Jan C.
on 9/17/08 2:46 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wow today has been one great day hasn’t it? Beautiful weather. I cleaned up one flower bed and started on another one. But got about 4 ticks on me so I quit for now lol was getting a little hot too.

Joe and I when we were at Micheles the other day  she had lots of trash that Jason was suppose to keep carried off. He use to take it daily to his work and put it in the dumpster, which was ok with his boss. But since he hasn’t been there for a week and half it has piled up on her. So we brought it home with us and we had a burning day out in our burn area….had lots of tree limbs to burn too.

Took a load of wood to this little older lady down here this morning. And loaded up another load to take over to Michele tomorrow.

She called me while ago and said Jason came over this morning wanting to come back home and she said I stayed strong and told him no , no way. That as far as I was concerned we were no longer married.

He took her dogs but she said that is ok if that is how he wants to be then let him have them. She said she is going to hide her little Kia for a few nights cause she doesn’t trust him to not do something to it.

She called the sheriff and they are patrolling looking for him. Since he is driving around with no lic, no insurance, and drunk.


If you all will pray for her safety I would appreciate it. God is working on her ….She has said she is going to church Sunday….I about fell out of my chair when she said that. So pray that she is really listening to God and that there will be a change in her .



JANET:::::: lol yeah im sure Joe needs to carry a bat in the trailer. Lol  I think the camera just caught me at the right angle or something .


Im like Sugar you should be a writer. I hope you are saving some of these descriptions for your book? Even tho the incident was not funny , your writing of it was. I cant help but laugh at your descriptions and the people  you are just too good at pulling us all into it with you.

Yep you can always bet that on a full moon the ERs will be full , when I worked in the nursing homes. The residents that had alzeheimers and such would really get wound up on full moon nights. Don’t ask me why it just happens. When I was in training we had to take rotations thru all sorts of places. My turn for working the State Mental Hospital happened to be the week of a full moon, oh my lord you have never in your life. It made me decide really quick that I didn’t want anything to do with the mental hospitals. Lol


Im sorry I didn’t text you back last night I was in that sleep study and they make you turn your phones off.. so I didn’t see your message until this morning. So glad that you got some relief. Did they give you something to keep the pain under control until it healed some?




COR::::::; they more or less told me the results of the sleep study this morning. And I have to go back on the 5th at 9pm for another over night with the c-pap machine. He said i wake myself up during REM sleep because my O2 drops down to nothing and I quit breathing and so I wake myself up and breath again. he said I had about 5 episodes per hour that my O2 dropped too low. I don’t know but think that is a lot.


Im praying right along with every one else that the insurance will call and give you approval. . Hugs to you too.




SHERR:::::::: I hope that they find what is wrong with you soon. and get it fixed.

Well if I was anywhere near you I would have been glad to come do your yard work for you. I hate housework , I would rather be outside any day …hot or cold than be in the house.

LOL don’t worry about your stuff being the same ole stuff, we are nosey and like hearing what others are doing daily. Lol

I have missed you. And have wondered where in the world you were. …..



PENNIE::::::: thanks sweetie for the compliments lol. I miss all of you too when im not on the board. Im getting my laptop set up with all the things I need to be able to post with and hope to have it all done soon.

So that when I go off on the next trip you all can keep up with us….



CRAIG:::::: lol yeah I rememeber that meeting of Dr. H. I was so excited that finally I had found the surgeon that I would get to do this surgery on me.

Oh when you do your avatar and do a full body shot it always scrunches it up so you look fater. I did this one in a full body shot and I looked like a little porker. Lol


So glad that you are doing better. What did Dr. H decide was wrong with you.? You said you couldn’t eat , things was making you sick….what did they say was wrong???


You bet you we didn’t give up and yes we cried and prayed our way right on thru….take care buddy. And try to get some good foods in you. I am trying for that too.



DEB::::: take care of yourself sweetie. It isnt a good habit to get into not taking your vits. I know you said you felt full but the vits are something that you really need to get in every day. If you have to take one now and wait and hour to take another one that is ok. Just don’t want to see you get sick from lack of vits.   We will keep you in our prayers for traveling tomorrow. Take care and let us know what they say after your visit. Ok????




Everyone pray for all that have requested prayer please. , Debs husband, Michele, Bec, Jeanine, Randy, Janet, and Sugar for good weather in Fla next week,  Penni as they move stuff around so everyone gets moved and in good spirits. Pray for Joe and his pain hopefully his shots he will start again on Monday will start right off the bat working.

Love and hugs to all of you…





on 9/17/08 10:28 pm - Clever, MO

I so wanted to be leaving today but didnt get any response from the people at the vacation rental place so I guess they didnt have an opening for us for Friday night...boo-hoo! :(   But I suppose I needed one more day for getting some last minute things done. Im trying to clean my house so I will not come home to a nasty one and say...boo-hoo! :(   lol! I dont think there is anything much worse than coming home to a messed up house after a long trip. I want to get all the laundry done up too so that isnt looming before me when I get back. We have a w/d in the condo so I can get all our clothes clean before we leave. Actually I dont take many clothes because I just wash something if I need it and dont have to pack much that way. We pack so much other stuff to take to the beach....our canopy, lots of beach toys, our fold-away sports chairs and then this time we are taking all our food that doesnt have to be kept cold just because it is so much cheaper here than there...Well, anyway...I will be ready to hit the road tomorrow for sure.  Oh yeah I need to go stop the mail today...cant forget that!

Hope you all have a great meeting on Monday and please know that I am there in spirit...(while Im laying on the beach) lol! My spirit will be thinking of all of you...

Well I was glad finally to hear about Jeanine...I cant believe how she just disappeared off the board. I knew something must be wrong. Im sure glad you are ok now??? And getting better?  DONT BE STUBORN!!! We love you too much and worry about you!

Im going to get off of here and will wait till I see more posts later. I think I will go do some garage sales this morning, several on craigslist for Thursday.

Talk later to you all! God bless!


Bec M.
on 9/17/08 11:12 pm
Good Morning,

Going to make this short as I just don't feel to well this morning but hope to be kick'n tomorrow.... it's been a booger of a few days... had a migraine for TWO days!!! First time that's ever happened... I HATE those!!!  You feel like truck has run over you... when it's over...  then add other of life's issues and boy it's been a rough week!  Still having these rotten cramps this morning....  I guess I didn't realize how much I depend on the Advil!  Tylenol just does not do a thing for me so I'm kinda worried about how I'm going to get along now? 

My personal countdown clock sent me my morning message and do you know what number she had this morning?  3 more days!!! 

I keep waiting to get anxious or nervous but as of yet I'm not!  Pain will cause you to think of only that so I guess I knocked off a few days that way ~ha

Sugar~ you just have a wonderful vacation!  I pray safe travels for you and that it will not rain every day! like they say it's going too.  You don't think a thing about me you just have yourself a real good ole time!  That is sweet of you to want Mimi  to call you when I'm out of surgery ...love you sweet lady!

To they rest of you dear folks I'll try and catch up better tomorrow when I feel better.... love and prayers to you all.... hopefully I'll feel like my same ole chattery self again!

Elizabeth D.
on 9/17/08 11:35 pm - Eldorado Springs, MO
Bec, I can't believe that you only have 3 more days. I was an Aleve addict :>))) before surgery and thought tylenol was useless. I have been amazed how well and how quickly the tylenol liquid blast works.  Somehow with the smaller stomach it is absorbed faster and better. Hopefully, it will be the same for you!!!! Liz
Bec M.
on 9/17/08 11:52 pm


Thanks for the hope! I've been in tears more times the last 3 days than I care to re~live that for sure!  I can only pray that is the case with me too and the Tylenol starts to work again!  A nurse told me that was a possibility and I kind of brushed that off but I will sure be hoping that is the case! 

I've on numerous occasions told the docs that Tylenol 3 does not even touch pain for me and they order it anyway and I always have to go back and say this does not work!  Till I got the PCP I have now and he is fantastic!

Thank you for the hopeful word and YES my goodness only 3 days left!!! oh YIPPEE SKIPPEE!!!!     When I think of the two long long years it has taken me to get here and it only being 3 days away... more tears are coming right on down my face!


Peggy M
on 9/18/08 12:50 am - Raymore, MO

I am so sorry about your headache....especially with all you're going thru.  I would say that maybe it's helping to keep your mind off your upcoming bowel prep but that wouldn't be very nice????  Just kidding, sweetie, I know you are in pain and I hurt for you.

Look at the label of the mag citrate...does it say "pleasing cherry flavor"?.   I wanted to write the company and have them change the label to "pleasing cherry flavor my hiney" but my husband didn't think that was appropriate.

I am hijacking your post to ask if there is anything I can do for you Monday or Tuesday.  I live right here in KC and I had my surgery right there in SMMC with Dr. Hoehn.  It sounds like you will have family with you, will they be ok?  Do they have a place to stay?  I just know how hard it is on family when someone they love is going thru this experience and I want to make sure that everybody you love is taken care of so you will be able to relax and take care of yourself.  Please let me know if I can do anything for you.

Hang in there kiddo.
Bec M.
on 9/18/08 7:03 am

Well Peggy You Sweet Sweet Woman!

That's so very very nice of you to offer to help me!  Boy am I just so blessed!  I can't even tell you how many many times someone has been there to help me whenever I had a need or question, or just there to tell me of their experiences then I knew what to expect and here is yet another offer!  Thank you so much.

Yes my husband and youngest daughter will be with me and Debbie Darl'n will be coming up to set with them too... on one of my trips up there for an appointment she helped me find a nice motel for them to stay in... so I have that covered.  There are restraunts around there so I think they will be fine.  But I can't tell you how very much it means to me to have your offer of help!

We are just going to have to have one big pow wow I know there are several people in the area..... Debbie, Barbara, Kerri, Shelley, and you... there may be others I'm not aware of too... who knows by then maybe mimi and sugar will be ready for a day trip! ... maybe for my one month appointment we can set a time for all of use to meet?  Wouldn't that be wonderful!

I'm so glad you decided to post... heck none of us are perfect but this sure is a loving bunch of people and they will take you in and love you just like they have me!  I lurked for months and months and was scared to death the first time I posted... it was my first post EVER! on any site...  I was just sure a crazed phyco would show up on my door step and murder me in my bed!!! ! tee hee  too funny!

Bec M.
on 9/18/08 7:16 am
...... oh heck I hit the submit button before I was ready!

Anyway I was just kidding about the phyco's..... I was just so timid and had been pretty secluded for several years.

These wonderful people have been such an encouragment to me!  I have met so many new friends... I've had so many many prayers and well wishes!  People have opened their homes up to me, sent me packages in the mail, come and stayed with me, talked with me on the phone... I could go on and on of all the wonderful things I have experienced and I haven't even had the surgery yet! Just this week someone offered to give up their lunch hour to help me with a project!!! That nice lady is a peach!

I just know you will find at least some of the support you need here if you jump in there and let us get to know you a bit better!

Blessing to you dear Peggy!  and thank you again for offering to help me!

Blondie **
on 9/18/08 12:21 am - Mean People Suck, MO

Momma J & Co....

I wonder if Sugar would let me stow away with her luggage??? I wanna go!  This has been one hell of a year so far.  I need a VACA!

With all the pain (yeah, like you guys don't live it too) I stopped doing what was right, and did what was easy.  And that costs me some of my success.  The mystery stomach issue, AND BAD eating habits has caused me to gain some of my weight back.  I think I had stopped eating the way we need to, and started eating with "If it will go down, and stay and not cause incredible pain, eat it".....

I have to re-learn what is RIGHT.  I just never seem to eat protein....I had to stop buying meat because I couldn't afford it. 

I have always hated being down so far away from everyone.  When gas got outragious, I quite going anywhere.  To read about how you guys get together and do things makes me envious!! 

I never went back to Columbia after my ONE MONTH POST OP appt. and the debt I incurred, for the pre-op and hotel etc...I am slowly paying off $150 a month. 

See when I "talk to you guys" I am a downer, that's why I quite coming....I don't need to whine with all the newbies needing help and support. 

But, I am going to get back on the old horse, get my mystery illness diagnosed, and do what I am supposed to....

I'd love any of you "POST OP - LONG TERMERS" to tell me what you EAT.....so I can get back on track. 

I have the hardest time finding things I can afford to eat. 

on 9/18/08 12:45 am - pomona, MO

I sure am praying things gets better for you my dear and it will get better, my mom use to tell me it is the darkest just befor dawn, so look for a new dawning.
 I pray you find out what is wrong and get it fixed and get out of pain..
beans, cottage cheese, eggs, and caned tuna and caned chicken, and get on the internet and order you some free samples of different protein, there are alot of sites..one site is 1-800-595-5598 or www.llorenspharm.com  just about every company will send you free samples, just type in free protein samples.
I sure do better when I am using lots of protein, take your vits and liquids
stay with us and all of us tog. will get through our problems..love ya ....vesta


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