Jan C.
on 9/12/08 2:57 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well im really upset and everthing...no one but Vestaa nd her daughter showed up, Jean and Andrea came up ,, oh well i guess i shouldnt have even have tried to to do this. lol im not any good at partys ..Next year if thell yre is to  be a REUNION  someone else will have to do it. NOt me...
Any way  thought i would start  this so you all could post to it.
not a lot to te,ll.  im abouy t to fall asleep so i will try to post more in the morning.



Sheila H.
on 9/12/08 9:05 pm - Marshfield, MO
good morning Jan and OH peeps.....im sorry i didnt get to make it to reunion was planning to ride down with Renee and Janet but havent heard back from Janet so guess its a no go...i just dont trust my car that far and i really dont have the spare gas money alone since i was off work 3 weeks.....
Jan hope u and joe are feeling better and i will get seeds at  next meeting
  Sugar...im looking for paneling, paper and paint...and fish WILL go in my bathroom lol and its a big bathroom so so

i guess i will go over to the house today and do some more cleaning on it and yard....
Janet...hope ur feeling better....as to how i managed to fix it to where i could get away from kids? well they finally moved out of my house in June and as much as i love em ( they r down every day and for hrs) i want to some QUITE and PEACE  hahaha so im going back to the boonies and i will be able to keep a eye on my dad too...i will only have to commute 14 miles to work but IF i ever find a helment  it be cheap gas lol
Bec.....NOT long now huh? YEAH
hang in there it be here be4 u know it

does anybody else think this year just flew by?????

have a GREAT weekend
luv n hugs


Jan C.
on 9/13/08 7:28 am - Cedar Creek, MO
sorry that you couldnt get down here we did have fun anyway even if there werent many here. Itwas a nice day. Joe got up and said you know if it is going to be raining tomorrow when we leave maybe i need to take the bike home and gette truck. which he did and then it cleared off lol of course. Jean Wood and her husband, Andrea, Lana, and Vesta a nd her daughter along with me and Joe were all that was here but that is ok.
I will come to the r eunion no matter where it is next year just dont know where that will be or when lol . Im glad that you are getting your house in the country fixed up at least you wont be in that place ,yes i too agree that this year seems like it went by fast and now i ver started working on Christmas for everyone.



on 9/12/08 10:17 pm - Clever, MO
Don't you get discouraged sissy! You know the best planned party today can go wrong because people just can't seem to commit to anything. You know, you get busy or this or that comes up and it somehow gets in your way of doing something you thought you would get to do...It isnt your party planning. Life sometimes throws monkey wrenches in the best layed plans.  I've planned enough parties to know that. That is something I try to tell people planning weddings and they think that everyone they send an invitation to will be there. I tell them the rule of thumb is 1/2 or less. They just cant believe it. But it usually is true. 1/2 or less of who you invite will come.

I havent listened to any news this morning but I suppose Ike is still reaking havvoc? Havent got any email from Kat this morning yet either. She may be out of power by now!

Sheila, I will look and see how much paper I have. How much would it take for your bathroom? This is a light blue background with all types of small fish on it. It would be cute in a bathroom if you wanted to do a cabin type feel. That is what one of my bathrooms is. I didnt use this paper but it looks and feels lodgy/fish/hunt theme...

I guess Ill close and see if I can go get some Ike news..will write more later if I dont get to go to the reunion later!

Have a great day everyone. PS Bec...8 days and counting...until you will be a  !!!!!!!!!!!!!     Yippee!!!!


Jan C.
on 9/13/08 7:42 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Sugar  have you heard anything from Kat today? i was hoping we could hear from her but i havent heard anything,....i dont think the hurricane was nearly as bad as they thought it woulod be.afrom t least from what i saw on tv. it
i just hope my grandsons are ok....i cant get thru to their grandmothers phone. it is suppose to strart in late tonight or morning with the rain ...



Jan C.
on 9/12/08 10:33 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
i stayed up late watching IKE and what all it was doing , im sure it was horrible being there . I know i would have been scared to death. I hate really strong winds. scares me to death.
well i just got back from walking , did 45 minutes on gravel and up and down these hills here lol
muscles in butt and legs are burning .
doesnt l rtook like we will be doing much outside today. tomorrow is suppose to be pouring too and we rode the bike lol. i can see us going home,. oh well will ride it out i guess and good thing we have the rain suits that we just bought,.
nothing much to tell this morning , maybe someone will come down. I think Lana said she was coming down. if it starts raining probably wont be anyone else come .....talk to you later.....



on 9/13/08 7:47 am - Clever, MO

I have not heard anything..I tried calling and there is no phone service. But the power is out all over down there and if there is not power the cell towers dont work...

Just keep praying for them all

Kat, Georgie, Patrick, and Rick's nephew and his wife and child, John and Lindsey and Caroline

Last I talked to Kat, she hadnt talked to Shane and didnt know where he was..


Andy W.
on 9/12/08 11:30 pm - Tulsa, OK
Thank you so much everyone for your prayers with Susan.  She is doing ok this morning.  They are feeding her anti-biotics big time to get rid of the infection before it gets any further.  They did a cat-scan of her foot and thigh last night and are gonna do a bone scan this morning to make sure it did not reach the bone.  They are also trying to get her sugar count down, it was way up there last night.  She should be in there a few dayz until they bring her sugar under control.  Again thank you everyone for all your prayers.

Jan I'm really sorry the reunion has turned out to be a bummer :-(  I know you've worked hard at getting it all put together.

Has anyone heard how Dennis's surgery went?  We've been praying for him that it was such a success.

Well I gotta get off here and get things together to take up to Susan.  Hope everyone stays dry today.

Bless ya's,


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jan C.
on 9/13/08 7:54 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Andy tell Susan we said hi and hope she is feelinjg better.
no one has heard anything from Brenda yet about Dennis.
hope they find nothing in the bone ...will see you tomorrow i guess. ,,,



on 9/12/08 11:44 pm - linneus, MO

Good Morning Jan and Everyone.
 Sorry not many have showed up for your reunion.Try not to be to upset,Think about all the positive things that have happened in your life since surgery,Those are sure to brighten your day and bring a smile.
 It is raining here AGAIN,Yard looks like a pool.No walking today.
 Gail is in the basement playing Santa's elve . Making cut outs,drilling holes,putting in lights, He is a busy lil elf.
 Nikki is driving me insane,Being a damion child today. 
 Thinking about going to Brasher today to check out that ladys Christmas stuff.She still has for sale.
 As if we need  more,Gonna have to set a new light pole just for all the lights and stuff now LOL.
 Neighbors gonna need sunglasses just to see at night LOL.
 But will be beautiful ,it always is.
  Well i need to help Nikki with her Santa wish list .She is wanting to get it done so he gets it early LOL.
 Also gotta fix their breakfast and fix harley his.
 Hope everyone has a wonderful day and stays dry.
    Love and {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} Deb


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