Jan C.
on 9/10/08 2:26 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I have had a really really long day …started off this morning by walking with Andy at about 7am and when we got back , Michele and I left to go to some things. And after all the running for her today then we went to Khols. I had a coupon with 30 percent off of everything in the store .if you used your credit card. So we went shopping. And you know this store has some of the biggest sales all the time. I got the cutest pair of boots to wear when we ride. Got Joe several shirts and pants and found lots of shorts in his size so in case we go on a cruise this winter he will have some shorts to wear.

I found me two cute things to take on cruises too.

And got Michele a new pair of Levis and a new shirt. I think im going back and getting this black denim striped jacket and pants and this pretty white ruffeled front blouse. Sure is pretty.


Then we had to go by the Electric company after they called me and do some stuff. Then by where they are working on Micheles truck. don’t think they are going to have it done till Friday or maybe even Monday. So she ask if we could take her home , cause she just felt like she needed to go home and clean and see about her puppies. They have a way in and out but she was just sure they would be getting out of food by now.

So we got her loaded up , and was almost to her house and she saw her soon to be ex at the liquor store and wanted us to stop and let her talk to him. Well guess what , his girlfriend (ugly drunk and dirty , nasty looking) was with him. Michele Open the door to the truck and looked at her and started laughting at him and her and said oh man do I ever feel sorry for both of you. Jason if this is what you want im glad you got it cause that really looks like something good to have. And then she told the girl , you know you are about the uglest thing I have ever seen in my entire life lol but I guess you have one up on me don’t you, since you stole such  a wonderful prize here.

Then she walked away and got back in our truck and said wow that is just what I needed. My headache is gone, my nausea is gone, and now I feel like getting home and getting the rest of him out of my house and my life. Lol

So she seems to have her head on straight now. I sure hope so. As soon as she can get a job so she can start taking care of her self. I think she will be fine.

Oh I forgot to tell you all too Micheles husband got fired from his job too. Being drunk on the job.


SUGAR::::: the next time I am up will you remind me and I will see if I can get the pictures on your profile for you. Ok?

Yeah the picture of you with the kids like I said you look smaller than Emmy.

I sure hope you all have great weather for your trip to Fla and have no hurricanes to come in and ruin your fun …



SHEILA::::; sorry you have been sick sweetie. I don’t blame you for moving to the boonies lol ….what do you mean something cheap to put on the walls. Does it have walls at allor just 2x4s up there? Probably the cheapest is paneling , but you can paint the paneling and it doesn’t look bad at all. other than that you would have to go with sheetrock but then you have to mud and tape and then paint. So actually if the paneling is probably the easiest and cheapest. Just be sure and insulate your walls really well.

Come down to the reunion and I will bring you a bunch of flower seeds and stuff ok?



DEB::::::my hubby use to work construction and sometimes it can get long in between jobs cant it. He was so glad when we moved to Mo. That he got on with a big time construction firm in Springfield and he worked every day , rain or shine…

Sweetie you may have tried to walk to far for the first time of walking …that is a long ways 4.4 miles. Maybe you need to mark out a one mile round trip , half mile there and half mile back for the first couple of weeks till that is easy. Ok. We don’t need you to get sick again. Hey I love your profile. It is pretty. And love the song.

Yep you will figure it all out one day. Everyone is different and something that works for one doesn’t for otheres. Except for trying to eat things early , now all of the people I know of that have done that get hurt in some way or the other.

Hey come clean my Curio cabinets. They haven’t been done in a year I don’t think. Lol

What do you have in yours anything special? Mine are full of Angels….all kinds some animal angels, babies, old ladies, all sorts . some really pretty and some more common. Some very unusual. And some plain. But most all of them were gifts and I can tell you at least who gave me most of them.

Wow sounds like you all love Christmas….maybe we should all drive by your house this Christmas

Good for you on the protein. Glad you like that brand. A lot of people use that one. I never have tried it.

Just remember that the protein people say that we don’t absorb more than 30 grams an hour so don’t know how much you are getting ….sounds like you are on top of it and doing good.



JANET::::: You really need to come to the reunion if you feel like it after today. So all of us can baby you and give you lots of hugs and help you to talk it all out. Bless your heart sounds like you have been holding stuff in way too long.

And that doesn’t help your mental health at all.


Now I get on here tonight and see that you have fallen again. Baby you are going to have to do all of this stuff so you can get the back and knees fixed so you can be without some of the pain and not fall so much. Please we just want you without pain that is the biggest thing.

We are all praying for you even when you don’t ask for it , we know what you are going thru and there isnt a one of us that wouldn’t come share the pain you have for a day but probably none of us could take all of it forever like you have to live with. That is why we all do what we can,  pray. I pray for you and your whole family in my daily prayers. And then like today with the extra pain you have been in you are there on our minds and thoughts to God.

I know what you mean about stealing from someone. How can people do that to others. Just evil people I guess.

Yes they double up on the meds they put in his back and now they are making him go see someone in Springfield about his neck. The pain doctor here says the channel where his spinal cord goes thru is getting smaller and smaller and there isn’t but very little room in there now and if he were in an accident of any kind he could wind up paralyzed from the neck down. I think it has him scared. Because the pain clinic is advising him to see about surgery on his neck…its always something seems like isn’t it? Lol sometimes all we can do is laugh.

Oh the doctor that I was talking about is the Ortho doctor that put him back together after his accident …and is also the one that did both of sugars knees.

I have gone to him for my knees but I had a surgeon in Branson do the one cause it was close and Joe wouldn’t have to drive so far back and forth to see me in the hospital.

But I think im going to go to Mc Clain for the other knee. Not sure yet. Though. Joe and I and Sugar all love him to death. He is an excellent ortho doctor.


Did I tell you I had an email from Brenda that they left today and went to St. Louis to stay overnight , will be boarding the plane to Mexico tomorrow morning and he will have surgery on Friday sometime, they didn’t know the exact time.

I told her that I think they have computers there for them to send an email to their friends and loveones in the states. So if she could to email us. I have gotten emails from others that have had surgery there. So hope we hear something on Friday.



JEANINE::::::I really don’t know if it breaks down the protein in the balls when you freeze them or not but it doesn’t seem to hurt them physically or taste wize. What did Debs Nut. Say about it? I would really like to find out I think …cause I do make my shakes ahead of time and don’t know if that is right or not . what has anyone found out?


Lol Joe already cant keep up with me if I could stay awake in the daytime he really would have trouble. The only reason I stay so busy all the time is that if I sit down I go to sleep.

And I hate that . the web site Real Age….when I put in all my numbers and such says I will live to be 106 lol I think I will do that and drive everyone nuts lol …


I know what you are talking about , sometimes when you have been done so awful by someone it really is hard to trust another man again isnt it. ? thank God I found one when I found Joe, he is way too good to me I think. But I love him and he loves me. And we have a really good life together. If he just wasn’t in so much pain. And I could stay awake we would be ok lol

Your hubbys sounds like he would fit in with a lot of the other husbands around here at least the ones that I have met  . they all seem to share the same trait and that is they all are happy guys and love their wives lol. Good traits huh?

Sure hope you get to come to the reunion this Sat anyway…wish you could come up Friday night , we have a room open you and hubby could have.



SHANNON::::::: wow sounds like you are going to work yourself so hard before your company gets here that you will be worn out. you need to be rested so you can enjoy them you know. They wont notice if there is a little dust here or there but will notice if you are so tired that you cant do anything with them.


I know what you mean about the surgeries but I have to have the other knee done and I am going to have the tummy tuck done and if this will make me sleep better so I can be awake better in the day time, I will do that too.

I know I am sleeping better with the O2 but something still isnt right because I still am sleepy in the daytime. And not just a little bit sleepy but fall asleep sleepy in the middle of doing things. Like driving. That wasn’t much fun.



AMY:::::sounds like you have a busy busy life girl. Glad that they cause the infection for you quickly enough….

Hope the braces help the baby. They usually do most kids.

Take a rest and get plenty of fluids and protein and take care of you.



COR:::::: of course you are suppose to post here. It is for everyone to post on about their day to day life.   I started this way before I ever had surgery just to try and get some people to coming in and posting on the Mo. Board. There was very little activity on Mo board till then. But it has jumped and jives for quite a while now. Sometimes I think about quitting it , cause I get some nasty emails once in a while but I just pray for myself and for them at that time and go on.


So come on in sit a spell and read what all these silly people are doing. We love to have newbies

So have you heard anything more about your surgery yet? I guess it is early but im sure sounds like Margie is trying everything to get you approved isnt she?

And welcome to the family.



LANA:::::: hey cupcake (that’s cause you are so sweet) lol so glad they finally hired someone else to help you. Was beginning to wonder if they ever would. Wasn’t you?

Will see you Saturday?????



ANDREW::::: I told you those med sticks hurt but sounds like you got them pokes higher than I did lol

That Afrin stuff is so addictive, I don’t understand why it is sold over the counter. And it does some bad stuff to people. And the help it does is no where near what the rebound stuff it gives you.

Anyway glad that you have kicked it now.

Hey Yeah on the 7 more pounds , is that in addition of the 5 more? Or is that adding in the 5? You know you an go by Dr. B.s any time and weight they don’t care. They have a lot of people that do that. Hey too what was the blood pressure?????

Think you will feel like walking in the morning? Are you going to use the c-pap tonight.?



Well guys I think im about done with this …oh we didn’t go after the trailer after all there is a guy in our neighborhood that make pretty neat ones and only charges 500.00 for them so we found out today about it and he started on our tonight. I will call the people that have the other one tomorrow. I hate calling them but I wont not call them .








on 9/10/08 9:44 pm - Clever, MO

Hello my sissy and all other friends, What's up this morning? I have started waking up around 4 or 5 am and just tossing and turning and thinking of Florida...cant quit...IM so EXCITED!!! I cant wait to see the grandkids faces when the see the ocean and the place and then actually get into the water to play. What a vacation this will be. I want the kids to just be so blessed with what GOD has made for us to enjoy that it will just knock their socks off.

I cant believe that about Michele and Jason, he's already moved on to someone else who will drink with him huh? Im so glad she is moving on and we will pray that she continues to do it sober and one day at a time. Is she going to get into a rehab or AA? You know she needs to. Bless her heart, she has alot of years of stuff to move on from.

Cant wait for you to come up and help me with my pictures and profile. Maybe if I watch someone do it I will know how to do it next time...but no guarantees! tee-hee

Wish I would have been with you at KOHL's yesterday, you could have bought me something...lol! What kind of boots did you buy?

OH! I forgot I need to get Rick a white shirt for the beach photo...and I need to be sure and pack my khaki shorts. We are all going to wear white shirts, khaki shorts or slacks or capris and get a sand picture with the ocean in the background. Chelle is such a wonderful photographer that it will be great. Cant wait to share that with everyone.

Well, Ive been working on not only the gk's scrapbooks but my church one as well...trying to get all the pictures organized into years since weve been attending Calvary. We joined in 98 so it will be 10 years in October. We joined in October and I helped organize and throw the Fall Harvest that year, and then Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas and have been doing it ever since...lol! I just love throwing parties. Sis, I wish I could have helped you organize this weekends festivities...wish I could be there. Then next on photos is putting all our family reunion photos in the books I have for them. That will have me all caught up except for our travel photos. Someday I will start on those....but not right away.

Did I tell you that now Mel and the girls may not go to the play either...because of a vb tournament? UGH! Im so dissappointed. Going to call Mel today and see if the boys just want to skip it and then Im going to give the tickets away and come down there instead. Can you tell Im really bummed? Not only about them not going, but I spent over $100 on those tickets. Does anyone want to go see High School Musical? They cant be changed or refunded.  PHOOEY!

Well, Janet..how are you babe? Sure hope this didnt set you back any further with pain. And Meagan and baby are fine? I was so concerned when I read that last night.

Shiela, what are you needing to do to your house to move into it? Build walls or just put up wall paper or what? I have some fish paper! LOL! I bought it to put in Rick's hunting and fishing room but havent yet.

Jeanine, your just too cute with all your descriptions of everything around your place and of your hubby. Cant wait to meet you sometime.

Deb and Bec, here I am jealous again of the time you got to spend together...did they have to poke you more than once. When I was so sick that time in the hospital after surgery, one ole nurse (blood sucker) stuck me about 20 times before she finally gave up and go someone else to do it....I was just bawling from it. The other nurse came in and calmed me down and loved on me a little and stuck it right in the first time. I wanted to clobber that other one!

Amy, the baby and his braces is a great thing. Most of them it helps so much. Cant wait for you to get moved here and settled in so sometime you can come down to a COF meeting. You already feel like part of our family.

Deb, sounds like you needed all the Christmas stuff I got rid of at the las garage sale. I had thousands of those chaser lights. Rick got so he wouldnt put them up anymore so I got rid of them. I sold a huge box of them for practically nothing. I still have box after box of Christmas tree decor. I put up a different themed or color tree each year. But Im thinking of getting rid of all it too. Life is easier when I just keep it simple! lol!

Lana, hi friend...hope the new girl works out. OH I just assumed it was a girl because it was a secretary job...now that was sexest wasnt it? Is it a guy or a girl? Any way, I hope they work out this time. I think it is that you are just too mean to people and that is why they dont stay around! LOL! LOL! tee hee tee hee! That is soooooooooooo funny! You couldn't be mean if you tried girl. Im the mean one...always hurling insults at people and stuff and calling them names and being abusive...but don't blame me...I learned it from my sister! AND you all know that is true! lol

Ok, Im getting off of here and getting my day started. I pray right now that each of you has a beautiful, wonderful, glorious day blessed by the LORD....and that you see our good GOD in everything you see and do. AMEN!


on 9/10/08 11:15 pm - linneus, MO
Good morning Jan and All.
 Looks like it is gonna be another rainy day,But it is a day God has made and i am alive to watch it rain so it is all good.
 I got on the scales this morning and they moved down 3lbs. I was so excited. I had been stuck on 235 for almost 2 weeks. And told Gail last night if i get on those evil scales in the morning and they say 235 i am throwing them out the window LOL.
  Gail is gone to work ,Nikki is off to school,So just me and Harley. Think after i get the house work done i  will grab the umbrella and walk a couple of blocks,Couple is bettr than none and i don't feel like walking to far.
 Yes Jan I hate it when Gail's job takes him away from home all week,But here lately he is working close enough he can be home at night,that is when it isn't raining and he can work. He drives a track hoe and loves his job.
 Sugar, i love decorating our christmas tree takes me hours to do. I do it in red and tie little red bows on the branches .It is very prettywhen done, Has lots of lights and all the ornaments the boys and nikki have made while in school. Plus a few of the ones i have made. I make lil reindeer heads out of meart dog bones the one kinded shaped like an hour glass.thery are adoreable. If you ever do decide to get rid of your boxes please let me know.I'm worse than a kid in a candy store when it comes to stuff like that.
 Jeanie,Good morning my friend, Hope all is well you and you have a great day.
 Janet, I hope you are feeling better and not in alot of pain, I have DJD and can only imagine how you must feel. Hope Megan is ok also.You are both in my prayers.
 Cor, Good morning,Hope you have a wondeful day.
 Andrew, Hope you are feeling better and you and your wife are in my prayers, Have a Great day.
 Shannon, Just wanted to wish you a good day. And to say we are not that far from each other. I used to live in Kirksville .Went to school there. I am about an hour away from there now.
 Oh and Jan here is what my nut said about the protein.
As far as the protein drinks, they can be mixed and sipped on throughout the day. The protein doesn’t break down if kept cool. You want to always practice food safety. If you’re using milk and it gets warm or is expired, then yes, there could be a bacteria issue. If you leave a lot of saliva in your beverages and then let them get luke warm, you may have growth of bacteria. Other than that, using cleaned, sanitary containers and keeping the product below 40 degrees, you should be able to sip on them throughout the day.
Well hope everyone has a God filled day and he Blesses each one of you in his own special way.
                        {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Deb and Harley LOL


Bec M.
on 9/11/08 1:15 am

Good Wet Morning Missouri,

I just had to scurry in here with my cup of coffee and a smile on my face... just sent my husband off to work.... he said, "bye gorgeous"... that what put the smile on my face.... story coming later.... he "normally" does not say that!!!  If Deb's husband was reading this he would get a chuckle out of it for sure!!!

But before I get ahead of my self I better tell you about my travels to Columbia on Tuesday.....  We had to be up there by 8:00 a.m. for Paul to get his partials fit so it was up early and on the road.... it did not take very long at the dentist but I was a bit disappointed in the partials and the fact that they did not give him ANY instructions on how to care for them any paperwork or such.... now we will have to call up there and ask some information on them when Paul has a day off.... I did stop at Wal~Mart last night on my way home and get him some care products for them... they have already worn a bad place on his gums.... 

So on with the day... we left there and Paul took me to MC Sports to look for a countdown stop watch.... I found the perfect one that I could set and it would beep.... then all I have to do it push the button twice and it will reset to the same exact time and start over.... that way I will remember to drink every so many minutes..... and then I can use it for exercise, etc.... it is so simple to use.... the man at the store tried very hard to find one that would do EVERYTHING I needed it to do but if I could get one of those it was very difficult to operate so I settled on this very simple one.... I am in hopes is will help me remember to drink.... I tried it out when I got home as I had to drink like a fish the rest of the day so I set it at 15 minutes intervals and drank 8 oz of water each time the rest of the day..... it worked fantastic!!!  I got 124 oz in the rest of the day, man oh man did I feel water logged and was up every 2 hours all night long trudging into the potty place!  With all that drinking would I only have to be stuck once? more later on that.....

We went to a few places to try and get special fuses for my microwave, a tool place to get a decent dust pan... I've broke so many of those plastic ones and wanted a good one once and for all! ~tee hee  I knew if I put Paul on it we would have one that would last all of eternity!!! and I was right! ~ha

Paul then took me to Hy~Vee where I found Marsala wine.... I was so happy as I have been looking all over for it.... every since I had Marsala pork chops with Deb that day.  I am going to try and make them here at home for Paul.  Then we got some groceries at Wal~ Mart, stopped in Booneville at Orscheln's for a bearing for our little trailer and home, it was getting late in the afternoon when we got home so we took a bit of a snooze and then got up and Paul mowed all the evening.... sure needed it and looks WAY better now.  I cleaned my puddle jumper and got my clothes ironed and things ready for the next day.

Yesterday morning I got up at 4:00 a.m. and was on the road at 5:45... I hit rush hour traffic on the Missouri side in K.C. and just barely got there in time for my 7:45 lab draw.... oh boyee here comes the traumatic part AGAIN but not quite as bad.... she took me in and I had to go wee so bad she let me do that first as they needed a sample... then set me down in the chair... I told her RIGHT where to try for the many vials of sample they needed... she dug around in there for awhile by that time tears  were streaming down my face, none of that deadening agent down there she said.. she only stuck me once but had to dig... she got one vial and my vein collapsed, I guess, because that is all she got!  She put the tourniquet on several other places and said "I can not in good conscience, just keep sticking you, I am going to take you over to the lab", where they would do an arterial stick, I guess, if they could not get it.... she did not want to tell me that I think so she just took me over there.... well I had to set there awhile and then another lady came and got me ... set me down in the chair and started, "shopping" again she found what she thought was a couple of places, she assured me they would not stick and stick me.... I asked her what would they do and she said, "WE WILL GET IT" ... and then looked at the place the lady had just tried and decided to use that ... she got it the first time but man oh man has that place been hurting every since... it burns and when I stretch my arm out it feels like a rubber band stretching tight.... so I guess I got it in two sticks and nearly another 45 minutes!!!  and many many tears  later. I just don't understand why  it has to be so hard.... I know I get nervous and that does not help... I am so dreading the I.V. coming up and they tend to blow and then I have to have them restarted!!!  Thanks each one that prayed for me yesterday and please keep praying that it can be "easy" for the surgery.

So now all the trauma is OVER for the day and it took me a bit... but after I calmed down from that I had a WONDERFUL day with Debbie Darl'n!!!  She came just shortly after I was done and we went to breakfast... had a wonderful chat and then she took me to a wig place just so I could get a feel for what might be to come.... after talking to the lady we decided I  needed to do some research on the Internet on this topic and ask some advise.... we also went to the farmers market in that part of town, I really enjoyed that and got some green beans.... I am going to make a pot green beans and new potatoes here soon.... Deb got some too... 

Then we went to Kohls and Deb found that most beautiful sweater and skirt.... she looked simply stunning in it!!! I'll let her tell you about that.. but she looked GOOD!

Bye then it was time to go to the appointment with the surgeon so she took me back and waited while I seen him..... I was so pleased... EVERYTHING WAS GOOD!!!  He told me all my labs looked good... I was especially interested in the potassium and iron.... both were good and I did not test positive for h~pylori... so I'm all ready!!!!  I'm just very very excited!!! and thankful all these things have come out well!!!

So now we are done with two of the tree items for the day..... we had talked about going out for my last meal earlier.....  I wanted crab ragoons  and since Paul does not care for Chinese and Deb does I decided I would share that "last meal" with her.... so we headed toward the "goons" ragoon that is ..... and Deb's phone rings..... this is FUNNY!!!.....  it is her husband..... they talk a bit and I hear her say here you talk to her.... she hands me the phone... and her husband says to me...... "is your husband pretty secure in your all's relationship"..... I says... well I think so, why? he says, "well in a couple of months your going to be DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!"  I busted up laughing!   He laughed with me matter of fact we both has ourselves a real good laugh out of that!   It was so funny that he said that to me!!! ME!!! now I can see my self "maybe" improved but DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!!  WAY TOO FUNNY!!!!  It made me feel good he said that though....  I gave the phone back to Deb and then I got tickled all over again... I told her to tell him that Paul was REAL confident in our relationship RIGHT NOW!!! ~tee hee..... I've gotten tickled about it again just typing it!!!  So when I got home I told Paul about it and what a good laugh we had... thus him telling me "good bye gorgeous" this morning .... I guess he was "gitt'n sum" practice!!! ~tee hee  I'm not delusional.... but it sure is nice anyway!!!

So... we get to the restaurant and I had the much loved crab ragoons!!! Oh they are sooooo good!!! I had Deb take my pic with the plate all piled up like Brenda Nut did with that GREAT BIG OLE STEAK!... She also took the "before" pics of me with her digital camera.... she is going to post them on my profile.... they are disgusting but had to be done.....

We wanted to go several other places but the time had run out and I had to be back or the two classes at 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock.... so she took me back I was really sad to let her go.... the day went by in a snap!!!  She has been so incredibly good to me.... even brought me a sample of her protein balls I love the Rice Krispies in them and she said she put some pecan pieces in them too. 

I know I have said this so many times.... it's because I'm so thankful for all the Lord has done for me and used so many many of you sweet people to help me thru this difficult journey.... I"M BLESSED!!!!  Thank you Deb for the wonderful day!  I will see you in 10 more days!!!!!  O MY Goodness did I just day 10 days?  YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! I did!

So now the classes are next on the agenda.... the first one was to go over everything that would be happening to us while we are in the hospital... the lady was so very nice... her name was Billie, she was the program coordinator for the hospital..... she was so kind... she did a very thorough job of telling us what to expect.... I liked her!  Then a physical therapist came in and told us what to expect right after surgery and what her department would be doing to get us moving again....and keep us safe from blood clots and such... I have to say over all the whole program has done a great job to make sure we are well informed... I already knew most all of the information but then 2 years of work on this will teach you alot.... and just reading and talking to people has done me so much good.

I did ask the lady about the protein powder breaking down and she said yes you needed to drink it within a couple of hours???  When I get time I'm going to e~mail the makers of the one I use and see if I can get a answer direct from the manufacture.... surely couldn't hurt? There are so many answers floating around... Deb's made good sense to me.

Well that was the end of the preparations and I'M READY NOW!!!  It's getting surreal at this point.... I am all pre~registered now and ready for the BIG DAY!!!

I stopped on my way home and got copies of Janet's pics so I can send hers back and got a few other things too... I arrived home at 8:00 p.m. and was way way tired!  The past two days was a good break from the routine I had been in.... but now it is time to get right back to it!!! I did not get the kitchen worked on so I will be doing that next and my bedroom and some work outside next week ..... they say we are to gets lots and lots of rain again? 

I feel out of the loop since I have been gone two days but did want to mention a few things I could remember....

Mimi  my dear momma hen ~ I'm so sorry about Joe needing another surgery!!! Tell him I am and will continue to pray that God will watch right over him and take such sweet care of him! 

I did really well driving yesterday I guess that C~pap is helping more than I knew it was much much better then the last time I drove up there and I was just as sleep deprived, I was thankful I did not have to drink the caffeine!  Maybe I will not need the Provigil?  The surgeon says I should not need that c~pap after about 2 months... wouldn't that be just fantastic!

Sounds like you  will be on the road with that trailer and we will have to have to catch you wi~fy!!! ~tee hee

I'm continuing to lift Michele up to the Lord, praying God would have His perfect will in her life.... I know it can be so hard a prayer to pray "whatever it takes" it is so hard to see them suffer and have to go thru so much!  I pray she will receive all the strength she needs to fight the fight she has too!

Janet  Lady!!! ~ my heart is simply breaking for you!!!  You just let out all the things you need to .... I have printed out your last couple of e~mails and will be taking them to the Lord a bit later this morning and asking specifically for each need and frustration you mentioned.... I know He can and will do a work for you!  I know this sounds cliche~ish but He REALLY does love you even way more than all of us on here can and knows just what your needs are!!!  I can't EVEN imagine going thru what all you are and surely don't know what the answers are for you except to take them to one higher than I!  Oh that I could see you all cradled in the  tender arms of the Lord all safe, sound and pain free!

Shannon ~ WOW you are going to re caulk your bath tub?  I wouldn't let my husband near ANYTHING in our house with a caulk gun! ~tee hee He just cannot help but put his fingers in it and smear it ALL OVER then it is very very hard to keep clean!  He built nearly all of this house and did a fantastic job but NO WAY NO HOW can I let that man have a caulk gun!!!  He is a "rough in" kind of guy and when it comes to "finish" work ... that is not his forte!  I'm glad you can do that... I really need to have a professional come and do a bit of work for us I just never got it done.... I need one to come do around jacuzzi.

I'm going to make a pie for Paul tomorrow too.. with some of the apples I got in Waverly.... Want to get it done before Monday.  

You asked how I'm doing on the liquid diet... I fortunately did not have to do the two week liquid diet..... the program I went with does not require it but a two day liquid diet... boy is that nice!  I have been doing two protein shakes a day and then a small meal at night.... that is hard enough... I still think I'm hungry and have to fight it every day it seems.

What is septoplasty?  Does that have to do with your feet?  I sure have felt for all you have had to go thru with that!

Sugar Doll ~ I LOVED that pic you sent me of you and your grand kids!  I've been listening of IKE this morning... they are saying it is going to be bad for Texas.... what are they predicting for where you are going?  I'm praying this is going to be the best vacation ever for you and your family..... communion on the beach!!!! oh my word! how special!!!  a memory you will treasure forever!

Sheila ~ I sure was glad to see you post!  I was worried you were sick! 

I hope you are happy moving back to the "farm" house! Sounds like you already have a good start getting it ready.  Did you think of trying one of those like wholesale or overstock, scratch and dent, freight type lumber supply places for what you need for the walls?  Don't know what they really call those places but I know Paul and I have gotten things there before and at a really good price.... maybe someone else knows what I am talking about and can help you with a place like that that would be close to you??? 

{{{Deb}}} ~ thank you for your prayers for me yesterday!  I so very much appreciated every prayer!  It does sound like maybe a four mile walk is a bit too much right now... I know when I did that I sure could not do it every day... only about twice a week or I would have such continual joint pain!  I think it is so great that Barbara S. can do so well but I think she has been working up to it for a long time now... 

Say I wanted to tell you what I did to my china cabinet and it worked so very very fantastically and was a simple fix for the dust!  I took children's fun foam that comes in a sheet.... cut it in thin strips, then used double sided tape and put a strip all around the inside of the door and it formed a seal and now it does not get near as dusty as it used too... I used brown so it would not show from the side and it worked simply wonderful!!! I did them back in the spring and they still are not dusty!!!  I don't know if that will work for you or not but it's thought....

Andrew Buddy ~ I'm so sorry for what you are having to go thru with the nasal spray and sinus "stuff"... I am continuing to pray you get all "fixed"!!! Hey did I hear you lost more lbs???  This is so inspiring to me!!!  I"m so happy for you .... that roller coaster ride is GOING to happen NEXT YEAR!!! I just know it!

Cor ~ sure doll... you come right on in here and get to know us!  We will love you!

Lana you sweet woman you! ~ I am so glad for every post you are able to make... I love to hear what you are doing ... I need to send you a personal message I have some questions to ask you.... kay?

Amy ~ you sound like a very busy mom with some real challenges in your life.  I admire your tenacity!

Jeanine ~ did you send me an e~mail? It's ok if you didn't but if you did I either didn't get it or I accidentally deleted it! oh dear....  You are such a sweet encouraging lady... oh  how fun it will be to get to meet you on October 29th!!! yeah my mimi sweets you heard it right I am going to get to meet her!!! Isn't that wonderful!!!  You can come too!!! ~tee hee 

I hope each one that gets to go to the reunion has a wonderful wonderful time!  I so wanted to come but know it could not happen this year.  Hopefully Lord willing I will be able to next year.

Well this sure has been long enough.... did I bore you to tears... if you got this far in it I guess m~a~y~b~e I didn't... ~ha

Love, Love, Love each one of you and want to say thank you again for all the prayers, they are life to me!!!


on 9/11/08 1:24 am - Diamond, MO

Hi Auntie Jan and OH Family,

First of all, thanks for the prayers for Meg and I last night. I appreciate it-and so does she. I wasnt even going to post today-and I came in and read some posts in the Whats Happening yesterday and just bawled my head off already...I HATE 9/11 anyway-it takes me back 7 yrs ago and how horrified I was-when the twin towers got hit (and then the pentagon and plane going down). Please everyone, say a prayer for those who lost loved ones in that horrific act of terrorism. As I sit here today, at least I am alive and so are my closest friends and relatives-I can go hug my loved ones-so I do have that to be grateful for.

Lets remember Dennis and Brenda Minks who are flying to Mexico today-they are actually flying right now-Dennis has his surgery tomorrow-lets pray they have travelers mercy and his surgery is safe and recovery is quick!! Also for our pre-op, Bec....for strength and peace of mind.....thanks.

I did not sleep last night. I couldnt get comfortable. The urgent care doc told me that I had broken bones in my knee-DUH.....nothing broken in my back/tailbone-but said it was inflammed and that I either sprained/strained it. I almost socked him right between the eyes when he touched my tailbone. Trust me, he wasnt shy about sticking his finger in the crack of my butt....but I sure didnt know that was coming. I was like- WHOA BUDDY! Does that hurt? he asks me- I was thinking to myself-HELL NO that doesnt hurt-I LOVE screaming out in pain-I do it for fun during the day JUST to see if I can get a reaction out of people!!! What the hell do YOU think? Uh-YAH, IT HURTS (coming off the table should have been an indication, right?). Anyway-they took 15 x-rays between back and knee-just to come to the conclusion that yes, I have broken bones in my knee and my back is messed up but NO broken bones (in the back)! They wouldnt give me anything for pain as I had taken 4 pain pills in 4 hrs and nothing! He was afraid that it would O.D. me, PLEASE-OD me, I dont care right now-get this pain away from me! IF I am crying from the pain-its debilitating-I just dont. I have a very high threshold for pain-but last night was about the worst. Plus, I was worried about Megan and the baby. She has to wear a knee brace and see the ortho too-AND he said she is dehydrated. Baby heart rate was 150. So, that was good. What a sucky day, tho. Mike came to pick me up and I went to get my scripts filled and they were closed already-are you freaking kidding me? I was way too hurt and tired to go running to a ton of different places just trying to get some meds filled-so I didnt....Im paying for it right now-but I will go to town in a bit. I can also expect to pack on some weight now again, because he put me on Steroids again! Dang it.

Well-here goes....I know who took my stuff. It was my dad, or should I say Carl, cuz Im not calling him dad anymore-he doesnt deserve the title and I dont like the man. My mom told me that he went to the casino the day my money was missing...AND one of the motel employees who takes out the trash could have sworn that he saw some pill bottles in the trash (to throw me off, I suppose)....my purse was at the motel-but, I put it in the 2nd office UNDER the desk-WHERE I ALWAYS put it-but Carl convinced me that I left it in the lobby area-I have NEVER left it in the lobby-not ever! He has a gambling addiction and we know he is stealing money from work now too-so things are getting really rough...he keeps saying he will get help and then doesnt-and so my mom has just given him one chance after another after another. Megan and Aaron have been staying out here because Megan got into it with Carl and she was so upset that she started to hyperventilate and threw up all over the place. She was sticking up for my mom because Carl threatened her and it peeved Megan off. She finally let him have it and has told him that he WILL NEVER be around her OR her children ever again-and hasnt spoken to him since! The sad thing is-that Sunday was grandparents day and this all went down while we were on our way to town to celebrate with them. Dang. Carl probably figured that since I finally got a child support payment-that I didnt NEED my money-who knows? Anyway, between Sat and Mon this past week-he spent 16 hours at the casino-and when he loses all his money, he comes back and is mean to everyone-ranting and raving and kicking people out of the lobby and so on-just a pure dink. I told him the other day that if he didnt get help-he wasnt allowed around my boys-so......

I get a call at 7:30 this morning-and its my mom-my dad had gone into the apt this morning (hes been staying in a different apt) and got into it with Stephanie and threatened to kick her *ss! He was ranting and raving at my mom and Steph asked him to stop and he raised his hand to her-and threatened her and then told her and my mom they were kicked out. I told him that he had better NOT ever touch my kids or my mother again or he would deal with me. He was very abusive growing up to all of us-and after I lost it when I was 13 and beat the crap out of him, he NEVER touched anyone in the house again-ever! I have told my mom what she needs to do-and she knows what she needs to do-and I told her today that IF she allowed my daughter to go through the same things I went through growing up that I would have a really hard time being around her too- Stephanie has been doing so good with her schooling and such- and I dont want her to be emotionally abused by that jerk-or threatened by him either. My mom is calling the owner today AND they are going to start looking for a place. I told Steph if I had to-she would come back here until grams moves out-cuz I do not want her around him. I will drive her back and forth to school if I have to-until its all settled. So, wish me luck today as I venture on over there to deal with that crap. Megan didnt get to go to school today-she cant drive right now-so she is going to watch Jon while I deal with Carl. He ALWAYS has an excuse-he hurts (oh, man-I CANT relate to that-but do I treat everyone like crap? Heck no!) Its really the last thing I want to deal with today- Ok-Im done talking about that subject-its just making me mad.

My dear, sweet DH couldnt have been nicer. He was trying to make jokes about getting me some new shoes that dont slide....OR a body suit made out of packing bubble paper or packing peanuts.....when he came to get me from urgent care-he was acting like I needed a walker-LOL....of course-it didnt bother him one bit to boost me up into the Suburban by my rear end....Which reminds me, when I went to get weighed-it was already set on 250-and she LEFT IT THERE!!! Then went down after it wouldnt read-WTH? I looked at her and said-TRY 150 and THEN move it!!!! I should have known how that whole visit would go since it started like that, right???? Anyway, after I got home-he rubbed theragesic all over my back-I did my knee cuz I was ready to slap him silly-and then he was like my little servant-but I couldnt get him to go put on a loin cloth-dang it!! Hes no fun-is he?

**Jan-Im so proud of Michelle! Im sure that if she stays as mad as she is right now-that it wont be long until she is totally over that jerk-thank God!!! She deserves so much better than him!!! So they dont have kids? Or are they just grown and on their own? I will continue to send prayers up for her sobriety, for her strength and peace of mind-and also that she finds a job fast and starts feeling better.

Im so sorry to hear about Joe and his neck-is that the result of that horrible accident he was in? I will be saying extra prayers for Mr. Joe!! He sure doesnt deserve to be in pain all the time either....makes ya just want to hug him!!! I could just go crazy TRYING to figure out WHY people like Joe suffer when there are such evil, mean people in this world-without a pain one!!! Tell him I will be saying extra prayers for him!

I dont know what to do anymore, surgery wise. Pain wise. I dont. I am BEYOND rationalizing it anymore. I am defeated-its winning...I ALWAYS tell myself DONT GIVE INTO IT-WRAP YOUR MIND AROUND IT- and last- SUCK IT UP-alot of people have it alot worse than you, BIG BABY! Stop whining and move on. I TRY so hard to live like that. Geez......Dunno what else to say about that! Thanks for the prayers. I know you guys care about me and the situation-Im just flat out tired of it all.... Its just getting old-and FAST! Love you guys and thanks.

**Sugar-your post made me cry.... I suppose Im just tired and maybe that will change soon, I hope. Im kinda scared that since I have been feeling like this for a couple of weeks that maybe this is what it is? I dont know. I dont like it though, its not me-and your right, it can really play mental games with you when your in pain ALL the time-I HATE IT! Sure would be nice to have a little time off.... Thanks for all the prayers-and I am going to go see your ortho....If you guys ALL like him, I know he is good AND Springfield is a lot closer than Columbia is for me! Im still praying that all the storms are gone and your dreams of FLA vaca go off without ANY problems and you all have a blast-I love you!

**Jeanine-Oh, sweet Jeanine-I dont even know you and I love you dearly. Thank you for the heartfelt words and the prayers. I appreciate it more than you know!!

**Lana-Thank you, so so so much!!! Love you too-I hope with some "help" at work, we will see your beautiful face more and more!! When do you go on vacation?

**Deb (pooh)-thank you for the kind words-I appreciate it so much.

**Cor-welcome, welcome......come in and be a part of our "family". This is the MOST AWESOME place to belong to-people REALLY love you AND really care about you....We hope you will stay and let us get to know you.....we LOVE OUR NEWBIES...... Tell us about you.....

**Andrew-thanks for the prayers. Praying for you and Susan too-keep us posted on you guys.

**Sheila-Love you too, girl....so your moving away from the kids? How did you manage that? Hope your feeling better. Praying for ya and love ya.

**Renee-thanks for posting yesterday....Love you girl....Am sitting here on pins and needles waiting to hear what you found out about your approval???? Hurry!!! Love ya girl-thanks for the angel key ring-I took my keys off my old key ring and use that one now-I LOVE YOU!!!! THANK YOU!

Well, I am getting this posted and getting my day started....Thanks again for the prayers! Love and appreciate all of you-and as always-your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 9/11/08 1:30 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hello Everyone,

Well I have a few errands to run today.  I have to go place my order for Angel Food, get my nails filled, go to the library and print a few things from the net---one of which is a coupon for Reynolds Handi Vac I want one so bad, then off to Walmart to pick up a couple things.  If any of you don't know about Angel Food Ministries you should look into it.  Its for everyone there are no qualifications, just a great bargian for all who like to save money.  They have one main menu that you order that is 30 dollars--and it's ALOT of food for 30 dollars.  Then you can add on a menu for 20.00 more.  It's soooo cheap and you get ALOT.  They accept cash or food stamps.  I'll put the link on here for everyone, the menu changes every month but with just me and my husband the food will last more than a month.  It's through churches in your area--you just type in your zip code and it'll bring it up for you.  http://www.angelfoodministries.com/  

My lil cousin is doing ok she's feeling better--she was really sick for a while there and they say the next Kemo treatment will be worse.  I love this child with all that I am---it's just hard to watch her walk down the path she is.  I wish I could just push her in the right direction but I've learned the more I push the further she goes down the wrong path.  So I'll just stand back now and let her make her choices and when she needs me I'll be there.  I told her I will always love and support you---I may not approve of the things you do but I will always love you.    Agghhhh KIDS!!!

Jan did you get your trailer? 

I'll post more later I have to run.

on 9/11/08 3:23 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
Lots of loving going on to everyone! Wish I had more time to spend here but I am soooooo busy until we move, LOL!

Thanks for the all support everyone, it means a lot. Yes, I'm a busy Mom and juggle as best as I can.

Today we had playgroup, had another Doctor's appointment and then this afternoon I take our oldest Son to new Pscyhologist (he has ADHD). Hubby comes home tonight (YAY) but leaves out again on Monday so it will be a brief reunion of sorts.

Looking forward to tomorrow, one appointment (yay) with our baby's PT and then maybe some Friday shopping and lunch out with a friend, nice!



Jeanine S.
on 9/11/08 6:10 am - compton, AR
Hiya GUYS, HUGS!!!

Sorry been insane today, people coming and going so glad I started early or would've gotten nothing I needed to do done today at all LOL!!

Jan  Man I am glad she got him told!!! Nothing gives you closer like being able to look em in the eye and KNOW its over and they aren't worth it!!! I will pray hard she keeps feeling that way and not even bother to look back even once!! I hope you and Joe are feeling better today! Grats on the new tailor, nice price, custom made and close to home cant beat that!!

Bec    Yes I did email you a cute card yesterday, sniff, LOL no matter I will work on another email and maybe something else cute I can send your way!!
I am so happy you git good news yesterday, tho I sure wi**** had come with less tears!! HUGS!!! Just think its almost here, You have just about made it all the way!!! Won't be long till you will be even more GORGEOUS than you are now!! I knew your hubby and DebbieD both had great taste look at who they married afterall!!!

Janet   I am with your hubby we need to get you some bubble wrap, maybe even some weights for your shoes to keep you grounded and right side up kiddo!! I am so happy to hear was not anymore damage than a few new bruises to go with what you already had and that Megan as well as her precious bundle are ok!!! PLEASE take care of you sweetie and be careful!! Praying for you and your family!!

Deb   HUGS!!! I hope you and Harley have a wonderful day!!! WTG on the weight loss too!!
BTW how is your SIL feeling these days?

Sugar   I would be excited to, I hope your vacation tops all you dreams and is more than you hope it will be !!!

Sheila I am glad you are better, but don't over do it on the farm and make yourself sick hun!!

Amy   My oldest sister wore braces as a baby and she is just fine now, I hope he will soon be as well!!
I can only imagine how much work it is with two tiny ones alone and trying to move girl!! Take some you time in there for a breather now and then!! Woot have fun on hubby night home!!

Andrew WTG on the dropping those pounds dude!!! I sure hope all they have you doing will work for you, as bad as it sounds it would be better than surgery!!

Angie   I have heard of Angel foods a while back and forgotten about them , may have to check back into it, I know there are a few churches here that do it, thx for the reminder. This may just what Hubby and I will need and help me make smaller meals LOL especially since I will soon be eating less woohooo!!!

I better get back to work need to pick up all the junk I dumped here and then when I came in from running errands LOL!! Hubby be home soon, I hope he will know what he has to work for sure this weekend, seems they all of a sudden have orders out their ears, sigh just in time for the reunion However the extra cash has really helped in preparing for mama, as well as buying some things ahead for preop diets and post-op etc.

I hope everyone has a FABULOUS day!!! Thank you once again for bringing smiles to my day!!!

You are always in my thoughts and prayers!!!!



Shannon C.
on 9/11/08 5:28 am - Kirksville, MO

Amy - Thank you so much for the info on the angelfood ministries as my sis has been struggling on unemployment for a bit and this will really help her.

Spent about $30 on toys for my dgs when they get here - I am so excited.  I got a ton of toys from the salvation army store and a re-sale shop here including a remote controlled dump truck and tool bench with tools for a 4 yr old boy.  I had to stop after getting a 2 foot tall Clifford the big red dog with his original price tags on for only $2.!

Did not get done what I wanted to yesterday.  As for caulking the tub I need to cover the line of black that keeps coming up and its easy with just a little tube and my finger tip.  Not a big enough job for a caulk gun - LOL.

Got to get my physical done @ 3:30 with my pcp here for the hernia surgery.  Hope he agrees with me that I do not need a Chest xray or an EKG.  Just trying to keep costs down as I do not need them in my opinion as I had the stress test done last year with no history of cardiac problems and my lungs are clear.  Insurance will not pay for these if there is no reason for it and just being 55 and having surgery is not a reason.

A septoplasty is The nasal septum is the partition that divides one side of the nose from the other. It is rarely perfectly straight--it is slightly crooked in over 80% of people. When the septum is so crooked or deviated that it blocks the nasal passage, then a surgical operation called a septoplasty may restore clear breathing.  I guess that is why I am a mouth breather.  I can live with it...

It rained here earlier but has cleared off and the sun is shinning now.  Garden is to muddy to pick beans so they will have to wait for now.

Bec - you  go girl!  You wore me out reading your post LOL!

Deb - if you come near KV please give me a call and we can get together!

Best get ready to go to dr.




on 9/11/08 7:49 am - warrensburg, MO
Hey Hey everyone...lol.I know I know way too much energy for this time of day, but what the hey..lol
Ok since this is really the first time that I have had time to post anything about me, and my going on's, I thought Id give it a shot...got some time before everyone gets home.
Im sure everyone has heard by now that My Lovely Insurance has denied me for reasons that Im not FAT enough and dont have enough comorbiditys to go along it...as if that wasnt enough!! So Margie reweighed me and retook bp and of course it was through the roof...170/100 (with no meds and a head ache for about week and half now) so Dr.H put me on bp meds and Margie resumit on wend this week...but Not good enough Insurance said NOT So Fast..lol were putting this in appeals and let you know something in as long as 60 day..Pew. What a week it has been..So now I wait!
But not is all lost Im just going to keep on waiting till they decide and start over again in a few months if they say no.

Its really something isnt it...pcm wants surgery, wont restart bp meds because she wants surgery and it will fix that and many more problems that are comeing up and new ones arrive almost on a monthy basis and Tricare say no not sick enough yet..ironic isnt it...really stupid if you ask me..But what do I know..other than I hurt everyday and have to pop more meds..(that Insurance pays for by the way) just to have to wait longer for this to finally happen..

So enough whining... going to keep busy on redoing to Master bathroom and things around the house that I have been putting off all summer long.

Hope everyone has a Dry but great rest of the day...Cant wait to hear from everyone tommorrow...Im off for the day...yea
Take Care everyone and Hugs to all of my New family...lol

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