need help!
I don't know if any of you have been following my room situation but heres an overall. Last year (this month) this man started changing our garage into another room for us. We have three children and only two bedrooms. He has hemhawed around and it is still not done. About a month ago my hubby started looking on the internet about how to drywal and do things like that to finish himself. I am so proud of him. This other man gave us a bid and little by little has added things and now our savings is gone and still no room done. Anyway, Matt finished all he could do yesterday. The only thing left is to texture the room. This man that is suppose to be doing it told us last week to go get the two 50 pound boxes of mud and he would be over this week to texture the walls. Well, we called him yesterday and found out that he left for Branson and won't be back to another WEEK! That means once again the room sits. Matt said that he could sand and pant it but that will be more money that we DO NOT HAVE! I am so angry! There are piles of crap hanging around because I have no place to put them. Here is my question and I am trusting that God will provide a way. Is there anyone out there who has a texture gun that would either be willing to texture this room for free or teach my hubby how to do it. Sometimes you need to just ask and see what God has for you. I just need this done because I am so sick of living in such a small place. Pray about it and if there is anything anyone can do please let me know. Thanks and God bless, penni
Penni, Altought I've never done it I did watch my uncle do my house. He rented a hopper from home depot and got a tool called a KNOCK-DOWN tool. It looks like a BIG floppy mudding tool. He just mixed up the mud in a 5 gallon bucket with his drill and then poured it into the hopper and started shooting. when the whole room was shot he went through with the knock down tool and just softly rubbed it over the walls. Im not sure about all the exacts but you could go to home depot or lowes and ask them how to do knock down and what you will need. It looked fairly easy from when he did it. Of course you'll have to tape all the windows and doors and all that off with plastic. Hope this helps.
Penni if i had the tools and the know how i would be there in a minute , need to repay some good hearted people that have helped me in times of need.
im so sorry about the delays that you have had. sometimes people that you know and think of as friends will try to get away with anything. sad but true....i will keep praying and looking and see what i can find.
Hey Penni, I have a friend that has the tool you are looking for. My husband said that he would talk to him and see if he can borrow it and he can help your husband do it. It may take a couple of days because my husband has weekend duty, but we will get it done. If you don't hear anything from me in a few days get in touch and remind me to remind him. It will all work out, Layla