Gee whiz look at the board, seems like everyone wanted to talk today. And I love it when you all talk amoung yourselves like this. Is like a big meeting and everyone knows everyone …
We had another day helping Michele out and worrying with her about her soon to be ex husband. What he is really capable of . do you ever know what someone is capable of?
Especially with him being drunk all the time and on drugs too. Everything that use to be there that was the Jason she fell in love with isnt there anymore. That is scary to her. She said she sure didn’t trust her instincts anymore about men.
He is from this area down here where we live and he is down here in this area right now. I don’t think he will be going back over there where she is. It is about 88 miles and he has a truck that eats gas. Gets about 6 miles to the gallon so I cant see that he will have the money to buy gas and beer and drugs too.
We have to go back over there again in the morning but hopefully that will be the last time for awhile . Hopefully she will have a job in a few days.
I have got to go look on line to see if I can find divorce papers that you can fill out and file for yourself on an uncontested divorce. ….cant find them anywhere over there. They said Library another said office supply…help anyone know????
She did file a form with the court to keep him away from her…cant think of what you call it but it is just a piece of paper and the only thing it can do is throw him in jail if he comes over to her house. They told her all she had to do was tape it to her front door . She wanted us to buy her a gun and I told her no I wont do that. I got her to laughing by telling her I would buy her a taser lol and she could watch him wiggle with that lol would be a lot more fun. Lol
SUGAR:::::: Well was going to ask you when you were leaving but just talked to you so I know now lol ….I cant wait to see some of the pictures you all will take , It is going to be like a photo shoot all the time you are there. Rachele is such a good photographer that they will be great.
I just know you all will have the best time, and even if (God Forbid ) it does rain, knowing all of you there will be something great that you will do even them. Well how big of trailer to you have lined up now for all the sto a ways? Lol Maybe we should all just form a caravan and follow you all down. we can just sleep on the beach. And come to your condo to take a shower once in a while lol.hey who is with me do we have any mini vans that will hold 6 or 8 ??? oh well it was an idea.
You have a blast and I will call you Monday afternoon sometime to let you know about Bec.
BEC::::: I remember having those times of the month that you felt just totally wiped out. like you would never be good for anything ever again.
Yes Tylenol will work for you after surgery. It never helped me one little bit before surgery but it even eases the pain of my arthritis some now. Is weird. Use to take Naproxin Sodium for it and was eating that stuff like candy to have a day that was even half way pain free. Now two Tylenol and im fine as a cats hair. Lol
Can you believe that??? Wow it is almost here. A.J. will be there tomorrow?
LIZ:::::it is so great to see you back on the board. I have been worried that you had left the country? Lol
Are you doing ok? Will you be at the meeting on Monday? I know you are doing well and cant wait to see you again.
PEGGY::::: I like the lemon lime flavored mag. Citrate lol it is like a lovely sprite …with a tub of salt added lol but isnt bad if it is icy cold and gulped fast.
What a lovely and caring thought to help Bec out on Monday with her family. It never ceases to amaze me how loving this family on here is to each other.
I want to welcome you to the group here and you are more than welcome to jump in with both feet. We wont bite really. Have been accused of that once or twice but I really don’t.
So glad that you found a good Christian group to help learn to open up and share the burdens of your sole…God knows how you feel and hears the utterances of your heart , when we are too weak or tired to speak he hears and knows.
You wanted to know if our support group was limited to Dr. H; patients? Do you mean the COF that meets once a month? no a lot of different doctors , and anyone is welcome. Pre ops, post ops . older post ops. Support people too. People who have had RNY and ones that have had lapband. Doesn’t matter to us. The thoughts of learning to eat right is the same with either.
We would love for you to join us …the meeting is this coming Monday night at the Library center on S. Campbell in Springfield at 6:30….
That would be awesome if you would come. I will post all the details again on Sunday …
If you need to stay all night in the area let us know and that can be arranged too. Be sure and come back on here too we love to help people stay accountable lol and don’t just be a stalker. Lol my email address is [email protected] if you need to talk ….and if you will email me there I will give you my phone number so in case you need to hear a voice that will be awesome.
BARBARA S::::: that would be great if you could get Peggy to walking with you. She said she needs to lose 50 more pounds. At the stage you are in now Peg , you will have to increase your exercise to do it im sure.
Barb im really impressed , that has been one of my goals now since surgery is to to a 5K walk….i would say run but until I have plastics done I don’t think that would be a very pretty site. (running that is) the excess skin might be flapping more than I was running. Lol
COR:::::: im sure you will hear something soon and in the meantime. We can all pray that it all comes together really quickly for you.
Oh I know it isnt going to be easy to get use to a C-pap machine but if it gives me good sleep and restful nights and wide awake days that would be a small price to pay.
When you are sitting talking to someone and all of a sudden you can feel yourself start falling asleep and there is nothing you can do. That is embarrassing and you really feel stupid.
ANDREW::::: I will be ready to walk in the morning. Sorry about not being here for the last two days but I had to go do some things for the kid you know.
I have to go back over there again tomorrow but we don’t have to leave so early.
Andrew did they not tell Susan to keep her foot up or did they say it was ok to let it rest on the floor? It is looking pretty good already.
Hopefully we can get the grader guy back down here soon to level out the ditch that he dug for those lateral lines. But will have to wait till the land dries out some, it is really wet back in that area.
GOD is defiantly in control…
LANA::::: lol silly girl for you it is always better late than never. Maybe your boss will appreciate you so much when you get back that you will get a nice raise. Wouldn’t that be awesome.
I think I am going to have to sit up date night with my hubby too. Or maybe bike night maybe that would be good for us lol . I swear it seems like we stay as busy now as we did when we both worked lol how do the days go by so fast? The weeks ? here it is already the middle of Sept. wow I cant belive that.
Oh wow im going to miss my Lana notes , for two whole weeks ? don’t know if I can exist with out you lol
Really will miss you.
Well I thought I would till you scolded me , now I don’t know lol no scolding taken and am trying to do better. I am eating more….really. lol
ANGIE::::: you are such an inspiration to so many people and I don’t know if you know that or not but you are. Perseverance….that is your name. you were told no so many times and your hunt took you out of state in different directions till you finally found someone that was willing to take the chance on you. And look at you. Wow.
So we may have helped you but you have helped many that would have given up after one turndown. But for you.
We are glad you are a part of our group.
Ok I downloaded a full body shot of me with my motorcycle leathers on. In my profile in my pictures.
Hope you have a great time with your nieces and nephews….sounds like you will get as much out of it as they do lol
I think Michele has finally gotten something don’t know what it is but im really proud of her too.
Hey that sounds awesome about the Christmas party. If you can get commitments from all of them.
How long has it been now? They get so busy in their lives and they forget sometimes don’t they?
So that is why your daughter is coming in ? to help you after surgery? That is so sweet…
So sorry for your Aunt losing her beloved pet….and sorry that your baby is getting weaker and weaker .
SHERR::::: lol Sugar will have to add a trailer onto the back of the truck since we are all going with her.
Do you like Chili? I know it has meat , plus the beans are very high in Protein. And re fried beans with cheese on them….very good both high in protein. Both are sort of staples at our house. But I still get the bulk of my protein from my protein shakes.
I just can not get in 100 grams of protein without the shakes. I know they aren’t for everyone but sorry that is how I do it. May not be first in line for a lot but do know what I like and what sits well on my stomach. Others are doing all 100% of their protein from foods. , I have to eat way too many calories to be able to keep track and I just cant eat that much food. Plus we love having you back to help….
Don’t worry about day to day paper. Will ask someone to hide it for me. Lol
Thanks for all the prayers. We should have someone else coe down. ok
JANET:::::lol you know me way too well don’t you? You knew it was about time I posted…cant wait to see what good new blessings you have to tell us about.
I was so happy when Renee called me today. I had a bunch of people around me or I would have surely screamed too. But didn’t think the people in the court house would appreciate it any lol…Love you sweetie and hope that you aren’t in a lot of pain that you cant control at least some of it.
We have a lot of people on that are needing prayers and I have you all written down in my prayer book. Love all of you
Well im getting off here I must be sleepy im starting to write some weird stuff / so will get off and. And Hope that
Just seem to never have much time to get on lately....I miss you guys SOOOO much!!
Should be in bed right now...but Im so darn tired I can't sleep!
My lil sis has been in and I have been helping her get things packed and moved to storage so I can finally start clean and working on her house so that I can get moved in. I am so excited that Im fianlly going to be a home owner!!! At the moment it's not much cause it's a fixer upper but I can't wait to start working on it and adding my own lil touches to it.....
I probably wont get much done till early spring....I have an appt Oct 17th to go do my naked pics...LOL LOL....So that they can request my medicade approval for my tummy tuck....Im praying they dont take too long and I can get it before thanksgiving.. But I will take it and do it when ever they can get me all set up....I was anxious when I found out I was approved for my WLS....BUT....I'm so anxious to hear approved for my tummy tuck I almost can't stand it!!!
WOW.....I glanced over the board before I posted and there's sure been alot going on. CONGRATS ON THE NEW APPROVALS!!!!
And a BIG WELCOME to the newbies!!!!
Blondie....Good to see you back on the board....
Jan....Girly I loved the leather pic you sent me!!!! I can't wait to get my surgeries wrapped up and find me something snazzy to wear!!!! Since surgery I've mostly wore things handed down from Janet and some of the others on the board and things I've picked up at yard sales...I just hated to spend much on new things and them get to big on me in no time.....But look out when I get my tummy tuck done lol lol.....Im finding me something snazzy lol....
Janet....Sis....Been missing hearing from you...Ive text a few times and not heard back from you...Im sorry about the tale bone....I hope you get things lined out for some of the surgeries you need and get patched up some where you might stop hurting so darn much and can feel better!!!
Bec...Girly you are in my prayers!!!! Can't wait to hear your butt fianlly hit the bench!!
Well I hope to soon be moved and setteled down enough that I have more time to get on and keep up with everyone and everything going on..... I think about you all daily and always sending up lil prayers for you all....
After the first of the year I hope to get things set up with some of the girls and get a road trip to Springfield set up so that some of us can come to a COF meeting.... Would like to do it before then but with the move and getting ready for surgery it will be winter by the time I can travel again and I know the weather in that area can get tricky at times so Im going to wait till early spring to even try it....I am in hopes we can get a car full from down this way to come and stay over a night or two....
As Blondie mentioned....Being this far down away from everyone makes you feel kinda cut off at times.....
I hope very much to get our meetings started back up down this way after the first of the year again......
Well got to go and try to get some ZZZZ's....I have a long weekend ahead of me and tons of work to start getting done so I can get moved by the end of the month....
Might be a bit before I get time to get on but yall all will be in my thoughts and in my prayers.....Luv Yuns all.....God Bless each of you....Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
My Dear and all of Missouri!
Oh Boy am I feel'n good in the neighborhood! It's been a lousy week physically and mentally Jeepers Creepers!!! and Holy Cow!!! I wondered how long it was going to take me to get "worked up" about this bi~nez and this morning I have that huge lump in my throat! I think this two long long years is finally going to HAPPEN!!!! in 2 more days!!!!
I finally started feeling better last evening.... and Paul and I got some things done outside I was so happy he helped me... he pressure washed his dump truck and I did the patio.... for some reason it wants to grow mold on it and it is very black... I'm going to go out there this evening and spray a solution of bleach water all over it and see if that will help with the mold?
Have a busy day planned .... am going out as soon as it gets light and scrub the bottom of my fountain, I will refill it when I get back home so I can set out on the porch and enjoy it whilst I re~coup, drink and walk... I emptied it last night and started working on it when Paul came along and started to help me on the lily bed so I was more than happy to drop the fountain for his help! we finished it up and I got the double orange lily's planted Mimi gave me a while back.... the weeds had grown up in it but Paul helped me and we got it all fixed up.... Mimi what can I do for weed control in there till they get established good... is there a chemical I can use (Preen?) or do I have to just keep weeding it by hand? most of the ones I planted came up! Don't know yet what I'm going to do with the iris you gave me? and I have that one little orchid bulb too.
Paul is going to go get a load of rocks and put in front of the garden shed this morning I think while I do my other work out there.... I want to pull the weeds in my arbors and collect the morning glory seeds too. Boy it feels good to feel good!
Then we will be off to town to buy that delicious mag citrate! Oh the choice is just going to be nearly unbearable in what tempting flavor to get!!! How will I decide! Shall I get one of each! Oh Dear! ~tee hee
Need to get a new pair of shoes too and few other things!
Boy with not feeling good I didn't get as much done as I had hoped but more than it could have been... I will be busy right up to the time I leave I think... still have a bit of work to do in the kitchen and then clean my bathroom real good.... that should about take care of it... I of coarse have more I could do but then I've come a long long way too.... yesterday I moved out a love seat and put "my chair" front and center in front of the T.V. with a table there for all my re~coup necessities... it looks official! ~ha now if I can just keep Paul out of my chair! ~tee hee He might get the idea he needs to re~coup! and he might after being with me a whole week! ~ha
Oh I am so excited... my baby will be home tomorrow night!!!! She has to work tomorrow but should be home around 9:00 p.m. Boy this is one mom that will be watching for her to turn in down the drive!!! I have missed her so much! I so wish my oldest daughter could come home too but goodness Texas is just too far for a day trip! ~ha
Ok Paul just got up so I need to finish this so we can get outside....
Mimi so so good you have been to "the kid" as you say... I know she is so very appreciative!
I hope you have an easier time dancing with that ole c~pap than I have....
You know I never cease to be amazed either with all the wonderful people that jump in and step right on up to the plate with whatever is needed! and I didn't know a single one of you dear dear people before I came on this site two years ago!!! I could say it till my tongue falls out of overuse how simply blessed I have been thru this whole process!!! I hope to be that blessing to others as I make my way thru this journey!
Peggy ~ you girls have just given me too much to look forward in the delicious drink I am about to partake of.... and one with such a kick too! ~tee hee
I'm sure glad you decided to jump on in here and chat with us! And really glad you found the help you were looking for in the counselor! I will be praying that you find total peace in what you seek!
Oh wouldn't that be great if you and Barbara S. can hook up for some exercise! Barbara inspires me to get back to where I can walk the four mile square I live on!!! I'll be so happy when I can post to her that I have done it! I wish I had her to walk with.
Cor~ my mascot is just waiting to do "the jump" when when we find out you have been approved!!! I will be so happy for you and then you will be setting where I am today with just 2 more days to go and getting that big lump in your throat! ~ha
Andrew ~ you are so sweet like so many others to be anticipating this wonderful event with me! I pray regularly for you and Susan both... I'm so glad to hear she is doing better!
Lana ~ Heck if all of you are going to date your husbands maybe I better date mine too! ~tee hee
Sangie ~ you really are an inspiration to so many! You have been thru so much and persevered thru so much.... if any one wonders if they can really do it... they should just read your profile and they would KNOW they could!!! Your success is AWESOME!!!
Shannon ~ I'm so excited for you about your daughter coming because I know how happy I am when mine are home! I hope you have a wonderful time while they are here!
Janet my dear ~ you are "sneeky sir" running down there to spend the day with Renee.... I'm so glad you were there when she got that wonderful news!!! I'm so very happy for her! I can't wait to here all about your day... oh boy 2 days!!! did you hear me 2 days!!! oh my goodness!!! I could dance with Paul all day long!!! Don't know how he is going to keep my feet on the ground!!!
Tammy Ammy~ goodness girl it is good to see you post! You didn't say how those new babies are doing??? I'm happy for you about the move and know how very much work all that is! It will be fun for you to re~do the house I sure enjoyed when I did mine.
{{{Deb}}} ~ You are just too funny! I chuckled all the way thru your post... last time the "devil" got into something it was the scales!! and now it is the tuna! ~too funny!!!
37 lbs in a month!!! Are you kidding! I will be very very happy if I lose 37 lbs in a month! Take courage you are doing fantastic!!!!
I had to laugh about the obits!!! I think you will go down in history as the only person that died of protein shakes!!! you are a riot!
Jeanine ~ doll you just have to get better! I know your dear husband is taking good care of you and we will be looking forward to seeing your happy face right back here very very soon!
Penni ~ I'm so glad for you about the room! I know it will be a great improvement for your family and you will enjoy that new space! Can't imagine being that tight but then we did it for 10 years before we built this house... those days seem a long long time ago!
Brandi ~ so happy for the progress you have made it won't be long and it will be the 280's GONE!!!
Vesta ~ you are a beautiful lady! I enjoyed seeing you in the pics of the reunion! You looked so relaxed and happy!
Sheila ~ thank you for all the encouraging words they are all appreciated! how is the work on the farm huose going? When will you move?
Well better go get ready to head outside ... I stepped out there a minute ago and it was so very nice and cool! I will enjoy my time out there this morning....
I just don't know how you all will take me tomorrow when my countdown lady tells me I only have 1 day left!!!.....someone is going to have to come up here and give me oxygen.....because I have hyperventilated!!! ~tee hee
Laura is on my heart this morning.... I pray she will be able to get thru all the difficulties she has had and find her comfortable place in this new journey!
Also remembering Dennis this morning... I know they are looking forward to getting back home! Safe travels!
I'm so sorry if I have missed anyone.... I love you all! everyone of you!
A very good and blessed day to each!


Thank you for renewing what I can eat. Whatever my mystery illness is, I was diagnosed w/ Crohn's in early 2000. And at the time, the doctor said I should stop dairy, which I did for a year. With Crohn's, there wasn't much else he could do. When a Crohns patient is in the "middle of an episode" we are told to EAT white bread, rice, potatoes, etc...all the stuff as a WLS patient we are NOT supposed to eat. We are supposed to STOP: Beans, a handful of veggies like brocolli, all multi-grain type items and nuts.
Right now, since I am in a place where I do not know if that IS what's wrong or its a Hernia, a stricture, etc....I am trying to eat as right as I can. I DID have a shake last night. bariatric eating has a line EVEN better than ON, ((((I know...can you believe it))))) It's called "Whey Gourmet" and the Pina Colada Breeze is really tasty.
I have made too many excuses for far too long.
Tammy, HI GIRL...Boy you have REALLY done so well, you go girl. WOW!!!
Hi all newbies and oldies alike. I am Blondie a.k.a. Sherr......I am the boards personal "DRAMA QUEEN" I hate it, but it's a cross that I bear....lol.
Good Morning everyone!
OH, Yesterday, I did make wheat rotini pasta w/ sauce and turkey meatballs yesterday....right now whatever was Killing me, isn't hurting, but I've realized with it, it comes when it wants too....
I realize NOW that I was eating waaaay tooooo much "regular people food" that's where the significant weight gain came from. BAAAD Blondie Grrl.
Ive got a whole line of people out here ready to load up in the trailer I rented to take them with me to Florida, but they are getting hesitant on whether they want on the front or middle or back of the flat bed???? I dont know why everyone is grumbling so, I put a cooler in each location so they will have plenty to drink on the trip...I even laid down a blanket for them....NO ONE IS EVER SATISFIED!
Hey sis, Bec had a great idea...lets plan a girls day to go with her to her one month check up?? I will be home from my next trip to NC by then and we could take my 8 passenger mini van and load it up and go meet up with all the peeps from up that way??? What do you think?
Bec will have lost lots by then and will be all hot to trot!!!! lol
It sounds like lots of fun...we can get groups to meet us there from where ever they want to come from and we can haul from here....
Well, we leave in 2 hours and I cant wait!!! I am so anxious to hit the road. Rachelle, Jeff and the boys left this AM and are going to see Mindy and stay tonight with her...Rickey and his gang leave tonight at midnight and going to do the night time drive thing so the kids can sleep thru most of the trip. Mel said that Rickey told her he's giving her a dramimine too! lol! We will stay the night somewhere tonight, probably on the other side of Memphis..that is about 1/2 way for us.
The weather service is predicting chances of thunderstorms or scattered showers (30%) for the next 3 days but I am praying that if it showers at all it will be in the middle of the night and then we can have beautiful beach days.
WELL NOW Janet and Sherr have decided to get in a fight over where to sit on the trailer....I guess I better go and break it up before Janet gets that ouchy butt bone kicked, or before Sherr has her pain flair up and get to hurting! OH MY! Now sissy has pulled in on her big trike with her fancy leathers on and she's loading it on the trailer!!!! That is going to take up alot of room Jan!
Hope you all have great talks while Im gone and dont talk about me behind my back!
And BEC, want you to know that I love you and want you to also know you are covered and I mean really bathed in prayer for a great surgery and wonderfully fast recovery...remember to walk walk walk and sip sip sip! Cant wait to hear from sis on Monday that all went well and you are up and about...
Love to you all and may GOD bless your hearts and souls and kiss you right on top of the head with HIS grace and mercy!
Barbara - thank you so much for the offer. 5K? Sheesh...you wear me out. Where do you walk? I am looking at getting back into exercising. We were going every day until I had my thryoid removed last year. That about killed me and no one prepares you for the impact that has on your life. The lack of sleep, the fogginess, hair loss, falling asleep in the middle of the day and on and on. When they finally got my meds adjusted the seizures started so I have been unable to exercise for almost a year. Now that I have started counseling I am starting to feel a little better and a little more in control so I feel like I can start to exercise again. But I'm trying to get Mark to go with me in the mornings before he goes to work, which is how we did it before. But I still would like to get together with you just to sit down and see how you manage your food and exercise. I like to see how others live their lives and glean information. We aren't that far apart so maybe we can meet one day...what do you think?
bec....I am so excited for you! And two wonderful flavors for you to choose from! Jan is just too nice because the lemon lime flavor is just as "pleasing my hiney". blech. I remember that since I had been on the liquid diet for two days that the mag citrate didn't really bother me after I got it down because there wasn't that much down there for it to work on. I just didn't care for the taste. My poor hubby had to have a colonoscopy recently and had to drink TWO bottles of the stuff. I had to leave the room and laugh and laugh and laugh. Payback for all the times he has tortured me. Tell me God doesnt have a sense of humor! I am serious, girly, if you need anything and don't let me know, I'll stalk you (smile)...I am right here and available. Once again, congratulations. The days will fly by and you will soon have a whole new set of questions. When you get home, sweetie, you may not be able to get the full amount of water at first. It's ok, just keep sipping and walking. You'll heal and get there soon enough. Just listen to your body and don't give up. Keep sipping and don't get dehydrated.
Sugar....enjoy your trip and I am so jealous. I just got back from Washington state where my daughter and her husband live outside of Seattle (he is in the Navy and stationed in Afganistan but should get home sometime today!) and it is beautiful up there, too. But cold. To them, 70 degrees is normal and 80 is hot. I about froze to death. I hope you have a beautiful time and next time you go I think everyone here will be stowing away in your suitcases so be forewarened.
Sherr....I'll race you for the drama queen! Seriously, you cannot carry that much crud around and not go crazy. This group obviously loves you and wants to help you carry your burden. Don't go thru this alone...it's not worth it. Our enemies want us isolated. Think of it this way....a lion stalks its prey until it is alone and isolated and then it attacks. Don't become isolated. We are here and maybe, just maybe, somebody has been there and can give you some help.
Jan - I think Legalzoom.com is the commercial I see on TV? If you google them I'm pretty sure they can walk you thru divorce papers but I don't know the details or the cost. Never ever trust that he will leave her alone and seriously, the taser is an excellent idea. Even if he is a drunk and druggie he can always get gas money and if he gets stupid he may go looking for trouble. She needs to be able to defend herself. I think she should zap him and I would love to see it. Please please please tell her to be careful.
I am still learning who is who so forgive me as I try to learn about each of you. You are all teaching me something every day and I appreciate you all.
Blessings from the stalker,