Anyone up for a challange?

on 9/15/08 1:56 am - Friedheim, MO

I am going to challange myself to lose 15 lbs by Halloween.  This will put me at 199 lbs.  I haven't seen these #'s in a very long time.  This is only like 2 lbs a week, but i figure that I should probably have a stall in here sometime.  I am hoping that by showing everyone my goal, it will kinda kick my rear in gear to exercise a little more.

Does anyone else have a mini-goal that they want to share?    Come on!  Be brave!!! 

(((HUGS))) Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 9/15/08 2:18 am - Clever, MO
Yes dear I do have a mini goal of 3 more pounds to reach my goal of 160. I would love to see this final 3 pounds come off and then I could work on the last 5! So I too will meet your challenge and go for the 3 pounds off by Halloween and if I get there before then, I'll head for the extra 5...good for you girl...set some goals and work your little tail off to reach them. What are you doing for exercise? Mine for the next week or so will have to be swimming in the ocean every day....OH DARN! I just hate that! lol           Good luck and prayers for those 15 pounds just to melt off.


on 9/15/08 2:30 am - linneus, MO
Hi Angy
 I will match you with those 15lbs. My weight is coming off so slow i feel like unless i starve myself I am always gonna be a fat girl.
 But maybe this way i'll work harder, walk farther. Because i won't wanna have to get on here and say I failed.
 Thanks for the Challange.
       Love and  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} Deb


Bec M.
on 9/15/08 3:13 am

I would step up to the plate too but I wouldn't even know what would be reasonable being a brand new post op next week?

Maybe mine should not be in lbs but in oz of water or protein intake? or maybe lbs too I just don't know.... I think the exercise will be a bit slower right out the gate huh?  Although I do walk 30 minutes a day now... but I have to take pain meds to do it most days.... I am so so so hoping that is going to get better as the weight comes off!

Can any of you veterans suggest what would be reasonable?  I hate to make a goal and not meet it....  

Angy I'm so glad you are feeling good enough now to even make a goal!  A real answer to prayer!!!


on 9/15/08 4:11 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Angy~

Its so GREAT to see you on here-and challenging us~The girl MUST BE FEELING BETTER??? THANK GOD!!!!

Let me say this-I dont want my challenge to be # oriented. Im pretty satisfied with my weight-I have a personal goal of being in a "normal" BMI, but I feel that WILL happen with my tummy tuck (only have 7#to go for normal BMI). So-I am not killing myself over #s anymore.

My challenge needs to be eating MORE protein, more regular meals instead of skipping them, and taking better care of ME....I WILL take your challenge BEFORE Holloween and I THANK YOU!!!!

Sug-so you want to be at 155? I feel SO BAD that you have to swim in the ocean for a week (sticking out tongue and fingers extending out from my ears-nanu-nanu-boo-boo)

Deb-sometimes its not about eating less-but eating MORE PROTEIN enriched food-when I started that a couple of weeks ago-after being at a stall for a couple of months-I lost 6#. It really works. Protein burns fat!!!

Bec-I think your making a goal being your liquid intake is AWESOME!!! We are all working towards something-and Im glad to be a part of a group/place like this!! Love you all. Janet


on 9/15/08 6:13 am - warrensburg, MO
Ok Im in..even though Im still waiting for my appeal to either be approved or dis, I figure there is no since in putting extra #'s that I will have to take off anyway...right...even though I pay h~~~ in getting them off and keeping them off! But Im going to get in on this challange even though I havent had surgery. Maybe it will keep my mind off everything else right?..So Im going to start suplementing 2 meals with protein drinks and eat 1 healthy meal. Dont know how much excecising Ill get in due to the Hip and back pain, but will try. Thanks Angy for the chanllenge!!!!! Good luck to all!

on 9/15/08 7:02 am - pomona, MO
IM with you, these last 15 pds are so hard, but I will try harder....vesta


on 9/15/08 7:41 am - Kansas City, MO
Hello Angy,
  I will take you up on your challenge.  I want to loose 20 pounds by halloween.  I am down 50 pounds since July 31.  I am looking forward to this and will post weight loss weekly ok.  This is so freaking cool!!!!




on 9/15/08 12:49 pm - Windsor, MO
O.K. heres the deal.  I don't want to be challenged by numbers but I will challenge myself to walking every night and working out with weights for atleast three nights.  I have been doing that and I really want to continue.  I am going to be one here letting you all know if I walk and lift.  Thanks for the challenge.  God bless, Penni
on 9/16/08 2:40 pm - Joplin, MO
I want to get in on the challenge. I am now a 22 and would like to be an 18-20 by Halloween. And part of my challenge is to open my mind and take better care of myself mentally... get all the negitive vibes out of my head. I am focusing on positives only. Positive ppl and finding the positive in things instead of dwelling on the negitives. I say this because I have been off my meds for 3 months now and I am waiting to see a new Dr. in Oct. I am bipolar and it is hard to live with it on a daily basis without second guessing ppl and there motives... Alot of bad stuff, mood swings, depression, anxiety, anger just to name a few. I have been praying alot and that seems to be helping. It is kind of embarressing to admit but I know I am not perfect and I want to strive to be a better person both inside and out. So, this is my challenge. :D



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