Oh my goodness if I don’t start having some normal days soon lord.
After Andy and I did our walk this morning. We walked 56 minutes pretty fast. Maybe that is what we need to do instead of worrying about the distance just do the time. 56 minutes today and 60 minutes tomorrow. And so on.
Joe and I then went to Bolivar to buy these real expensive rain suits from this guy …got them for a great price , even with driving up there and back.
Stopped by the place where this guy makes the trailers. And gave him a down payment on the one he is to build us. We tried again to get him to just sell us the one he had made up all ready.
Then on the way back thru
Stopped at Walmart and bought a few things. Got home unloaded everything and started a big crock pot full of ham and beans. That is what im bringing to the reunion for Sats. Pot luck. Hope all of you like them. ..
Was watching tv for awhile and the guy that is making the trailer for us called and said hey you know what….come on up in the morning and get the one I already have made up on the trailer. So Joe will run up there first thing in the morning to pick it up and then go get it lic. So if we want to bring it to the reunion we can. But we had already planned on putting everything in the truck and letting Andy and Susan drive the truck over there.
Sure hope a lot of you decide to come Saturday and surprise me.
SUGAR:::: so did you decide if you will be down Sat for the day? Or what? That is sad that things started falling apart about the show.
Yeah I would be bummed too. With planning on taking them to something like that and then everything else get in the way.
But we will all be glad that you will come down ….
I know you are excited about the trip to
Did you talk to Kat? Does she think they will be ok where they are with Ike comeing to shore…
The boots I got are lace up but have a zipper on the side too. And have a square 2 inch heel. I love them . make my foot look small. Lol
Talked to Michele while ago and she was cleaning house. She said she started cleaning and nothing seemed like it was getting clean so she started taking things apart and was boxing up everything that was him and her together. Pictures, the few little things he ever bought her. And things that were his like things he left there like his deordrant and stuff lol
Said now she was at odds of what to do with it? Set it on fire, or what ? lol
I told her maybe she might not want to sit it on fire given where she lived the police might not like that don’t know.
Anyway she is keeping busy. Cleaning as she says washing him out of her hair.
That picture will surely be cute I think. With the sand and water and all of you in tan and white. Will be sharp.
DEB AND HARLEY::::: hey great on the scales moving that is always a good day . Yes walking a couple of blocks is what you maybe should have started with sweetie. Don’t overdo like that , lol. Cant start by running the 10K marathon you know. Takes a while to get the muscles back into shape.
That is great that Gail loves his job so many people have jobs that they hate …life is too short to hate what you have to do for a living .
Thanks for the info from your Nutritionist about the protein. Which I agree with but there is always so many others ideas too. I sure wish they could all agree. Lol I guess that would be too simple.
BEC::::: hi there gorgeous. . So so very sorry that they had to dig around in your arms again yesterday, and you certainly weren’t dehydrated after all of tha****er yesterday. I had to laugh to think about you drinking that 8 oz of water every 15 minutes. wasn’t that hard to do after awhile ? lol
So glad that you didn’t fall asleep coming or going on your drive yesterday.
I prayed for you several times yesterday morning , I was up at 5:30 with you on my mind so I guess that is what that was for . lol
So sorry your arm is hurting where they drew blood. Mine use to be hard to draw too before losing weight but now it is just bam there is the vein right on top of the skin and within seconds it is drawn. So lets hope you are that way too.
Tell them when you are having surgery to give you something to make you relax first before they start trying to get the iv in….that way maybe you wont care at least lol
They can do that and will for some.
Well sounds like we were all tuned into going to Kohls huh? That is where Michele and I went yesterday.
So glad that your levels were all good and don’t have to worry about extra this or that.
Oh I can see where you will be drop dead gorgeous too. I think you are already.
I think posting the before pictures is a very painful thing to do cause you are putting it all out there for every one to see but you will be happy that you have them on there soon.
Thank you so much for continuing to pray for Michele , it is helping so please everyone if I can ask it of all of you to please keep her in your prayers ..She really needs them.
Now I want to know why , when and where you are going to get to meet Jeanine on Oct the 29th what is that date ? oh yeah that will be the time she comes up for pre ops right?
I sure hope she comes to the reunion this Saturday but at least comes to the Support meeting on the 22nd. Im axious to meet her too. She sounds like a wonderful sweet person.
JANET:::::: hello sweetie how are you feeling today? Gosh I cant imagine how the pain is with you. I know how disgusting and horrible you can feel from pain. It is enough to make you so depressed because you have no where to go to hide from it. It is always there never goes away completely. Just know that there are lots of prayers going up for you all the time.
This day today has bitter sweet thoughts for me. 9/11 means something really horrible when you think of that day 7 years ago but my son was also born on that day and that is a good day to me too.
I told him to day that he was getting awfully old . lol
Yes The Minks should have arrived into
LOL I know it wasn’t funny but I about fell out of my chair laughing when you were describing what the doc did and your reaction to him touching your tail bone lol
You should have said all of that to him that is for sure. Bet he wouldn’t do that to someone again lol
Well my computer is acting up again. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Im really sorry that your Dad is being so bad and wont try to straighten up. I guess some times there are some that no matter what just wont. And don’t care to. That is sad isnt it? Im just sorry that it is your dad , you have so much else on your plate you don’t need that too.
No Michele and Jason don’t have kids , they have only been married 6 years. And she was fixed a few years before he came along. We are hoping that her truck will be ready by tomorrow. Don’t know hope so and then when we go to the reunion we can take it to her …Hopefully she will be able to find a really good job to be able to take care of herself. I told her look , the groceries will be a whole lot less because that idiot ate like a hog. I mean it what he would eat in one meal was almost gross and he was a little guy. But would eat like 4 hamburgers at a time or 4 porkchops and all the fixings.
She said yeah what he ate in one meal I could almost live offfor a whole week. And I think she could.
Yes the problems with Joes neck is indirectily because of the accident. But no way of proveing it and couldn’t now anyway lol
No one (well almost no one) deserves to be in pain all the time. I know when I was fat and sat all the time I hurt day and night. And would cry the pain was so bad if I tried to walk. So I can imagine what you and Joe go thru and others that suffer all the time.
Joe said to tell you thanks for the prayers and he prays for my friends on here too .
Sweetie I don’t agree that you need to suck it up and go on. I think you need to face down these upcoming surgeries. I think you may be scared of them and it is keeping you from doing the things that you need to do to maybe get some or a little reliefe you can.
Sure hope you come to the reunion so we can all give you some much needed hugs…and you can have someone to talk too please if you feel like riding at all come down , you and Renee. Ok
HEY LOOK ITS ANGIE:::::LOL hi Angie….I use to buy some of the Angel food stuff and it is really a good bargain .
Yes it is very hard to watch your kids walk down a path that you know is wrong and they are going to get hurt on but there isnt much you can do about it, most of the time they have to learn for themselves.
We found a different one that was bigger and better than the one we were going to get (trailer) that is Angie but sure want to thank you for keeping an eye out for that for us. It was a good bargain but we found one just a few miles from our house. For less. …
AMY:::::: oh I can imagine being so busy getting things ready to move and having two little ones like that. And also having all the doctor and therapists treatments.
Enjoy your week end with the hubby. Im sure you will.
Maybe you can get a lot of things packed while he is there, so he can watch babies will you work lol sounds like fun doesn’t it?
Take care will be glad when you get moved here.
JEANINE:::::: well I was starting to get jealous that Bec was going to get to meet you soon. but hopefully you and your hubby will be at the support meeting this month on the 22nd.
Thanks for praying for my daughter. It means a lot to me when others say they are praying for someone you love.
You are one of those special people that bring sunshine with you in no matter how cloudy of a day.
Cant wait to meet you.
So how did the physical go with your pcp? Did he agree with you about the other test that you needed or didn’t need?
You know I have always though no big deal that one side of my nose seemed to not be able to breath out of at all but it has gotten to where I have trouble talking too. My throat stays so dry that as soon as I swallow it is dry again and so lots of times my voice comes out a weak raspy sound…all from mouth breathing or that is what they say anyway.
COR::::: Im so so sorry , did your insurance deny you this second time all ready? Or were you talking about the first time..? I am so glad that you will keep going if they refuse again.
Lots of people have to go thru about 3 or 4 times trying to get the insurance to pay. I guess your pcp thought she was doing you a good service by not putting you on b/p meds because you wouldn’t need them after surgery but she may have done a lot more.
You have a wonderful day and hope you enjoy every bit of it.
DEBBIE D :::::::: well there you are. Dragging up here at almost midnight. Lol no that is when im doing this post lol
Yeah I like Kohls too there is always a bargain there isnt there. Lol
Hey are the size 10 shoes wide width or narrow? And what are they , heels or what? I might be interested in buying them from you , I love shoes but hate breaking them in, they always hurt my feet.
Your new outfit sounds beautiful and I think I saw that one there. If so it is really pretty.
Yes we will have someone take our picture with all of our garb on lol and I will post it soon.
Hope you get the pictures on Becs profile soon. I know she doesn’t want to look at them but I think it really helps us to look at the before pictures and really admit to ourselves that we are fat. And they so help you have a reference to where you are after surgery.
Bless you Debbie D. and I want to come and play with you two one day after surgery. Lol
Forgot to tell you that when we were going out yesterday afternoon that a girl from down here was going after her kids and she flipped her truck on one of the curves on highway M. and she was trapped in her truck for about an hour. She is in the hospital but I don’t think she is that bad …. Just say a prayer for her and her kids they have it pretty rough.
Wanted to tell all of you how much I love each and every one of you
Take care and may this day be the most blessed that you have ever had.
Hello Everyone,
Jan how do you do it??? WOW you keep up with everyone. You're amazing.
Well today I got so much done I felt like I really got alot accomplished!! I bought me one of those Handi Vac's by reynolds--I am anxious to see how it works. I'm just so flippin tired of wasting sooo much food!!! I froze some potato soup I made on Monday in little storage bowls. I'm not sure how long frozen food is good for though. Anyone know??? I also peeled off the rest of the chicken from the rotissarie chicken I made and froze that. I want to stock up on food before the season changes and my hubby gets layed off of work. I hate struggling, I'm sure everyone does.
I have a question about rice---tell me the good and the bad---I do use brown rice. I just don't know about the carbs in it. Are there alot and are they bad carbs??? I mean on all the diets I've ever been on they all said to use brown rice. So I was just wondering about WLS patients and brown rice---how does that mix?
Jan I'm glad you found a better trailer and cheaper is ALWAYS better!!! I got my tuck paid down to 1700 now---I can't wail til it's paid off. I want to pay it off before the end of October. We'll see how it goes. I just want to be able to have it paid for before Christmas. I'm going to schedule a September support group meeting tomorrow so I'll be posting the date and time for you all. EVERYONE is welcome. It's located here in Osage Beach at the library. I hope everyone can come. I've invited a few people I met on myspace to come---we'll see if they can make it.
OHHH and BEC I was mistaken about Debbie---when I said I met Debbie D a few times I was wrong it's Debbie C. that I've met--she lives here in Camdenton. Although I'd love to meet Debbie D I haven't as of yet---but it sounds like you two had a great time the other day. Did you all meet on here or somewhere else?? I'd so like to meet you all---everyone of you sound so sweet.
What do you all think about starting a secert elf thing?? Sending little gifts or letters or emails or cards to each other? I know some of you do that with your Angel but some of us never had an angel or well I didn't and would like to do something like that with you all. Is that something you'd all be intrested in? Or is there something like that already that maybe I could join in on?
Well it's midnight and my eyes are starting to get droopy so I guess it's bedtime. Talk to you all soon!!
PS **AMY** you are such a SUPERMOM---you go girl!!! There's nothing on earth that compares to a mother's love!!!
Hi Angie-
I just wanted to let you know (and I can only speak for ME) that ANY rice I do-it seems to swell up in my pouch and makes me feel gross every time. I have dumped on it a couple of times too-even the brown, which was my favorite pre-op anyway. I know I have heard others say the same thing about rice. Doesnt mean it will happen to you, tho-you know? I can sip when I eat and a lot of people cant-so to each their own.....I dont know that I helped you out-but just wanted to let ya know!! You look great-Keep up the good work!!! Love, Janet
. like Janet said i can only speak for myself about rice. even brown rice bloats me and makes me have gas like crazy it is better than white rice but for me i just dont eat it.
carbs in rice isnt any good at all, there is way too much starch in it for me.
have you had any response about the secret elf ? there isnt any thing that i know of right now but if you want to do it then just do it i would say.
















thanks for remembering Michele in your prayers, i really appreciate it....she seems to be doing well. we went to get her trucki today and they installed the new transmission and told us it has a bad knock in the engine. oh wow no!!!! anyone have a good nissian pathfinder motor ? lol
when you go for surgery ...just fold your arms and say ----look im telling you right now that im a really hard stick and it really hurts....and tell them all that you want them to know. and dont undo your arms till you know they are paying attention to you
Hello all! And I will add to my sisters request for prayer for our other sister Kathy in the Houston area. They are predicting 60-100mph winds and flooding rains. She has horses so she will hunker down where they live and ride it out....
Okay, what's up with this? I havent had my monthly little visitor for about 6 months except a couple of times that was just one day of spotting. Wednesday night, here it comes and full force like when I was 15. Im going thru pads and tampons about every hour....why now I wonder? Bad cramping too! YUCK~~~~~~I hate it! Thought I had finished with all of that. I have gone thru 2 years before with none at all. My GYN said not to worry unless I started having more than one a month. I did spot about 2 weeks ago..just for about a day. Who knows???
The tickets have me bummed out. The show wasnt something I would have got tickets for myself. It was just because that is what the kids wanted to go see. Well, now Im stuck with 3 adult and 4 kids tickets to see High School Musical and am out $135. If anyone wants to go see it I would give you a discount on these tickets. They sell for $25 and $15 and I would sell them for $20 and $10 and if you bought them all I would take off another $25... that would only be $75 for $135 worth of tickets. It is at the Springfield Little Theater...any takers out there? If you have young girls or young teens, they would love it. Just email me if you are, [email protected] or call me 743-2902.
Ok, Im done with that. lol!
Hey sis, tell Michele to gather anything that is worth anything and go give it to a charity...at least make it worth something to someone. Unless it is just junk and then just put it in a box by the curb for the trash men. lol! I am so praying that she sticks with her guns and gets some help and stays strong. I also pray that she finds work soon that is a great encouragement to her and she doesnt go looking for another man. I also pray that the good LORD gets hold of her heart and does some housecleaning in there too. She is such a loving girl who needs to be able to share that love with others without fighting all the demons she has fought for so long.
I dont know yet about coming down on Saturday (kinda depends on my montly visitor, right now I couldnt drive that far without making a mess) but am going to give it my best shot if things slow down. Can you send the directions again? Or post them again somewhere? I didnt copy them before because I wasnt going to be able to come. Sorry! So how many are coming? I want to come to hopefully meet Jeanine and love on Janet if she makes it. Bless her heart.
Wish everyone could make it to it...maybe next years reunion should be in a more central spot so some of the more northern girls would have a better shot at coming...Maybe we could find a church camp somewhere to rent to have everyone in one big building...boys on one end and girls in the other...lol! What fun...with big gathering place in middle and big kitchen...There is a big building like that at Windemere up by Lake Ozark..
Bec, so sorry about your needle ordeal...girl, doesnt it make you just want to "whack" them? I always think, "Let me try poking you with that thing for 15-20 minutes and see how you feel" I swear some of them never really passed that part of the test! lol!
Well, Bec, 10 days seems unreal. Weve all waited so long with you and it is finally almost here. GOD is good. Just keep up the good work and you will breeze thru the surgery and be on your way to "sexy mama" before you know it...And a 'gorgeous' sexy mama at that!
I want to thank all of you for your prayers about our trip and all the well wishes..it means alot to know that we are covered. You all are the best support system in the world!
My scale was teetering on 162 this morning!!!!!!!!!!! If I can keep exercising on a regular basis I think I will finally make it to 160 someday. NO! I will make it to 160! How about that for a positive attitude? Then I think all the 10's I have will fit good. I know alot of my 12's are too big now. Poor me, I will need to buy more new stuff...(sniff-sniff) Anyone needing 12's? Oh Bec, you will be soon! Cant wait to see you reach that goal.
Okay, Im rambling so I will close. God bless you all. Love ya bunches...