I dont ask for prayers much, only if they are really needed!! One of my dear friends who now lives in Phoenix called and her 9 yr old wa**** by a car. He was at a bus stop with one of her friends and a car ran up on the side walk. The driver was trying to dial on her cell and hit him going about 30mph he is unconsciou (sp?) already has been into surgery and had pins put into his leg. Andrew is the cutest most sweet little boy. We are all worried about him. He was drug by the car and has a horrible road rash!! He is swollen and blk and blue all over. He has been having all kinds of tests, testing for internal bleeding and such. The Dr.'s are preparing her for him not waking up... They just cant be sure at this point, is what they are saying. I know alot of ppl are without power and are hurt or worse. I am keeping EVERYONE in my prayers, Please pray for Andrew and his family. Thank you Love to you ALL!!!