Update on Laura
Just called her and they kept her in the hosp last night. The Contrast dye that they use to show things in an cat scan infiltrated into her arm,The iv blew and all that dye ended up in her arm instead of her vein. So her arm is huge, They have it highly elevated and putting hot and cold packs switching every hour.
They did some kind of special blood test last night. That test says there is a clot But cat scan came back ok. She can't have mri cuz she has implants in her bottom gums to hold her bottom dentures, I said tell them to do mri from neck down, also they think there is a clot but they are not giving her anything to dissolve it just in case,Makes no sense to me,but guess thats why i'm not a dr and making big bucks.
When she first got to er last night they just told her she had acid reflux and brought her this stuff to drink,She said i ain't drinking or taking nothing till you call Columbia,So they called thats when they did blood test and cat scan. Thank goodness she spoke up for herself. Girl has a mouth on her ,She just gotta be more assertive and she is learning {from Me of Course} LOL..
I'll post more when i hear more, Till then please continue the prayers . God says all things are possible through him.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb
They did some kind of special blood test last night. That test says there is a clot But cat scan came back ok. She can't have mri cuz she has implants in her bottom gums to hold her bottom dentures, I said tell them to do mri from neck down, also they think there is a clot but they are not giving her anything to dissolve it just in case,Makes no sense to me,but guess thats why i'm not a dr and making big bucks.
When she first got to er last night they just told her she had acid reflux and brought her this stuff to drink,She said i ain't drinking or taking nothing till you call Columbia,So they called thats when they did blood test and cat scan. Thank goodness she spoke up for herself. Girl has a mouth on her ,She just gotta be more assertive and she is learning {from Me of Course} LOL..
I'll post more when i hear more, Till then please continue the prayers . God says all things are possible through him.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb