dr. to get her toe and leg checked out. He said her leg is totally healed and nothing else has to be done with it, yay!! Her toe is looking good, we still have to keep it cleaned and dressed and she needs to keep it up a couple more weeks and he’ll see her again. He checked Susan’s blood sugar while we were there and it was over 400 so he made us go over to her new PCP to get that looked at again. We got over to her PCP and they fit her in, thank goodness, I was expecting them to stick her back in the hospital because it was so high but he didn’t. He did change around her medication and added a newer drug that Susan has taken before and it worked well, Januvia, so please keep her in your prayers that it brings her sugar down. While we were there the secretary asked Susan if she got some insurance since she was there last, which was yesterday, well come to find out she was approved for Missouri Medicaid and the hospital already had the info, woot woot, that’s the best news we’ve had in awhile, now we wont have a problem getting her diabetic supplies which is such a relief. So we are really excited and as it turned out we were gone all day, tomorrow is another busy day, I have a Dr. appt at 8:30am then we have to go talk to the nursing home where Susan’s dad is, they are having a problem with him being a bit cranky toward other residents, they said its most likely the dementia so please pray we can work something out.
We’re so excited Bec is going so good and on the losers bench now, w00t w00t!! So good to see
Well Im gonna finish watching Dancing With The Stars, y’all have a great night.