~Whats Happening Sunday for Jan~
Hi MO Peeps~
Came in to check on everybody-and Im not sure where everyone is.....however-we got hit with some pretty bad storms last night-so maybe a lot of people are without power or internet right now. (knocking on wood here). We lost power SEVERAL times during the night-satellite went totally out AND if that werent bad enough-our acreage looks like a tornado hit!! It was so windy and the rain was so hard-that it just reaked havic out here. Wish I had the energy to go tackle it right now, but I dont-so it will wait for another day or two.
I hope and pray that everyone had a good time at the reunion. I thought about you guys so much and I was so sad yesterday that I wasnt there.....
Lets keep Dennis in prayer. Hopefully soon Brenda will post and let us know how his surgery went. Lets also remember everyone who has just gone through the recent hurricanes! Wow-this has been some year, hasnt it? Every time we turn the tv on, seems like there is flooding, tornadoes, ice storms, earthquakes, wild fires, hurricanes, you name it, if its a natural disaster-its happened this year-hasnt it? Freaks me out, thats for sure!!! Im thinking that we are gonna have a BAD winter here-our weather channel said that we are suppose to drop down to the 40s 3x this week!! I cant believe it-not already!!
Didnt sleep well last night, the storm against the tin roof usually is soothing, but the storm gusts and all, just made us more nervous! WOW-I hope all of you are okay and will post when you can and let us know how your doing? Im not sure where Jan is-but they may have not been able to get on with the wi-fi at the resort this morning? Hope they are okay!!!
I saw a post from Sheila about her neighbors and their home burning-lets remember them in prayer. I will be texting her in a bit to see if they have any kids around my kids sizes so I can donate some clothes or toys to them should they need them! I feel so bad for them...
Well, peeps, Im gonna get this posted because its getting late-Hope all of you are okay, and your families too! All my love and prayers-Janet