Jan C.
on 9/16/08 11:04 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Well i got home from the sleep study and have to go back on the 5th of oct. to do one with the c pap machine. he said i do go into REM sleep but i am my own worst enemy that my O2 levels fall a lot aand i stop breathing completly and then wake myself up. i dont remember waking myself up but i guess it is just enough for my brain to say breath stupid... any way they had the sleep number beds in there like we have and i was able to get it adjusted like mine is so i slept pretty good.
I think i answered most every one yesterday. hopefully i did anyway. if not and you needed to know something let me know again today ok.
Joe has to go in a little while to Dr. to get all of his prescriptions rewritten. have to send them into the mail order place and most of them dont cost anything if they use generics. good deal huh?
well got to get this house cleaned up and straightened up today.....no questions about it.
also need to do a lot of work outside cleaning up limbs.
always something to do.
I got a text message from Janet about goiing to the E.R. and that they had put her on some Dilantin??? didnt know that would do much for pain but they are coming up with new uses for a lot of old meds. anymore.
Hope this day is great for all of you....
Bec i hope the headache and bad feeling went away yesterday.
only 4 more days wow.  
Sugar are you all leaving tomorrow or Friday? i hope you have great weather while there.
Love all of you and God Bless to everyone.



on 9/17/08 1:38 am - Diamond, MO

Dear Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Jan-LOVE the new pic!! You are SIZZLIN'~One HOTT MAMA!!!! Joe better keep a bat in that trailer you pull behind the trike-thats for sure! DAAANNNNNGGG!!!! Love ya (wink wink)

First, let me say a BIG THANKS to everyone for the prayers. My day yesterday was short of traumatizing with really good results-or at least some answers-and I feel much better knowing there was a reason for all my whining and complaining, moaning and groaning!

I finally just could not take the pain any longer-I had been on the phone it seemed all freaking morning TRYING to get into ONE OF MY DOCTORS....My PCP-no luck....I went to Neosho in the morning, because they have always had a walk in doctor at the clinic my doctor (of 10 yrs) is located in-so I figured that even tho I didnt like him at all-at LEAST he could go and talk to MY doc and we could go from there-right? OOOOHHHH, Hold on Janet-he ISNT HERE ANYMORE....Dang it-WHY didnt I even ask that before I went all the way there? When did that change? Ok....My PCP cant see me until the end of next week-because he isnt in the office this week after noon yesterday (NO-IM NOT KIDDING) and his Nurse Practioner-double booked. Your kidding me, again-arent you? Alright then, Im calling my long standing ortho-Ive seen him for 10 yrs too. I can ONLY see him IF I pay cash since he doesnt do backs anymore....I called THINKING, HOPING and PRAYING that my tailbone WONT BE MY BACK??? (remember Im desperate by now).... No-its part of your back (I really did already know it, BUT....at this point-I was ready to TRY anything****all the new ortho that did the shots in my knees-nope, he doesnt do backs either-so must pay cash with him too. WTH? Ok, now Im sobbing and the pain is so intense that it feels like a toothache with exposed nerves-ONLY IN MY SPINE! I honest to God felt I was going to lose my mind. I am not kidding here kids. I called my PCP office AGAIN-and this time, I was such a mess that the secretary that schedules appts-got my nurse on the line with me. She told me to go to the ER-NOT urgent care-BUT the ER and to tell them when I get there-that Dr. P sent you.

I call my mom and ask if she can watch Jon. She says yes-bring him in so I do. I get to the ER at 2:00 and it was PACKED....I mean like you cant find a place to sit-and this is the NEW WING over at the NEW Part of the hospital and has TWICE the waiting room that the old ER had....Dang it. I kept telling myself that maybe some of them were just waiting. I felt like I was in Hillbilly Hell and that a lot of them coming in from outside-were straight out of the movie Deliverance. It was BAD! A guy-whose wife is carrying a mini backpack with about 14 prescriptions that HE ISNT SUPPOSE TO DRINK WITH-IS DRUNK and he gets in within 5 minutes-because he is drunk and has taken his meds. My "nice, loving nature" is gone now-and its every man for himself. At 5 pm they came out to the waiting room and took my vitals AGAIN...along with a select other few that have waiting this long with me. Oh-yeah-and then again at 7 pm-NO IM NOT KIDDING! I have NOW been there long enough-that I am going to have to include some of these people in my Christmas Card list for this year. (not joking) I know everything there is to know about a lady named Susan who is from New York and is having the same surgery I am waiting for the end of this month. Then there is a lady named Brandy who has a bad gallbladder and she is NOT a patient person. She went up and complained every hour on the hour and each time that they took someone back in front of us-that came in AFTER us! I just sat in the corner, hungry, hurting and desperate. Praying that they would call me back BEFORE the pc of tailbone came through the skin like it feels like its going to do. I dont know HOW many times I just cried and cried-but I was in a state of mind I dont get into very often. By 7:30-I was getting wirey. Megan and Aaron came up at 7-and I finally walked up at 7:30 and as politely as I could-I said-I realize that your busy and I have seen several people come up and are rude to you. My intention is NOT to be rude, you understand, but IF I dont get to a place where I can lay down-I can ASSURE you that my tailbone is GOING TO COME OUT MY ASSSSSS! PALEEEZE HELP ME, IM DESPERATE! with that sentence out-I lost it and started bawling so hard that snot was running down my face, Megan had taken cover in the corner because she thought I would get um-not nice, lets just put it that way. Wouldnt you know it-I was the 2nd person called back after that-and only 6 hrs in the waiting room, bouncing from one butt cheek to another and in the worst pain ever.

So, I get to the room and Dr. Spingolli (now-Im thinking of Fast Times at Ridgemont High movie) comes in and he is treating me like I am just there to get a pain shot??? Are you freaking kidding me? He looked right at me and said to MY FACE-I am NOT going to just refill your pain meds because your out, thats NOT what WE DO HERE AT THE ER.... I looked him sqaure in the face and said-I dont give a sh*t what YOU THINK-MY TAILBONE IS BROKEN and SOME ONE WILL BE HELPING WITH MY PAIN BECAUSE IT IS REAL AND I HAVE NEVER COME TO THE ER JUST TO GET PAIN MEDS-I WILL CALL MY PAIN MANAGEMENT DOC AND TELL HER AND THEN I WILL ALSO CALL YOUR BOSS TOO. DO WE UNDERSTAND ONE ANOTHER? Then he accused me of not being able to sleep BECAUSE Of my meds. Oh buddy-I dont think you realize how close your coming to having your head ripped off your shoulders and crammed where the sun dont shine. Megan actually said-I am leaving now-and the doc says IF you leave right now, I HAVE to wait to examine your mom until I can find a nurse who has time....So-she sits back down-and he is pushing on my back-and guess what? He sees the bruises that I have above my butt crack-HMMMM....Maybe SHE REALLY IS HURT? CAN IT BE SPINGOLLI?

Now-IF my evening couldnt get ANY WORSE-TRUST ME, IT DID.....For those with a quesy tummy-turn away and dont read-it may be TMI....When I went to Urgent care last week-and the doc there checked my tailbone-all he did was check between my butt cheeks and I thought I was going to jump off the table. Little did I know-this doc is snapping the lovely exam gloves, and now I am getting nervous because he is dousing his fingers with lubrication???? HUH??? WHAT?? NO WAY-YOUR GOING TO DO WHAT? Yep, kids-he was going to violate me! VIOLATE ME!!!! *@#$^ OMG-YOUR FREAKING KIDDING ME! Now-I am THINKING he is doing this because I spoke my mind and I am crabby.....Making mental note to self-make sure and see if this IS part of procedure to see if tailbone is broken....I am crying like a whimpy sissy....my daughter is covering her face and I am imagining the doc back there with one of those miner hats with the big old light on it? He was digging in there FOREVER!! FOREVER!!!! I finally asked him-ARE YOU HOPING TO HIT GOLD, DOC? Cause I think Im plum OUT....God, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! I WILL LIVE WITH THE PAIN....

He FINALLY gets done digging for gold and says he is ordering x-rays. I said-I JUST had x-rays at Ucare on Weds. He said, well-rather than wait for them to get here and keep you here for a few more hours, I will order more. I am also having the nurse bring you in something for pain-what do you want a shot or pills-I dont care doc, whatever will work fastest. The nurse came in-gave me a pill to take and was prepping me for the shot. As I lay the pill on my tongue I ask what it is. Motrin, she said-spit it back out-isnt that ibuprofen? Yes, 600 mg she said-Well, RNY tummy, cant do that-sorry. Now I am feeling like a junkie because I cannot wait to get that shot-Im actually excited that MAYBE it will work-I had never heard of what they were getting ready to give me. Never had it before, that I know of anyway. She goes to shoot me in the arm-and guess what? I dont feel it-and I tell her-I dont feel that....I should, right? She looks down and says-dang it-because the cap was still on and the shot is pouring out all over the circle chair the doc sits on....OMG!!! I wanted to throw myself down and lick it up!! Would that be considered a junkie? She says-I will be right back and apologized 100 times....Poor girl-she was new-and it showed-but she was kind and loving, so she got my approval.

She comes back with my shot. WOW did that sting....but in about 15 minutes I didnt care. My tailbone didnt hurt too bad...ok, I can handle whatever else is thrown at me, OR SO I think.....Im NOT thinking too straight. I am standing and walking-I cant sit anymore....Im sure Spingolli THINKS its because I am a drug addict.....I dont care what that little weazel thinks anymore! Now-I hadnt eaten anything ALL DAY LONG and I am finally hungry. I send Aaron to get something and he brings some chicken back to me-and they wont let him bac****il the doc okays my eating? THEN...Spingolli comes to my room, peeks through the curtain and says-Mrs. Corbett-I think your tailbone IS broken and we NEED more xrays. EXCUSE ME? He repeats himself and in my head I am going nanu nanu BOO BOO-TOLD YA SO, TOLD YA SO-but to him I just said-Im sorry, I cant really hear you-in which case he steps inside and says-Your tailbone is broken and I just need another xray and I will be giving you a couple of scripts for the pain.....??????? I WAITED for the apology that I DIDNT GET-BUT I THINK he was TRYING to make peace by giving me the scripts that he SAID HE WOULD NOT GIVE ME! I told him-MAYBE in the future-you shouldnt ASSUME that each person is just in here to get pain meds-IF you ? that-you NEED to look at the computer, because IT WILL show you ALL ER and UCARE visits-I worked here for 6 yrs- I KNOW! He said yes, he understood and that he hoped I felt better. They came and got me for round 2 of the xrays that doc FORGOT to order the first time-and thats when the pain meds wore off. I only get an hour of relief? Ive been violated in so many ways-and for an HOUR? ONE HOUR? YOUR KIDDING ME? No-no kidding......all kidding aside-It was one of the most horrible days of my life so far. He has referred me to YET ANOTHER ORTHO IF it doesnt heal itself-Yes, kids-they dont do anything for broken tailbones-UNLESS they dont heal on their own OR you start having a problem going #2. Right before Spingolli comes in to verify that YES ITS BROKEN FOR SURE-I get some sort of pain med-orally. Much better.....Only one problem now-Aaron has left with Megans car AND all we have is my GIGANTIC Suburban.....I dont have a care in the world kids-and she is scared to drive...and I KNOW I must have some sort of drunken level in my bloodstream? I tell her I will back out of the tiny handicap spot we are wedged in because my vehicle is the size of an Army tank-wait-MAYBE even bigger-LOL...So-I tell her Meg, I will back it up and your house is only a mile-YOU can get us THAT FAR-cant you? She is like-Mom, what IF you back into someone-and I guess I told her that I have had insurance for 25 yrs JUST for occasions like this and Im not gonna worry about that! Then, she said I got the giggles a****ching my vertically challenged daughter driving that big old Suburban! Needless to say-When I got to her place-I had to stay until the pain meds wore off....Didnt last as long as I had hoped. I got home around midnite or so.....and I fell asleep at 3 am-slept straight through until 7 am-the most sleep I have had at one time since the fall. Jon and I are gonna head to town in a bit and get my meds filled.....the pain is starting again.

Thanks for listening while I vented about my drama. I DID find out WHY the ER was soooo busy with craziness last night-Aaron called his SIL-she is a nurse IN THAT ER-and she told him that it was a FULL MOON and this ALWAYS happens in a full moon...Just MY luck-huh?

Ok-so before I close....Please lets pray for Bec-that her headache and lifes other aches and pains go away so that she isnt miserable all week-she is preop for surgery on the 22nd!! lets also pray for strength and peace of mind.....then for Dennis who is post op that he is recovering nicely and they will be home soon.....then for Sheilas neighbors who had the fire. For Loris friends son who wa**** by the car and not doing well. For Sherr so that they find out whats wrong with her and maybe squeeze a prayer out that she will stay around this time? For Jan-that everything with her lab work and all is okay. For Renee-that she will get her much anticipated approval this week.....and last, but not least-for Sug and Rick and their kids and gkids-that they ALL have a safe trip, PERFECT weather and LOADS AND LOADS Of memories!!!!

I am feeling a little emotional today-but better, I have to admit-the pain was real-I have it in writing. LOL....I just KNEW something wasnt right. I just would like prayer that I wont need ANOTHER FREAKING SURGERY for this tailbone-altho, I do feel it snag on something and then it pops-so I hope its just the healing process and not worse case scenerio......It may take another month to 6 weeks to heal and recover fully. I cant and dont WANT to deal with another surgery. Could you imagine if I was ever nominated for that show about amazing makeovers or whatever? heck-it would take them a WHOLE YEAR to fix me!!!!

I love all my peeps here!!! Sheila-thanks for checking on me, doll!!! Love ya girl and miss ya too... Renee-you mean the world to me-and thanks for getting the prayer warriors going-that was awesome! Love you much!!

Im getting off here-its already taken me a couple of hours of bouncing back and forth to get this done. As always-your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 9/17/08 5:14 am - Clever, MO

Janet dear janet, I know others misery and pain is not supposed to make us laugh but OH MY GOODNESS! I laughed and laughed at the way you told your  ER adventure. You really should be a writer..If anyone can make that whole ordeal funny, you really have some talent in the writing department.

Will keep you and your butt in my prayers! Love ya,


on 9/17/08 5:24 am - warrensburg, MO
Well hello everyone...I sure hope all is doing good today. I just read your two's post's.

Jan, Sounds like you got some rest, but make sure you rest up this afternoon too. When will you get results?

Janet, OMG woman...have you been through the ringer or what..lol not making light of it but dang, I'm not sure that I would have stayed that level headed with the doc. I'm glad to see that your getting some relief. But please take it easy and don't fall again.

Sugar, I'm praying for good weather for you too!! I hope that you have a great time and relax and enjoy your time with the family.

Now as far as my day, well I'm at work and had my husband bring over the papers from Insurance so that I can get them right back out. And I did, my daughter came and got them and faxed them right back out....yea! So now I'm waiting for clinic to get over at Dr.H's so that I can call Margie and let her know so that she can call and find out what the H***'s going on. All I know is that the insurance better get a move on...all my penciled in dates are coming up rather quickly along with surgery date too.
Anyway enough about me, where is everyone lately? I haven't seen Jeannie on for several days, along with some of the regular girls too...maybe they have been busy. Well got to run and check on my client...have a great day everyone....Hugs to all
Blondie **
on 9/17/08 6:13 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Poor sweet Janet, I met her back in what June of 2006 and everytime I read a post of hers, I think, "Man, my problems are not nearly as bad!!!"  You poor woman.  My GOODNESS. :(

I have a week and a half before I can have more tests, and right now my stomach just feels yucky, so I will live. 

I am loving the weather we've been having and would not even be mad if it didn't get hot again this year.  If it didn't hurt so much, I'd love to take the mini-poodles out on a blanket and frolick in the grass, but after raking the whole front and back lawns due to the storm damage, everything on me hurts, and I have blisters on my hands from raking it all.  I was NOT cut out for lawn care LOL

I just wanted to pop and tell you guys that I have missed you all.  I just usually have nothing but the same old junk to talk about, ya know?


on 9/17/08 6:24 am - Windsor, MO
Jan you look marvalous darling!  Wow, your a hottie!  Nice to see you on the board again-we missed you while you were gone.  Have a great night and God bless, Penni
Craig Watts
on 9/17/08 7:22 am - Green City , MO
Jan, Janet, Sugar, Blondi, Penni...Hello everyone...glad to see you all doing so great...Looking good girls....

Jan I got your pictures...I loved them all and you ladies look so PRETTY.....Jan you're just a lil thing now. Not what I seen when I met you and Sugar on May 3.2006..We have came along ways since then...Once again we have the good Lord above to thank for all his blessings he has bestowed upon us.

Janet, sorry to hear about your ER adventure. Once when I was bad sick I waited in the ER for 8 hours and 45 minutes. I thought they had forgotten about me.

Blondi ...wowser you are so much different and to the very good side.....God Bless ya....

I want to thank you guys for all your prayers for me while I was sick....Iam getting much better. Still Malnutrioned. but my sister is here and she is making me eat more ....what I mean by more is trying new things...SO FAR SO GOOD....but yet Im still scared...I seen Dr. H and Marge they were so nice to me and helpful....Also...DENA came to see me while she was in the clinic and her daughter I was so happy to get to see them...I hope I get to come to the next years reunion ok...Iam going to be going to Lake of the Ozarks for my tucks so I plan on moving down there to California, Missouri at my God Mothers house since its so much closer....I will still keep my house up here in NEMO...I went to the PCP today and he says my arthritis is bad but he thinks he can keep it in check....the excess skin is hurting me so bad..there is nothing there to hold i up anymore and it makes my body ache all over.....BUT, Iam not giving up .....Ive came along ways now to quit.....

Jan? We cried and conquered it all didnt we?   Praise God.....We didnt give up the ship....God Bless Craig Lee

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


Craig Watts
on 9/17/08 7:36 am - Green City , MO
NEW PICTURE..why is it that sometimes pictures make you look bigger?

426 Start Weight
189 Present Weight

237 Total Weight Loss

64 Pants size to 32 now...

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


on 9/17/08 11:43 am - linneus, MO
First of all I wanna say Jan you look wonderful. Yesterday i went to dr got b-12, Boy you sure can tell when it is time for a new one. But takes it about 3 days to kick in for me once i get them,
 The last 2 days everything i try to eat seems to be getting stuck, and it ain't fun.
 So i am sticking to pudding and popsicles for awhile.Didn't take vit or meds today because it just feels like i am full clear to my boobs LOL Didn't do nothing today except sleep,and i haven't been doing that. I usually am up make beds, start laundry,take meds,go for walk,come back clean house and stay busy all day. But today i just feel totally wore out.
 Gotta get up ay 4 am be ready to leave by 6 am to be in Columbia by 8:30 am tomorrow. I hate haveing to get up so early.But at least i don't have to drive 4 or more hrs like some do.
 Hope everyone has a great evening,and everyone is in my prayers ,
 Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb


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