on 9/13/08 12:35 pm - Joplin, MO
Thanks to Nutti and everyone that was so nice to help me get through this emotional state I have been in since I haven't lost any weight in a little over a week. But, I went and tried to put on a pair of 22's and guess what????!!! They FIT!!! You got to be kidding me!! I have had a great day!! I went from 26's to 22's in a month and from 3x-4x in shirts and now I am in 2X. I feel great!! NOONE can bring me down! ha!ha! I am feeling great! I cant wait to get out and walk and do my exercising tomorrow YAY!! Thanks again for all the ppl that have been there and helped with my last post where I was freakin out a little... Have a great weekend!! Also, Jarett is 2-0 with the football team. They won 21-6!! YAY!! I am so proud of the 6th grade boys!!



on 9/13/08 12:59 pm - linneus, MO
WTG and Congrat. what a WONDERFUL feeling that must be. Keep up the good work, And Wtg on the boys football win.


on 9/13/08 1:09 pm - Osage Beach, MO
Congrats girly!!!  I think I can advise you of is to try on smaller clothes every so often and DO NOT wait too long to do it.  I had this pair of jeans for 7 years that I wanted to get into and when I tried them on after weight loss surgery they were already too big for me---so I didn't get to wear them but a couple times even though they were falling off of me.  (which you can see in my pictures in the pic of our support group)  Again CONGRATS that's awesome!!!

on 9/13/08 2:06 pm - Friedheim, MO

YAY Lori!!!!!!!!!!!!   That is such a GREAT feeling!!!!!!!!   See, You're doing FANTASTIC!!!   I am so proud of you girl.  Keep up what you're doing & remember, It's only gonna get better!!!   Isn't that great?!   

Love ya!!!   Angy


              Seminar 260   ~   Preop diet  248    ~   Surgery  235      
on 9/13/08 10:06 pm

when the pounds seem to stop the inches around your body start to shrink!
and dont wait to long to try on your saved clothing!
I too like angy waited to long to try on some pants I had saved and they were tooo big when I went to try them on.
as a former "larger than life" person its such a wonderful feeling to put on clothing in sizes not worn or thought about in so many years!
my 22's are getting too big...I got to find some 20's and or 18 to wear....I cant hardly believe that I just typed that!
hang in there! your shrinking now!






on 9/13/08 11:38 pm - Osage Beach, MO

Isn't wierd to say that something is too big for YOU?  I still pause when I say that just to fully get the realization that it's true---something is actually TOO BIG for ME!!!  Congrats on the big 22's!!!  I started out at 557lbs and a size 6x in shirts and pants/shorts.  I mostly wore shorts because I was ALWAYS hot even in the dead of winter.  Now I freeze if the air is lower than 74-75.  It's crazy exciting this ride we're on.  Oh btw I'm now in a 3-4x shirt and I got into some 26 jeans the other day.  I posted a couple pics of me in them.  But if you look at them be warned!!!  The skin is HANGIN girl.  lol  I got this large flab/roll sittin on my lap that hangs almost to my knees.  Hopefully I can get it taken off soon.  I know if it wasn't there I could walk soooo much further.  What was your starting weight and clothing sizes?  Take Care.

on 9/14/08 4:15 am
hey angie!
my highest weight was about 530...that was in 2003
I started this leg of my WLS journey at 465
I ordered all of my clothing from King size direct for the last few yrs and I wore 8-10x just to insure when I got them they would fit.
I too suffer from a large "apron" as my gran called hers and the hanging around the arms and thighs isnt at all fun to deal with either.
but so far I havent had any rashes so I guess I will get to keep mine for awhile.
Im soo happy for anyone who can get that hangdown GONE!
I know it keeps clothing from fitting correctly and if it wasnt there I could walk soo much also doesnt help my balance issues!
have you had any of those???





on 9/14/08 5:31 am - Osage Beach, MO
WOW I'm so happy to hear you have balance issues.  Umm, well, no, I'm NOT happy that you have them but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.  LoL  I think my problem is that I still look down at the ground when I walk because I want to make sure I'm not going to step on anything to either break it or make me trip and fall.  When I try to walk fast I get all off balance and have to slow down and stop to get centered again.  It's almost like you're drunk LoL.  Not sure if you've ever been drunk but that's what it feels like. 

Yeah so I have this BUTT in the FRONT issue going on.  When I wear Jeans the middle where the zipper is like splits my apron in half and it looks like I got a butt there.  OMG I hate it!!!!  I found a girdle at walmart for 3 bucks I was like HELL YEAH well when I got home and put it on it doesn't do anything.  It's just like a big pair of granny pantys.  It's a 3x so I figured it'd work but it's too short---it doesn't come up over my flab enough to hold it in.  So I guess I'm gonna break down and go to Layne Bryant and see if they have a 3x body suit thing.  It looks like a swimsuit kinda thing if you know what Im talking about.  I don't know what else to do but I do know I will NOT have a butt in the front.  OMG it's just ewwww NOOOO!! 

on 9/17/08 5:36 am
yes no one told me about the balence thing. it is very much like being drunk and I hate it.
part of my job was to take cables to shipping...I used a cart and its down a nice long hall....thats when I practiced walking fast and getting my heartrate up. the cart helped me with my balance...LOL
front butt  ROFLMAO!
I knew I wasnt alone...and Im so sorry you also have this issue! its HORRIBLE! and EEWWEE I hate it also and my thighs and the batwings. 
at lane Bryants get something called spanx
I hear good things about them from other WLS blogs.
I like my jeans tight and my shirts big. so Im good...for now. I live with it...just like loosing my hair...I tell myself its like fighting cancer...just as deadly for me at my heaviest....but there are after effects and just like a cancer survivour I will proudly wear a wig(if it came to it) and spanx to hold it all in place. but I refuse to be ashamed of it!
  I am hoping to survive Obesity and come back healthier than ever. front butt and ALL!

today I bought a pair of wal-mart size 20 jeans and am comfortably wearing them!
a !!20!! absolutly amazing!
tytytytytyty DR.John W Baker and my WLS





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