Blondie **
on 9/18/08 9:46 am - Mean People Suck, MO

Vesta, you are kinder to me than I deserve....thank you so much.    You are right....I needed to hear it.

I have been stuck down here by myself and not around any GB people and I have fallen "down"...thank you...

Just since yesterday, I've started writing down what I eat, as I am sure I will need to give it to whomever inherits me, once the nuclear testing is down NEXT Friday (09/26)

Putting it all in Fitday, lets me see where I need improvement, and I did much better today than yesterday. 

Thank you ALL for your kindness.


Peggy M
on 9/18/08 12:41 am, edited 9/18/08 12:51 am - Raymore, MO

Ok...I have been working up the courage to join this thread for weeks now and I feel this may be the time.  I so desperately need support and friends as I try to work thru the issues that have brought me back to this same point in my life time and again.

Thank you all for your input a few weeks ago when I asked for help on finding a therapist.  I kept hitting brick walls until I found a Christian group and got an appointment in less than 24 hours!  I feel the difference is that she is helping me to finally give these burdens to Christ instead of carrying them around.  I still have to deal with what has been done to me and what I have done but at least now I can resolve these issues instead of just carry the guilt.  Painful, but good.

Is your support group open to all or is it only for Dr. H patients?  It would be quite a drive for me but I need support from patients who are further out and my current group tends to cater to pre-ops and new post-ops and they need it the most, don't get me wrong! Besides, it is just plain huge and I do not do well in huge groups. But I need support too and don't know where to turn. Besides I can tell if I'm not getting my routine kick in the hiney!  I just find it easier if I'm held accountable to others.

Thanks for letting me join in and blast away.  Ask me questions if you like...or not...I feel like I know you all since I've lurked here forever. Oh my gosh...I just realized I'm a stalker!! 


Pre-op/current  350/199 (still have 50+ to lose)

on 9/18/08 12:48 am - pomona, MO
Welcome Peggy, stay with us, we all have to help each other.....vesta


on 9/18/08 1:24 am - Clever, MO

PEGGY, oh Peggy! You are always welcome anywhere on here or at our meetings or to call anyone or email us personally....everyone of us needs help sometimes (some of us more than others) LIKE ME!!!!!! lol! but sometimes I still lurk and dont say anything cause I just need to listen, but join in on anything please! Friends are friends, whether on line or in person....we are there for each other!

Sherr, I guess we could try to sneak you in with 2 of my other friends that are stowing away in the back of the truck! lol!

Bec, I sure hope you get to feeling better sweet lady....I miss your sassy, funny posts! And thanks for all the prayers for good weather. I am believing that GOD will give me the desires of my heart when it comes to this trip! He is such a GOOD GOD!

Janet, how's your butt today????

More later dear friends!


Barbara S.
on 9/18/08 3:33 am - Freeman, MO
Hi Peggy:

Glad to hear you found help. I just live a few miles away from you. We could get together sometime and visit to support each other. I walk three miles a day do you do any walking? I am going on my first official 5K walk on the 27th of this month for diabetes and my second on the 5th of October which is Walk from obesity. I don't work so let me know when you would like to get together. Maybe for just a sit down to get aquainted.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 9/18/08 8:49 am - Osage Beach, MO
Dear Stalker, (LOL I just had to)

Hi Peggy,  Welcome to the board and we're glad to have you.  As they say the more the merrier.  I'm glad you found someone to teach you how to release without letting things boil over.  Keep your head up. 

on 9/18/08 1:44 am - warrensburg, MO
Good Morning,Good Morning to all you gals....and guys sometimes...Just thought i would stop in and see whats all going on today..
My day so far is hopeing to hear something from Margie about insurance. I faxed off the paperwork that they sent me yesterday and so she will be able to find out just exactly why they put a hold on things. Other than that Im at work, I just love my job, there is nothing more rewarding than sitting with the elderly, giving them the comfort of someone there incase they fall and just knowing someone is there for them for what ever. And the stories....omg....sometimes i wished that life was as simple as they had it...but of course it was tough times for them too.
Jan, I dont think that I could wear something on my face to go to sleep. Your more of a trooper than I would be....Id probably find it on the floor in the morning and then trying to figure out just how long did i keep it on for the night...lol
I'll be praying that Joes will start feeling better soon too, Is awful not feeling good
Janet, Yes you should be a Author, your sooooo funny when you write here even though its not funny at the time. I hope your days get better as they come along.
Jennie, Girl....You better take care of yourself...Im sure that you wouldnt want all of us coming down their and babying you now would you????..You know that we would...Look at all the helping hand you would have..lol take care of your self and Im praying for a speedy recoverey, we miss you here on the board!!!
Bec, My My MY how time just flies by...3 more days and your new jouney starts!!!! I sure hope you feel better before monday comes around. Im soooo excited for you, Im sure that all will go well and then you tooo will be on the shiney bench with the rest of the gang. Keeping you too in my prayers.
Sugar, You have a GREAT and SAFE, vacation take lots and lots of pics k. Im praying for your safe travels and nice weather the hole time your there. Have fun and enjoy.
Penni, Im glad that your room came all together. I know how you feel, Im in the process of redoing my Main bathroom. What a job!!! and a mess...lol

Everyone have a Great day and hugs to all!!!


Andy W.
on 9/18/08 4:36 am - Tulsa, OK

Hey Everyone,


Just thought I’d check in while I take a breather for a few.  Been a busy day today catching up on house and yard work.  Susan is doing better,  her toe looks a lot better and her leg is not swollen and the infection looks just about gone.  The doc has her on 4000 mg of anti-biotics a day so if anything is left in her it should get it out with that.  Im making sure she stays off her feet and that her foot is cleaned and dressed twice a day so it seems to be working.  She goes back in for a follow up visit next week. 


Today is such a beautiful day out.  I just came in from mowing the yard, it was way over due,  I still gotta do the back yet but it was still a bit wet to mow, seems the back stays wet from the morning dew a lot of the day. 


Janet we’re sure keeping you in our prayers,  I really hope that you finally start to get better and not fall anymore,  ya silly thing.  Thank  you so much for all your prayers and support you’ve shown ALL of us on here.


Sugar we’ll be praying for a safe trip for ya and really hope you have the best time ever,  even tho we all wanna be there with ya  lol.


Bec your almost there gurl,  there’s room for ya on the losers bench!!  Sure pray you start feeling better,  Im sure you have a ton of stuff to do before ya go for surgery.  Can ya believe the time went by already??


Craig is really good to see ya post,  so glad your feelin better,  now just eat more so you can get even better,  I know that’s easier said then done but spongebob needs ya  lol.


Jan I’m glad your sleep study went good,  now when ya go back they’ll put that muffler on ya so ya don’t snore  LoL.  Missed ya walking this morning,  kinda boring walking by yourself  lol.


Its really good to see new  people posting on here,  we’re always here to help and answer your questions the best we can.  Hope all of ya keep coming back and hope to see you at the support meetings in Springfield if any of you are close enough.


Well I better get going for now,  keep praying for all those that need it,  God is always in control.


Bless ya,



I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
on 9/18/08 6:05 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri!!!
I know I'm behind - it's almost time to go home from work - but better late than never or is it better never late?????

I've been busy as a bee this week. I think my boss - who I love, love, love - has just realized that I'm leaving next Friday and won't be back for two weeks. They are all going to have a hard time because I've been basically the total support staff of the office since the middle of last December and now the security blanket is going on VACA!!!!!

Tonight is date night with hubby - go out to eat every Thursday night. It's what I look forward to starting on Monday. Don't know where we'll go - don't really care. I can always find something on the menu that I can eat.
Too much actually.

Janet, dearie, I'm so sorry you had such a bad day but darn you write funny. I, like everyone else, love to "see" the people you were with in the ER. And like I told you last night, I wish I could have been there to hit the Doctor right in the nose for you!!! Many prayers are going up for you that you get these medical problems straightened out and fixed up better than new.

Peggy in Raymore - So glad you found a Christian counselor. I have always said I would never see a therapist except a Christian because I think some of the others do more damage than good. I'm excited for you to get help dealing with issues that cloud your life. We would just faint with delight if you could ever come to the Circle of Friends meeting. It's the fourth Monday of the month (except when Jan messes up and has it on the third Monday - tee hee) and we meet at a really convenient Library in South Springfield. It's easy because it is just a couple of blocks off a sort of by-pass route. We have more people who are quite a ways out from surgery, although we do love newbies and bandsters too. I think those that get follow-up support do better at keeping their weight off because we are there to hold each other accountable and to share tips that work for us. And we who have some experience love being the "experts" to the newer folks.

Maybe you could come some time and make an overnight of it - a mini vacation. We usually go out to eat afterward (no pun intended) and continue our good visits at the restaurants. I well remember when I was about one month out going into the restaurant and ordering one scrambled egg - softly scrambled, please. There is always something we can eat and it's really about the fellowship not the food.

Sugar - praying for wonderful beachy weather for you, Rick and the family. You are sure making memories.

Blondie - don't ever stay away for so long again - I MEAN IT!!! We have so missed your beautiful face and are here to share all your days - not just the great ones. We love those but we support you through every day!!!

Andrew & Susan - So happy that Susan is doing better. I was so frightened for her. I have a surprise for her at the next meeting. If you can't come I'll send it with Jan.

Bec - sorry you don't feel well but I am in agreement that Tylenol does work better than it used to for me. I don't use the liquid - have never taken liquid vitamins or anything else except liquid Vicodin right after surgery which made me pass out - literally - twice. But I do get relief with Tylenol now and I was addicted to Aleve so much that I made my old fat stomach bleed. Now, I will confess, if I'm having a really bad Rheumatoid Arthritis day I will take a Pepcid and an Aleve but I save that for about once a month or less. THREE MORE DAYS!!!!

CRAIG LEE WATTS!!! You start eating more!! I MEAN IT. You and Miss Jan are the malnourished king and queen. She's recovering and you need to start eating more too. You won't regain if you eat sensibly and you can do that - protein first, then veggies and fruits and then natural carbs. Remember no white bread, white potatoes, white sugar, white rice or white pasta and I guarantee you'll be thin for life!! I promise.

Now that I've scolded those who need and accept a good, loving scold I can go get ready to start closing down this place.

Hugs to all,


Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 9/18/08 9:44 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hello Everyone,

Even though I don't post everyday please know that I do read everyday and do keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.  I love you all so much and the advice and support you all have given me are top notch and I couldn't thank you all enough. 

Tomorrow I'm leaving for St Louis for the weekend.  I'm picking up 6 of my sister's kids and taking them to Red Bud IL to my brothers house to spend the night.  Then Saturday I'll take them to the park for a few hours and then drop them back off at their dad's.  It's his weekend but he agreeded to let me have them friday night and half of Saturday.  Then I'll go to the bar and hang out til my sister gets off work.  (My dad owns Some Other Place Bar & Grill and my sister works there)  Then Saturday night we're having a birthday party and poker party for my sister.  Then I'm coming home Sunday.  I can't wait to see my family, I miss them so much living 3 hours away but it's nice not to be right in the drama and thick of it all if you know what I mean.

Im hoping my husband will get the backyard cleaned up and mowed while I'm gone but we'll see if it happens.  It is starting to really really look like a jungle back there.  LOL It's not that tall but it definately needs to be cut.

Jan---I'm so glad Michelle stuck to her guns.  It's hard to not fall back into the same ole same ole especially when you're changing major things in your life.  She's a very strong woman and I'm definately praying for her.  I'm also praying that Joe's pain shots work.  BTW your new avatar pic is GORGEOUS!!!  I tried to make it bigger so I could get a good look but it just got distorted.  But man oh man you look soooo  fabulous.

Sugar---I hope you and the family have a wonderful time.  It's so great that your whole family does this together.  These are memories that your grandkids will hold dear forever.  I can't wait to see the pics!!!  I'm praying for good weather for you all.  I used to live in FL and man o man when it does rain, IT RAINS.  Nothing like rain here.  It's like a downpour.  But I'm praying you won't see any of that.  Have a great trip!!!

Bec---WOW 3 MORE DAYS!!!  I know you're just a ball of emotions.  Scared, nervous, excitied, anxious and everything else in the emotion catageory.  But you are in good hands---God's hands.  Soon you'll be watching the lbs drop instead of watching the days.  You're such a sweet lady I can't wait til you get to feeling wonderful.  You'll be off and running!!!  I hope your headache goes away quick--I take tynenol rapid release--works great for me.

Liz---how are you lady?  I don't see you on here much anymore.  I hope you're well. 

Peggy---Welcome to the board.  We're happy to have you.  If you ever need to talk or just want someone to listen you can contact me.  Keep your eyes upon the Lord---he'll see you through. 

Blondie---I'm glad to see you back on the board.  Where do you live?  Is it close to Osage Beach?  You're more than welcome to come to our support group, we'd love to have you.  “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”   You can gripe moan and complain anytime you need.  Email me.

NeNe---Thanks for the info on protien samples--I think I'll order some too. 

Barbara---WOW that 5k sounds like an awesome accomplishment!!!  Hopefully next year I can join you.  I have to get my first mile under my belt first.  I'm trying.  Big kudos to you for all your walking that's great!!!  I wish you lived by me I'd join you.

Cor---I sure wish I could cross my eyes and blink and have you approved NOW.  I know the waiting can be so terrifying.  I'm praying you'll be called soon with good news.  Just remember to keep fighting!!!  Yes elderly can be very charming and such good teachers.  I had to live in a nursing home for a month after my surgery and although it wasn't the best experience of my life I did have a few good laughs.  

Janet---I pray things start to turn around for you girl.  You have been in pain for far too long.  You're a better woman than I because I'm sure I would have gotten pretty upset and told the doc where he could stick his perscription refills.  Some docs just don't understand.  I think those are the ones that are burnt out and have lost their reason for even becoming a doctor.  Which I would hope would be to HELP people when they need it.  One good thing about all this---at least he didn't come in and say---"If you'd just loose weight you wouldn't have this problem"    They can't say that to you anymore huh.  I used to hear that with EVERY doc I saw.  I could almost tell them how they were going to diagnos me before they opened their mouths.  Hope you're feeling better.

Jeanine---I hope you're getting over whatever it is that has kept you away from us for far too long.  We all miss you're ray of sunshine that shows through with all your posts.  Feel better soon.  And tell your hubby thanks for letting us know where you went.

Andrew---I'm glad Susan is doing so much better.  You're such a good hubby to take such good care of her.  I'm sure shes very thankful.  

Lana---Well I guess I win the last seat on the what's happening today.  I just didn't have time to post earlier.  I like that Better never late---I've never heard that before.  That's awesome that you and your hubby have date night.  I think I'm going to start doing that with my hubby.  Sounds like such a good time and a time to share things you don't have time to say during the busy week.  What do you do?  It's nice to feel needed isn't it?

Remember you're all welcome to the Beautiful Butterflies support group in Osage Beach.  I wish I could meet all of you. 

Oh one more thing---I'm going to be posting a sign up for secret pal or whatever we're going to call it.  Any suggestions?  I hope you all join---it's just a way to help give each of us a boost.  By either an email or a card or e-care or letter to encourage one another. 


PS Jan I was thinking about maybe finding a place to meet half way between Springfield and Osage Beach to maybe have a Christmas Party/Support Group/Clothing Exchange for either early Dec or late Nov.  What do you think?

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